
An Angel Within The World Of Fairy Tail

Reborn, I find myself within the world of fairy tail. for some reason, I know this isn't my first life... even more, I have this feeling, a feeling that I'm a puppet, dancing to the strings of fate. a puppet-like clown putting on a show to some higher power. I reject the very concept of fate, I reject the very idea of my life not being in my control, yet it seemed true. if thats the case, then let me break free. let me travel an endless number of worlds, gaining an unmatched level of power and power over my life. I Rushifa Morningstar, will overthrow the heavens if I most

itachi1010 · Tranh châm biếm
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13 Chs


The Fairy Tail guild members were horrified while looking at the huge shadow monster that held the Phantom Lord guild leader, who was screaming in horror, wishing to break free. but he was thrown out towards Rushifa, he fell heavily to the ground and came rolling over, only stopping once Rushifa stepped on his head.

"You look... that lips stick... Are you gay? this isn't turning you on right?" I asked with a raised eyebrow, quickly taking my feet back. everyone was left speechless by my words, but the  Phantom Lord guild leader was enraged by my words. enraged, he got up to grab me, but before he could touch me, his shadow moved, pinning him to the ground.

"I expected more of a guild master," Yoru said with disdain while looking at the Phantom Lord guild leader. I shook my head slightly at her words before looking far off where I got the feeling that two dragons were finishing up their battle

"Who are they?" I asked calmly, to which the white-haired girl who had called me, informed me of Natsu, the Dragon Slayer. he was currently fighting, Phantom Lord Iron Dragon Slayer, my eyes narrowed slightly at this before nodding.

"interesting kid, his firepower might be greater than yours," I said with a smile while looking towards Ember, whose face instantly turned dark. the thought of a human being better than she made her stomach turn, she looked toward where the battle was taking part, and instantly her eyes narrowed

"... Is he a D..." Before Ember frowned deeply seeing the look I gave her, she didn't understand why I didn't want her to finish that sentence, she felt like Natsu wasn't human, but a demon.

I didn't say anything, and instead, I called forth, bringing Erza who was struggling to stand over to my side. She was still inside the enemy guild, Yoru didn't bring her with her. So, upon bringing her over, I healed her.

"My apologies about Yoru.... and these other 3, they are not good with others," I said calmly, Erza didn't mind, she was more shocked by Yoru's strength. how could someone be so powerful yet be unknown,

"Thank you, Rushifa." A voice sounded, leading everyone to look up to see Makarov, who had healed up and had come to fight. honestly, he was more than capable of defeating Rushifa, Makarov was considered a member of the 10 Wizard Saints, the Ten Wizard Saints are ten extremely powerful and skilled Mages of the continent of Ishgar.

"How did you lose to this weakling? even I could take him out." I said with a smirk, annoying Makarov, he was caught off guard and his magic power was sucked out of him. he was getting old since he could be caught off so easily,

Makarov ignored me, looking at the 4 girls who had an unguarded look towards him. for a moment he was lost in their beauty, but he smiled at them.

"Thank you for protecting and returning my foolish son home," Makarov said with a smile, stunning Ember and the others who didn't know that this was my father.

"Haha, everyone in the Fairy Tail guild is my children. I have been trying to call him for years, but to get nothing. I couldn't help but fear for the worst." Makarov said while looking at me, who just shrugged, Ember looked at Makarov deeply for some time before hesitatingly nodding at him

Why was she and the others so fearful of humans? form the stories they grew up hearing, humans would poison elves, and weaken them so that they could force themselves upon them. they were cruel and selfish, going as far as to keep elves as slaves, selling them to each other, with others even using them as meat shields,

Humans were shameless and ruthless, willing to even kill their own parents for their selfish gains. there were many stories of elves that escaped the hands of humans, warning elves to be careful, warning elves to never trust humans, and so on. They took such teaching to heart, so even now they are scared. what if they were poisoned? what if a powerful human just walked by and suddenly took interest in them?

They were on enemy ground, and without me around them, they wouldn't even eat anything. even if it was a monster they killed. Those of the fire elves were free with their emotions, Ember had a short temper, but she also had a good eye for reading others.

Everyone quickly gathered at the Fairy Tail Guild hall, all depressed seeing that it was destroyed. It was that I found out the main reason for this war, it turned out one of the new members of Fairy Tail was a little princess who ran away from home. her father wanted her back, leading him to ask Phantom Lord to get her.

"I'm so sorry." Lucy Heartfilia said softly, unable to look anyone in the eyes due to her thinking this was all her doing. But no one thought of it like that, as everyone began to cheer her up. So what if they destroyed the guild hall, they planned to rebuild it bigger and better.

Ember looked around, and her eyes widened. so many humans of different races, all united and supporting each other... it was beautiful. She looked towards me and was shocked to see a hint of a smile, which instantly turned hold seeing me looking at her. She rolled her eyes and ignored me.

"Well... we should get going, the magic council will be here soon," I said in sudden realization, making Makarov almost cry, as he realized he might be locked up. I ignored the old man, as me, ember and the others flew into the sky, quickly disappearing

So, time passed. The Magic Council knights soon came questioning everyone, for a week they questioned everyone until they got to the bottom of things. the ruling for Fairy Tail was to be held for a later date. after all that, Fairy Tail began building the guild

"Do you even know why I'm angry with you!" Cana said angrily, I looked at her with a helpless look before answering truthfully

"heroines, prioids..." Before I could continue with my words, I quickly dodged Cana's fist, leaving everyone in the guild's lips twitching, shocked by the answer.

"They are not all the answer, this chart shows it. I believe a good 40% of it is because you missed me. a good 20% was because I up and..." I quickly began jumping as Cana began using magic upon seeing me using illusion magic to form an image of a chart.

In the end, I flew into the air, looking at her with a puzzled look. Cana glared at me, seemingly as if she wanted to eat me alive.

"Okay... I'm lost, what did I do?" I asked in confusion, leaving Cana to open and close her mouth for a moment, but in the end, she could say nothing. so I simply read her mind, and my lips twitch.

Why was she angry with me? because years ago, she asked me out and I rejected her saying I had no interest in such things. the fact I never lie led to her believing me after trying a few times, at the time she was only around 7 years old and I was 9. Honestly, I didn't put much thought into that moment. In Cana's eyes, I lied to her, pretty much betraying her friendship in more than 1 way. this be my disappearances for 10 years, or me just coming back as a married man. they were all betrayers of her trust and friendship

"Are you upset I married Ember? She tricked me into marriage, I still had no interest in such things as love" I said calmly, making Cana freeze slightly. She and everyone else were of course stunned by my words,

"You couldn't have gotten that handsome," Wakaba said softly while looking at my average looks. everyone knew I had my true appearance due to just how good-looking I was. everyone who knew this also nodded, how could someone as beautiful as Ember trick someone?

"what do you mean?" Natsu asked while looking at me, to which Gray went on to explain the thing, stunning Natsu and the blue cat flying next to him. looking over, my eyes landed on the blue cat, causing my eyebrow to narrow slightly.

Landing down, I closely looked at the blue cat which grew nervous at my actions. this caused Natsu to quickly block me, standing up for the little guy.

"Intreast, that cat isn't from this world," I said softly, stunning Happy and Natsu, who didn't understand what I meant by my words. but I didn't explain, and simply flew into the air, and while everyone was looking at me, I spoke

"I just now realized I never truly introduced myself. I'm just too handsome." I said calmly, making everyone roll their eyes slightly, covering my face with my hands, I removed them the next moment, revealing my true appearance.

"I'm Rushifa Morningstar, a Fairy Tail guild member," I said with a charming smile, so charming everyone's nose began to start bleeding. Ember, Yoru, Hope, and Ren were all the same, this was the first time they had ever seen me give such a beautiful smile. they all stood, seemingly placed within an illusion... but the next move my appearance turned to normal, snapping everyone out of that enchanted state, and for them to quickly remove the blood covering them.

Be it Ren, be it the members of the fairy tail guild, they all turned to look at Ember, envy filling their eyes. Be it a male, be it a female. they all envied Ember at this moment. they just saw a beauty not of this world...

"I guess I should tell everyone of the adventure I have been on for the past few years," I said softly, catching everyone's attention everyone.

"In truth, I'm only 15 years old right now. I was within another dimension where time moved slower, to me it had been 2 years but in the outside world, it has been 10 years." I explained, shocking everyone, but this made Embr and the others nervous.

"wait... shouldn't you be 18 then?" Makarov asked, to which I smirked slightly while looking toward Lucy, who was confused as to why I was looking at her.

"I entered the celestial spirit realm, for those 3 years I had disappeared. to me, it was 1 year, but to you all, I was gone for 3. So, I'm 15 years old. I just look much older." I said stunning everyone once more, all of them looking towards Lucy who was a celestial spirit mage.

"T-that's impossible, humans can't survive within the celestial spirit realm," Lucy said in shock, to which I nodded slightly while removing my shirt, which made them blush, but I turned around, and with a flex, my wings flew out.

"I'm not human, I'm a reincarnated angel. when I first disappeared, I went to the celestial spirit realm. there I spoke with the celestial spirit king to help me find out about my past life, since I had been having dreams about it and stuff. after absorbing the power of the sun for a year, I had few wings, gaining the power to fly through space and time, entering other dimensions. I meant the past 10 years in that realm... but I can't say much about that realm, it's not time yet." I said softly seeing how unease Ember and the others were, but with those words, they calmed down slightly

"that explains your holy light... were you snapped down from space by a huge tentacle monster?" Makarov asked in shock, to which I nodded while telling them the story of Lucifer, and how he created that void monster. I told them bits about how Lucifer's son was causing trouble in that realm at was at, and I stopped him.

"So, I plan to leave in a few months or so to another realm. but first, I wish to make sure that Lucifer's children aren't walking this planet, harming." I said calmly, to which Makarov nodded slightly, with an uneasy look.

"Can you take us on your next adventure?" Natsu asked with bright eyes, the idea of new words out there to explore, was something that made not only him but everyone interested, just when I was about to turn Natsu down, Ember jumped before everyone, looking at everyone for some time, and after bitting her lips, flames covered her body, burning away everything to reveal her true appearances, leaving everyone stunned at the beauty with charms to rival even the best of fairy tail, but what caught their attention most was her ears which ear beauty. the fact her body was shaking didn't escape their eyes as well

"I'm Ember Moeru, King of the Fire Elves, and wife to Rushifa Morningstar. Please forgive me for not revealing myself sooner... we have the elf realm and don't have a good impression on humans." Ember said with a slight bow, as the wife of Rushifa, she had to step forward seeing her husband do the same. and seeing how everyone just accepted him, no one hiding their true thoughts, she was moved.

"An Elf?" Makarov asked in shock, everyone was also in shock, Elves were myths on the same level as Fairies, yet what stood before them all? the King of the Fire elves

"She tricked me into marriage, I believed you should point that out," I said calmly, making everyone look toward Ember who was holding herself back from hitting her husband

"You and I made a deal, if you can prove the Forest Elf King to reworking with Lucifer, I would not only end the world, I would join you in marriage. The last time I checked, you just nodded your head." Ember said slowly, making everyone look towards me once more

"I thought you were joking, I was only an innocent 12-year-old boy, how could I know the matters of marriage," I asked with an innocent look, making Ember glare at me.

"You the guy who played everything, controlling and manipulating all of the elves just because you were too lazy to lift a finger," Ember said angrily, to which I shrugged.

"Why work when theirs an easier way to deal with things?" I asked calmly, making Ember sigh helplessly, if I had acted instead of manipulating everyone, then I could have done things faster. but if I acted, that would have meant me using my powers, and other stuff, something which I was too lazy to do. I was not called the prince of sin for nothing, my lift a finger if someone else can do it for you?