

"I love you" She heard him whisper, looking up into his blue eyes. Those blue eyes which constantly makes her feel vulnerable and powerless no matter how much she hated this man. Those blue eyes that made her fall head over heels in love with him over and over again. Those blue eyes which haunted her and made her miss him no matter how much she tried to stop the feelings. Those ocean-strong blue eyes. She could not believe she heard him say that, she could not believe that he could say that to her. She never even thought that they would meet ever again, even though they meet no matter how much she tries to hide from him. But now he was here......he was standing right in front of her telling her he loved her. She does not know if she should believe him ot not, but for some reason, he awakened once more the love she had buried twice because of him. She could not stop herself from feeling loved once again even if it was the third time he was telling her that, when she knew who he was and if it was possible he was lying to her yet again. No....she had to try to not fall for him.....to stay away from him.....and to nurse her recovering heart before he shatters it to pieces which might never be put together....for the third time. She could hardly describe how this made her feel. She knew she had to run away from this beast.....she knew that no matter what she does or no matter how much she loves this man, he would never ever tell her he loves her. Why the sudden change? What happened to the cold hearted Justin she fell in love with? Her tears which she had tried so hard to not shed...not anywhere right in front of him was hard to hold back anymore. Why can't she just walk away and tell him on his damn face that he stinks?...that he is worthless.... That he is a monster? But she had no strength or will to say that, she just wanted to give him a chance. It wasn't him anymore, but 'us'. "I love you too" She said, as tears fell freely from her eyes. She could not ever deny the truth. She loves him....she damn loves him. And even after all he did to her, after all the lies, cheating and giving her a reason to hate the world....she still wanted to be with him. She wanted him to love her. She wanted to be in those arms of his and cry her hearts out. Even after she had acquired everything that could make life comfortable, even after she is known as the youngest woman billionaire the world has ever known, she still wanted to love. She wanted a man who would love and care for her. Maybe that is the reason why she wanted to risk breaking her heart again for the third time, by the same person. All he had done were still fresh in her mind....in her memory. But it is not enough for her to stop loving him....not now Not ever. But he would break her heart again, because he always does.

beautifulpieces123 · Thành thị
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They took a taxi to their destination and finally, they seemed to have reached where the lady was taking her. It was a bungalow, a beautiful one at that but she noticed the signboard on top of the house.

It was an orphanage. Walking with this lady into the orphanage, she saw other children which were also around her age in the sitting room, being there were chairs in the room. Everyone hugged the lady who had brought her and they called her Madame Garcia.

From that moment onward she knew this was her home, her new life. It was far better than living in hell. She suddenly felt more at home, having a kind and nice woman taking care of her. She had children just like her who accepted her for who she was, she did not even mind sharing a room with five other children. It was better than sleeping on the cold ground close to the backdoor of the hell she lived in.

There were thirteen children in the orphanage besides Crystal and all of them accepted her as their own. Even if she loved it here, she was scared her foster mother will come to look for her again and for that, the fear was buried within her anytime she was sent on an errand.

On a certain day when she was sent on an errand, she saw a poster on the wall which caught her attention. A school named Harvenhills high was conducting a scholarship examination. Being one who always had a passion for school, she decided to sit for the exam.

Madam Garcia did not have any problem with it and allowed her to sit for the scholarship examination which was two weeks away from the day she found out about it. Providing everything the little girl needed, she was able to study for the examination without stress.

On the day of the scholarship examination, she had woken up and revised for the umpteenth time. After her early morning prayers, she went to the kitchen to wash the plates since it was her turn to do it that week, sweep the sitting room and walked back to the room she slept in.

Madam Garcia took little Crystal to the school and they were allowed in by the security guard. She was shown to the class where her examination was about to take place and after making sure she was comfortable, Madam Garcia left.

Crystal looked around the hall and suddenly felt scared. "Why were there so many people in here?" She asked herself as she suddenly felt uneasy. She brought out the book she came with to distract herself but the noise in the hall made her not concentrate. Having no option, she kept her book back in her bag and walked out of the hall. The exam would not start till another hour and she needed some time alone.

She looked around as she walked, her eyes moving as she admired the school building. It was a three-story building, painted orange, green and white. There were beautiful ornamental flowers arrayed on both sides of the building. There sport sports facilities at the right end of the vast land which she could not see that well. It was a beautiful school and she was glad if she ends this school.

She was so into admiring the school structure when she bumped into someone's chest. Due to the impact, she fell to the ground. But the person she had hit was still standing.

"Don't you have eyes to see where you are going huh?" A deep baritone voice harshly said, making her jolt in fear on the ground. And that was when she looked up to see a pair of the most beautiful blue eyes she had ever seen. Her young heart skipped a beat as she looked into those eyes.

"What are you looking at? Better watch your step and be careful and never cross my path again" He said and walked around her, not even having the thought of helping her up. Her eyes followed him as he walked away. For a moment she could not understand why she was acting this way because of his eyes.

What was so special about those eyes?

Her eyes never left his departing stature and her eyes still lingered at where he had disappeared, till she came back to her senses.


She passed her examinations with flying colours and was given a scholarship along with five other students and thus, started high school immediately. She was always serious with her books, never letting anything distract her. She was quite determined to be that independent woman she had dreamed of in the future and she knew she had to be serious with her books to achieve that.

She made friends with her classmates but she was never really close to one. She was not at all good at making friends and she did not want to cause any trouble. Being that the school was a very prestigious one, there were always bullies around and rich psychos who wanted to pick on the poor. She knew was not at all rich and she knew her place, and that was why she decided to keep low, not wanting any trouble.

But as you could have it, when a star starts to shine, it attracts predators. So was the case for Crystal.

Martha, a very rich girl always wanted so much to bully Crystal. Martha was in class nine while Crystal was in class six. She always wanted to make sure she makes her life miserable after Crystal accidentally bumped into her on her first day in school. Since then, she tried to be hard on the little girl, but this did not stop her from excelling academically.

It was known that Martha had been dating Justin, the Sports Prefect, who was believed to be the most handsome guy in the school compared to the Senior Head boy. It did not take Crystal to finally find out that he was the same guy she had bumped into on her examination day.

The guy with blue eyes.

It broke her heart that he never noticed her. How she wished he would at least look at her with those eyes she had come to love and adore.

Those beautiful blue eyes.

But it seemed she never existed and she took it like that. Whatever he did, she never let it affect her because she had one...dream.

One goal.

She wanted to be an independent woman in the future.

Years passed and soon Crystal was in class ten. She was glad to have passed her her recent examinations with flying colours. She had grown into a very beautiful girl with beautiful grey and a hint of silver eyes, making it look as if she had crystals in her eyes. Her hair, which is more white had been dyed to black. All she wanted was to fit in, and the hair she had won't make her fit in but stand out in the crowd.

She was indeed beautiful, but still did not let it get into her head because she had a goal and she will not back out now.

It was all going well for her, being happy this way was what she wanted. But still, whenever she sites him, her eyes never left his body. She wished he could look at her just once.

Just once.

So she could see those beautiful blue eyes again. She wanted to admire those eyes once again and if need possible, stare at them forever. It hurt every time he passed her and never looked at her.

It hurt whenever he never acknowledged her presence. It was like she never existed. She didn't know it hurt so much for her but that didn't stop her from being serious with her books because one day...maybe one day.... when she was an independent woman, he would look at her with those beautiful blue eyes and smile.

But it did not take that long before her wish came true, because he looked at her for the first time, and for the first time in her life she felt noticed....understood.....

She felt special.