
Chapter 51

Max picked his office phone and dialed a number.The phone rang for some seconds before the receiver received it.

"Yes sir?..."came the feminine voice from the other line.

"Two coffee cans of black coffee with two spoons of sugar in both,"Max commanded then hanged up the phone and placed it back on the phone holder.

"Make yourself comfortable my love,"Max spoke offering her a seat.Ammy smiled appreciatively before sitting on the couch, some steps away from his work table.

"I don't like coffee Max...infact I don't remember the last time I took coffee,"she spoke when she settled in her seat.Max pinched the bridge of his nose, disappointed at himself for not knowing what she liked and what she didn't.

"Oh,I was not aware of that...."he began and picked the phone again."I will tell her to bring you juice instead."

"No need and am also aware that you know nothing about my likes and dislikes either...so I will take it since you already asked for it,"Ammy spoke and smiled reassuringly at him.

"You sure?"he asked looking at her, and she nodded.Max placed the phone back on the phone holder, loosened the tie on his neck and went to sit beside her on the couch.Ammy observed every step he took and everything he did.She looked at his face and liked what she saw.His face was awesome and his musculinity was exquisite.She decided to awaken the naughty side of hers that had disappeared the moment she was separated from the people she loved most,her mother and sister.

"I love your hair, your eyes....the whole of you infact but your lips the most,"she confessed looking straight at his face while smiling heartily at him, exposing the two proud holes on her cheeks.Max's eyes widened at her statement but he simply chuckled and just gazed back at her blankly, not knowing what to say.

"Hhm!"he finally found his voice but not his words.

"Is someone speechless now?"she teased him even more when he remained silent but he shook his head while smiling secretly.He loved this stubborn her.

"Not really, just that I never saw that coming but I already knew that,"he proudly answered.

"Oh really...so full of yourself huh!"she responded faking seriousness.

"Yeah....and full of you as well,"he responded calmly, his gaze steady on her face.Ammy was confused by his statement.

"What's that supposed to mean?"she asked, her gaze steady on his face as well.

"I- I meant that am full of myself just as your are"he stammered his answer, though we both know that's not what he meant.

"Okay fine...tell me how you have been,"Ammy finally changed the topic and tried to sound as kind as she could.

"Somehow confused and abit distracted,"he responded honestly as he unbuttoned his coat.

"Why so?"she asked curiously looking straight at his face.

"Um...I don't think I know the reason why yet?"he answered looking back at her face.Ammy nodded and stood from where she sat and walked to the back of the coach where Max was sitting.

"Let me help you with this,"she offered and helped him take off the coat that he had already unbuttoned.She walked to his work table and moved to the pure glass swivel chair.She was about to place the coat at the back of the chair when they heard a knock on the door and the next second it creaked open.Ammy lifted her eyes to the door and her eyes met Monica who was standing at the door, holding the coffee tray, staring at her.Ammy smiled at her friendly but Monica faked a smile back.Max shifted his gaze as well and saw the two staring and smiling at each other.Although Ammy couldn't sense any fakeness in her smile, Max did, he could see the anger, pain and hurt in Monica's eyes and that smile of hers.He decided to break their gaze and smiles.

"Place it on the table,"Max spoke and the two ladies broke their stare.Monica shifted her gaze to her boss and walked towards the table.Max looked at her as she walked and placed the tray on the table between the couches.Ammy was walking back to the couch when Monica also turned to leave the office.Their eyes met again and Ammy also noted the strange look that she gave her.Ammy gazed at her as she walked past her and left the office.

"Anything wrong?"Max asked her since she was still standing and looking at Monica in her office through the transparent glass wall.

"Y-yeah...I mean no,"she stammered her answer out and went to join him on the couch.Max picked the cans from the tray and handed one to her.

"Thank you,"she muttered as she took the can in her hand.She sipped the coffee quietly staring at space.

"How is it?"Max asked her when she sipped the coffee severally.

"Not bad but not my liking either,"she responded calmly while smiling at him.

They stayed for some time longer chatting while Max worked until it was lunch hour.

"Max, I can see that you are still busy and it's time to have your lunch so I will go buy something from the restaurant outside the building,"she offered.Max looked at her and asked curiously.

"How did you know there is a restaurant?"

"I did a little survey when I got here,"she responded, smiling warmly.

"Okay, I will come with you then,"he spoke, closing the laptop before him.

"Noo....nope...you are busy and what will your staff even say about you when they see the CEO at the restaurant with a girl dressed in ragged jeans, and a crop top and sport shoes?"she asked looking at him.

"I also wonder what they will say now that they saw me kissing in public with that very same girl and yet am an engaged man,"he teased her while smiling at her.

"They didn't see us kissing....they saw you kissing me,"she corrected him sternly.

"And you kissed me back..."he responded still smiling.He was pleased that she cared about what the staff said and how annoyed she was about the kissing stuff.

"Maxwell...."she called to him, sounding irritated.If she had her own way, she would slap him for kissing her in public and he was now teasing her on that.

"Yes Ammy...okay fine, am speaking no more about it but am not letting you go out there alone,"he stood his ground about accompanying her.

"I will ask Sham to accompany me,"she suggested but he wouldn't take it.

"He is my guard....didn't you come with any of your guards?"Max asked and she shook her head.

"Did you drive?"he asked and she shook her head again.Max creased his brows but his eyes were blank and Ammy couldn't tell if he was angry or disappointed or glad.

"Then how on earth did you get here?"he asked looking straight at her eyes.

"Milady dropped me on her way to

work.I actually wanted to come to your place but she suggested that I come here since you would be at the office instead,"she answered honestly and his face darkened.She knew that he was now angry but she couldn't tell which of her words had upset him.Max picked his phone from the table and walked towards the door and Ammy stood at the same place stranded.She didn't know whether to follow him or just stand there.Max grabbed the door handle and pulled the door open.

"Aren't you coming?"he asked, his voice now cold as it always was.Ammy strode towards the door but he stepped out when she was some steps from him and closed the door.Ammy sighed frustratedly and grabbed the door handle and opened it.She didn't find him outside but since she had seen him walk to the elevator through the glass wall, she followed him.She was lucky to have reached the elevator before the door closed, otherwise she would have to use the stairs or the staff's elevator.She stepped in and stood beside him silently.They stood silently besides each other, none of them saying anything to the other.The elevator landed at the ground floor some few seconds later.Max stepped out of the elevator and Ammy followed him.

"Did I do or say something wrong?"Ammy asked when they were walking towards the the main door of the office.

"Why do you ask?"Max responded still walking.

"Your change of attitude...."she responded calmly but he just ignored her.The guards opened the door for them and they walked out.Ammy spotted Sham standing with the other guards and called to him.

"Yes ma'am..."Sham responded to her moving closer to where she was.

"Can you drive me home?"Ammy asked him when he was close enough.

"Yes ma'am..."he responded bowing his head slightly before her.

"Sham you take orders from me!"Max thundered when he agreed to do as Ammy asked without his consent.

"Am sorry sir,"Sham responded bowing his head slight before him.Max just looked at him and ignored his apology and turned to the girl who was standing and gazing at him.

"I thought we were going for lunch..."he spoke looking at her.

"And am supposed to go for lunch with a dumb man?"she retorted at him.Max just ignored her statement but grabbed her hand and pulled her to his side.He bent to her right side and;

"You do as I say dear wife,"he whispered in her ear and Ammy obliged since she didn't want to question him or create a scene and after all, the better way to win is to loose.