
Chapter 79

(Ammy's POV)

I arrived at the Emmy's residence quite late that night.I had to put on a spirited fight with Max before I could leave his dungeon.He had really insisted on my stay but I didn't want to.I simply wanted be away from him for sometime since I couldn't be away from him forever.

"Thank you for the beautiful offer but I don't think it's a better idea and I will be more comfortable there...not here,"I responded striding away from him as I headed towards the house.

"Am not asking Ammy,"I heard him speak as he followed me behind.I ignored that.He better ask,maybe that would make me change my mind but if he was going to be such a freak, then why wouldn't?

I could hear him sigh deeply as he walked closely behind me.I twisted the door knob open but before I could step in...

"Hello there, welcome home...I asked the chefs to prepare your favourite meals though it was quite hard to know what your favorites are Ammy,"Renna blithely announced.I had not even stepped inside and she was the first person my eyes set upon!?...

I glanced back at the man behind me and walked towards the stairs to my room without any word.I angrily took my travelling bag from the dressing room, picked some clothes from the closet and dumped them in the bag.U didn't understand why I was behaving in such a way.I never had the idea that he loves me in mind, so why was I behaving that way!?I paused when I was done packing as I comprehended what was best to do.Leaving or stay and witness my fate?....since it seemed like this was my own fate.

"I said you aren't leaving Ammy,"a cold voice embraced my ears as I was still dazing at space not sure of what exactly to do.

If only he could let me be for a sec, maybe I would come up with a sound decision but hearing his voice brought back the anger I shouldn't posses towards him.I fumbled to get hold of the zip on the sides then pulled it close.

Of course I was leaving and I wasn't going to listen to him.I harshly grabbed the holder and turned to leave but he stood at the door, blocking my way.

"I will appreciate it if you step aside,"I firmly spoke, gawking at his cold eyes.

"Listen to me, you are my wife and I decide where you go.So let's do this the easy way, you aren't going anywhere,"he responded, his voice cold and abit raised.

"Hope that's not a dare because if it is, then get your guards ready to help you because you won't be able to keep me here,"I responded in a low firm voice.That was too brave,ofcourse he would if he wanted to, he was super strong for that.His lips slowly curved up in a mockery smile as he continued gazing at me.

"You know that asthma thing of yours can always be triggered by your unneeded emotions and you aren't in a good state to drive,"

"Oh don't worry about that, I can always take care of myself but I will not reside with your mistress or your lover in my house...."

"Why are you even making this such a big deal Ammy, its my life and I decide who to be with so stop this.You are just a...,"

"A contracted wife?..."I asked slightly tilting my head backwards.I already knew that so I didn't need his reminder.

"Am aware of that Max and that should tell you that you have no right whatsoever on me, this is my life as well and I decide where to be and whatever time I want....am leaving,I dare you to stop me,"I hissed back at him.

Huh!...what a confidence that was.

Max gazed me for a while and I did him the pleasure of gazing back at him to show him how damn serious I was.He slowly stepped out of the way.That was all I needed, did we even have to fight over it!!...I walked away without sparing another glance at him.It was a wonderful thing that my car keys were always with me and not the driver!

I drove off the compound to Emmy's residence.I had been at the place once, when dropping Andy off, the other day but I had not stepped inside.How wierd it was going there at that time without any of them knowing of my going.That getting into my mind,I took my phone from the black purse I had carried and dialed Andy's number.The phone rang thrice before it was received.

"Andy am coming over am so sorry I didn't let you know early enough..."I spoke when she received the call.

"At this time!?...is everything okay?"I heard her perplexed voice.

"Yeah, at this time and nothing is okay,"I responded in a low voice, tapping the steering wheel with my thumb, as a remedy to help me not breakdown.

"Okay fine, let me tell Richard that you coming, he will be in a better position to convince aunt Emmy."

Did they need to be convinced? If Andy was there then I could be as well...no conviction needed!...all they needed was to be told that I was going there, not to be convinced.I ended the call breathing sharply.I almost thought that Max's idea of going to the family mansion was better but he would just come there at any time he felt like and I didn't want to see him.

I arrived at the huge gate minutes later.After the normal search, I drove inside where three boys and two ladies stood at the front door.I guessed, waiting for me.The place looked so serene and beautiful.No guards nor servants were in sight.I opened the door and stepped out.I was still in the same clothes I had worn that morning.A baggy short and a tight shirt.And flipflops, and my hair in a ponytail style.

Andy walked to me first with a welcome hug.She led me to her now family.

"Hello Ammy...am Richard and such a great car you own,"the young and very beautiful man spoke, smiling at me.I smiled back appreciatively.

"Thank you Richard,"I responded calmly.The woman, beside the other two boys truly resembled my mum with an exception of her blond red hair.She hugged me tightly just like a mother would.I struggled not to break down in her arms.It felt like I would shed all my tears and find the comfort I needed there.

"You have grown into such a beautiful young woman Ammy, more beautiful than I ever thought,"she spoke fondly.

Did she know me before this!?...I couldn't remember seeing her anywhere close to me.I smiled at her words warmly but quite confused.I glanced at the two boys who stood silently beside their mum and smiled briefly at them.I was led inside, to the living room.It wasn't too large but enough.

"Are you alright?"Andy asked concerndly as we sat at the living room.I nodded, smiling asuringly at her.

"Boys this is Ammy, your cousin.She is Andy's sister,"aunt Emmy introduced me to the other two boys who just smiled at me.

"Am Leon...you are beautiful,"the younger one of the two boys spoke smiling sheepily.He looked naughty.

"Thank you Leon and I love your brows,"I responded smiling, looking at his filled deep black brows.The boy chuckled happily and averted his gaze from me.The other boy was introduced to me as Martin, he looked shy and very quiet.All he could do was smile at me when the introduction was done.

"Would you like to have dinner?...I can prepare you something,"aunt Emmy began again, her voice warm and motherly.

"Yeah...that will be nice,"I responded smiling.I had spent the day in the hospital, a place I really hated.Max had brought me food but I couldn't take more than two bites because of the heavy smell of medicine and the pain in my chest.I was indeed hungry.I seized the opportunity to talk to aunt in private.

"Aunt, can I stay over for this week please,"I asked fondling my fingers.

"Ofcourse Ammy, you can stay here as long as you want and let me know if you need anything,"she responded and I nodded.I once felt like I was really at home, ever since I left the house we used to live in with my mother and sister.I now felt the warmth of a family, that which I couldn't get even at the Storm Mansion, where they had welcomed me in as their own.I now felt like I was among my own people.The house wasn't as large as my husband's nor were there guards and servants, but it had the warmth one would need.

I joined the rest back and watched silently, no one else speaking but Leon, who kept on dropping subjects of discussion with Andy.

"Andy did you and Randy breakup?I saw him all over Samantha today,"he started, smiling cheekily but his eyes glued on his phone.Andy who was also on her phone, averted her gaze to him.

"Why do you keep on calling him my boyfriend?...we both know he isn't my boyfriend,"she angrily responded.

"But you used to steal crazy glances at each other.I always saw that you know,"he persisted, now smiling broadly.I gazed at the two silently as they argued.

Andy widened her mouth and eyes in surprise and shock at Leon's words.

"I never have Leon so stop it,"she yelled at him in anger.

"And today you looked like you would cry when he was all over Samantha,"he insisted, faking surprise in his voice.I could tell that he was only trying to piss her off.

"Leon!!!...just say it if you like me and stop this hide and seek already,"Andy yelled at him again.

"Me!?....like you!...oh crap!"he responded with a nasty frown on his face.

"So you will pretend that you don't like me now, huh?"she responded, smiling teasingly.She was now taking turn in teasing him.

"Stop it both of you.You will argue when in school tomorrow,"Martin spoke seriously.I glanced at the beautiful man sitted opposite me.He was just gazing at them silently.I smiled briefly at the whole scene.What a wonderful home to be in.

After having dinner, I was taken to my room, where I laid down peacefully despite today's event.

It seems my idea of coming here was the best.No one asked my reasons for arriving at that time of the night, but if I was at Storm Mansion, I wouldn't have slept in peace until I told Milady and Maya what had happened.