
Chapter 18

Their lips finally parted as they both panted for air.Ammy felt embarrassed.Her face was now red.She felt hot though the air conditioner was on.She couldn't even look at him in the eye.Max on the other hand was enjoying the view.He loved her reaction which made him wonder if this was her first kiss.She looked down at their entwined body shyly.Max knew she was avoiding her gaze and so he lifted her chin making her face him.

"Is my wife shy now?"he asked slowly but she remained silent.

"Anyway why didn't you kiss me back wife?Is it because you are a bad kisser?"The girl remained silent as he spoke.

"I will be forced to kiss you again if you don't answer,"continued seriously even though he was just trying to find out why she didn't kiss him back.Ammy was taken aback by his words.He was such a good kisser and his lips felt so good on hers but she didn't want him to kiss her again and so she spoke quietly still avoiding his 'melting' gaze.

"Because I..I've never kissed before."Max couldn't help but feel his contained joy unfolding.She had never kissed before..that means...

"You are a virgin?" he asked and the girl nodded shyly wondering how he would judge her.Will he see her as an immature young lady or would he despise her like how most despised the 'virgins' and made fun of them.She remembered that her friends were shocked when she told them she was a virgin at twenty years and they even laughed at her saying that she was still a 'kid'.To her surprise,the man held her waist tighter against his body as he took her lips into his again.He kissed her again but this time,the kiss was more intense and more passionate.He delved deeper into her mouth and explored it warm and tasty walls.She didn't know whether to be glad that he didn't condemn her as she kissed him back trying to catch up with his pace.Max held the back of her neck as their kiss got deeper and she dug her fingers into his silky soft hair.Max finally pulled out and they were panting heavily.He stared at her and felt a mixture of emotions he had never felt before.He finally loosened his grip and Ammy stepped back a little trying to compose herself.

"We'll have dinner with my family tonight so get some rest and prepare later,"he spoke and left the room unhurriedly.Ammy stood fixed on the same spot.She couldn't believe that her first kiss would so intense and passionate and that from a man she had no feelings for yet she loved it.She thought of the dinner and wondered how she would even face him after what had just happened.She finally threw herself on the bed and covered her now smiling face with a pillow.She didn't even know why she was smiling but she couldn't stop herself from smiling either.She was still smiling at herself when she received a video call from Sherry.She arranged her deep brown hair with her fingers before picking the call.

"Lovie do you mind explaining where you are?"she began as soon as Ammy picked the call.She could see her friend's worried faces except for the smiling machine,Alicia,who was smiling sweetly at her.

"Don't mind her babes...you know how motherly she can be atimes but like seriously where are you?"Alicia spoke now.Ammy remained silent for a while trying to create another lie but her mind didn't let her.She decided to break the news to them before it was too late.

"I know this might sounds very crazy babes but .....I signed a contract yester night....am sorry I didn't even inform you girls about it."

"Wait....what contract are you talking about?"Sherry asked worriedly.Ammy bit her lower lip nervously before letting out a sigh.

"A...a marriage contract,"she answered and the three girls fell speechless.

"With who?"Alicia who recovered first from the shock asked.

"The arrogant man....Maxwell Storm,"

"Now that's crazy," Anna barked at her before joining the rest in their awkward silence.

"Girls say something,"Ammy spoke since their silence was eating her up.

"Why didn't you tell us first?"Alicia asked sounding more than concerned.

"Everything happened so fast that I couldn't even think about what I was getting myself into.I don't know how he knew me or my family but he said I would see my sister if I signed the papers and I did .....am sorry."

"It's fine.You are definitely Lucky babes and he won't dare harm you but why did he choose you?"Anna asked.

"Can't you see how beautiful she is?"Alicia spoke,"but am sure it's not about beauty since he must have met other beauties before but I don't think we should worry too much then."

"Lovie take care of yourself.... okay?...and always stay in touch,"Sherry spoke and she nodded before the call ended.Ammy laid on the bed relieved.She was glad that her friends knew of her ware abouts and didn't condemn her for what she did and the decision she made.She was busy with her phone as she laid on the bed when she heard raps on the door.She went to open and saw Rose standing outside.

"Ammy...it's already six o'clock and dinner will be served in the next one hour thirty minutes so I came to help you get ready," she said and Ammy moved to let her in.

"Thank you.I will go freshen up.You may help me pick a dress to wear for dinner,"Ammy spoke and left for the bathroom as Rose headed to the closet.After the warm refreshing bath,Ammy came out and headed for the closet.Rose helped her relax her muscle with a message before wearing the green dress she has chosen for her.The dress has the inner part which was far away from her knees and the outer translucent part which went all the way to her ankles.She wore some makeup,which she disliked, and black wedges.Rose then helped her with her hair as she combed them into beautiful waves.

"Ammy.You really are so beautiful and you sincerely looks like a goddess,"she complimented her and Ammy smiled at her.

"Hope you are done,"a deep voice spoke behind them and they both jolted.Rose excused herself as the man got inside.Max studied her reflection and was satisfied by what he saw.Ammy looked at him and was struck by his features.He wore a tight black trouser and a plain white t-shirt which was tight on him.His hairstyle perfected his handsome face.

"We should get going now,"he spoke.Ammy stood and followed him out of the room.They arrived at the already prepared table.There were eight people sitted at the table dressed in expensive and good looking clothes.Ammy greeted them all before taking a seat beside Max.