
Amour Interdit(Forbidden Love)

After King Leonard discover what was going on between his one and only daughter and her bodyguard, he decided to marry her off to another Kingdom, Will he accept the prince and move on with her life or she will go to any length to be with her first love. Read and find out. My first time writing please leave a comment. I hope you enjoy.

Sharon_Beyonce · Kỳ huyễn
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Amour Interdit(Forbidden Love.)Chapter21

Demetrius opened his eyes to look at her and she found her getting inside the library she already slide away.

His lips curved up in smile, this girl woman.

Meanwhile, Prince Charles was walking around when he suddenly spot them, after he saw them, he hid somewhere as he watches them and he was completely jealous of him.

As the same time afraid what this closeness of them will bring, he wanted him dead and what will happen if he killed him and at the same time his wife was pregnant.

Yesterday the guards who he put to watch over them told him they heard some noises and he was sure they did it and the way things were spicing up on them, he was sure they did it.

He was lost in thoughts that she forgot he was watching them by the time he glance back, he couldn't see them anywhere.

He looked around but he couldn't see them anywhere,

Meanwhile after What Melissa did to him he decided to follow her inside, Melissa looked at him puzzled he was not expecting for him to follow her.

Melissa stood there waiting for him to say something but he didn't utter a single word, he held her gaze and Melissa found his behavior strange, he walked closer to her and she walked back until Melissa hit her back on the stall of books which were behind her.

Demetrius used his hands to block her so that she wouldn't escape again, all she wanted was a kiss, but if she refused to give him, he will definitely give her. During all this time Demetrius was still holding her gaze.

Melissa's pov.

My heart was beating inside my chest wildly, when his eyes met mine I couldn't look away. They were normally captivating bit this time there was something in them, she didn't understand what it was.

I was breathing heavily with dozen of butterflies in my stomach

He used his other hand to caress my lips then he let it slide on the back of my neck,.

"Melissa it seems like you don't know how to kiss." He stated still looking at me his eyes fierce like something else.

"Of course I know, why would you say that?" I answered almost quickly.

Why would he say I don't know how to kiss!

"Uhm, so is what you gave me outside called a kiss?" He asked his hands playing with her scalp.

"No, that I was just fooling around with you."

"Oh, okay, how about you show me, how you kiss."


"Yes Melissa, unless you don't know how to kiss?"

"Aren't you suppose to be somewhere?" trying to change the topic.

"Yes but it can wait."

I was the one who started this, I needed to end it, I swallowed hard, I need to prove to him that indeed I know how to kiss and the one I gave her outside I was only playing around, but what if I kiss him and he still say that I don't know, anyway I gotta do what I gotta do.

I lifted my hands and placed them on his cheek then looked at him straight in the eyes, I closed my eyes to finally give him the kiss he wanted and the door cracked open, and it was none there than Prince Charles.

End of Meli pov

The moment Demetrius saw who it was he cursed, why couldn't he wait just a little, did he just have to come now,?

He turned to his wife, and if course Meli noticed that he wasn't pleased with what just happened.

"We will continue this later, see you at lunch." He said with a light peck on the lips.

Upon reaching on the door he glared at his brother.

"I don't know what you want here, but stay away from my wife." He couldn't understand why he was always where his wife is, but he better behave because if he does something silly he will have to deal with him.

"There is no need for you to worry brother." He whispered in his aer as he pretend to hug him.

Meli looked at them and she thought that this two brothers were acting weird. She has never seen them even smiling at each other like how Demetrius normally do with Melissa, were they not supposed to be brothers?

Demetrius left, leaving his brother inside.

A while ago Prince Charles looked everywhere fir them but she couldn't find them, then a thought crossed her mind that they might be in the library.

When he saw them like that, something broke, if he needed to do something it needed to be now.

Melissa Just stare blankly at him. what did he want that he has to spoiled their time.

As she stared at Prince Charles she saw she was thinking hard,

'After i kill him I will make you mine, for now just enjoy.' he stated looking at her as Melissa just continue to stare at him.

"Good Morning My lady!"

"Good Morning."

"Okay, I will leave you to continue reading." After saying those word he left.

Meli was left aghast, he didn't want anything he just came to ruin their moment.

He went straight to his room where he left minutes ago, He found his Mother with Peter and he wasn't furious, he was calm.

He walk towards his table of alcohol pour one glass and gulp all, he pour the second one but just when he was about to gulp it, his mother held his hand.

"Is something wrong?"

He was irritated by her mother's question, she was his mother, she was suppose to know what he was feeling.

"I am okay mother." He lied.

"No son, you are not okay."

The next moment, he removed his hands harshly from her mother.

"I am not okay mother I am not, i am not,,,"He shouted throwing the glass across the room and it ended up scattering into pieces.

"Mother we have been trying so hard, but we are just failing, when will we kill him? am so tired i just want to struggle him with my own two hands." He stated furiously, he can't stand it seeing them together, he can't.

"Calm down son." He mother tried to calm him down.

"No mom I can't stand him, i just want to kill him already and get over it."

The Queen didn't know what to do, it seems like her son had made up his mind but she did't want him to get into trouble by killing him, and that is why she brought Peter here he had a perfect plan to get rid of him without getting there hands dirty.

"And you what are you doing here, i gave you a job and you haven't done yet, why? I told you only after you kill him is when i will give you your money."

Peter was about to answer him but the Queen cut him off.

"Son will you calm down!"

"No mom i will not, infact Peter go find him where he went and kill him, and make sure you come with his head to prove to me that he is dead." He stated dragging him outside of the room.

"Son will you stop." He mother shouted taking his hand off Peter.

"Mom why are you stopping me." He asked and the queen stare at him before answering.

"So you just want him to go out there storm in there his room and stab him and then they will ask him who showed him the way in and there he will say It was the Queen and the prince and what will happen next all our hardship will go in vein, well tell me do you want that?" The queen stated in one go then following it with the question looking at his son.

"Tell me son, is that what you want?"

"No Mother, that is not what I want, i am sorry i am not thinking straight." He apologized.

"Sit down we have come up with the plan, a plan that you need to hear."

Prince Charles looked at them puzzled, why did't they tell him earlier, anything that get his brother out of the way for him interest him.

"Okay i am listening."

"We need to sit down for this."

Prince Charles reluctantly sit and all of them joined.

"Helena is getting married in one week."

"That quick?" Prince Charles asked.

"Yes, those two love each other beside they know a lot about each other already, there is no need to delay the wedding."

"Yes, and how is that going to help us in killing Demetrius?"

"It will."


"That day, there will be a lot of people and no one will be able to know, who is who?"

"Just get to the point mother." Prince stated agitated he wanted to just hear the plan.

The queen removed a small bottle and place it on the table.

"Mother is that what i think it is." He asked filled with curiosity.

"Yes son it is and we will use it to kill him on that day, we will just have to make sure he takes it." The queen stated with a grin.

"Wow mother what a great plan, how will we do it?"

"Peter will make sure that the work is done while we wait for results."

"The plan is great, Peter tell me how you're going to carry on with it, every detail." He needed to know if he will need a backup.

Peter told him and he figured out that he doesn't need a backup at all, the plan was very simple Peter just needed to dress up as a waiter on the wedding day, then during the serving he will be the one to offer Demetrius a drink and he will have to make sure he drinks it all.

"You better make sure you kill him this time because if you don't, I will skin you alive, do you hear me?" He threatened.

"Yes master." Peter nodded frantically, he can only hope that he kills him and not fail them this time.

"Go on you can leave now." He told him and he left."

"I also have to get going, by now Helena must be waiting for me." She stated standing up.

"Where are you going Mother?" Prince Charles asked standing up with his hands in his pocket.

"I promised Helena that I will take her to the tailor to take measure of her wedding dress."


"See you later and please behave." she was still worried about him even if he knew that they already have a plan to kill him.

"Don't worry mother I will."

The queen left and found Helena waiting for her in the carriage.

"What took you so long Mother?"

"I have to take care for something, there is no reason to brag, I am here now." Like that the two left.

Peter left and by the door he met with Meli, He knew her very well, she was the wife of the man he was told to kill.

He felt sorry for her, she was still young and beautiful and she was going to be widow, but what can he do? he needed money.

Meli was shocked,what was he doing in Prince's Charles chamber? as far as she knows, they were not allowed in the palace without anyone with them, but that didn't matter now. She needed to know who was on the picture was.

Melissa was checking on the shelves for a book to read, since she has finished the one she was reading, when suddenly a book she was holding fell.

She already choose the one she wanted to read, now she was returning the others, when suddenly one fell, she returned the other ones and bend to pick the one that fell, lifting it up a picture fell from it.

She returned the book and then bend to pic the picture, it was a picture of a beautiful lady, the lady look a lot like.

"Demetrius." Her face twitch and she was smiling you can tell she was really happy.

Her eyes, her lips were exactly like Demetrius, But why did she look like him was her his sister? And if he was why did she look a lot like Demetrius but not like Prince Charles or Melissa?