
An Amateur Author's Thoughts

Just the thoughts of a young author striving to be popular.

Ameron_Werschrux · Thành thị
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Thought 4 - How to Create a Unique Story? (My Take)

A unique story? Hm. I'm inexperienced as an author as a whole, but I'm sure I can offer at least a wee bit of advice. If a unique story is being created, that means it is something that usually breaks the norm or goes out of its way from the stereotypes like the deconstruction of a genre for one example.

One of the most necessary elements to its creation would be how unexpected a story would go, in short, its shock factor, which would be the feeling of underlying mystery. The best way to do this would be to set something up for future events, especially a big event, or in short words, behind-the-scene scenarios. Make sure to be not too descriptive or go too obvious that would hint up to your plan. Try mixing it in between simple conversation dialogue and try to avoid putting so much attention on hints. It's important to give hints because if you don't, the future events might seem... forced, so make sure to explain what is needed to be explained right.

One of the greatest shock factors of stories would be betrayals and deaths. Make sure to use them effectively. These would only deal a great impact if said characters are likable. Try to define your character very well, try to make them realistic if you're going serious or maybe not realistic just add more depth, you can do this by adding a sufficient backstory, but make sure it's not the type that is overused or even try to see how you yourself would react in a situation your characters are facing in the situations they will be given. A sense of realism is very effective. I like my characters, smart, straightforward, helpful but flawed.

Lore. Of course, lore. I don't know what to say here...

A system of how things work. Of course, when things happen, you have to still be reasonable. Make sure to define how things work in your world, and try to abuse what doesn't break the rules. If you see a flaw in your system, don't disregard it, people would find out if they pry deeper to how your system works. I like associating the things that happen in my stories with a bit of science included, it helps feel the decisions that are being made, reasonable.