
Amour Interdit(Forbidden Love)

After King Leonard discover what was going on between his one and only daughter and her bodyguard, he decided to marry her off to another Kingdom, Will he accept the prince and move on with her life or she will go to any length to be with her first love. Read and find out. My first time writing please leave a comment. I hope you enjoy.

Sharon_Beyonce · Kỳ huyễn
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50 Chs

Amour Interdit (Forbidden Love)Chapter50

They way he was furious he didn't know if he will spare the queen for doing this to her. Her princess did seem like the girl he knew. why would someone be doing this? For the person you barely know well.

They reached on their chamber and put her down, he felt like crying when as he watched her in that condition.

Rosa quickly run to Enid and hug her as they cry in each others embrace.

"Thank God you're still alive." Rosa exclaimed.

"I thought we will never get out of there." Enid stated standing up.

"Yes, when did the prince wake up? Enid with a creased eyebrows.

"This morning." Rosa answered.

Just when they walk out the saw the queen being dragged out of the kitchen, by two men.

"Was the queen the one who kidnapped the princess?" Enid asked.

"Yes she admitted few hours after the prince Demetrius took out one of her teeth." Rosa answered.

"I always knew that she was evil but I never knew she can kidnapped her own daughter in law and make her suffer like that." Enid stated furiously.

She stated going to the kitchen and the aroma of the food hit her nose and her stomach started to growl instantly.

"Starving?" Rosa asked after she heard her stomach growl like that.


"Should I serve you some?" She asked.

"Yes please." She was starving that she decided to eat first before going to bathe.

The maids still didn't stop admiring the place some people went inside to take a look at it as they walk around. How did the queen find this place? that was one of the questions they were asking themselves.

As Enid kept eating people approached her asking her questions, how did she find the place? how was it like to be with princess inside there? How were they surviving inside there it didn't have so much oxygen.

"You guys let her eat then she will tell you everything." Rosa told them and they agree.

After eating she was asked everything and she answered no matter how many the questions were she managed to answer them all.

Later Rosa told her that Emily died and they suspect that she was murdered, she asked if they already found the murderer.

"Who do you think killed her?" Enid asked going with her to take shower.

"I really don't know anyone who would want to kill Emily." Rosa stated.

"I can suspect one person who could do this." Enid stated opening the door and getting inside.

"Who?" She asked following her behind.

"I think you also know who it is, she killed Emily because she didn't want Emily to tell you guys where we were, that must be it, or maybe Emily threatened she will tell th...." Rosa cut her off by placing her hand over her mouth, she was spouting more than she should.

"You know is bad here in the palace to accuse anyone without evidence more the royals." Rosa stated.

Enid knew how dangerous it was but on this case she was sure it was her, if she can only prove her point.

"Yes I know and I wish I can prove my point, there is no doubt about that queen, she is wicked." she stated after removing Rosa's hand from her mouth.

Helena has never been disappointed in her entire life, her mother told her she didn't have her and she believed her, she was ready to forgive her once she comes clean but all that was shattered into pieces.

She couldn't believe she had Melissa all along, she remembered that day she told her she didn't have Meli and she really felt for it like a fool she has always have been into her mother's eyes.

She watched her mother with tears being dragged away from her as tears run through her face, it hurt, how can her mother be cruel in that extent.

Alex took her to her chamber, at least the problems were being solved one by one, They found Melissa, they know who poisoned Demetrius, now the only thing that was remaining was her mother to be taken to the court and after that everything will be good again.

After they set punishment for them, everyone will leave in peace again without worrying. Especially Demetrius.


They took the queen into one of the cell and lock her up, she was whining all the way here but no one cared for the noice she was making at all.

After Charles heard that it was his mother he didn't even glanced at her again.

"Get me out of here, don't you know I am your queen?" The queen continued to whine, shaking the door cell but it was to vein. Her mother was just put next to Charles cell.

They locked her up and everyone left no one wanted to hear her tantrums, they left her still shaking the door, they were even afraid that she will brake the door.

After making noise she finally gives up, Charles was just far away from the corner, he didn't want to hear her mother, he was so mad at his mother.

How can she kidnapped Melissa and not tell him, he thought they were partner but he was wrong his mother did hurt his feelings this time in a way he has never expected.

"Son." She called calmly.

She called him several times but she didn't answer and she got it he was mad her, the queen got that he was mad at her, but all she did was for his own good. After all she wanted to hand over the lady to him and she was planning for it to be a surprise.

"Son I know you're mad at me but, I apologize for what I have done to you." She stated she couldn't take it, he was sure that he hates her too, her daughter surely hates her now more than ever.

The way she saw her death glares she was sure she will not even come to visit her in this prison and she was sure that she will not think twice before exposing them on the court.

"Mother can you stop, you're making noise in my ears." He stated not looking at her.

"Son I know you're mad at me but I promise you all I did was for your own good." she stated welling up, she was loosing everything slowly and slowly.

"Mother for heavens sake what did you that was good,look where we ended up, in this jail cell." He stated furiously shouting.

The queen flinched back this was the first time his son was shouting at her, he has never done it before.

"I just didn't think that,,,"

"Didn't think what mother? You had the princess all along and you didn't even bother to tell me, mother you watched that lunatic of my brother remove my teeth but you didn't say anything but you still kept quiet." he shouted crying.

The queen couldn't stop crying, he really hurt him this time and she really messed up how was she going to fix it so that her son can trust her again, how?

"I am sorry my son, if I knew this was going to turn like this I could have told you earlier." She apologized.

"Mother apparently you sorry can't fix anything, beside aren't you the one who once told me that sorry can't fix anything?" he asked.

Yes she remembered telling him one time that, but now she just wanted to be forgiven by him.

"Son can you forgive me this one time I swear I will never do anything of of the sort again." She stated.

He wanted to say something but his sister came, he saw his sister and he stopped on his track as he walked towards her

Her sister was crying on his jail cell, tears were falling endlessly from her eyes, his poor sister why was she always the one to suffer on their wrong doings.

"Helena,,,he called heading towards her,,,,I am sorry that I always disappoint you as a brother,,,,,he stated tears rolling down his face,,,,I promise you from today I am going to change,,,,,,he stated looking at her he could see tears washing her face,,,,,,will you give me a chance to prove that to you my lovely sister,,,,,he stated tears washing his face then placed his hands on her where she was putting hers on the rails.

Helena wanted to trust him again but after what her mother did with her trust she couldn't trust again, especially them, he only came here to tell them that she was going to testify on the court tomorrow, as much as she wanted to trust her brother she couldn't.

She didn't want her trust to be broken again like her mother did.

"As long as I want to trust you brother I can't, after everything that you guys did, I really can't, I am sorry." She stated crushing over his spirit.

He has never cried like he was crying today, he never knew that his obsession of becoming the next king will make him loose this greatly, if this is the prize he was going to pay then he doesn't want to be the King anymore.

"I understand I wouldn't trust me either, I just want you to give me a chance sister." He begged.

"I am sorry brother but I only came here to tell you that tomorrow is a court hearing and I will be testifying in the court." She stated looked at them both before storm out of there crying.

All this time the queen was listening to her daughter as tears rolled over her face, she has lost them both, what hurt her her the most was that she left without seeing her even once.

Meanwhile Demetrius took her wife in the room, then called a doctor to check up on her, the doctor told him that she hasn't been eating and that is why she fainted but she will be fine.

He wiped away her stained tears from her face and cover her up to her chest with a duvet then sat next to her on a small chair as he stares down at her.

He already told the servants from the kitchen to bring a lot of food his wife needs to renovate, she has lost a lot of weight.

Seating down their, he remembered the secret place, for how long has it been there? he has live in this castle for over decades but he didn't know about that place existence, so how did the queen knew about the place.

She walked down there with solders to brake that place, either to remove it completely or enlarged it so it becomes also the part of the store and the servants said to to be enlarged to become the part of the store.

But before going to the kitchen he told his two men to watch over his wife for a while.

He went to see his father he was told that his father wanted to see him, he knocked and his father told him to get in.

First he told him that he wanted him to take over the thrown and he was not surprised he always knew that that place was waiting for him and now it was finally here.

Second was that tomorrow was going to be the queen and his brother's hearing, that was the last case he was going to solve as a king.

Demetrius went back to his room and not long his wife starred from sleeping.

"My lady." Demetrius called hovering over her.

Tears fell from her eyes as she stared at him with tender gaze, was she dreaming, was her husband finally there with her? was she no longer in that dark place? tears rolled down her face, if this was a dream she didn't want to wake up.

"Demetrius...."She called with a weak voice, now he was wiping away the tears from her face.

"Yes my love." he answered before taking her hands in his hands as she stares down at her, he didn't want to see those tears in her eyes again as long as he was by her side

"Are you really here?" She asked staring at her without blinking.