
Spoiled Rotten

Before they started dating, he just said to her, "Let's give dating a try". But she thought he was joking until he called her out for their first date, and that's when she knew he was serious.

But him confessing his feelings to her, was on another whole new level. This signified that their relationship was making huge progress.

Throughout the rest of the day, Park Hayoon was all smiles, to the point that her mother Park Mun Hee had to ask her about it.

"Jenny just got a sponsor!." Park Hayoon announced excitedly.

"Really? That's good news. At least, things will be a little soft on our side." Park Mun Hee replied with a sigh of relief.

"Yes, mum, that's what I thought." Park Hayoon said.

"At least, our little Hyejin is showing great potentials. This is good!." Park Mun Hee commented.

"Mum is Jenny's smoothie ready, she has to take it when she gets back home?." Park Hayoon asked as she followed her into the kitchen.

"Not yet, but I will get it ready in ten minutes." Park Mun Hee replied as she checked on the food she left on fire.

"Wow! Mum, you're such a good cook. But I don't why I didn't get this talent from you, only Sister Soomin did." Park Hayoon said with a tone that showed she wasn't worried at all.

"Look at you, you don't even sound worried at all. I regret why I spoiled you so much." Park Mun Hee said with deep regret in her tone.

"Well, that because I'm your last child, and you love me the most." Park Hayoon replied as she hugged her shoulders.

"Nonsense! Move away! Your father would be joining us for dinner, so start setting the table." Park Mun Hee instructed.

"Oh! Alright. Where do I get the plates and cutlery?." Park Hayoon asked in confusion as she stayed at the shelves and cupboards in the kitchen.

"The second shelf by your right. You just have to tiptoe, and your hands will reach it." Park Hayoon said to her as she took the pot of soup 🍲 down from the fire.

Even to set the table for a meal, Park Hayoon didn't know how to. She was spoiled rotten when she was younger because she was the family's little princess. She was beautiful and very smart for her age, so she was the 'apple of her parent's eye', hence she was spoiled rotten and was not allowed to do any housework.

This act by her parents provoked the jealousy of her eldest sister, Park Soomin.

Park Soomin grew up with a lot of responsibility, so she always felt jealous towards her younger sister for always being idle, even though she didn't show her she felt those days.

But up till today, she still bears a grudge against her parents and younger sister.

After cooking, Park Mun Hee began to make a smoothie for their granddaughter.

When Kim Hyejin returned from training with her uncle, she was hugged by her mother. The little girl was surprised, but they didn't make her forget to greet her grandmother.

"How was training today?." Park Mun Hee asked as she walked towards the mother and daughter pair.

"Grandma, the training was fine, I learned a new skill today." Kim Hyejin said in a proud tone.

"You did? that's good. Keep it up, my baby." Park Mun Hee said as she gently pinched her cheeks.

"Hayoon, let go of the little child and help take a bath so she can eat quickly. I'm sure she must be tired and hungry." Park Mun Hee said with furrowed brows.

"Okay... Okay." Park Hayoon said obediently as she gently pulled Kim Hyejin away.

"Ji Hu, you too, need a bath, you've been doing good work with Hyejin. Wash up and come and eat." Park Mun Hee said to her son.

"Alright, mum." Park Ji Hu said before walking away.

In the bedroom, as Park Hayoon brushed and packed her daughter's hair after bathing and changing her clothes, she announced the good news to her.

"Jenny, Uncle Ju Won gave some money to help with your training."

"Uncle Ju Won?." Little Kim Hyejin asked as her eyes lit up.

"Yes. I told him about it, and he agreed to become your sponsor, so that means, we don't have to worry about money because he would give you money to help your training at any time." Park Hayoon explained.

"Wow! That means Mama doesn't have to worry every day about getting money for my training. That's great!. Mama did you thank him?."

"Yes of course I did. How would I forget that? Tomorrow, I will start looking for a good designer who would design and sew a beautiful costume for your next competitions." Park Hayoon said to her, as she covered her hair with a hair bonnet.

"Does that mean I get to have new pretty dresses?." Kim Hyejin asked excitedly.

"Yes. But it's not enough to have new pretty dresses. You have to work hard as well, so you can get more sponsors, and then money would not be a problem. With a lot of money, I will be able to get the best coaches and trainers for you, because my baby deserves the best!." Park Hayoon said as she pecked her cheeks.

"Okay, Mama, Hyejin will work hard!." Little Kim Hyejin promised as she hugged her neck.

"Good girl, mama is counting on you to make her proud." Park Hayoon said to her as she placed her palms on her shoulders.

After talking a bit with her daughter, they finally stepped into the little dining area.

"I was wondering what was keeping you two for so long." Park Mun Hee said as he lifted her granddaughter and placed her in her private seat, the seat the belonged to her exclusively.

"Nothing happened, we were just having a little pep talk." Park Hayoon said as she drew out a seat for herself.

Park Mun Hee didn't say anything to her again, as she concentrated on dishing food for her granddaughter.

A few minutes later, Park Ha Jun and Park Ji Hu walked in at the same time.

Park Hayoon and Kim Hyejin greeted the man that was already in his fifties.

That night, the family had a wonderful time at the dining table, and they each had different reasons to be happy.

Hello, dear fans of 'An Almost Perfect Life' please do leave a comment after this chapter, I will appreciate it a lot. Two more chapters coming up today...

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