
Amongusronpa: Prologue: High Stakes Horrors in the Vacuum of Space (1)

???: (Well… Here we are, right where I'm supposed to be. The place where I'm expected to be so we can get this story started.)

???: (If you're expecting this introduction to be something along the lines of "Oh, I'm so painfully average at everything I do… Please feel bad for me and relate with me because I'm an average nobody…" Well, you might as well get the fuck out since that's not happening.)

???: (This isn't to say that I think I'm a god or anything. I'm just saying I'm not expecting any pity from you nor am I gonna beg for it. Unlike how some other people may start their introduction, basically begging you to relate them to them.)

???: (Before we go any further, I guess you should know my name. I'm Norma, and no, I'm not a girl despite my name. I've gotten a lot of people who get confused by it.)

Norma: (As for my last name… Why the hell do you need that? I don't need to tell you everything about myself.)

Norma: (Anyway, here I am, at Sloth-Inner's official headquarters, where me and my sister, Axi, have worked for years to get here.)

Norma: (Sloth-Inner is different from most places where they basically ship you off to space. I know you're probably wondering what could possibly make Sloth-Inner a better space organization than the hundreds of others that exist.)

Norma: (Sloth-Inner only invites astronauts who are the best of the best in their field. The absolute number ones in their respective abilities.)

Norma: (So… I guess you could call them "ultimate talents" or something like that. Even if it's admittedly a little stupid. Some people like it, others don't but it's whatever, I guess. Nothing you can do about it.)

Norma: (I'm not too sure if the title fits but it's what's been used for a good couple of years now so everyone, including myself, just kinda goes with it. I think the title is okay enough.)

Norma: (It's considered to be an honor to be a part of this company, so many people have tried and failed to get to where I am now. Sloth-Inner is basically known as the number one space organization and is considered to be more elite than any of the others.) 

Norma: (The reason for such a high title is for their amazing technology that is gonna help a bunch of crewmates to explore a new planet on a new ship… I don't know what it's called. Sloth-Inner hasn't shared that information with anyone, not even the crewmates themselves.) 

Norma: (Which, yes, is a little weird but it's also understandable that they wouldn't want one to potentially leak their classified information, since Sloth-Inner has a lot of competition looking to beat them for their top spot.)

Norma: (If you're curious about the crew mates, they've all been assigned to this project and were given an ultimate talent to better showcase their wonderful abilities. They were also handpicked and sought out specifically because they were the best-suited for whatever will happen in space compared to anyone else.)

Norma: (If I could be honest, I'm not too sure what exactly qualifies someone as an "Ultimate" level. Sloth-Inner is pretty secretive about stuff like that. All I know is that I got a letter telling me what my Ultimate is and that I was now an "Ultimate Crewmate". I would ask but honestly, I'm not all that curious.)

Norma: (You're probably wondering what exactly my ultimate talent is since I've been talking about this for a while. Well, it's not extremely crazy or super important like some of the others, but it's also not something stupid like "ultimate lucky student", that would be ridiculous.)

Norma: (Mine is the Ultimate Electrician, I'm simply here to fix the lights, wires, basically anything that would shock anyone to death if they had no idea what the hell they're doing.)

Norma, The Ultimate Electrician

Norma: (But… that's enough about me, after all, I can't just stand here and ramble about myself all day long. Not to mention, I have nothing else to talk about, so let's just get this started.)

Norma: (I'm actually a little bit early, we weren't supposed to be here until around eight in the morning, so I still have about an hour to kill until we get a boring lecture about what we have to do once in space.)

Norma: (Even if it's still a bit early, I should probably just head inside. I'd rather not stand here and stare at the building all day long.)

With nothing better to do, I head inside and take my first step inside the building.

Once I stepped inside, I immediately felt a cool breeze rush over me.

Norma: "So… this is where we're supposed to be."

Norma: (Admittedly, the building isn't anything too noteworthy. You'd think that with such a well-known company like this, it'd stand out from the rest but it looks like a regular building. Kinda weird but whatever.)

Norma: (There's just a desk, some chairs, and a few paintings on pure white walls.)

Norma: (I wonder what I should do now… I still have an hour to go until the meeting starts.)

Norma: (Maybe I should explore a little. I'm technically a worker here so there should be no issue with that, right?)

But… the moment I took another step...that's when everything changed.

My head swirled and my vision began to darken…

Norma: (What the-? My head…)

Norma: (What's happening to me…?)

Norma: (It's getting hard to stay awake…)

Just before I fell to the ground, I realized something.

This was simply the beginning of something truly awful.

Prologue: High Stakes Horrors In The Vacuum of Space:

Norma: "..."

Norma: "..."

Norma: "..Ngh..."

Norma: "...!!!"

I opened my eyes and was almost immediately blinded by the intense lighting, having to squint to see anything.

Norma: "What the hell...?"

Soon, someone else… a blue crew mate walked to me and stood above me, staring down at me with curiosity.

Guy with "Dum" Sticker: "Ah… he woke up. Hey… are you okay?"

Norma: (What the hell is going on...?)

I sat up and turned toward where a bunch of other people were.

There were roughly fourteen other people in there, fifteen including myself.

Guy with Sailor Hat: "And with him awake, that makes fifteen, looks like we're all conscious now."

Norma: (Fifteen of us....?)

I didn't recognize any of them immediately until one of them called my name.

Girl with Goggles: "Norma!"

Norma: "Axi...?"

Guy with Cowboy Hat: "Wait? You know this guy?"

Axi: "Yeah! He's my brother!"

Girl with Flower Pin: "Y-Your brother?"

Axi runs up to me and helps me to my feet.

Once I got up to my feet, I did a quick scan of the room.

The walls were featureless with no distinct design to it.

There were a bunch of chairs on both sides of the room. 

I also noticed that there was a metal door that was slammed shut.

Norma: (Where are we?)

Guy with Ram Horns: "Well, glad you're finally awake, sleepyhead, you've been knocked out for quite a while now. I was getting worried that you'd never wake up, ehehehe. Don't think it'd be a great start if we had a dead body in this room with us~!" 

Norma: (Dead body? What? Was he talking to me? It seems like I was the last one to wake up between all of us.)

Girl with Heart Hat: "Hey! Hello? Are you with us?" 

Girl with Astronaut Helmet: "Calm down, he probably needs some time after being asleep for so long."

Girl with Flower Pin: "Ah… maybe. Is your head feeling okay? Do you need any medical attention? I can help you if you do!"

Norma: "No… I just… who the hell are you guys? Where am I?" 

Guy with Fedora: "We could ask you the same question."

Norma: "Huh...?"

Guy with Sailor Hat: "We're in the same boat as you. We woke up here with no memory as to how we got here."

Norma: "Really?"

Guy with Tophat: "Indeed… we're trapped in here for some unknown reason. What a troubling situation…"

Norma: "Trapped? What about that door over there?"

Girl with Crown: "Don't you think we tried already? It's locked."

Girl with Astronaut Helmet: "We have been trying our hardest to open it to no avail."

Girl with Hard Hat: "Yeah… can't bust it down either."

Guy with Fedora: "Seems like all we can do is sit and wait."

Girl with Witch Hat: "Easier said than done..."

Girl with Crown: "Ugh… I need to get the hell out of here! If this is what Sloth-Inner does for a first meeting, then you guys will never see me here again."

Girl with Leaf: "Complaining about wanting to leave won't get us out of here any faster…"

Guy with Sailor Hat: "Yeah, I agree. I get that you want to leave, we all want to leave, but unless that door opens, we have to-"

Before he could finish his sentence, loud beeping noises cut him off.

And then… a voice rang out.

???: "All crewmates have now awoken, opening the door now..."

A loud buzz could be heard as the door opened.

Norma: (What the hell?)

Guy with Ram Horns: "Well, would you look at that. Ask and you shall receive."

Guy with Sailor Hat: "Hmph..."

Girl with Crown: "Finally! It took them long enough. Let's get out of here."

Girl with Heart Hat: "I agree! Let's go!"

Girl with Astronaut Helmet: "Hmm… don't you find it strange that it only opened once all of us were awake?"

Girl with Hard Hat: "Huh? What's wrong with that?"

Norma: "It means they're watching us right now. The door could have only opened if someone knew when all of us were awake."

Guy with Cowboy Hat: "Eek! Talk about creepy..."

Girl with Flower Pin: "D-Do you think it's dangerous?"

Girl with Astronaut Helmet: "I don't know… but it's definitely suspicious."

Girl with Crown: "Well, there's nowhere else we can go, so why not just take the risk?"

Girl with Heart Hat: "Yeah! I wanna get out of here too."

Guy with Tophat: "I am still unsure, but we have checked everything in this room so perhaps we'll find something out there." 

Guy with "Dum" Sticker: "We have no idea if it's a trap or not..."

Girl with Hard Hat: "Pssh, you guys are worrying too much. What's the worst that could happen?"

Girl with Witch Hat: "We die instantly."

Guy with Cowboy: "A-Ah!! Such a big worst-case scenario, don't you think!? There's no way something like that would happen! It's absolutely impossible! Y-You're just trying to s-scare all of us with that c-crap!"

Guy with Ram Horns: "Well, you never know. Are you absolutely sure that it's impossible? Wanna give it a shot and find out for yourself?"

Guy with Cowboy Hat: "..."

Guy with Cowboy Hat: "Haha… I-I think I get your point..."

Norma: (Everyone seemed to be a bit on edge after looking at our new exit.)

Girl with Flower Pin: "M-Maybe… we don't have to go..."

Guy with Fedora: "What do you mean?"

Girl with Flower Pin: "Well… considering that nothing bad has happened to us yet… this room is probably safe."

Girl with Flower Pin: "S-So, I don't see any real reason why we should leave…"

Girl with Flower Pin: "W-We could probably wait in here until someone from Sloth-Inner comes to g-get us."

Guy with Sailor Hat: "That's not a good idea. There's no food or water in here so we might starve to death, we don't know how long that'll be before anyone arrives so we have no idea how long we'll have to wait in here and we don't know what's going on. For all we know, this room will blow up if we don't leave in five minutes." 

Guy with Sailor Hat: "I'd rather not take any of those risks so I'd rather have us look outside, even if it might be dangerous."

Guy with Sailor Hat: "Here, I'll go first in case anything happens, if it makes any of you feel better."

Guy with Ram Horns: "Hmm… Who made you team captain? I don't recall taking any vote to decide a leader."

Guy with Sailor Hat: "Well, if no one else will do it, then I'll have to."

Norma: "I'll come with you."

Axi: "What… Really!? Why!? Norma, aren't you scared that it's dangerous?"

Norma: "Well, if you took a moment to think about it…" 

Norma: "If this is Sloth-Inner's doing then, we shouldn't be in any danger since I don't think a well-known company would treat their employees like this and put them in a potentially life-threatening situation."

Norma: "If it's not… then why bring the fifteen of us here if they were just gonna kill us immediately? If they wanted to kill us, they would have done it when they were taking us in this room or when we were all in this room and still passed out."

Norma: "Since we're all still alive and none of us have been harmed yet, it's safe to assume that whoever kidnapped us wants us alive… for now, at least."

Guy with Fedora: "Yeah, that makes sense."

Guy with "Dum" Sticker: "Ah… well, now I feel a little bit better."

Guy with Cowboy Hat: "So, we have nothing to worry about!"

Girl with Witch Hat: "Weren't you just super scared like a minute ago?"

Guy with Cowboy Hat: "W-Well, that's because y-you were saying spooky crap to scare all of us!"

Girl with Witch Hat: "You're kinda cowardly..."

Guy with Cowboy Hat: "What-!? Hey!" 

Girl with an Astronaut Helmet: "I never said we shouldn't go, just that it might be dangerous."

Axi: "So then… we're going, right?"

Girl with Crown: "That's exactly what I said from the start, duh. You guys don't fucking listen."

The girl with a crown on her head stormed out of the room in a hurry.

Guy with Fedora: "H-Hey! Wait for me!"

The guy with the fedora left as well.

Guy with "Dum" Sticker: "Well, I guess it's decided."

After they left, the rest of us followed in their footsteps and exited through the door as well.

As soon as we stepped inside, we were in a room with two tables on the left and right of the room, a third one had a big red button covered by glass.

And as soon as we all entered…


The door quickly shut behind us.

Guy with Ram Horns: "Aww… I hope none of you guys wanted to go back in there, since I'm pretty sure that door isn't opening back up any time soon."

Girl with Crown: "Why would anyone want to go back?"

Guy with Ram Horns: "Well, we still don't know what's going on. Who knows, maybe we're walking right into our deaths." 

Guy with Ram Horns: "Although, I guess that would make things more interesting, wouldn't you agree?" 

Axi: "Huh? Interesting?" 

Guy with Ram Horns: "Yeah! Wouldn't you agree? Wouldn't it be interesting? If we were in a life-threatening situation? Wouldn't it be so interesting?"

Guy with Cowboy Hat: "I-Interesting!? The hell is wrong with you!? If we die here, are you gonna be laughing as we're screaming in pain while b-being tortured or something like that!?"

Guy with Ram Horns: "Maybe~"

Guy with Sailor Hat: "Stop it, you two. Now is not the time for pointless fighting."

Guy with Ram Horns: "Oh? When is the time for pointless fighting then? I might put it on my schedule."

Guy with Sailor Hat: "That's not what I meant. I mean that we still need to figure out what's going on."

Axi: "Maybe this is Sloth-Inner's way of introducing us to the company?"

Girl with Witch Hat: "That'd definitely be one way to start our first day of work..."

Girl with Astronaut Helmet: "Ah, wait a minute. Do you all see that?"

Guy with Sailor Hat: "See what?"

Girl with Astronaut Helmet: "The windows… they're all boarded shut."

The girl with the astronaut helmet pointed to the left and we noticed the same thing.

The windows were all boarded shut by a heavy-looking shutter.

Girl with Crown: "The hell is this? Why is everything closed up?"

Girl with Flower Pin: "Y-Yeah… This is weird..."

Girl with Witch Hat: "Maybe we're trapped..."

Guy with Cowboy Hat: "H-Hey! Don't screw around! There's always an entrance and exit in buildings!"

Guy with Cowboy Hat: "If there isn't, then how did we get in here? By magic or some crap?"

Guy with Fedora: "Maybe that's closed off as well, so there's no entrance and no exit. Meaning, no one can get in and no one gets out."

Guy with Cowboy Hat: "T-Then why would Sloth-Inner do that? That sounds r-really stupid and totally impossible!"

Girl with Witch Hat: "Maybe this isn't Sloth-Inner's doing at all..."

Girl with Hard Hat: "Then, what's the point of bringing us all here in the first place? Who would do this to us? If they aren't gonna kill us, then why would they want to bring us here? Is there something important here?"

Guy with Sailor Hat: "I doubt it. But, I won't deny that it might be possible that we're stuck here…"

Guy with Cowboy Hat: "You guys! Don't mess around! There's no way we're stuck here!" 

Guy with Cowboy Hat: "T-There has to be a way out of here!"

Guy with Ram Horns: "How exactly do you know? Hmmm?"

Guy with Cowboy Hat: "W-Well, I-"

Norma: (We're… all trapped here? With no way out? Who would do this?)

Norma: (Are we gonna be in here for a while? Why would someone kidnap us?)

Norma: (No, we can't actually be stuck in here, right?)

Norma: (Is this really Sloth-Inner's doing?)

Girl with Witch Hat: "This is weird…"

Girl with Astronaut Helmet: "I can only think of two reasons as to why the windows would be covered with shutters." 

Girl with Astronaut Helmet: "One, they're meant to keep us in, like some sort of quarantine or prison." 

Girl with Astronaut Helmet: "Two, they're meant to keep something out." 

Girl with Crown: "Urgh! Like hell am I gonna let them keep me trapped in here like this!" 

Guy with Tophat: "Well… don't you guys think it's strange? fifteen of us, all of us are workers for Sloth-Inner."

Guy with Tophat: "Such a strange coincidence, don't you think?"

Girl with Crown: "What are you getting at?"

Guy with Tophat: A-Ah… No need to be so aggressive, I was just merely pointing it out..."

Norma: "No, he's right. If all of us are workers for Sloth-Inner, then it's likely the reason we were all kidnapped." 

Guy with Fedora: "But then, why the fifteen of us specifically? The company has thousands of workers, so why would they choose to kidnap the fifteen of us? What makes us so special?"

Girl with Hard Hat: "Do any of you happen to be the son or daughter of the CEO or something? Maybe that's why we've been kidnapped?" 

Girl with Astronaut Helmet: "I don't think that's the case…"

Girl with Leaf: "Why would they kidnap all fifteen of us if one of us was the child of the CEO? You don't get anything out of kidnapping multiple people if that was the case. It would only increase the chance of being caught if multiple people go missing at the same time."

Girl with Hard Hat: "Well-"

Guy with "Dum" Sticker: "Don't tell me you're suggesting we're all secretly siblings or something. Since I'm pretty sure we'd all realize it immediately. Also, I'm pretty sure that not everyone has siblings or some of us already have brothers or sisters."

Girl with Hard Hat: "...No, I didn't say that…"

Guy with Fedora: "This is going nowhere." 

Guy with Cowboy Hat: "Holy crap! Do you think they're holding us for ransom or something!?" 

Guy with Sailor Hat: "I doubt it. If we were being held for ransom, why would they allow us to walk freely with no restraints? I'd imagine they'd have a gun pointed to our heads and constantly watching us if they wanted money out of this."

Girl with Witch Hat: "That is a fair point…"

Girl with Leaf: "But then, why are we-" 

Suddenly the voice rang out again, from a speaker above the wall.

???: "Welcome Ultimate Crewmates, to The Skeld."

Guy with Sailor Hat: "The...Skeld?"

Guy with Cowboy Hat: "Holy crap! Is this person who kidnapped us!? Ah! Please don't kill me! I have nothing you need!" 

Girl with Crown: "Hey! Whoever you are! Come on out here and give us some answers already. Show us your goddamn face!" 

Guy with Tophat: "Hmm… what a minute, what did they just say? Did you all hear that?"

Guy with Ram Horns: "Ultimate Crewmates..."

Guy with "Dum" Sticker: Ultimate… Crewmates?"

Girl with Astronaut Helmet: "Hmm? Ultimate Crewmates?"

Norma: (Ultimate Crewmates...)

Norma: (Ultimate Crewmates...?)

Norma: (Wait a minute, Ultimate Crewmates!?)

Norma: "Wait… Are you guys Ultimate Crewmates too?"

Girl with Flower Pin: "Y-Yeah! I-I am!"

Guy with Fedora: "I thought I was the only one."

Guy with Ram Horns: "So, we do have a connection after all~!"

Guy with Fedora: "Do you think that's why we were all targeted to be kidnapped? Because we're all Ultimates?" 

Girl with Leaf: "We already ruled out that we're being held for ransom but I can't see why else would someone kidnap fifteen well-known people." 

Girl with Witch Hat: "I have no idea…"

Norma: "All of us are Ultimate Crewmates..."

Norma: (These are the people I was supposed to go into space with?)

Guy with Ram Horns: "Well, while it is nice to know we do have a connection to each other rather than just being a random group of normal workers at Sloth-Inner who were kidnapped for no good reason. I'm guessing that no one here knows how or why we're here, right? Assuming no one is lying…" 

Girl with Leaf: "Nope, I have no clue."

Guy with Tophat: "We don't know how or when we got here but now we do have a rough idea of where we are."

Guy with Tophat: "Does anyone recognize the name, The Skeld?"

Guy with "Dum" Sticker: "No… doesn't ring a bell."

The voice continued its message.

???: "I would suggest you all introduce yourselves and get to know each other! You can make yourselves at home."

And then it stopped talking.

Girl with Crown: "W-What!? Hey! Get back here! I wanna know what the hell is going on!"

Guy with Fedora: "What do they mean by "make yourselves at home", do they expect us to stay here or something?"

Girl with Witch Hat: "Yeah… I quit working here. I'm giving this organization my official, "screw this, I'm out".

Girl with Astronaut Helmet: "I was hoping for some answers but all that announcement did was raise more questions."

Guy with "Dum" Sticker: "So… what should we do now?"

Guy with Cowboy Hat: "Well, umm… I… what can we do?"

Guy with Sailor Hat: "The best thing we should do is listen to that voice and look around this place, so we can have a better idea of where exactly we are and where a potential exit could be." 

Norma: "Why should we just blindly listen to them? That voice is probably the one who kidnapped us and brought us so why should we listen to their word and follow it like lab rats? Don't tell me you think this is some welcoming party for us."

Guy with Sailor Hat: "Well… instead of being sarcastic, do you have any bright ideas? Or are you just gonna pointlessly complain?" 

Norma: "Of course I do."

Norma: (I don't.)

Norma: (Shit, why did I say anything? I have no plans… I should have shut up and not said anything in the first place…)

Guy with "Dum" Sticker: "Well then, why don't you share this idea of yours?"

Norma: "I..."

Axi: "C'mon, bro... No need to feel responsible for this situation!"

Norma: "That's not..."

Guy with Cowboy Hat: "Dude, stop stallin' and just tell us!"

Norma: "..."

Norma: (I better come up with something quick, or else I'll look like a moron...)

Norma: "Uhhh… what if we do both?"

Girl with Crown: "Both?"

Guy with Fedora: "What do you mean?"

Norma: "The voice said that we should look around and make ourselves at home, so why don't we just do that…?" 

Everyone looks at me with an awkward silence.

Norma: (I definitely saved it.)

Guy with Sailor Hat: "You're just saying that we should do the exact thing you just told us not to do." 

Norma: (I did not save it…)

Axi: "Well, Norma isn't wrong! We should look around!" 

Guy with Cowboy Hat: "You're just saying that because he's your brother!" 

Girl with Astronaut Helmet: "Searching sounds exhausting… I'd rather stay here…"

Girl with Hard Hat: "Hey! Don't be lazy! Everyone needs to help out!" 

Girl with Astronaut Helmet: "I'm not being lazy… I'm conserving my energy." 

Norma: "For what?" 

Girl with Astronaut Helmet: "..." 

Norma: "You have no good reasons, do you?" 

Girl with Astronaut Helmet: "...Hmph… I don't need to answer you…"

Girl with Witch Hat: "Ehh… I dunno."

Guy with "Dum" Sticker: "Hey, come on guys! As comrades, we should help each other out!" 

Girl with Astronaut Helmet: "What do you mean we're comrades?" 

Guy with "Dum" Sticker: "We're all Ultimate Crewmates, aren't we? And we're all in the same situation so I don't see how we're not comrades. So, as comrades, we should help each other out so we can figure out what's going on!" 

Girl with Witch Hat: "We don't know each other… I'm not your friend just because we happen to work at the same place and have similar titles…"

Guy with "Dum" Sticker: "Well, we should introduce ourselves then!" 

Guy with Fedora: "Are you sure? I don't think it's a good idea for us to drop everything to start socializing." 

Guy with Sailor Hat:"..."

Guy with Sailor Hat: "Hmmm…" 

Guy with Sailor Hat: "Alright then, it's settled." 

Girl with Heart Hat: "Hmmm? What's settled?" 

Guy with Sailor Hat: "Let's kill two birds with one stone. We can look around and introduce ourselves to each other." 

Norma: "You want us to introduce ourselves while we're looking around?" 

Guy with Sailor Hat: "Yep! I think that if we do it like this, we might trust each other more." 

Girl with Witch Hat: "Ehh… I hate talking to people…"

Girl with Astronaut Helmet: "That sounds more exhausting than simply investigating. I should have said nothing instead…"

Guy with Fedora: "Well, I think it sounds like a solid plan. No arguments from me. I think we should do it."

Girl with Hard Hat: "Yeah! With the sixteen of us and some hard work, we'll get this done in no time! I believe in us! We'll definitely get this done!" 

Guy with "Dum" Sticker: "Nice to know you're so optimistic."

Norma: "..." 

Norma: "Are you sure?" 

Axi: "Huh? Norma? What's the problem?" 

Norma: "I mean… What reason do we have to trust one another?" 

A few moments of silence went by as I said that.

Girl with Witch Hat: "He's not wrong…"

Girl with Crown: "Yeah! I barely know any of you guys! You can't really force me to trust you guys!"

Girl with Astronaut Helmet: "I also have to agree…"

Guy with Sailor Hat: "Hence why we should get to know each other..."

Guy with Sailor Hat: "I can't really force you to want to do the plan but a start is better than nothing."

Axi: "Well, I think it's a good idea! I wanna know what all your Ultimate talents are!"

Axi: "In fact! I'll tell you mine right now! I'm sure you guys could already figure it out because of my special goggles but I'm Axi, the Ultimate Inventor!"

Axi, The Ultimate Inventor

Guy with Cowboy Hat: "Woah? Seriously? You're an inventor?"

Norma: "Yeah… that's Axi for you. She's been tinkering with stuff ever since we were kids. And I mean a lot of stuff." 

Girl with Hard Hat: "Really? That's so cool! How many things have you made?"

Axi: "Oh umm… just little things here and there."

Axi: "One time, I made a microwave out of some paper clips and tinfoil. And another time, I made Norma-" 

Norma: "Nope, nope, nope! We both swore we'd never talk about that ever again!" 

Girl with Heart Hat: "Huh? Why? Is something embarrassing?" 

Norma: "..."

Guy with Fedora: "The fact that you aren't answering is making me think the answer is yes."

Girl with Hard Hat: "Well, can you show me sometime? I'd love to see your inventions!"

Axi: "Umm… sure! I didn't think you'd be so interested."

Axi: "So, how about you guys? What are your Ultimate talents?" 

Guy with Tophat: "I'm sorry but just because you chose to reveal your talent at this moment doesn't mean that the rest of us did." 

Axi: "What? Really? Come on, guys…" 

No one says anything for a little bit.

Guy with Fedora: "Maybe after I explore a little…" 

Axi: "But-" 

Norma: "Sorry, Axi. Looks like they made up their minds." 

Axi: "Aww… Alright…"

Girl with Crown: "Ugh, are you guys done with this boring conversation yet? Because, I'm just gonna go explore if you guys are gonna slow me down."

Guy with Cowboy Hat: "What? Seriously? You're going to go explore with no idea of where you're going?"

Girl with Crown: "I'll be fine, I'll figure it out, always have."

The girl with the crown stomped off.

Guy with Cowboy Hat: "W-Well, fine! I'll go explore too!"

The guy with the cowboy hat left as well.

Girl with Hard Hat: "It's not a race… but they do have the right idea! So, I guess I'll be seeing you all later!" 

One by one, everyone scattered and left to go to different rooms.

Everyone but me and Axi.

Norma: "Axi…"


Axi: "Yeah, Norma?" 

Norma: "Before I go to explore, are you gonna be okay?" 

Axi: "Norma, I'm not a baby, I can take care of myself. You don't always have to worry about me or if I'm okay."

Norma: "Alright, I get your point. But, you know that I can't help but worry. I…care about you a lot, Axi." 

Axi: "I know, but I'll be fine, you gotta trust me! I promise that I won't get into too much trouble, so you don't have to worry about me so much, okay, Norma?"

Norma: "Okay… Just be careful, especially around the others." 

Axi: "Huh? Why? You don't trust them?" 

Norma: "..." 

Axi: "..." 

Norma: "Like I said, just be careful." 

Axi: "Alright…" 

Axi hugs me before pulling away. 

Axi: "I'll see you later, Norma." 

Norma: "Yeah, same here…" 

Axi walks away.

Norma: (I need to find out what's going on here…)