
Meet the Candidate

Author's Note: This is a LONG one.


Ryder did consider going to the Tournament and watching it. But something came up. While he was training in the Amphitheater Kairos, Glynda and Ironwood came to him stating that it was time to meet the Candidate for the Fall Maiden. Ryder didn't expect it to happen so soon, but he was curious to whom this candidate was. Guess he'll find out here soon. As he waited in the elevator, Ryder was anxious to know who the new Fall Maiden would be. He's worried it would be one of his friends. By the time they arrive, the elevator door opens, and everyone walks into the room. Ryder spots Pyrrha and his eyes widen. Pyrrha is also shocked to see both Kairos and Ryder amongst this crowd. 

"Sorry we're late." Ironwood apologized. 

"Wait, what is this?" Pyrrha asks, somewhat startled and worried. "Who are you?" 

"You know who we are. We're still the same teachers and headmasters who you met when you arrived at Beacon." Glynda explains. 

"Except we got a little part time job." Qrow continued. 

"We are the protectors of this world." Ironwood continued as well. 

"And we need your help." Ozpin said. 

Pyrrha sat there in silence, uneasy about all of this. She looked over to Ryder who was filled with anxiety right now. He didn't know his friend would be involved. Sure, Kairos is involved, but he knows for a fact Kairos can hold his own. Sure, Pyrrha can too, but he can't help the anxiety. The entire group heads into the elevator which is thankfully big enough for them all. Ryder stood next to Pyrrha who was concerned and worried. Ryder felt this and spared her a glance. Pyrrha glanced around the room before asking a question. 

"Where are we going?" Pyrrha asks. 

"The vault." Ozpin answers. "Under the school." 

They inevitably arrive at the bottom floor. Pyrrha and Ryder look out at the long dark halls illuminated by green lights while the others walk out of the elevator. Kairos didn't bother to sight see. Eventually, the two stepped out of the elevator and followed the group. Glynda stops and turns to face Pyrrha. 

"I'm sure you must have questions." Glynda said. 

"Maybe one or two." Pyrrha comments. 

"I definitely have one." Ryder said. 

This was the first time Ryder's been in the vault. It's definitely not what he expected it to be. They start walking again and Pyrrha keeps talking. 

"I still don't understand." Pyrrha starts. "You said I was next in line to receive the Maiden's power. What do you mean by that?" 

"The Maidens have existed for thousands of years. But much like in nature, the seasons change." Glynda starts. "No two summers are alike, when a Maiden dies her power leaves her body and seeks out a new host. Ensuring that the seasons are never lost and that no individual can hold onto the power forever." 

"So, how does the power choose?" Pyrrha asks. 

Ryder remains quiet as he believes it's not his place to talk yet. 

"Through a series of stupid and convoluted rules." Qrow said. 

"Qrow." Glynda scolds. 

"Hey, don't get mad cause I'm right." Qrow retorts. 

"At first, the only thing that was certain was that the powers specifically passed onto young women. But as time went on it was discovered that the selection process was much more... intimate." Glynda explains. 

"What does that mean?" Ryder asks, finally getting involved. 

"As we understand it now, when a Maiden dies the one who is in her final thoughts is the first candidate to inherit her power." Glynda explains. 

The group passes through an intersection of the hallway with two more hallways going left and right but they head forward. 

"Unless it's a dude or an old hag. Then the power goes to someone random, and our jobs get a lot harder." Qrow added. 

A moment of silence passes before Pyrrha asks another question. 

"Why tell me all of this now?" Pyrrha asks. "Why not wait until I've graduated?" 

It was a good question, Ryder thought. 

"Honestly, we've run out of time. I don't know if you've noticed, things are getting a lot scarier out in the world." Qrow said. "Tensions are high, the Grimm are growing stronger, more prevalent, and it's not gonna be much longer before this peace we've all been enjoying so much goes out the window." 

"You're not talking about, War?" Pyrrha asks. 

"Not a war between nations." Ironwood said. 

"We can fill you in on the details once we're sure you're with us. For now, all you need to know is that one of the Maidens was attacked and for the first time in history part of her power was stolen." Qrow said. 

The group eventually arrives at a machine that contained two pods. One of the pods was occupied by a girl who looked damaged. She was in a deep sleep and possibly unconscious. 

"Is that...." Ryder asks. 

Ozpin sighs. 

"The current Fall Maiden." Ozpin answers. "Amber." 

"She's still alive." Pyrrha said, sounding shocked, her voice faltering. 

"For now. We're using state-of-the-art Atlas technology to keep her stable." Ironwood informs. "But there is a lot about this situation that is... unprecedented." 

"What do you mean?" Pyrrha asks. 

With a heavy sigh, Ironwood responds. Ryder had his eyes locked onto the pod same with Kairos. They then look at each other. 

"Well, we don't know what will happen if—when she passes." Ironwood. 

"Wouldn't that mean her power goes to someone? A next host?" Kairos asks. 

"Look who's been listening!" Qrow exclaimed. "He is smart." 

"Under normal circumstances, yes. But this is a delicate situation." Ironwood said. 

"She's vulnerable. Open for a counterattack." Ryder interrupts. 

"Precisely. And to make matters worse, no one's ever seen the power split like this before." Ironwood said. "For all we know, it'll seek out it's other half." 

"Her assailant." Pyrrha concludes. 

"And that would now bow well for any of us." Ozpin said. 

Ryder immediately thought about the Dragon Balls. He's realizing how useful they would be right now. If only they could locate the other five balls, then they could make a wish to gain the upper hand on Salem. Pyrrha walked over to the pod with Amber inside and placed her hand onto it. She stands there in silence for a moment before turning to everyone with a question. 

"If all of this is true, if this girl is so important, if—if we're truly on the brink of War why not tell everyone?" Pyrrha asks. 

Her world is in shambles. All this news coming to her at once is overwhelming. A large moment of silence followed from everyone. Glynda stepped up to answer Pyrrha's question. 

"From what we understand, it used to be common knowledge." Glynda said. 

"Excuse me?" Pyrrha asked. 

"How do you think legends and fairy tales get started?" Qrow asks while grabbing his flask. "Even the craziest ones come from somewhere." 

Qrow begins to drink from his flask. 

"Our group was founded in order to protect both Mankind and the Maidens." Glynda said. "Those hungry for power hunted them with the hopes of inheriting their strength." 

"And as you can imagine, the one's that succeeded weren't exactly the kind of people you'd want to have, unimaginable power." Qrow said. 

"So, this brotherhood chose to remove the Maidens from the public eye. Allowing their existence to fade away into legend." Ironwood added. 

"The things we're telling you go against hundreds of years of Human history." Glynda said. 

"No one would want to believe us." Ironwood said. "It cause an uproar." 

"It would cause panic." Ozpin adds quickly. "And we all know what that would bring clawing to our kingdom's walls. Which is why we would like to-" 

"I'll do it." Pyrrha interrupts calmly. 

Ozpin looked at her. 

"If you believe this would help Humanity then I will become your Fall Maiden." Pyrrha declares. 

Everyone looks at themselves. Pyrrha couldn't read their expressions well. Neither Ryder nor Kairos. 

"That's what you wanted, isn't it?" Pyrrha asks. 

"It is, but I'm afraid it's not that simple." Ozpin said as he stepped forward. "Given Amber's condition you won't be able to inherit her power naturally. However, General Ironwood believes he has a solution." 

Ryder and Kairos look to Ironwood, wondering exactly what this solution is. 

"For the past few years, Atlas has been studying Aura from a more scientific standpoint. How it works, what it's made of, how it can be used. We've made... significant strides, and we believe we've found a way to capture it." Ironwood explains. 

Ryder didn't like the sound of that at all. 

"Capture it and cram it into something else. Or in your case..." Qrow said, trailing off at the end. 

Ryder and Pyrrha were shocked when it clicked to them. They were going to transfer Aura from person to person. 


"Classified." Ironwood interjected. 

"Wrong!" Pyrrha argues. 

"The feeling is mutual. But desperate times call for desperate measures." Glynda said, not liking the idea either. 

"And these are indeed desperate times." Ironwood steps forward. "We can't transfer Amber's power to you, but we can give you what those powers are bound to." 

"Her Aura." Pyrrha said. 

"Her life would become intertwined with yours." Ozpin said. "The question is-" 

"What's that gonna do to you?" Qrow asks. 

Pyrrha realized this as did Ryder. Kairos didn't show it, but he wasn't approving of this plan. It was... wrong. Inhumane. Ryder couldn't agree to this. From what he understands about Aura, it's like ripping the soul out of someone. 

"You have an important decision ahead of you Miss Nikos. There's no guarantee this transfer will work." Ozpin said. "And there's no telling if you would be the same person if it does. I'd advise you to take time to think on the matter. But understand, that before the Vytal Festival is over, we will need your answer."