
Amour Interdit(Forbidden Love)

After King Leonard discover what was going on between his one and only daughter and her bodyguard, he decided to marry her off to another Kingdom, Will he accept the prince and move on with her life or she will go to any length to be with her first love. Read and find out. My first time writing please leave a comment. I hope you enjoy.

Sharon_Beyonce · Kỳ huyễn
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Amour Interdit(Forbidden Love)Chapter23.

"Can I hold them?" She asked the man who was keeping them.

"Yes, sure." he replied with a beautiful smile.

The man opened the carriage and she put one of her hand and one of the cheek climbed.

"Hi there cutie, your so beautiful,,she commented taking a close look at,, so tiny."

All this time Demetrius was looking at his wife with admiration. He was caught up on staring at her that he forgot that they were in crowded place.

Mali was the one who brought him back with her question.

"Do you want to hold her." She asked turning to him.

The chick was making noise is like it wanted to go back inside, but Meli still wanted to hold it a little longer.

"No,no." He replied almost quickly, he didn't like where this was heading.

"Are you scared?" She asked still playing with a chick.

"Why would I be scared of that tiny thing?" This lady never gives up, he was sure that he was not going to give up until he holds it.

"Yes you are scared your highness, if you're not why don't you want to hold her?"

"No I am not scared." Demetrius stated confidently, deep down he was really scared, that chick was really tiny, he was afraid if he hold it, he might drop it down and he didn't want to crush his wife's spirit.

"Then hold it." She stated handing over the little chick and Demetrius had no choice but to hold it.

He couldn't believe he was holding it, the things his wife making him do, it was actually out of this world.

He could only pray that no one will recognize him, good thing he was in disguise if not everyone could have noticed him. Now he was only praying that she takes it back but instead of doing so she was caressing it as she talk to it. She was unbelievable.

"How do you know is a girl? you were saying her?" Demetrius asked.

"I don't, I can just feel that she is a girl."

"That is great, now can you return it, it wants to go back to the others."

"Yes." She said then returned it back.

"See you again very soon."

Just when they were about to leave the man asked for money and they understood, he might be keeping them for a tourism and that is the way he was earning his living.

"Keep change." He told the man and the man couldn't believe it he looked at them puzzled.

"Sir this a lot, I can't take it." The man stated, in her life no one has never pay him that much, it was really a lot, he guessed they must be rich.

But they way the were dress they look just like ordinary people, but ether way.

"I insist."

"Thank you sir and may God bless you." He stated with a smile.

"You too."

Demetrius has never felt what he felt earlier, ever since he was a small boy no one has never told him thank you or may God bless you apart from her sister, only her sister but it was only thank you.

But today he got to know how it feels, and it was all thanks to this goddess beside him, who was smiling like an idiot staring at things, she was just like a small child her father taking her out for the first time.

Not long they pass by the stall and she stops and Demetrius couldn't help but wonder why?

She took one hat and put it in Demetrius head and she put another one on hers.

"You look handsome, you...she almost forgot they agreed to call each other names but not their real names,,,you look handsome my dear husband."

"Thank you, you also look beautiful my dear wife." He said staring at her.

"Thank you." She thank with a blush.

"How much does it cost?" Demetrius was the one who asked.

"Fifty shillings each."

Demetrius paid then they left, he has never walked like this in this market this was so much fun, he was actually enjoying himself, it was enjoyable with his wife.

Not long they found a place where portrait was being painted, it was really magical, she has never seen something like this.

"Your highness, can we also get one." She whispered, she also wanted that, something that she will always look at, in bad times then she will remember this day, she will live to remember this.

"Do you want to?" Demetrius asked anything for her goddess, he will bring the moon and the sun for her then if she ask him to and return it.

"Yes, if you are okay with it." As she felt like she has been asking for a lot.

"Anything for you Princess."

She flashes him a smile and he smile back as he kissed her forehead.

"Can we also get one."

"Yes sure,let me just finished with this one." the painter said.

He was painting a couple and they were so happy together, they couldn't stop smiling at each other.

She also wanted them to be like that forever never to part ways. Not so long he was done and it was there time.

They brought two stools but she wanted something like a bench where she can be close to Demetrius while being drawn.

"Sorry to disturb you but can we find a bench?" She asked the painter.

"Yes we have one, do you need it." The asked with a smile.

"Yes, please."

He sent one of his people to go and get it. Demetrius was the one who sit first the followed by Meli. They sat next to each other.

"Are you ready?" The painter asked.

"Yes." It was Demetrius who answered.

Meli Leaned on his shoulder and Demetrius looked at her surprised he was not expecting that at all. She looked at him and smiled and she smiled back.

They stare at each other almost like forever, Demetrius find out her new side today, she was a good lady she knew exactly what to say, how to say it and also the right time to say it, she was just perfect in his eyes.

Right that moment he wanted to tell her that he loves her more than anything, more than bees loves the honey and at this point he couldn't imagine his life without her. She was truly his soulmate, couples made from heaven.

She wanted the portrait to be exactly like this and it seems like the painter got the message.

Not long the painter was done.

"Can we see it." She asked almost immediately.


"It is beautiful,,She stated emotionally,,what do you think?" She asked Demetrius who was also staring at it absentmindedly.

"Is beautiful." He commented.

"Should we do two more?" She asked.

"Yes." Demetrius answered without batting an eye.

After that the two still explore the Market, they went to the mall to buy her night gown to replace the one Demetrius tore.

They went to the mall and Meli just saw the prettiest night gown, she liked it the first sight.

"I'll get this one, isn't pretty."

Demetrius looked at her puzzled, was she really asking him, he didn't have any idea, he was sure she will look beautiful in anything she wears.

"What are you thinking your highness?" She asked again when Demetrius didn't answer.

"Yes it is and you will really look beautiful in it."

"You think?" She said blushing hard.

After they paid for it, they left and also they decided to head home, it was pretty late now.

"Wait? is that someone roasting meat?" Meli asked following the smell, not far away from them they saw the man who was roasting.

"We must try that Demetrius." She said pulling him there.

Demetrius couldn't believe what she was doing, in his entire life he has never eaten outside the palace.

"How much?" Meli asked Jovially.

"Twenty shillings." The man answered, the man seemed to be on his early fifties, he was wearing a hut a white shirt with black pants.

"We will have some."

Demetrius looked at the man he didn't know if he can eat this meat he even doubt if the man washed his hands before touching the meat.

"Did you wash your hand before touching this?" Demetrius couldn't help but ask.

Meli turned and tap him.

"What? I am just asking a normal thing and also we need to care about hygiene."

"Yeah I understand but your are embarrassing him Infront of this costumers."

"I am sorry."

"Is okay, I washed my hands before touching my food I also care about there well being, I know hygiene." The man said and what he was saying was true.

After what he experienced last year he had learned a lesson to remember.

"Don't worry Demetrius I got you." She told him, she sensed like he was panicking.

Not long the man gave them the meat.

Meli took a bite and closed her eyes as she chewed.

"Is yummy." She complemented, all this time Demetrius was staring at her.

"Why are you looking at me like that, is so yummy you got to try it." He said.

With that he tried and it was really delicious.

"So how is it?"

"Is,,,is,,, really yummy."

"Yeah I told you."

They continue to eating one after the other, until they felt like they were full.

"One last one then we can go back home." Meli said and Demetrius couldn't deny.

"Add us one last time."

The man looked at them as if they did something wrong.

"Is something wrong with our faces?" Demetrius was the one who asked.

"No, but you guys finished my meat."

What the!

They both look down and it was true, the meat was over, they looked at each other puzzled. How did that happen.

"How much was it?"

"Three hundred shillings."

Demetrius paid then add him two hundred shillings extra for what they have done and they left to the palace, arriving there they found people have already eaten.

They just waited for dinner, after eating they both retired to their chamber. Since they had a long day everyone was tired and they both fell asleep with Meli in Demetrius arm.

The next morning,When Meli woke up she found herself alone on the bed, he double checked, she quickly stood up from the bed and she was not expecting find her in the shower.

He was bathing then Meli recalled something he told her that they will bath together, they didn't yesterday because they were tired.

After seeing that he already started to bath, she slowly removed her night gown together with her panties and walks towards him.

"I thought you said we will bathe together." Demetrius was jolted back from his thoughts, he was just thinking about her.

Slowly he switched off the water and turned to her, he was busy wiping his face with his hands, when he removed them he almost didn't believe what his eyes saw. He had to blink several times in order to make sure he was not imagining things.

His wife was standing in front of him with nothing on, with a slight smile on her face, she was absolutely gorgeous. Her breast was exposed, her tiny little body was glittering infront of him.

Meli walked towards him her smile never Fading away,

"I thought you promised that we will bathe together?" She asked.

"Since you were still sleeping I thought I should take a quick shower, but now you are here." He stated his body turning really hot he put temperature of warm water but now it seems like he needs cold water because he was burning.

"Okay since I am here, we will bathe together." She stated getting closer to him and Demetrius was loosing at by the seconds.

Actually the reason he woke up early is to escape from her everytime she was closed to her he felt like she was seducing him.