
An accidental romance

After her grandmother's death Kate Jones went to live with her parents. She expected that her mother and father would love her but all her expectations had been shattered. Her parents never cared about her and often compared her with her older sister Renesmee. As she grew up she learned that her grandmother left all her inheritance for her. She realised that her parents took her back with them not because they loved her, But because of the inheritance her grandmother left for her. But she decided that she would be a good daughter. She did everything her parents said. But even after that she never saw love in their eyes for her. When she turned 18 they got her engaged with Marcelo Lawrence, they didn't even asked her if she wanted to marry him or not. She couldn't even completed her graduation and they forced her to marry him. So the young Kate had to marry Marcelo. But her suffering didn't ended their, she was often mistreated by her in-laws and her husband never loved her. On her 20th birthday he tried to kill her, she somehow saved herself and ran from there. She decided not to go back to her abusive husband and to her parents because she knew they would never going to believe her. She changed her name to "Angel" and went to live in D city. After running from her abusive husband, Angel decided to work in a company, which provided temperary employees . She changed her original name and without any appropriate qualification , she worked as an assistant in a salon. She was often mistreated by her employer and other staff but she hang in there, untill one day when she was returning home from work, she saw 5 men beating a single guy. She decided to ignore but couldn't because she remembered when her husband tried to kill her noone came for her rescue not even god. So she decided to help him. she some how maneged to run from there, and she rang police siren on her phone, she placed her phone in a tin box so that it became loud . After that those guys ran. she admitted the guy in the hospital. Two weeks later when she was returning home from work, she saw a biker was going to hit the guy, who was crossing the road in front of her she pushed the guy and instead of him she got hit. she didn't know that helping a random guy could change her life completely, one day she was a temporary employee now she was girlfriend of a superstar...... __________________ For the readers - the story might seem boring and obvious in start but if you could ignore, some grammatical errors I do have a beautiful story to share. And please share your views on my work, your reviews and comments can help me a lot, this is my first novel and I really want to improve my writing.

Peachwoodgirl6 · Tổng hợp
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67 Chs

The birthday Party (10)

Neil grabbed Angel's hand in a protective way and waited for the guards to clear the way. But crowd didn't want to disperse.

Some of the socialites taken out their phones and clicked their photos, but Freddy was very attentive, he sent some of the the guards to seize their phones and delete all the pictures of Neil and Angel.

Some how Neil and Angel entered the private lounge it was opposite side of the bar.

" I thought they are well mannered people but I started regretting my decision to take you here with me." said Neil while making Angel sit comfortably on the sofa.

" I told you, your fans can't resist but you wanted to show off" replied Angel.

Freddy was standing beside Neil waiting for his instructions.

" Freddy get my family here, I want to leave as soon as possible, I thought it will be a peaceful gathering but it is not much different from a public appearance." Neil ordered.

" Sir it will be inappropriate if you leave suddenly, and the situation is under control, I have retrieve all the pictures and videos and told the PR department to keep an eye on every news regarding you and young madam" Freddy explained.

" So what do you want me to do, wait here and sing happy birthday song for someone I just met 15 minutes ago" replied Neil.

Freddy was taken a back when he heard that, "well singing a birthday song for someone he met 15 minutes ago is not a big thing if he wanted to dump his career for the person he met one and a half month ago" he thought but he couldn't say anything.

" Sir the cake cutting ceremony will be over in a few minutes and after that dinner will be held and it will be good if you took part in the dinner and it will be good news for the company too since we are going to merge with Johnson entertainment so it will be good if you socialize with Directors of Johnson entertainment" Freddy explained.

At the same time a female waitress came and served wine.

" I want pineapple and lime mocktail" Angel ordered.

The waitress was a trained employee of Paradise Hotel, she had meet a lot of big shots of entertainment industry and their female companion but she had never saw a girl that simple, it had take her few moments to process what Angel asked, she had served guests whole evening most of them asked for very expensive cocktails and wines but none of them asked for this simple drink, even the girls who came here as assistants and manegers took advantage of the situation and tasted very costly drinks since it's for free but just now she rejected one of the finest wine "Petrus Pomerol". But what can she do, she took the glass back and went to take the mocktail.

Inside the main launge Sonia was fuming in anger, Gina tried to calm her down but nothing worked.

" Mom I will not cut the cake until Neil come here" Sonia said while she gulped the wine in one go.

" Sonia, Neil came here and wishes you personally is more than enough, you are not a small kid this is not the time to behave like that, cut the cake first then we will go to him and invite him for dinner" Gina replied.

Sonia was still unwilling but Gina promised that she would personally invite Neil for dinner, so she got convinced.

All the other guests and socialites were gossiping about the girl but nobody knew who she was?

All of them tried to speculate but couldn't get to a conclusion, all of them were shocked because they do not know the girl.

But only Kevin and Kyle were shocked because they knew who the girl is.

After that cake cutting ceremony took place and everyone gave their greetings and gifts to Sonia and Mrs. Johnson.

At the mean time Sam and Edward accompanied Angel and Neil. But they couldn't recognise that Angel was the girl from hospital because they didn't get the chance to meet her personally.

" Bro we need introduction" said Sam.

" Yes Neil this is not fair we are family, we should meet your date before anyone else" said Edward.

" If I introduced her before won't you try to stole her" replied Neil.

The three brothers were busy bickering but Angel on the other hand was amazed, because Sam and Edward were also good looking, even though their aura was friendly but they weren't less charming than Neil.

She was listening to their silly conversation and could see that Neil was very close with his family unlike her, he was loved by his siblings.

Edward took the initiative and talked to Angel " I am Edward Richardson, Neil's younger brother and he is Sam, he is the youngest, it is nice to meet you" then he offered a handshake.

Angel shook hand with him and replied " It is nice to meet you to Mr. Richardson, I am Angel"

She didn't specify who she was? because there were a lot of eyes and ears and she didn't want everyone gossip about Neil.

" What are you drinking, let me get a cocktail for you" Sam offered.

" It's pineapple mocktail, You don't need to get me a drink, I can't drink alcohol, I am still on medication" Angel refused politely.

" Medication, are you sick? Brother you shouldn't take her here if she isn't fine, how could you be so careless" Sam nagged.

" I met with an accident a month ago so I can't have alcohol not even in small amount" replied Angel.

When Angel said accident, Sam and Edward looked at each other and then they looked at Angel, their brains kicked at the same time.

"Are you the girl, who saved Neil" asked Sam.

Angel nodded in agreement.

Then they looked at Neil , " what, why are you both staring me" asked Neil.

" Are you two serious" asked Edward.

" Hmm" Angel replied.