
Among us but I’m imposter

Me and my friends are still playing among us after last game and I start the game and surprisingly I'm imposter let's go on a killing spree. I go into admin again and fake swipe my card until the task bar goes up. Then I go to storage to fake fix wires after I fake that then I cut lights. I go to lights I see no body's there so I wait until someone comes. I see blue come so I chop his head of make him fall. Then vent into med bay then I make my way back down to electrical with the others and I cut reactor. I see pink all by himself so knowing me I slice his head off then I saw green come and I was hoping he was not going to report the body. My luck is terrible because he reports the body and screams cyan I say it's not me trust me plz so they all trust me and I say it's green. I had to make up something quick so I say I saw green kill in storage and I didn't want to die so I ran way and they believed me and we voted green. Now I'm almost to victory so the game starts up again and I cut lights again and kill purple in cafeteria because he was afk for some reason but all the other people are doing tasks so lights are still off so I go and kill lime green in navigation which was not good because there was red in navigation with me so I had to get out of there fast so I went into med bay and just walked right back out. After my kill cool down was done I went back and killed red and I won then I was so happy but scared at the same time because I thought I was dead for voting green out.