
Amour Interdit(Forbidden Love)

After King Leonard discover what was going on between his one and only daughter and her bodyguard, he decided to marry her off to another Kingdom, Will he accept the prince and move on with her life or she will go to any length to be with her first love. Read and find out. My first time writing please leave a comment. I hope you enjoy.

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Amour Interdit(Forbidden Love)Chapter27

Meli couldn't believe her ears was he trying to send a message to her or was he just saying it like that? she couldn't help but wonder ni her head.

Demetrius knew that very soon, people will start to ask about the heir probably they were starting to wonder when he will be born and he didn't want to force her to do what she didn't want to do.

The next morning after bathing Meli decided to have breakfast with Demetrius family downstairs, After breakfast was served he served his husband who said next to her nonchalantly.

As they keep eating she kept on studying one after the other, trying to figure out who could have tried to harm Demetrius.

First she stared at Helena but she doubted if she could have anything to do with her brother's attack they got along pretty well they seem like real siblings like first she thought they were really related well until yesterday.

Besides what will she benefit from killing her own brother. But like they say, never trust an innocent face. She was so innocent that no one can even doubt her even is she was the one behind the attacked. And like they say never trust an innocent face or those close to you, they are the ones who hurt us the most.

But still she couldn't imagine Helena doing it.

Then there was this King since she came here she has never been ever to read his expression, he doesn't communicate with her that much. Infact since she she can count the times they have talk to each other.

But she doubted if he will kill his first son and the next King of his Kingdom, for him he didn't know where to put him, so she decided to put him aside for now.

Then there was the Queen, could she have any reason to kill Demetrius at all, No!

'Wait, what if she wants to to kill Demetrius for her own selfish reason, may be she wanted her son to the next King.' She thought inwardly. She couldn't see any reason.

She looked at the Queen then to Prince Charles. What if they were ganging against Demetrius to kill him so that he can be the next King.

That must be it, may be Prince Charles wants to be the next King and that is why they tried to kill him. No she couldn't believe what she was thinking. She had to slap herself to wake up from that thought.

If that is the case then she has to protect Demetrius from them but she must find out if is truly them. But how?

Following them wherever they go, without getting caught, it was going to be risky but she was ready to take it.

She looked at Prince Charles and she just couldn't imagine Prince Charles doing that sought of thing, but since she got hear she has never seen these two getting along not only getting along but also they have never even had a good conversation.

Is there something they were fighting for that made them like that? Or is it because they were not related by the same mother? but Helena was different!

"Love." Demetrius called her bringing him back from her thoughts.

"Y..yes..my love." She said absentmindedly.

"Are you full? You are not eating." Demetrius was in cloud nine, for the first Meli called him love.

That was unexpected, he melted his heart the other day by calling him his husband not only that he called him by his name also and damn he loves how it sounded on her mouth.

"No I am eating." She said glancing at Demetrius then to her food.

She was lost in her thoughts that she forgot she was eating glancing at every one's food there were almost finishing. She had these questions in her head that she couldn't get the answers.

After finishing Demetrius took her to there chamber.

Meli was suddenly taken a back, what was so agent that she was being dragged in their chamber.

Once the door was closed Demetrius crushed his lips with hers devouring everyone corner of her lips, utterly tasting the breakfast they just had.

After sometime they parted and Meli slowly opened her eyes and looked at him as she catches her breath.

"What was that for?" She asked with a smile, she was not expecting that at all Demetrius to crush her lips by the door like that.

"I liked how you called me during breakfast." He stated with a smile she loved so much.

How did she call him that made him this excited she was lost in her thoughts that she had even forgot.

"Can you call me once more." He asked her.


"I want to hear it once more."

Oh God what did she call him, she surely didn't want to crash his spirit, come on Meli think, she scold herself Demetrius! Husband! Love!

But she has never called him Love before, What should will she, she was caught. She looked at him and she saw him waiting with a smile.

"My love?" It came out as a question she can't imagine the looked in his face if she called him the name he was not expecting. Do she kept her eyes on the ground.

But what happened next shocked her, Demetrius pulled her into his embrace and hug her tightly, wait did she get it right? That means she called him love Infront of his family. there was nothing wrong with that he was her husband.

She sigh a long in relief she got it right.

"Okay My love, I have to go now but I will come to have lunch with you." He stated with a kiss then left.

Today Meli decided that she was not going to close herself in the library she need to watch some people and also she needed to find out something from Enid and Rosa.

It was about time she get to know what is happening in the palace she was going to be the next Queen of this kingdom and she will gain nothing by closing herself up in the library.

She walked one by one into the kitchen and found people busy, when the servants saw her they quickly stopped what they were doing, and greeted her.

"Good Morning My lady." They greeted in unison.

"Good Morning." She answered them.

"You can continue with what you're doing, Enid Rosa can I see guys for a second." She called, the girls removed their apron and followed her.

"And where do you think you are going." A voice made them froze on their spot.

It was the Queen, the girls cursed, what was she doing there early in the morning? Just a minute ago they were happy that there future Queen was saving them from all the smoke from the kitchen, but now, they didn't know what will happen next.

They could just pray that they go with the princess.

"I called them, I need them to help me with something in my chamber." Meli stated.

"You had your maids, where are they? why do you need the servants from the kitchen." She asked looking at her with disgust.

Just when will she stop seeing this face, it annoys her each day.

"In case you don't remember they stopped serving long ago." She told her.

They were removed from their place after Demetrius found her that day, the next day he removed them from their places since they didn't put their eyes on her, the two lost their job.

Even though she begged Demetrius not to fire them it wasn't their fault but Demetrius didn't care.

"uhm I see, but make sure you return them." She stated, she completely had no idea that happened.

Meli watched her expression carefully, was clear, she was clue less about what was going on between her and Demetrius.

She didn't care at all, it seems like he didn't care for him, she could at least asked him how his marriage was going, or if he needed a motherly advice, she understands she his step mother but still she could have given him little attention.

Demetrius never cared at all, the only person that cares for him in this entire palace was Helena apart from her no one cared for him. How lonely was Demetrius how before she, came.

But wasn't she just the same, the day she got married to him, she was just pushing him away like he didn't have any feelings, she was not different from them.

She tried to convince herself that she had a good reason and also she didn't know but it was not helping.

"Actually I am planning to keep them." She didn't know if she wanted to offend her or not.

"What?" Came her shock expression.

"You My Queen, since I have no handsmaid I will take them." She said, she couldn't help but think that they were kind of rivals, from the start, what did she do to her?

"I am sorry but that can't happen." She opposed.

"I will talk to the King about it if I can have them." She told her the turned to the girls.

"Let's go girls, good day my Queen." She bowed then left.

The two girls also bowed and left with Melissa.

The Queen was left staring at their backs. she couldn't believe how this Princess always seems to win everytime they have an argument.

"I swear this is the last you win, you good for nothing brat." She snarled inwardly.

"Get to work what are you looking at?" She snarled at the few servants who were staring at her.

She couldn't understand why they were always only arguing in the kitchen where servants were staring at them like that. Now they were looking at her as if she swallowed a frog, she didn't even get where they got the audacity of staring at her.

Soon they will start to say that, she is the mother in law who doesn't like her daughter in law. But it was true, she didn't like her one bit.

Even if they were to be born again in the next life, she wouldn't like her.

Meli walked with the girls to her chamber.

Meanwhile Enid and Rosa were joyous inside, but they still didn't want to show it outside.

When they heard her saying that she will get them as her handsmaid they almost couldn't believe their ears, even though they were happy they didn't dare celebrate it yet or show it because things might change, where there was the Queen do not expect anything good.

After Meli closed the door, they were curious to know whether she was being serious or joking.

"My lady were you being serious when you said you want us to be your hands maid?" Rosa asked.

"Yes, I was being serious unless you guys you don't want to." She stated sternly.

"Who would want to woke for such a good lady like you? of course we want to." Enid stated looking at Meli.

"Thaz great, I will asked the King, then you might start from tomorrow but for now I want you guys to help me with something." She told the ladies and they were Joyous.

They were really lucky, The princess just saved them from the kitchen, especially from the wicked Queen.

"Ask us anything, what do want to know." Rosa asked.

"First I need you guys to take a seat." She told them pointing the couch and they looked at her as if she just stated something outrageous.

"Don't worry we are okay standing." Enid answered, they have never sit in any of the couch in the palace.

What will happen if someone find them sitting on the couch, leave alone someone, Prince Demetrius. No they didn't want to risk it. So they decided to just stand.

"You ladies can't stand what I want to ask is going to take a while so please." She told them.

"Don't worry we can manage standing." Rosa stated and Enid nodded.

"Okay I see,,,she said staring at them she understood what they were trying to do they were scared that someone might see them,,,,you guys don't want to serve me I get it I will go back to the kitchen and choose some other people." She stated sadly heading to the door.

Rosa and Enid looked at each other not knowing what to do.