
A Broken Promise

I look up and see my brother, laughing. His sword was covered in blood of innocent people. I tired to get up. My brother shot my knees out.

"Put all the distance between yourself and the truth. You can't change. You will always be a monster," Fafnir crouched down in my face, "You will never be redeemed."

"I know," I say through grunted teeth, "I am his monster no longer."

I get on my knees and he kicks me hard. I fall to my side. He laughs again.

"You are weak. Pathetic. A sinner. You are powerless against infinite power," He yelled.

I get up, "I am Archangel Michael, Son of the Creator. Spirit Sin of Vengeance, Fallen Angel, and maker of the FOA. You killed my wife. You killed my family. You killed everyone I love! I will have my revenge. Your blood will be on my blade!"

My power rose as I turned into my Creator form. My rage consumed me and I charged at him with full speed, throwing him in the hull of my ship. A huge dent was made in the hull. He laughed and threw me away.

"You are a God among men. Why not just erase every one of them?" He asks

"Because I have found my inner peace and there is good people doing good things. They don't deserve to die," I respond as I get up, "I have done more good than the Gods ever could. I brought corrupt governments to their knees and freed all of them from tyranny. I have brought hope and peace to all of the cosmos! You will have to kill me to stop that."

"You are just like those mortals. Simple minded and weak."

"No. I'm a Creator God, Archangel of Death," I run up to him and put my hand on his forehead, "Hakai."

He started to disappear, "How are you this strong? How?!"

"Father gave me his title and power. You will die."

He disappears. I go to my wife, Autumn. She was stabbed in the neck. Her eyes filled with fear. My children were slaughtered. I went to my knees and cried.

I buried them on a distant planet, preforming a proper burial ceremony a few hours later.

"I'm sorry. I couldn't protect you. I couldn't save you."

After that very day, I was hellbent on getting revenge. The Angels of Heaven will bow to a new Creator: Michael.