
An Affair With Her Boss

"Shanelle's boss is having an affair with her they're both in love to each other. He's already married and Shanelle is a friend of his wife, but now they're unable to resist the intense passion between them." R18+

Marsntalwrites · Thành thị
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6 Chs

Chapter five

Time so fast..

And it is true, he will do what he promised.

It's been two weeks since I went to karen's birthday and Tim has been dating me secretly for a week.

God, I know this isn't right.

Why do I just let him do these all?

Honestly, I tried to avoid his gaze for me.

But it's useless because I work with him and I see him every day.

So now he asked me to have a lunch date with him!

and I can't believe I said yes.

I'm really weak when it comes to him.

We're having our lunch together in the most expensive restaurant and most delicious foods.

I was nervous while waiting for our orders.

Actually, aside from not able to focus, I let him ordered our foods.

"Are you okay?"

He asked when he noticed my silence.

"Yes, of course."

I answered sparingly

"Okay I know you felt uncomfortable. Maybe you thought that someone might caught us or notice us eating lunch together, but I don't care anyway you're my Secretary so don't worry about that Shanelle."

He's right.

I was thinking about what he said.

What if Karen who caught us?

I'm sure, I don't know what to do.

"Tim I'm confuse."

I admitted to him.


He look so concerned

"I don't know what I would do if Karen found out what we were doing."

He caught my hand who was on the table and caressed it.

"Shanelle remember that I'm always here no matter what happens I won't let anyone hurt you."

Aw my heart is melting.

But my fear still hasn't gone away.

I love Tim so much but this love is forbidden, he's a married man.

My feelings deepen when I know that he loves me too.

But I feel guilty, Karen is too kind for me.

After having our lunch together we went back to the building.

We were both a little surprised to see Karen inside his office.

"Tim where have you been? I brought you a lunch but you're nowhere to be found."

Karen said sadly.

It was obvious that she was disappointed that she had just seen Tim.

"I already ate lunch Karen."

Tim said indifferently while sitting in his chair.

"What? Oh but I prepared this food for you ."

Karen must be upset right now but she doesn't show it.

"How about you Shanelle?"

She looked at me.

"She already ate her lunch too."

Tim answered and Karen frowned.

Does this mean that she didn't notice that we went out together earlier?

Wait, maybe she probably didn't check if I was in my office.

"How did you know?"

Karen asked Tim in curious.

Suddenly I couldn't breathe because of the nervousness.

"Shanelle always eat her lunch early, so I just guess that she's done."

Karen was just dumbfounded.

I breathed a sigh of relief at what Tim said.

He's good at everything.

"Is that true?"

Karen wants to confirm it from me so I just nodded at her.

"Well fine, I'll just give it to the street kids, maybe I should go."

She smiled at once before turning her back.

I can sense that she is very disappointing.

She's trying her best but Tim doesn't like her effort.

I feel sorry for Karen, she's a good wife.

When Karen got out of Tim's office, I stood up straight.

"I didn't expect that she will come here and brought lunch for me."

He said while shaking his head.

"You shouldn't have invited me to lunch."

I don't know why I said it.

"But you still came Shanelle."

He said with a naughty smile.

"Tim, we should stop this now."

He stood up and came closer to me.

"Please don't say that, we are just getting started."

He grabbed both of my shoulders and I immediately removed his hands.

He was a little surprised that I did that

"Stop it Tim! what if someone suddenly come in your office and see us like that? What if your wife come back here!."

I said to him in disgust.

"So you're mad at me now?"

He said sadly.

I sighed.

"No! but this isn't right."

I feel guilty, fuck!

Especially when I see his wife kindness.

"Shanelle pleas--"

I cut him.

"Stop! please stop, let's end this."

His face suddenly became serious at what I said.

"You think it easy Shanelle? No, I won't let this end! wether you like it or not, I will fight this! us."

He said as he returned to his seat.

I was suddenly shocked by what he said


I don't think I can get away.

"You can leave my office now."

I can sense that his voice was bit upset.

"I'm sorry, I'm confused."

He smirk

"Whatever Shanelle I don't give a damn! Don't you dare stop me or else I will punish you."

Suddenly my hairs stood up at what he said.

"You afraid huh? So don't you ever stop me."

He said with a naughty smile.

I blinked.

"I can't believe what I'm doing. Damn!"

He stood up trying to approached me and I backed away when I saw his silly grin.

"Doing what Shanelle?"

Oh please stop!

"To be your mistress!"

his smile become bigger.

"Mistress? I don't think so, you are my girl and my future wife."

Damn Tim!

"What are you doing?"

I said nervously as he brought his body closer to me.

"Claiming you as mine."

He said in husky voice.

"What? stop that hmmp--"

I was surprised by what he did next.

He kissed me!

I was not ready for what he did so it was free to insert his tongue and he gently sucked my lips. Oh God!

This is feel so hot.

I don't know what's happening to me but I kissed him back!

He kissed me like a hungry baby.

He is really true to his word.

and we both catching our breathe when we finally let go.

"W-why you kissed me."

I said breathlessly.

"'You stopped me."

Oh god!

I should really be careful with what I said especially when he warned me.

"I-I gotta go to my office."

I heard him laugh softly as I walked out of his office.

Damn him!