
An Angel Within The World Of Fairy Tail

Reborn, I find myself within the world of fairy tail. for some reason, I know this isn't my first life... even more, I have this feeling, a feeling that I'm a puppet, dancing to the strings of fate. a puppet-like clown putting on a show to some higher power. I reject the very concept of fate, I reject the very idea of my life not being in my control, yet it seemed true. if thats the case, then let me break free. let me travel an endless number of worlds, gaining an unmatched level of power and power over my life. I Rushifa Morningstar, will overthrow the heavens if I most

itachi1010 · Tranh châm biếm
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13 Chs


Was Rushifa a hero? No, he had no interest in such things. growing up, Rushifa had never been someone who would do something for no reason. he wasn't a bad guy, but he also wasn't a hero. what he was, was a person who could see opportunities. currently, this elf realm is filled with many opportunities...

The Princess of the Forest Elf slowly opened her eyes only to find herself in the hands of a little kid. looking up, she was shocked to see many weapons stabbed into the kid's body. She suddenly looked behind the kid and saw a bunch of dark elves rushing after them, launching all types of attacks at them, but the kid was quickly outrunning them, although it was clear he was pushing him.

She panicked, her mind not knowing what was happening. One moment she was knocked by someone, and the next moment she found herself waking up in the arms of a little kid. how could she not be so confused?

She wanted to heal the kid, it was not hard to tell this kid was her saver. but how could she heal the kid if the kid was filled with so many weapons? if she healed him, then his flesh would close in on the weapons, and if she pulled them out it could distract him from fleeing.

"You're awake..." The kid said weakly, struggling to let out a few words. She nodded slightly while looking at the kid's face who had lowered to look at her. She was stunned upon seeing the kid's face, this was the angel who had suddenly appeared.

"My apologies, but I can't fly at top speed due to the blood loss... we might not be able to escape," I said with a bitter smile, 

"focus on flying, I can shield you and heal you." She seriously to which I nodded slightly, before watching her place her palm on my chest. my head which was feeling light suddenly regained itself, while at the same time, I felt as if I was as good as new.

"I will use my lifeforce to heal you, this way although you would never be fully healed due to the spears in you, you can act as if you're 100%," She said with a pale face, I looked at her in shock a moment, before nodding, for a second she thought we lose down, just for us to shot forward at high speed, shattering the sound batter and destroying the forest below. she let out a scream of horror, but her voice couldn't reach us as we were moving too fast we left the sound behind.

we quickly arrived at the Forest Elf Kingdom, and upon doing so, I landed before the tree where the forest king building was built. quickly guards moved to surround us, but they were all stunned seeing me and the princess,

An explosion went off from on top of the tree, there I saw Kimori had made a hole within the building and was falling towards us, the shock was written all over his face while looking at me and at his daughter. One might question, how could someone who had lived so long have only one daughter. This goes far back as to why he would even need to drink the foundation of life.

"w-what happened?" He landed on the ground before us, looking at the sight of his daughter helping me stand, not knowing if she should take the weapons out of me, or what.

"I... I sensed something off so I..." it was hard for me to speak, which the king quickly realized, he hesitated for a moment before, ordering someone to bring him a fruit. it didn't take long for a fruit to arrive, which he had me eat. upon doing so, I found that the pain had suddenly disappeared, giving me the illusion that these weapons were not stabbed through my body.

Kimori went on to pull the weapons out of me, but just as he was about to heal me, I was covered in holy light, and my injuries began to heal. this scene shocked everyone, and after a moment, Kimori spoke

"Who taught you how to use healing magic?" He asked softly, I looked at him in confusion for a moment before speaking

"I taught myself... is something wrong?" I asked, Kimori nodded slightly in understanding before having me stop using healing magic. he couldn't bear to watch on anymore, such trashy acts of healing made him feel ashamed.

"We elves were the ones that passed on the magic of healing to humans, so it's understood that it might have died down over the years. you're healing your injuries, but you're leaving behind many scars, the injuries are not even healing, you're pretty much closing them up. deep wounds like this would leave behind deep holes in your body." Kimori said pointing out how the wounds were not disappearing but simply being covered by a layer of new skin

"You are using your lights to enhance your natural body's natural body capability, but the enhancement is mostly speed and not effectiveness. I will place my palm on your chest, and heal your injuries slowly. try and comprehend what I'm doing." He said softly, this was the least he could do for the person who saved his daughter. so he began to heal me, and I closed my eyes, my senses on what was happening in my body

"I see... you are empowering my blood cells, allowing them to split apart without damaging their life force, and quickly rebuilding my body thanks to memory." I said softly, stunning  Kimori that I caught on so quickly, but he nodded.

"let me try..." I said softly, to which he paused slightly, was it smart to experiment on your own body? but he nodded, and let me do as I asked, but the scene that happened next shocked everyone.

placing my hands together, holy light appeared, bathing everyone in a warmth that made them feel more alive than ever before. it was like they were being reborn, it left them all feeling empowered, as if they could fight for a hundred years nonstop.

I ignored them, I simply confused the lights to empower the cells in the similar way the king had done. like that, all my injuries began to fade away, and even the blood that once covered me disappeared, leaving me clean and looking pure.

"Y-you... I never heard of an angel with such high quality of light magic." Kimori said softly while looking around. the trees, the grass, and the elves, every living thing that bathed in that holy light was baptized. I gave him a confused look, not understanding what he meant, but he shook his head, saying that for a later day.

Anyway, I went on to explain how I sensed something off and went to go see what was wrong. there I saw the princess and 4 darkness. At that point, I had two options, go back and tell everyone, but they could have run away. So instead, I followed them up to their cave where I went to escape with the princess when I sensed how powerful the dark elves' leader was.

"well, everything turned out for the best. we now know where their hideout is, and we could stop them from doing more wrong." I said with a sigh, making Kimori look at me with a complex look. I had gone into enemy ground, located the enemy, and escaped with important information and even his daughter.

"That was reckless, you both could have been killed." He said seriously, to which I nodded my head slightly.

"But if I acted or let them get away, we could have lost everything. I should have left behind a trial or something for you all to follow. also, their boss is powerful. my instincts tell me she is slightly weaker than you. my senses are sharp, so I needed need to see her to get read on her capability. so, I took hold of the princess with my telekinesis and flew away off at high speed. but it is a cave, I couldn't fly at top speed." I said with a sigh, making the king node slightly while looking at his daughter... she looked perfect, not even a drop of blood was on her, 

'He put his life at risk to ensure she wasn't even damaged... reckless, but he did a good job. now we can get rid of those imperfect rats.' He thought before ordering everyone to get ready to head off.

"wait? You're not going to kill them all right?" I asked with a frown, making  Kimori freeze slightly, everyone froze, something which made me frown slightly.

"what are you saying we do? we let them walk free?" A noble who had been watching asked with a deep frown. to which I shook my head at his words

"all living beings deserve an equal chance at life, and life is priceless. no one should be able to take the life of another, no sin is too great that death is a big enough punishment." I said softly, making everyone look at me with a weird look.

"You're saying we should let go of the same dark elves who harmed you?" Another Noble asked with a weird look, to which I shook my head once more

"I rather we sit down, and get to the root of the trouble, and find a peaceful means to deal with things. if that can't be done, then a punishment is needed, one that suits the crime, imprisonment, or task they need to do to pay off their crimes. Not all dark elves are bad... but this isn't my place to speak, my apologies." I said softly while looking at the king whose eyes were narrowed

"Do you understand that the dark elves sided with Lucifer during that war?" He asked, to which I nodded slightly

"Yes, I also know many others across the universe have done the same. even some humans, and angels. Should the sins of their ancestors fall upon everyone's shoulders? Should the sins of my brothers also fall upon my shoulders?" I asked, making everyone quiet for some time. they hesitated, not knowing what to say for some time. to say the least, my words had an impact.

"I have a question, were the elves the only elves to join Lucifer? were they the only race to do so?" I asked softly while looking at Kimori, who looked at the sky for some time. indeed, Dark elves were not the only elves to join that war all those years ago. but they were targeted because they had the most impact.

"I... I sent my location of their cave into your minds. I will not go and support such acts," I said as everyone suddenly got a map in their mind, they watched as I flew off, leaving them all quiet. how could my world have such an impact? simple, my holy light

when I healed myself, my light touched everything around me, and through such a thought I could affect their mind. all I needed was to enhance their thoughts of kindness, mercy, empathy, and reasoning capability, this allowed me to have such a huge effect on their minds,

The king was the least affected by this, but he could see how big of an effect my words had on everything. He sighed softly, before speaking

"Indeed, the dark elves were the only race... their power was also enhanced greatly under the power of Lucifer, it almost seemed as if they were born to follow him." He said making everyone stunned for a moment. meanwhile, I smirked slightly, while in my room.

'what is he hiding, a good mystery is good and all. but I'm all interested in ruling this world.' I thought calmly, everything I was doing was for me to sit on the throne of the ruler of this world. I was far too weak to rule the whole world, but did I need it? I will not bathe in the sun, nor use my power for battle... instead, I will use them for simple stuff, like controlling these elves.

I couldn't help but look towards the sky as if trying to look at the creator of this world and everything else. I didn't know much about this world, but the moment I regained the reason why I don't use my power of light, I no longer wanted to touch them. I will not use them for survival, I will not use them for good, I will use them to mock him.

enrage him to the point he kills me, or lets me go. either way, I refuse to be a puppet to anyone's strings. I refuse to believe that everything I do is fate, I refuse to sit back and escape that this higher power could die get tired of playing with his puppets, and drop the strings, that is something I reject. My life is mine and mine alone to control,

the sky shook, seemingly enraged by my actions. I was not shocked that he could see me, I was not shocked that he was enraged with my actions. the power which once brought life to this world was not using it for personal gains, and controlling others. even after being reborn, I remained the same, unwilling to stand living under his roof. 

"Isn't funny? like you, I control people. masking it in some righteous act... like father like son, and now I got my grand plan. you're all-knowing, surely you know what would happen? no, as cruel as ever, watching your creations suffer." I said with a smile, before frowning slightly, what did I mean by that? I held my head slightly, getting a sight headache as the memory returned to me. I couldn't help but laugh at the memories I gained,

"oh yes, the holocaust. even while knowing I was behind it all, you never sent an angel to help... did I break your heart seeing how your love creations could treat each other?" I asked, causing storm clouds to gather, it seemed like my words reminded him of something he disliked thinking of.

"Adam and Eve... poor thing, I tricked her into eating an angel and you lashed out on her. I controlled the world and filled it with unmatched evil, you flood it. it's funny... you killed more people than me." I said with a soft laugh, but my laugh suddenly disappeared when I realized time froze. in shock, I got up quickly and turned around to see man with a long white hair and a thick beard standing there, looking at me with regret and disappointment, but through it all, there was deep love.