
American TV Series: Starting with Sheldon

Traveling through the world of American TV series, I gained a system for picking up attributes. At this point, the "protagonists" in American dramas have become good "leeks". Mike: Your king is coming! [Chapter Schedule: 1or2/Day] This is a translation of the fanfic

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Chapter 25 Does God Exist?

 In the remaining time of the afternoon, Mike went to the yard to find a shady place and performed several sets of high-intensity physical training.

  Because of the existence of the devil's body, Mike does not have to worry about physical exhaustion and hidden injuries.

  Continuous exercise allowed his physique to grow little by little.

  The positive feedback from the system also makes Mike happy.

  After several sets of exercise, it was almost evening.

  Mike wiped his sweat and returned to the room after taking a short rest, only to find Grandma Connie still drinking wine in the hall.

  "Drink less, it's not good for your health~" Looking at the few empty wine bottles in front of the other party, Mike couldn't help but persuade him.

  "It's okay, grandma knows it well." Grandma Connie was already three-thirds drunk, but her head was still clear.

  Strangely enough, Grandma Connie is over seventy years old and smokes and drinks every day, but her body is still very strong.

  Seeing that the other party was indeed fine, Mike didn't say much. After going to the bathroom to wash up briefly, he went to the kitchen to prepare dinner.

  "There is tenderloin in the refrigerator. Grandma wants to eat fish-flavored shredded pork. Remember to add more sugar..." Grandma Connie reminded with a smile when she saw Mike going to cook.

  "Okay~" Mike responded and walked into the kitchen.

  But before he could start cooking, Grandma Connie received a call for help from Mary in the hall.

  George had to go to the hospital because he felt unwell. Mary was worried that there would be no one to take care of her three children at home, so she asked Grandma Connie to go over and take care of them.

  Grandma Connie, knowing that she was not good at taking care of others, asked Mike to go to Little Sheldon's house with her.

  As soon as they entered the door, they saw Little Sheldon and three others, all sitting on the sofa with anxious expressions.

  The way George was covering his heart and looking pale was noticed by them.

  Father George, the mainstay of the family, suddenly collapsed, making the three children very worried.

  "Grandma, will Father George be fine?" Little Sheldon saw Grandma Connie coming over and quickly sought psychological comfort from her.

  Little George and Missy also looked at Grandma Connie expectantly, as if she controlled George's life and death.

  "Don't worry, George is so strong, nothing will happen to him." Grandma Connie calmed down and comforted the three children.

  In fact, she felt a little unsure. Thinking of Mary's eager tone before, it was clear that this time, George's situation was not optimistic.

  Seeing that the whole family was a little out of control, Mike also spoke to comfort them. Then seeing that no one had eaten dinner yet, he took over the task of cooking dinner.

  Grandma Connie calmed down after Mike reminded her. After leaving little George to watch TV with her younger siblings, she followed Mike to the kitchen.

  Although she tried her best, Grandma Connie looked a little drunk and was simply not qualified for the job.

  What's more, she still has something on her mind.

  "Connie, you go out and accompany Little Sheldon and the others. Just leave this place to me." Seeing that the other party was getting more and more helpful, Mike suggested.

  Grandma Connie was a little moved when she saw Mike taking responsibility at critical moments.

  If Mike hadn't been here, she probably wouldn't have been able to think of how to take care of three worried little guys.

  "Thank you~" Grandma Connie hugged Mike and thanked him.

  After sending Grandma Connie away, Mike quickly prepared several special dishes. In order to cater to everyone's taste, he also made the fish-flavored shredded pork a little sweeter.

  Until dinner time, the three children of the Cooper family had not yet shaken off their negative emotions.

  Grandma Connie thought about George and felt a little heavy. She realized that due to prejudice over the years, she had shown little concern for George, her son-in-law.

  The atmosphere at the dinner table was dull, and there was nothing Mike could do about it.

  "Mike, do you think God really exists?" Little Sheldon thought of what happened in church that morning.

  He believed that it was his doubts about God that brought disaster to his family. George's illness is the best explanation.

  All these associations made little Sheldon, a man who believed in science, have self-doubt.

  Mike didn't understand little Sheldon's brain circuit. He thought about it seriously and responded: "God? Maybe he exists!"    

  The existence of Jennifer proves that there are demons in this world. Since there are demons, it seems logical that God exists.

  Although he is dissatisfied with some of Mike's actions, little Sheldon is convinced that Mike is the only smart person in the family.

  Hearing Mike's answer, Little Sheldon fell silent.

  After a while, his tangled little face relaxed: "If God really exists, that would be a good thing. I'm going to beg him for forgiveness..."

  After saying that, little Sheldon dropped his knife and fork and walked aside to be serious. Get up in prayer.

  Others seemed not surprised by his strange behavior.

  I don't know if Little Sheldon's prayer had any effect, but after a while, the phone at home rang.

  Everyone looked at Grandma Connie and found that there were several empty wine bottles in front of her and she was lying on the table.

  Maybe because of the guilt in her heart, she actually got drunk.

  When the three kids didn't know how to respond to the situation, Mike walked over and picked up the phone.

  Sure enough, it was Mary's call. She said that George was still in a coma and in very bad condition.

  Moreover, she finally asked worriedly about the situation of the three children at home.

  Mike told her there was nothing to worry about at home, and then ended the call.

  Facing the expectant looks of the three children, Mike told them about George's situation.

  "How could this happen~" Little George and Missy became even more depressed.

  When little Sheldon heard the news, he once again doubted the existence of God. If God really existed, he would have heard your prayers.

  "This can't go on like this." Little George said worriedly, "I want to go to the hospital to see him." As soon

  as he said this, he immediately got the approval of Little Sheldon and Missy.

  To visit George in the hospital, you have to drive.

  Several people's eyes turned to the dining table, where Grandma Connie was sound asleep.

  "I know where the keys are." Missy said, went to Grandma Connie, and took out a bunch of keys from Grandma Connie's pocket in a few clicks.

  "Great, let's set off now~" Little George grabbed the car keys and was about to go out.

  "Wait~" Little Sheldon is not an ordinary child: "If grandma wakes up and finds that we are not here, she will be worried and may call the police. We'd better leave her a note."

  With that, Little Sheldon was about to run. Go back to the room to find pen and paper.

  "Wait a minute~" Mike stopped Little Sheldon and explained to the three children: "If Grandma Connie knew that we were going to the hospital to see George, she would definitely not stop it. It would be better for us to wake her up and ask for her opinion. "

  Although little Sheldon is thoughtful, he is still a child after all, and his thinking has limitations.

  Before the three children could think about it, Mike shook Grandma Connie awake.

  "What's wrong, what happened?" Grandma Connie asked with squinted eyes, obviously she was not awake yet.

  Mike told her their plans.

  "Well, we should go to the hospital to see George." Grandma Connie got up with difficulty: "I'll drive you right away..."

  Seeing that the other party was still drunk, Mike said that he could drive. Then he took the key from Little George.

  Grandma Connie knew that she was not in good condition and did not force it. She chose to sit in the passenger seat and pointed the direction to Mike.

  The group of people arrived at the hospital smoothly. Mary, who was waiting in the intensive care unit, looked more relaxed when she saw her family arriving.

  After learning about George's father's situation, little Sheldon happened to find a small church in the aisle, and he decided to believe in God again.

  (End of chapter)