
An Amateur Author's Thoughts

Just the thoughts of a young author striving to be popular.

Ameron_Werschrux · Thành thị
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Thought 6 - How to Create an Interesting Antagonist

Now, I know that I keep jumping over topics, but thoughts don't have any chronological order do they?

For the creation of an interesting antagonist, they should have character and should have CONCRETE reason on why they are doing what they are doing. Antagonists are usually viewed as evil but the antagonist doesn't always have to be the villain. It's best to place them not on the good but not on the bad either, it's amazing when you are able to create a gray character because it divides the audience on what to classify your antagonist. It's unique when you are able to show that both the protagonist and the antagonist are good, the correct way to do this would be to provide a certain condition that forces them to do something they don't want to and to provide the power of perspective in place. But if you want to display them as evil, it would be good also to display them as broken heroes, those who have been pushed to their limits. I like my antagonists usually as part-extremists, with a bit of humanity. It would be great if you provide the villain with strong philosophical views. It makes the audience question whether or not they are evil. Your choice on how you create. Ooh, I also suggest showing that the antagonist is simply hiding among the crowd, near the protagonist.