
An Author's Spirit

Featuring a world of different dimensions. The Writers Dimension remain the land of Authors, Poets, Script Writers and more. Jeffrey is a 13-year-old author who loves to read good books. One day with the git from a stranger he gains the ability to enter the novel he reads. Follow the adventure of the young MC as he becomes a bookkeeper and amasse enough experience to write his own book that will shock the different Dimensions.

Twin_Lantern · Kỳ huyễn
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A Thousand Dreams (3)

Even after five days, Terrance made no progress but he did figure out that this body was not his and could remember a thing or two. As crazy as it may sound, he did not even have much control over the body but at least his control did increase after each day making him remember how close he was to dying.

This again gave Jeffery something to think about because Dark-Beacon never bother to express that Terrance was having trouble using another body to undergo the dreams he also didn't illustrate his struggles with trying to prove his innocence and just summarized it with a 'he was free from charges in the end' which was very much vague.

But at the end of the day, not all authors were like Little-Chibi. Jeffery had little to no impression of Dark-Beacon, he only knew he was a new author with over 18K views on his book with just 20 chapters. Pretty impressive but that wasn't what intrigued Jeffrey as when he found out Dark-Beacon was just fifteen he was surprised, almost shocked actually.

But again advising a fifteen-year-old is already a herculean task, not to imagine one taking advice from a thirteen-year-old.

To Jeffery, 'A Thousand Dreams' did not seem like something written by a kid, not like he was looking down on anyone but he just felt that finding a kid with a good idea for a book was like finding a needle in a haystack and if you've ever tried you would know how tough it was.

Terrance spent an extra two days searching for clues until fortune decided to smile upon his wavering soul. He had started to believe that the task was impossible to accomplish but fortunately he came across a drunk lying in the middle of a road, out of kindness he helped him to his home or better still the home of his body.

While helping the man change out of his clothes, he heard him mumbling how about how good Amanda's body was. Terrance was not that dense to not understand what the man meantt and the name of the victim was Amanda. He did not want to jump to conclusions and decided to question the man the next day.

The next day being the eighth day, Terrance woke up very early as he did not want any mishap like the man leaving without his knowledge.

So after he woke up he went directly the room the man was sleeping in and found him sitting on the bed with a not so good look on his face.

"Good morning" Terrance greeted first not caring that the man might be the actual culprit.

"How much did you hear?" the man said straightforwardly.

"So it is you huh, why...what did I do to you" Terrance asked calmly with a slight frown.

"I'm not gonna lie, I'm not the one you're looking for" the man said with a sigh.

Terrance suddenly sank into confusion, the man sounded so convincing that he was forced to consider the possibility that he might have been telling the truth which made him feel even more confused but he did not utter a word and waited for the man to justify his reason for saying what he just did.

"I'm just a guy who was greedy for free s*x without considering the consequence...Two weeks ago I overheard Amanda plotting to frame just because you rejected her advance but the foolish girl never new you were out of town" the man stopped and when Terrance saw he didn't continue even after a long while, he spoke up.

"So you mean all this drama is because I rejected her? does she think my life in her hands" the man did not respond but in that lingering silence, he got an idea that shocked even him and if this idea was implemented corrected, he would be acquitted of all charges.

Two days later in the court, Terrance realised he did not even have a lawyer, it was just him and himself but at least he was allowed to defend himself.

But he wasn't planning on defending himself today, his plan was very simple, make Amanda admit she was the culprit. While it sounded difficult, he already had things figured out.

"Terrance, it's been ten days, what do you have to say for yourself?" The judge questioned.

Terrance turned to him and bowed. "Nothing your honor, I wholly accept the punishment for my mistake"

Everyone stared at him surprised but he paid them no heed and continued. "Before I am sent to prison I would like to ask Amanda to wash my bed sheet. She was very dirty that day"

Seeing everyone turn to her in confusion Amanda became angry. "What do you mean, I took of my wet clothes before climbing the bed that day"

After hearing their unrestrained gasps she misunderstood the meaning and defended herself, further plunging herself in deep shit. Her lawyer could only shake his head helplessly, he had relaxed his guard and didn't expect Terrance to play such a game, even he was surprised by the truth because Amanda had lied to him as well and not just the others.

Only later did Amanda realize her blunder but by then it was already too late.

Jeffrey's consciousness returned to his body with him being extremely satisfied. He liked Terrance's character a lot, he was kind but not foolish and had the ability to think for himself.

Jeffrey knew that, that must have been Dark-Beacon's thought when creating the character but too bad he couldn't really express it well like Jeffrey had seen. Dark-Beacon's Terrancw paled in comparison to the Terrance Jeffrey just saw and that was the flaw in his book.