
An Ancient Majesty Reborn

Trigger Warning: Graphic Depictions of Blood, Violence, War How much effort does it take to fool a wise ruler? To gain one's faith, intending to betray it all to nothing? ~ Queen Ruvelia reincarnated, growing up on earth for her first 18 years of life. Her life took a tragic turn as her locked destiny unfolds with mysteries unraveling along the way. During her journey, she learns about the world of fantasy, the place she was supposedly from. What happens if she recovers the memories from her past life? What happens if she enters that world? Once betrayed, would the warrior return to take revenge on her oppressor in the end? Or does she forgive, forget and live a new life with the power that she'll always have? This story contains LGBT+ Credits: Cover- Kitty_Witty

Anna_Adrian · Kỳ huyễn
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118 Chs


The movement was so quick that the other couldn't deflect it. I nearly dropped to my knees. 

I found the mysterious boy pressed against the tree by my mother. She had her hands around his throat as he struggled to get them off.

Her tone went from frighteningly soft to a rotten growl. 

"Who are you? Why are you touching my daughter?!"

He was still choking in her hold, barely given any air to continue on. I didn't do anything, surprisingly. The rest appeared at my side.

"Did he do anything to you?"

I shook my head no on impulse. After a while, I couldn't bear the sight of his skin changing color. 

I called out to my mother, "Mom."

She stops immediately, letting him fall before her with hands on his neck. He hadn't even gasped. She turns back to me, and I regret it.