
Amour Interdit(Forbidden Love)

After King Leonard discover what was going on between his one and only daughter and her bodyguard, he decided to marry her off to another Kingdom, Will he accept the prince and move on with her life or she will go to any length to be with her first love. Read and find out. My first time writing please leave a comment. I hope you enjoy.

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Amour Interdit(Forbidden Love)Chapter34

He double check there position and he decided to turn things around.

Who was in top him it was supposedly their future queen and what if he says that it was her who had been trying to woo him. Then he will save himself.

Bingo that could work good, and hear he needed his acting skills.

"Let go of me, let go of me, what do you think you're doing." He started acting pretending like he was wronged.

Meli was dumbstruck, what was he saying what was he doing, and what wrong did she ever do to him to repay her like.

How was someone able to lie at day light like that? What was wrong with him? She had many questions.

The tears keep flowing from her eyes like it was from the tap, she looked at him and at the people on the door and she get what he was doing he was blaming it all on her.

He let go of her waist and she stood up. Meeting everyone's gaze they were all judging her. The tears kept falling, she couldn't control them.

Demetrius couldn't believe what his eyes saw, he had to blink several times to make sure that the scene infront of him wasn't a lie.

His stomach churn with anger, as he fold his fingers into fists that his vein were almost visible, he was so furious that he felt like killing someone today, Right that moment.

He saw his wife looking at them as if trying to figure out what they were thinking, today his brother was going to die, for making her cry. If someone didn't stop him

Messing with his wife was the last thing he expected from him, did he really think that he would buy that story he was telling them? he knew his wife very well she will never stoop so low.

Watching her with tears in her eyes like that, was the last thing he wanted to see, last thing he expected.

Meli thought that she couldn't keep quiet if she keep quiet, they will all think that what Prince Charles just said was the truth. So she wiped away her tears and blink the one that were still threatening to fall before going to Demetrius.

But Demetrius passed her and her heart broke into a million pieces, when he did that, did he believe the story that his brother said? And the tears fell uncontrollably. Why was this happening to her?

Demetrius just went to the person who was struggling to stand up on his feet. Demetrius held him by the collar and punch him on the nose with all the strength he had and he fell across the library hitting his back on the shelves of books before falling down with some books falling on him.

Prince Charles swore that he broke his nose, he brought his hands on his nose to check if it was still intact and luckily it was, but he was bleeding profusely.

Before he could think again Demetrius picked him up from the floor and punch him hard on the face several times before they were stopped by their father.

"Demetrius stop." The King shouted stopping Demetrius on his track.

Today he was going to kill him, he thought he told him to stay away from his wife, if their father didn't stop him he could have died on his hands, because he was not going to think twice before bulging out his stupid eyes that looked at his wife.

His stupid hands that dared to touch her and his tongue that dared to lie about her,why would someone lie like that in the day light?

He picked him from the floor and and pinned him by the neck and made him looked at him in the eyes.

Charles didn't want to look in those deathly eyes, if look could kill he would be dead right now, he tried to look away from him but he couldn't, he was damn pinned.

"I warned you to stay away from her, but you didn't listen, if is not for father today, I could have killed you right here right now." He stated with greeted teeth still fuming with anger, he was furious.

"Demetrius I am...." He wanted to say something but he was cut short.

"One more word from your filthy mouth about her and I will cut off your tongue." He warned and Prince didn't dare day say another word.

Last hing he needed was his tongue to be cut out, And he knew his brother very well, he was not the one to make empty threats.

Demetrius let him go and he fell down again on the floor, before he turned to look at his wife, Helena was holding her as she cries uncontrollably.

"Let's go to my office and talk this out, like a family." The king said then left.

Helena followed with Meli then Demetrius, leaving the Queen staring at his son.

The queen looked at his son, what wrong did she to the gods to punish her like this, what was wrong with his son did she had to this to go beyond limit.

Charles looked at her mother's face, she was really disappointed in him, honesty he didn't know what came over him that made him to do what he did.

But his story was going to remain the same, the princess was the one who made attempt on him, he was not going to change his story even if he was going to be killed.

They entered the office and they gave Prince Charles first to urged his case. The king knew that he was going to change his story but still he gave him another chance.

"And please speak the truth." He stated sternly.

"Father I promise I will only speak the truth." He said.

"I hope you do because if you dare lie, I won't....." Demetrius warned but was cut off by the King

"Demetrius...will you please let him speak."

"Go on."

"Father the princess has been trying to seduce me for a while now." He lied without any atom of remorse.

"And for how long have this been going on?"

"For a month now." He lied without flinching.

Meli looked at Demetrius, she wanted to know what he was thinking, was he going to believe his brother or her? even though he have him some pinches earlier which proves that he believes her, she still wanted to know what he was thinking.

After all blood was thicker than water.

She wanted to know how he was taking all of this. Right now she just wanted to be by his side, but she couldn't with all the accusations his brother his was pulling out she didn't know how to approach him.

"Why didn't you try to tell...."

"Father what he saying is utter nonsense,,, he is lying." Demetrius said he was going to loose it.

If his brother continue talking he will end up killing, without batting an eyelid.

"You highness, he lying I have never tried to do anything of that sort." She talked for the first time since she got inside that room.

The king knew that his son was lying, for a short period time he has got to know her, he couldn't imagine that she will do something like that.

And also he didn't want people to know the scandal his son has created.

"Father, Charles is honestly lying and I know that, whether you like it or not i am taking my wife out of her, before I loose it and kill him right here in this room." He stated with his hands fisted.

Meli was taken a back she didn't even have to do anything she didn't need to worry anymore, her husband already believe she was innocent.

Surely she must have done something in her past life for God to send her such a good husband like him, and everyday she felt like she was getting closer and close t him than ever and also falling in love with him deeper and deeper.

"Are you saying that your brother is lying? would rather believe this woman than your own...?" The Queen butted in, she could sense like everything was falling apart.

She was sure that her son was going to be punished. But he didn't want that, she can't even imagine the punishment he will be given.

Demetrius was shocked since when did the queen consider him to be his son's brother, she didn't know what she was trying to get at with that term.

"Not another word against my wife." Demetrius cut her short with a raised hand.

He never want to disrespect anyone but this concerned his wife's honor.

The Queen stopped on her track, he couldn't save her son from this punishment.

"Father you got to believe me, you are not going to believe her over me your son right?" He asked, now he wished that this was some sort of dream and he will wake soon.

The King looked at him, he couldn't understand why he was still lying.

There were busy talking about weeding preparation with his daughter Helena when they heard the sound of a woman Yelping and after paying attention where the screaming was coming from they found out it was from the library.

They watched the tiny bit of the scene where he pulled her and made her fall on top of him, but he was sure that Demetrius saw it all.

Cause they found him there. Standing rooted on the spot glaring at his brother.

"Charles your going to be punished for the crime you have committed, trying to molest your brother's wife, your punishment is for you to disappear from this Kingdom, from your banished from this Kingdom, your all dismissed."

"Father you can't do this I am innocent, I didn't do anything wrong, is all her fault." He didn't see this coming banned from the the Kingdom.

"You are at least lucky, that you're banned from the Kingdom, If it was me, I would have behead you, without even thinking twice, you disgust me brother,,,,He told him with a gnashed teeth holding him by the neck,,,,you could have at least have the guts to admit your wrong doing." He added Before letting go of his brother, took his wife and left.

Charles knew that this time he really messed with his brother greatly, he should just take this moment and leave, it seems like his father only saved his life, he should really thank him.

If he knew that it will come to this, he would have just stayed in his room and get drunk all day all night.

"You Highness please reconsider your decision, your not thinking straight right now, I beg you please think about this through." the queen pleaded.

But the King wasn't ready to listen, he already made his decision.

"He should have thought about that before playing with his brother's wife."

"Please your highness, think about, how will he survive out there, without no food, without a place to..." She tried to plead again but it wasn't working.

"I said that he should have thought about that before trying to do something like that to his brother's wife, Now please leave my office."

It was hurting him deeply but there was nothing he can do. He has to take his punishment.

"That is enough mother... Charles told his mother she has been begging his father for a while and he knew it was not going to work....I will take your leave father." He added with a bow before he stormed out if the room.

The queen followed him to his chamber where he was going. He was about to close the door when his mother pushed the door opened and the first thing she did was to slap him across his face.

Charles couldn't understand what was happening today, first it was that woman who slapped him then his brother who almost broke his nose with some few punches on the face and now it was his mother who just gave him a hard slapped that he left his head spinning.