
Chapter 92


Ammy woke up quite glad that she was to go home that day but also not sure if she really wanted to go.Maxwell had not called her for the past three days and all she could think was that maybe,he wasn't really eager to have her back as she was.

It was past ten hours in the evening and she was packing her clothes when she heard a knock on her door.

She walked towards it and twisted the knob open.A young man stood there with a warm smile on.Ammy smiled back as she stepped aside to let him in.

"I see you are getting ready to leave,"Richard spoke as he walked further inside.

Ammy closed the door and got back to what she was doing.

"Yeah,I have to be going back to my so called matrimonial home,"she responded smiling.

"So called...?"Richard asked narrowing his eye at her curiously.

"Oh!...let's assume I never said that,"Ammy snapped smiling at him broadly.

How on earth would she say that before him!?

"It doesn't change the fact that you actually did Ammy,"he reminded her as he walked closer to where she stood.

"I am aware of that Richard,"she spoke keeping her gaze steady on his face as well as if waiting for him to say something.


She broke the gaze and shifted it back to her bag.

Richard gazed at her quietly as she finished up her packing then close the bag.Ammy could feel his tearing gaze on her and she turned to him.

"Wanna talk?"she asked looking at him.Richard crossed the space between them and grabbed her shoulders lightly.

"Can't you stay a little longer?"he asked.

Ammy smiled at him.

It seems they all didn't her want to leave.First it was Andy telling her not to go that day,then Leon and now him.

"You know that I can't do that Richie.Am a married lady and it's unhealthy for me to be away from my husband for so long,"she answered.

What a response that was from her!!..but it was indeed very true.

"I understand that but just stay for one week,"he insisted making her gasp silently.

One more week!...not possible.

"I loved it being here with you.It made me feel home but I can't stay any longer...and you all can come visit me because I definitely will,"she continued.

"Come to Maxwell's house?"he asked sounding as though that really was a bad idea.

"No...you come to my house,"she responded curtly.

That was true,it was her house just like it was Maxwell's.

Richard nodded at her while smirking.

Ammy was soon done and she sat on the bed.

"You know being married to Maxwell Storm was the worst decision I could make but am in now,"she spoke smiling quite bitterly.

Ofcourse she loved him but the fact he hadn't called and didn't show interest if she was going back or not, made her believe that their marriage truly meant nothing to him.

Richard joined her on the bed,sitting very close and took her hand in his.He looked at her beautiful eyes so warmly.

He raised her hand and tucked her hair strand behind her ears.

She truly was very gorgeous!

"Why did you marry him then?..."he asked calmly.

Ammy gazed back at him and gulped.

She would have loved to let him know but she couldn't.In no way could she tell anyone that their married was a charm.

"Because I love him Richie,"she responded.

That was very true ofcourse.

"But you just said that marrying him was the worst decision you could make,"he spoke with a frown.

"Yeah, because he is the last man a woman would fall in love with but I foolishly did,"she smiled as she spoke.

True too except that every woman fell in love with him or drooled him anytime they set their eyes on him.

Richard just gazed at her silently and nodded without any other word.


Meanwhile at Maxwell's mansion,

It was six in the evening.Max was sure that Edward would already have asked his wife out and so it was time to make his move.

He unhurriedly walked to Renna's room.Since she had come to his house and it seemed she loved being in his mansion more than hers, she really was welcomed.

He didn't bother asking her to leave his house,she could stay as long as she wanted...that was then.

But now...she could stay for some more hours.

The door wasn't locked when he got there.He pushed it open and walked inside.Renna was pacing in her room when the door opened.She had hours to go and she hadn't succeeded in fulfilling her mission yet and it was driving her mad.

But how could she do anything if Ammy had not returned from wherever she went?

Renna's gaze shifted towards the door and she smiled at what she was.She didn't expect to see him there but it was a pleasant surprise.

"Hey.."she began with a warm,sweet smile.

"Hey...you look pale and quite bothered,"he spoke,his gaze lingering on her face.

"It's impressive that you noted that but am fine.And it's good that you came,I will be leaving tomorrow,"she declared.

Max narrowed his gaze at her.

What had changed all of a sudden?

"That's your decision to make.In that case can I take you out...for dinner?"he asked calmly.

Renna remained silent for a while,her look steady on him.

Why would he want to take her out for dinner?

"Why would you want to take me out?"she snapped her question out of curiosity.

"Aren't you glad that I am?...I thought you loved me that you were trying to tear my wife and I apart.So why are you questioning my intentions?"he asked.

Renna kept silent as she looked at him.

"And you dear wife?...I bet she will die of grief if she finds out...why would you marry such a weakling?"she sarcastically asked,just to annoy him.

"We were not talking about my wife Renna...it was about us,"he corrected her.

"Is there us?"she asked curiously moving closer to him.

Max gulped silently as he looked at her.Was she acting hard to get now?...that game wasn't enjoyable with her...it would be much better if it were his wife.

He turned and began walking towards the door.Begging or forcing wasn't his personality.

"At what time?"she asked in a loud voice since Max was already outside the door.

He stopped,a smirk on his lips.He had expected that from her.It seemed that only that beautiful wife if his could ignore him but not even the arrogant Renna would.

"At 8 pm,"he responded then walked away.

Renna sank in her bed wondering what she should do next.Why would Max ask her out when she had somewhere else to be at that very time.

Who would she choose now?...her husband or Maxwell?

She ofcourse loved her husband now but she also didn't want to turn Maxwell's offer down.

She picked her phone and dialed her husband's number and called.

"Hey Hun,"the man from the other line started after picking the call.His voice calm and sweet.

"Hey,"she responded but didn't know how to say what she wanted to say to him.

How was she supposed to choose between them and why wouldn't she turn Max down?

"Hun am sorry I can't make to come for the dinner,"she began her voice low.

For the very first time,she felt guilty for lying to him...and she couldn't tell exactly why.

If it was love,she once loved Maxwell but lying to him didn't hurt her but it did that she was lying to her husband.

"Is everything okay?"the man asked concerned.

"Ofcourse everything is fine.Something just came up and I don't think I can make it to come m,"she explained.

"It's fine, maybe my friend will meet you next time,"he responded.

He was ofcourse hurt by that.Why would something always come up whenever he wanted to do something with her?

"Have a wonderful dinner then,"she spoke.

"Thanks....will you be going home soon?"he couldn't help but ask.

If something came up, then she might stay back in Gel for some more time.

"Ofcourse.Tomorrow....with you,"she responded smiling.

"Alright then...see you tomorrow,"he spoke.That was a relief for him.

"Edd..."she called him in a low voice through the phone.

"Yes..."came his short response.

"I love you,"she confessed.

Edd was quite for a while.They had been married for such a long while and yet,he never heard her say that.

It was for the very first time she was telling him that and he felt as though he was floating on the clouds.

"Are you okay?"he found himself asking and Renna chuckled.

"I am very okay and I mean Edd...I really love you,"she continued.

"I love you Renna...I guess you already knew that,"he responded calmly and she nodded.

"Ofcourse I did...I have to go now."

"Alright,take care."

"And have fun,"she spoke before the call disconnected.

She held it to her chest...she once believed that she was in love but this feeling was very different.

She checked the time before placing the phone on the nightstand.

It was almost seven pm...she had to get ready.