
Chapter 1

"Do you have time to sit here?" He roared so loudly that his heart trembled. Dressed in a deep red sharare, she was sitting on the bed waiting for her husband, whom she had married some time ago, her heart was trembling like a dry leaf. She was nervously waiting for her as her husband entered the room, as soon as he opened the door, he rushed towards her and suddenly pulled her by the arm and made her stand in front of him. "Chatakh" He was slapping him and passing poisonous words through his ears. "I will punish your life, you will ask for your death".

He grabbed her hand with a jerk and dragged her out of the room, she was dragging him like a bird of prey. Down the stairs he brought her to the present where the guests were chatting. It was present. He said to his mother, loosening his grip and almost throwing her. "What was she doing in my room?" Is it time to step into my room?? His roar made even his sister shiver, who was seeing her brother like this for the first time.

"Don't forget it was your choice" His mother said softly "I liked it, but not anymore!!!! And mind it, I don't see it in my room." He stared at her with angry eyes and went to his room. The sound of closing the door was heard downstairs. Dressed as a bride, she fell face down on the ground for the first time because of the disrespect in front of so many guests, she desperately prayed for death. What was her mistake that she used to cover herself to protect herself from dirty eyes? He saw his best friend standing in front of him Who looked at him with triumphant eyes and was saying in his eyes "Why did the ghost of Parsai fly away?? He closed his eyes and tears flowed down his cheeks. "I said, 'No, you have thrown yourself into the burning fire... It's a pity that you have been my best friend.'" She looked at him with smiling eyes as if.... "They were asking you to meet your father." "Yes, I'm going there, where is my notebook? I kept it here yesterday," Hijab murmured, opening one drawer and checking quickly, then when she found the desired notebook, she quickly picked up the bag and ran outside.

"You called?? " "Yes, son, don't go from the point today, I will leave myself. Today, Juveria is not even going." "Baba Jawaria's excuse for the day is this week, this is his third holiday, when the attendance issue will happen, then his sanity will come to his senses" wearing hijab and niqab, sitting on the bike. At the same time, he began to abuse Jawaria, hearing which Taseer Sahib just smiled. "Hijab, son, it would have been better if you had said these things in front of Javeria, so you have done bad things behind your back. Now, the goodness of your part will be in his actions." Hijab went to class lamenting her intellect.Mehwish had come to Uni but he also cheated by not coming. Hijab was very angry with both of them. What if they had told me that they would go on vacation? Hijab was bored all day without both of them. As soon as the classes ended, Hijab called his brother Osama. Called to pick up. As soon as she came home, she fell asleep after eating. Today, Hijab and Jawaria had to go to Mehwish's house where Mehwish's grandmother had held a Milad celebration. Hijab, you are not ready. " Jawaria met Amna (Hijab's mother) and immediately went to her room where Hijab was wearing her niqab. "O God's ban today, leave the pursuit of this veil" Javeria said in annoyance "Beware who ever said such a thing again. Niqab is my life.By wearing it, I feel very safe from every evil eye that Allah wants to protect me from. Hijab pinned up the veil and told him in a sharp voice. "I was just saying don't wear it today. You know, don't you know that Mehwish's family should leave that dupatta and wear full clothes. It is a big deal and Mehwish herself is like that. We will sit there for half an hour or at most an hour, then we will go to Mehwish's room. He gave her a stern look but she continued to talk.Mehwish called today and said that she is not coming to my house now, she is coming with difficulty, so she won't let me go easily. Jawaria swallowed the last word and looked at Hijab with permission-seeking eyes, who lightly hit her on the head with the book lying next to her.

"Oh God" Joyria eased her head

"When I said no, get up, I have to leave for home, then I thought to get up politely. Now let's wait, brother. "As soon as he said hijab, Javeria left the room and walked with him, grumbling in her mouth. Amina came to leave both of them outside. As soon as they left, Amina also got involved in the kitchen work.

"How long have you been here, my friend, I was getting bored, so today my stepmother has become my grandmother, and she is talking about small things. Mehwish came and hugged her happily as soon as she saw them. After meeting Hijab, she met Joyria.

"Don't you remember Chhamk Chhlu Plain?" Mehwish said while hugging Joyria. On which Jawaria stared at the hijab with bloodthirsty eyes and said

Can a plane be successful while wearing hijab? "Mhewish Bibi Aam B is asking you" The maid came and informed Mehwish, on which she quickly took both of them and went to her grandmother.

"Don't worry! The hijab will be accepted, I will tell Dadi to stop her. Jawaria just shook her head. She had no good hope from Hijab. Hijab had come here with Jawaria twice. Hijab's behavior was normal here, but one day they planned to stay for a long time, then Hijab swore to her to go home. Because he said that she was so scared that day that Jawaria was worried seeing her conditionDone. Jawaria asked him many times, but Hijab refused saying that he was ill. On that day too, Hijab had come here to attend Milad and that was the first time that Jawaria and Hijab had met Dadu, otherwise they had always heard from Mehwish that they are prayerful and accustomed to village life, but the climate of the city is not for them. Looks like

Dadu, I went to receive my friends. Dadu looked carefully at Hijab and Jawaria from behind the glasses and felt sorry for his granddaughter who did not recover even after staying with them.

"Mashallah, how cute the girls are, the good-natured Bahiya, look at how she has taken a scarf so that it does not fall off her head. Grandmother's eyes lit up when she saw the hijab covered in such a way, Juriya immediately hugged her after hearing her praise, while the lips of the hijab hidden in the niqab smiled. When the grandmother bowed down, Khushi was no longer happy, she put her hand full of compassion on her headturned

"Mashallah, the child is being raised by the parents," said the grandmother to herself. A long time ago, most of the people used to bow in front of elders and give them respect.

"Dad, how are you now?" Mehwish says you are a heart patient.

"It's started again Grandma" Jawaria said slowly to Mehwish and looked at the two of them who were talking to each other like sisters.

"It's just a requirement of the child's age," Dadu said with a sad smile.

"Dado Milad Wali has arrived, let's go. The guests will also be waiting. There is no big one. Dadi, who was going to ask Hijab questions, started getting up with a stick after hearing that Hijab supported her.

"You won't change your clothes, will you?" Who attends Milad wearing jeans" Jawaria hurt his clothes.

"You will sit down wearing a big dupatta, it is not a shalwar kameez, and the rest of the clothes are such that Dadu will fall in love with Allah as soon as he sees them." Mehwish said while closing his eyes and laughing, Jawaria kept looking at him sadly.

The birthday celebration was taking place in the back of the house. The stage was beautifully made, there was the smell of fresh roses everywhere, Hijab took off her niqab and abaya as soon as she came in. Grandfather kept looking at her. Full eyes were enhancing her beauty.

The last time Dadu met her, she did not take off her hijab because she came late and left without eating or drinking.

Dadu made him sit with him on the stage. Hijab saw many faces today, who used to come home as guests on normal days. Mehwish's mother, Tai and sister-in-law Nik sat in the corner like Saj's guests, watching each and every person who came. It must have been half an hour since the Milad had just started that Mehwish took JaveriaAfter entering the house, Mehwish's mother and aunt also left slowly. Hijab felt sorry, at least she would have sat for some more time to keep her grandmother's heart.

"Son, don't pay attention to them, my whole life has passed by seeing their actions," grandmother said in a sad tone and turned towards those who read the Milad.

After praying, she came inside, every step was getting heavy, her lips were moving, whose thoughts were circulating in her mind as soon as she came here, she was praying that she should not be here.

And Allah heard him, she reached outside Mehwish's room in good health and without wasting time entered inside with the speed of an arrow.

"Shame is a thing??? So rise up without prayer, both of you."

As soon as he came, he rushed at them.

"Hijab, you have not heard, please tear off the shame of him"

Mehwish said and held her and made her sit on the single sofa.

"Mahosh, don't you realize that once a year Dadu has a Milad, you can't sit still."

Mehwish listened to him and went to get food with both hands on her ears but Jawaria was trapped and was left grinding her teeth.

"Yar Mehwish forcefully lifted me up" Hijab stood near the window after giving him a full stare. She was feeling the cold breeze when Mehwish brought the food. The three of them ate and talked in a pleasant atmosphere. Then after sitting for a while, Hijab told her to go home. Mehwish had to agree because she She was threatening not to come in the future.

Mehwish brought her to her room to meet her grandmother.

"Dad, let me go, it's too late."

"Hey son, stay for a while to talk to you, so I left everyone and went inside. "

"Grandfather will come again, if he doesn't go now, mother will be very worried. Abu is not at home tonight." "She bowed before him with love. Grandmother kissed her flawless forehead.

"Grandpa Darling!!! "

It was at that time when the hijab, hearing a man's voice, masked with fear, his hand was shaking in haste, but when he opened the door, that person had seen his action, he went ahead without caring about anyone and hugged the grandmother in such a way that the person's The arm touched the arm of the hijab. Hijab felt very disgusted, he was sure that this person must have done this on purpose.

"Why did you open your mouth now?" said the man and kissed his grandmother's forehead. Hijab quietly left the room with Joyria behind her. The grandmother gave her grandson a glare and turned away. As the man watched Hijab go until she disappeared from sight.


"Save." Mamma. Mamma this. Uncle "

Before that innocent eight-year-old girl could say anything, the man put his hand on the girl's mouth and choked her scream. There was an eerie silence in the room.

Having scratched her badly, now that wild beast was looking at this girl with fear, if anyone found out?? As soon as this thought came, small drops of sweat appeared on his forehead. There were continuous cries of girls from outside.

"Leave my friend"

This person thought for a while, then strangled the girl with both hands, she kept calling her mother.

"Bad Uncle." dirty dirty The screams coming from outside increased his fear even more and he stopped the breathing of this girl in the bridge.

Her whole body was drenched in sweat. She was moving her head right and left and moving away from the face that was coming closer to her. The lips under the thick mustache were smiling devilishly. That person was calling him and giving him sounds.

"Hijab come here I will explain"

That devil was smiling. Hijab was going to him taking small steps. Fear was increasing with each step.

This is a dream, yes it can't be true, his mind was awake but his body was unable to move

She wanted to get up, she wanted to wake up from this terrible dream, but despite her efforts, her eyes were not opening. She wanted to stop herself from moving forward, but her body was not supporting her mind. .

"Hijab" he suddenly opened his eyes, his mind woke up, in a moment his mind recognized the face in front of him, it was his mother, yes, it was the mother of hijab, the mind gave awareness, then the body moved, it was his mother's. She hugged and cried.

"I just don't have anyone. It's me, please touch my doll. I can break his hand. Hijab's mother was sitting there holding Hijab's head in her lap and started stroking his hair. Even today, the fear of fourteen years ago was still in his eyes.

Amina kissed Hijab's forehead, she comes to see her every night, this dream is common for her, but every time a new trial for her daughter came on time, she woke up Hijab. But it was only good, they pray that this dream will remain a dream, but who knows what game life has to play next.

"Mamma, I don't want to go with the driver uncle." "

Seeing Prania's withered face, her moving hands stopped for a moment, she could clearly see the deep wave of fear on her daughter's face.

"Why son?? "Uncle has scolded."

"No, they love me.. and they.." Her hands trembled, the girl holding the breakfast tray in her hands fell down.

"I don't love you, son."

The old memory scared him even more.

" and what?? Looking at her daughter with red angry eyes, she asked, at that time her heart was trembling, what was her daughter going to say? He placed the tray full of breakfast on the table.

"Hand me here"

Prania kept her hand on her neck and said with anger that she was innocently showing her displeasure with these things like she did not like the behavior of the driver.

"I am also afraid of them, Mama. Now Parnia came and stuck to his legs.

" Oh my good!!!!! What did I forget? For what act of mine did you put me in such a hell. Like a master, like a servant. Now what should I do to protect my children from them? Do I?? Yes!! This is the only way I have." His heart was crying while holding fast beats, now there was only one way, he bent down and kissed Parnia's cheeks.

"You sit and have breakfast with your brother. I am coming. Don't be afraid. "She patted his cheek and quickly got up and went to her room. In front of her, her husband was preparing to go to the office, dressed in a black suit, he was spraying perfume on himself.

She took slow steps and stood behind him. Her husband felt her presence and turned back in surprise.

" what happened?? "

" I want to talk to you.. She looked down and rubbed her hands together

"Do it," he said casually, turned and picked up the phone and wallet placed on the dressing

"Get the driver out and replace him with someone else." "

" Why?? As fast as she told her guess, her husband turned back

He is not the right man. His eyes, movements before he was born. The sound of a woman's slap echoed in the silent room. Her husband tightly bent her arm and pulled her closer to him, so close that his wife could feel his breath on her face.

"What do you think of yourself?? Are you a fairy who came down from the sky?? Every man is crazy about you?? No one has anything to do except to see you. Saying this in anger, he threw his wife on the bed with a shock and took a glass full of water down his throat from the side. His wife had taken care of herself and sat on the bed. She expected this behavior.

At that time, the veins of his brain were bursting with anger. Instead of keeping the empty glass, he slammed it against the wall with all his might and sat down on the bed in front of her, very close to her and holding her by the chin, raised her face.

"What do you have to say about yourself?? Aren't you very parsimonious? Say, your husband walks outside while being his wife. He hates you so much, did you make a place in his heart? Parsa girls like you work day and night to make a home in the heart of your husband, what are you saying so far?? Or was waiting for a miracle?? Your husband will fall at your feet. He laughed venomously.

"I don't consider you as my husband, so why wait?" Nor will Allah take my account from you if there is a miracle. She said fearlessly looking into his eyes. With these words of hers, the hatred for her in her husband's heart would increase even more.

"You think you are so innocent? Am I cruel? So remember one thing, Allah knows best the state of hearts and Allah does not like those women who cry and ask for death. Saying that, he left her like a useless object and started to get up, otherwise he would have killed her today.

"You will be disgraced. Allah will count every single one of my tears from you. I will see you in agony, crying, rumbling in front of God, but even He will not have mercy on you."You will go door to door looking for him, asking for forgiveness, you will not find him, you will not find him anywhere, you will keep looking for him in this world, but alas, he will not be found. Because it does not belong to people like you. You are not even able to raise your head in front of him. You eat haram and drink haram. You make haram relationships, not halal for people like you. "

She was crying and cursing him from behind, but what did her husband care about, he had an important meeting which was definitely very important for him....