
Amethyst Desire

"I hate you," I mumbled. His face didn't turn to the other side nor did his amethyst eyes leave my brown ones even once. That slap was a very harsh one but this man didn't even flinch. "You love me," he said. "No, I don't," I scoffed. I tried to slap him again but this time he caught my wrist. "Yes, you do and I can prove it," he pulled me closer and leaned in. A very obvious smirk plastered on his perfectly sculpted face. *One peck...* *Two pecks...* I didn't even realize it and my eyes were closed; my lips were moving in sync with his. I couldn't resist him, hell I didn't even have a single thought of resisting him. Not only did he own my soul but my body too was at his mercy. His tongue brushed my lower lip now and then, his hands snaked around my waist keeping me secured as if I would run away if he let go- like he feared I would disappear. My fingers were tangled up in his long locks of hair. And just like that normal kiss turned into a hot make-out when I allowed his tongue to explore the insides of my mouth. ~ In the world they lived in, 3% of humankind were cursed with the rule of 'soulmate'. They were born with the initials of their soulmate's name on their left ankle. They were bound to spend the rest of their life with their soulmate, whether they got along or not. Whether they loved them or not. Some continued to look at this rule as a curse, while some embraced it and saw it as a blessing. Things got complicated when Dove Stanley, a genius lyricist found out that her soulmate; an infamous pop star named Vinter Harris is dating her arch-nemesis Nina Robbins. Dove who shared a dark past with Nina became adamant about breaking the soulmate bond with Vinter, as she wanted to have a future with Vinter's half-brother Twilight. Dove believed that mother nature made a mistake to give her a soulmate like Vinter, so she decided to go against mother nature. But there is always a price to pay in order to go against the natural law.

Thevriter · Kỳ huyễn
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20 Chs


Dove's POV

"I almost forgot to tell you this..." Leviathan said. "I met your soulmate."

"He's an asshole."

"He seems like a good guy."

Both of us said it in unison. I gave Leviathan a weird look.

"What? You didn't find him rude?" I asked Leviathan. He shook his head.

"No... he was polite to me when I asked for his autograph for Bel," he said. I rolled my eyes.

Of course! Who am I kidding? Vinter Harris is polite to everyone but me, he has ways of winning over people's hearts- the epitome of kindness that he is, what a gentle brat he is.

"Where did you meet him?" I asked.

"At his father's company."

I gave Leviathan a skeptical look. He chuckled looking at my reaction.

"I was assigned to keep an eye on Oliver Harris," Leviathan explained. Oliver Harris?

Ahhhh! Vinter's father!

"What did he do?" I asked.

"He hasn't done anything yet- but there are high chances he might commit a Treason against our country," Leviathan said.

"And you are allowed to explain this to me?" I asked with a smirk. "What if I inform my soulmate about it? Or his father?"

"You won't. I trust you," Leviathan said. I let out a small 'tch' as I stared out of the window.

How can these people trust someone who's suicidal?

I wasn't always suicidal. But, when I thought life couldn't get worse, it did. After I was sent to the juvenile center, the inmates who were already there before I tormented me even worse than I got bullied in my school.

My parents didn't believe me when I said I didn't attempt murder on Nina, no superiors in my school believed me. I had no friends to lean on, no support that could help me stand up again. I didn't know who to live for anymore, my existence was becoming a burden upon me. I wanted to free myself from the weight of my existence.

Even though I have a soulmate, at that time I didn't care about finding his existence. I didn't care about him at all- I just wanted my sufferings to end along with me. I tried killing myself many times- 6 suicide attempts. 3 of them failed cause of my cowardice and while trying to kill myself the other 3 times, I was somehow saved by Leviathan and Belphegor each time.

People close to me know I'm suicidal. Even though I stopped trying to kill myself, I still get suicidal thoughts often and won't mind dying. I won't regret dying at all.

"We are here," Leviathan said as he parked his car in front of a huge mansion. Leviathan had already informed Satan that I was going along to their hideout.

"Gee! You men are rich! Is this a hideout out? Cause it's not exactly hidden and is perfectly visible..." I paused. "It's more than visible! It can fucking attract a huge crowd! How is this mansion a hide-"

"Chaos please stop your blabbering. My ears will start bleeding," Leviathan said in a monotone. I rolled my eyes as I pulled my tongue out at him.

We both got out of the car as he messaged someone to open the door for us. We both climbed the steps and reached the front door of the mansion.

After a while, the doors opened and I came face to face with a guy with greyish blue eyes and sandy blonde hair. I blinked a few times as the man grinned at me.

"Kitty!" I exclaimed as I pulled the man who is known as Satan into a tight hug.

"My baby grew up so much since I last saw her!" Satan exclaimed as he spun me around.

Now let me tell you a bit about Satan. Satan is the most ruthless sin of them all. But, he's also a housekeeper and sort of a father figure to all of the younger sins. Let me reframe it, he's more of a mother figure than a father figure. Satan's killing count has been the most out of all the sins.

Now, how do I know all this?

Simple! I watch the news and each sin leaves a unique sign of theirs after assassinating its target. Normal people won't get the meaning of those signatures they leave behind, but since I was with them for 2 years, I know about it.

"Levy won't let me meet you guys," I fake cried.

"I'll beat Levy for you, baby Chaos," Satan whispered to me as I giggled.

"I can hear you two, you know?" Leviathan said. I looked at him and poked my tongue out at him again with a poker face.

"How have you been, kitty?" I asked.

"I'm all fine and hey! I told you not to call me that!" He said in an annoyed tone. I love calling Satan 'kitty' cause he has got a cat like facial features.

"Whatever you say... kitty!" I teased as I got a glare from him.

"Where's everyone else?" I asked.

"Let me take you to them," Satan said as I nodded. Both me and Satan were walking together as Leviathan walked closely behind us. Satan is more of a talker than Leviathan. He gave me a mini tour around the mansion before taking me to the rest of the sins.

The sins were gathered in one of the meeting rooms they had. As soon as we entered the room I got engulfed in a hug.

"Chaos!" The man yelled. I know who it was, only one sin is too damn loud.

"Bel!" I said with equal enthusiasm as I let his warmth engulf me. How much I missed this guy! Belphegor is my comfort person; I know I can talk to him about anything and I will never get judged. He's my best friend and a partner in crime.

When I broke the hug, I finally got a good look at his face. His porcelain white skin due to the lack of exposure to sunlight, grey eyes and dyed platinum hair. Belphegor has very vampiric features despite being a human. He doesn't exactly go out; he's always stuck in a room playing video games or hacking computer systems.

"You look so skinny! You haven't been eating well?!" Belphegor exclaimed. I chuckled.

"I'm eating well, Bel..." I paused. "I'm so happy to see you," I said as I caressed his cheeks.

"Now, if you two are done being Lovey-dovey can I get my hug?" I heard Asmodeus' voice.

And here comes the most handsome sin, Asmodeus.

"Don't you look as handsome as ever, Deus," I said as I grinned. He didn't waste any time hugging me. It took me a lot of effort to bring Asmodeus back to normal.

When I told Vinter that I know someone who has lost their soulmate, I was talking about Asmodeus. His soulmate died, I don't know how or why but what I do know is Asmodeus was a very depressed dark guy back then. But now he opens up, especially to me most.

"I wish I was Chaos. Asmodeus never gives me a hug," Belphegor said dramatically. I cackled.

"Ha! I know I'm special~" I sang.

"You look pretty, Chaos," Asmodeus said.

"I know!" I said flipping my hair. Asmodeus chuckled as he adjusted his man bun. Asmodeus is the most good-looking sin; he has piercing dark blue eyes and brown long hair with a tiny cross scar on his right cheekbone.

The next one I hugged was Beelzebub, the humblest one here. He is the most mature sin according to me. He's a saint with the face of a criminal.

"How have you been, Bub," I asked.

"I'm fine and even better now that I finally got to see you after such a long time, baby," Beelzebub said. He has dark curly hair and green eyes. He's the shortest one here, still taller than me though.

"I'm so happy to finally meet all of you," I said.

"Aren't you forgetting someone?" I heard a deep voice from behind me. I rolled my eyes knowing who it was.

"Am I?" I asked turning around as I raised my eyebrows at the youngest man here.

Mammon, the youngest sin. He has honey-colored eyes and his ebony hair have a mullet cut, his hair's tips are dyed platinum blonde. Feels like he and Belphegor dyed their hair together, or I could be wrong. Mammon wears an eyepatch, it's his way of showing respect to Leviathan. But, there's also another reason why Mammon wears the eyepatch, it's to hide the vertical scar on his left eye. It is a secret but he doesn't need to know that I know about his secret.

"Come here, brat," he said opening his arm with a straight face. I will never understand this man. One minute he doesn't want me to be there and the next minute he wants to hug me. I rolled my eyes as I walked up to him, hugging his tall figure. Mammon is the tallest sin even though he's the youngest, and he also looks the oldest cause of his muscular physique.

"Who are you calling 'brat', brat," I mumbled. "I thought you didn't want me here."

Now most sins call me 'baby' because I am like a baby to them, but this guy calls me 'brat'.

"When Levy said you wanted to meet, I knew you were going to demand to meet the rest of the sins and Lucifer has gotten dangerous over years, I wasn't sure how he would have reacted to you being here..." he paused. "That's why I didn't want Levy to meet you."

"Aww~ Brat! Are you going soft for me~" I teased pulling his cheeks and he scoffed pushing my hands away. Because Leviathan doesn't fully trust Lucifer, Mammon doesn't either. Mammon has a cold exterior but he has his ways of showing love.

"Shu-shut up! I'm not go-going soft for you or anything..." he stuttered letting me go as he looked at everywhere else but at me. "I just don't want my rival to die or anything."

"Aw~ you guys! Just date already!" Belphegor commented from behind.

"Ew! Gross! No!" Both I and Mammon said it together.

"They even speak the same things together! Chaos are you sure Mammon isn't your soulmate!" Belphegor teased.

"I'm sure he's not," I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah! I have no soulmate you bloody computer freak vampire!" Mammon scolded Belphegor.

"My ship isn't sailing?" Belphegor asked as he fake cried. I shook my head at the overdramatic man. Since Lucifer was nowhere to be seen, I looked at Satan.

"Kitty, mind taking me to your leader?" I asked.

"Damn Chaos, you have just gotten here and you are already getting on my nerves," Satan said. "Come on, I'll take you to him, but remember, don't mess this up! He is nothing like the six of us, don't be too friendly, don't blabber bullshit! And no weird nicknames!"

"I know, Satan. Don't worry about it! I know he's a dangerous man and all," I said. "I promise I won't mess it up!"

I assured them I won't mess it up. I mean I do know what kind of person Lucifer is, so I'll deal with him of my own accord.

"Alright then, let's go," Satan said pulling his hand out which I gladly took. I looked at both Leviathan and Mammon giving him my biggest reassuring grin.

"Don't worry guys, I'll come back alive to you," I said. "Moreover Lucifer won't be thrilled to kill someone who already wants to die."

Saying that I ran away from there because I know Belphegor is going to get mad, he was absolutely against me being suicidal. He gets super mad whenever I talk or act like the life isn't worth living.

"THIS GIRL HASN'T GOTTEN RID OF HER SUICIDAL THOUGHTS?!" I can hear Belphegor yelling from inside the room.

"Bel! Calm down-" was the last thing I heard from Beelzebub before I pulled Satan further away.

"That was scary," I said.

"You still are suicidal, Chaos?" Satan asked. I shook my head.

"I just get suicidal thoughts, kitty. Don't sweat it, I won't try to kill myself," I said shrugging. Satan shook his head in disappointment. I know they all are disappointed in me cause they love me too much. And I don't deserve their love, to begin with.

"Here we are!" Satan exclaimed as I saw a huge door and behind the door, I know it was Lucifer's meeting room.

"He wants to meet you alone, so go on inside!" Satan said as he gestured for me to open the door. Out of all the sins, Lucifer is most close to Satan according to my observation. There's a deep bond of trust between both of them.

I nodded as I slowly opened the door. I entered the room and closed the door behind me. There was a huge desk in the middle of the room and behind the desk was a revolving chair. The chair was empty and since Lucifer's presence is always so undetectable, I looked around the room.

"Dove Stanley, you are here," a deep voice boomed inside the room, I got surprised by his sudden presence behind me so I turned around in shock.

A dangerous pair of heterochromatic eyes were staring right back at my brown ones.

Oh! he's human alright. But his one eye is still vermilion color, whereas the other one is darker shade of brown. I would be lying if I say that I'm not curious about this man. I'm so much curious about him that I would sell my soul to the devil just to satisfy my curiosity.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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