

In Hollywood in 1994, the era of superstars was about to begin. At the same time, a fledgling actress embarked on a journey and opened the road to domination for more than 20 years She is an American sweetheart that never fades, an eternal deep-sea diamond on the sunken ship, and a stunning female thief and an invincible super agent. The Hollywood stars of the nineties shine, but Josie. Horton has always been unique, because no one can become the Oscar tumor and grossing queen of film history like her, and write her name into the textbooks of finance, the Internet and history!

ansh_singh_baghel · Người nổi tiếng
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103 Chs


The greatest luck in a man's life is that he is always asked to work hard to succeed, while women are the opposite.

The younger and more beautiful women are, the more they will be surrounded by countless temptations, as if they never need to go through any hardships to get in the way, and a light kiss can win the world.

However, after the fairy tale ending of the Brave Man defeating the Dragon, the rescued princess handed over the scepter of the kingdom to the Dragon Slayer Brave, which became the best decoration on the side of the throne.

Why, can't the princess accumulate her own strength and slay the dragon with her own hands?

Or, when the princess becomes queen, the brave man kneels before the throne and bows his defiant head.

The morning sun is shining in Los Angeles.

The humid air currents at 34 degrees north latitude bring mild sea breezes, and California is still warm in winter, but it is always so refreshing to see the gloomy and icy cold of New York.

At half past eight in the morning, Josie, who had finished practicing with El, changed her clothes and walked into the living room, and saw that it was different from what she had seen thirty minutes earlier, not only crowded with strangers in black suits, but also on the floor, coffee table, and sofa, with a large number of gift boxes, and even a few safes.

To be honest, this battle is a bit of an exaggeration.

"What happened?" Josie asked as she covered her chest.

"They're all here to give you red carpet dresses and jewelry." Eve flipped through her notepad and shrugged indifferently, "But the amount is different from what I expected." "

"Hello, Miss Horton, we are the brand PR of the C family, and Mr. Lagerfeld specially asked me to send these dresses over." One of the young women said.

Josie nodded, Eve and Martha had mentioned it to her before.

She looked at the others again and asked Eve, "What's going on with them?" "

Tall, slender Eve stepped on her four-inch heels and pointed at the men and replied, "David. Mr. Geffen had someone send a portion of the dress in the Rodeo Avenue haute couture store, which is the part you see; In addition, the three are from Tiffany, Chaumet and Cartier, and the others are the security personnel they brought with them, and they seem to have ordered the jewelry in the safe on the table for you. "

"...," Josie was really surprised, "Order for me?" "

It's not that she has seen too little, but the three safes look very bluffing, and the average level of jewelry cannot be used for safes and security personnel.

Who can have such a big deal?

Eve shrugged, "Tiffany is the jewelry sponsor we contact. "

"Yes, we are here to give you three sets of jewelry to borrow for you to choose your Oscar red carpet look." Tiffany's staff kept a polite smile, "Coincidentally, my colleague has an order here, and someone ordered a set of moonstone sapphire jewelry for you, so I stopped by and came along." "

Chaumei's staff said, "A gentleman ordered a diamond crown from us. Miss Horton, would it be convenient for you to confirm the receipt? "

Josie raised her eyebrows, raised her hand and made a faint motion, "Wait, let them all finish." "

Cartier's staff immediately said: "Your father Frank. Horton photographed a set of Cartier emerald diamond jewelry from the twenties three years ago, which we took care of and renovated, and it can now be returned to its original owner. "

The other party opened the safe, and a set of Art Deco jewelry lay quietly in Cartier's red box, sparkling diamonds set with green onyx gemstones in the shape of flowers and leaves, pure black agate embellished branches, a pair of earrings, a necklace and a bracelet, which looked to be worth a lot.

As for Chaumet's diamond crowns, bright white diamonds with blue tourmaline and purple tanzanite borrow from the famous Penny in design. Mrs. Whitney had a winged crown, but it was much lighter than it was.

In contrast, Tiffany's moonstone sets are not as expensive as they are, but have another warm and subtle beauty.

However, Tiffany brought three other sets of jewelry and immediately won in terms of quantity.

As soon as the safe of the three jewelry brands was opened, the other dresses that had just been unfolded from the box were slightly bleak, but the number of victories was dizzying.

"Like everything I've prepared for you, my dear sweetheart?" Frank. Horton's laughing voice came from far and near the gate, but as soon as he entered the living room, there were a large number of top brands on Rodeo Avenue, which made him stunned, "Oh my God, well, I don't remember I vacated Rodeo Avenue." "

Josie first greeted Frank and explained: "I'm picking my Oscar shirt." "

"Yes, it's David. Fitting arranged by Mr. Geffen. Eve's tone was somewhat playful, "But I just forgot to tell you that there are three of the dresses that your friends personally selected for you, and the boxes and cards are here." "

Friend... Huh?

Josie walked over and first opened the gift box closest to her, stretched out a male hand in the diagonal thorn, and picked up the small card at the top of the box before her.

"'Have a nice trip to the Oscars – K'." Frank smiled playfully, raised the small card and asked Josie: "Little girl, would you like to explain who this Mr. K is?" "

"Dad, you're such a gossip." Josie shook the velvet patchwork gown and casually placed it on the sofa.

Then she took out a dress with a different style in another box, and after dismantling, she gave Eve a look and quietly shook her head.

Eve then clapped her hands and said to the staff who were sorting out the other dresses: "You can go, Josie already has a favorite dress." We'll call Mr. Geffen later to thank you. "

The crowded living room suddenly emptied.

Eve also sent people from three jewelry brands, and then heard Josie compare the fiery red dress to her body while asking the rest of the people in the living room: "Which one do you think I should wear to the Oscar?" "

"The answer to this question is which lucky lad do you prefer." Frank poured a cup of tea and sat down on a single sofa and sipped it, "A mysterious Mr. K, a friend of yours 'Ernie', and a well-known Mr. Ugu - I have to say, my dear little princess, your popularity is close to that of me when I was young." "

"Thank you, Dad, if it's a compliment." Josie pulled a smirk.

"Of course it is." Frank said, "I think the white fishtail dress that Mr. K gave you is very good, and the moonstone jewelry with the white fishtail dress is quite perfect." "

"But there are no surprises." Josie commented.

"But you look good in whatever you wear, miss, I mean it." Dorota said, but in Josie's dissatisfied gaze, she added: "If you have to choose, this velvet is good, it is the right fabric and style that you will like." "

Josie's gaze fell on El, who wisely replied, "I think this is good too." "

"But if you are ready to accept Tiffany's jewelry sponsorship, I suggest you choose this black dress from the C family." Eve gestured to the stylist on the side to bring over the proposed styling blueprint, "Because if you wear black, Tiffany will not only not charge a rental fee, but is also willing to pay double the sponsorship fee." And Mr. Lagerfeld is now willing to choose your spokesperson, and your first Oscar red carpet may not be able to wear those gifts from blue confidants. "

"Okay. But for the party after the awards ceremony, I'm going to change into them – help me hang in the glass closet in the cloakroom, Dorota, thank you. Before Josie decided what to wear on the red carpet, she walked over to Frank and sat on another couch and asked, "Dad, why did you come to Los Angeles?" I thought you had a lot of things to do in New York. "

Frank glanced at El, who was silent like a shadow, put down the bone china teacup in his hand, and replied: "I set up a new company in San Francisco, and I just received the news from Cartier about the completion of that jewelry set, and I came to Los Angeles to meet my baby girl." "

"Thank you, I like it very much." Josie showed a bright and sweet smile, "Whether it's Cartier, or you can come." "

Frank also smiled and deliberately asked: "Then I am curious, do you prefer Cartier, or Tiffany, or Chaumei?" Oh, actually, I didn't mean anything else, just just curious. "

"I like them all." Josie said, "I love every piece of jewelry that belongs to me, they are very close to my heart, why do I have to choose?" "

"But you can't put them all on yourself." Frank seemed to mean something.

"But I can put them all in my jewelry cabinet." Josie casually said, "I can occasionally take it out and admire it, and I can occasionally spoil one of them, whether it is Cartier, Tiffany, Chaumei, here is the same with me." "

As long as they all belong to her, then why do you have to divide into three, six and nine.

Frank shook his head and said, "Josie, jewelry can be like this, but the man with you—no." "

Josie didn't have the shyness that a young girl should have, folded her legs together, and asked indifferently: "Why not?" "

"Dorota, Mr. Keiser, please avoid it for a moment." Frank gestured to the two - Eve had already seen that the stylist and the group had slipped away - and after they left, he leaned forward and pointed to an entertainment weekly magazine on the table, and told Josie in a serious voice: "Honey, are you a girl, or an actress on the rise." As a father, I support you in having as much fun as possible when you're young, but that doesn't mean you should be half-hearted, or be on crew with the kind of little actors who don't fit in—"

"I mean!" Josie suddenly interrupted Frank, "Why can't you men and we women?" "

There was still a slight smile between her eyebrows, but more of an irritated stubbornness, and a little undisguised mockery, looking Frank directly into the gaze.

She continued, "Isn't this from your words and deeds, my dear father?" We go to great lengths to climb up, not to satisfy our own lusts for power, not to be subject to others all the time. "

"Well said." Frank's eyes were deep, he glanced at Josie lightly, and replied: "It's a pity that you are a woman, and I am a man." People are envious of men's affair, but they cannot accept women wandering among all kinds of men, thinking that they are debauched and shameless. This is the most common and simple ordinary family value of the moment. If you're going to be a Hollywood superstar, you have to prepare yourself for a glamorous personality that fits their imagination, preferably with a happy family, a happy marriage, and fidelity—to put it bluntly, 'Josie. Horton' is not your possession alone, but a beautiful commodity made by a team. "

The smile on Josie's face slowly faded, and she was wondering whether she should panic like a normal girl or give a silent sneer according to her true thoughts.

After a few seconds, she still chose to perform part of the former.

As if in disbelief, she stood up and accused her titular father: "Commodity? I'm not a 'commodity'! Why can you say such things to me without guilt? I'm your daughter, not anything manipulated by you, don't you feel that your attitude is very callous? "

"No, I think that's reasonable. And I'm just doing what I can to help you, to help you recognize the reality of the profession of 'Hollywood star' early." Frank put on a connivant look, and his tone was gentle and gentle, "Also, as a normal father, concerned about the private life of my eighteen-year-old daughter, what's wrong with that?" "

What's the problem?

That's a big problem!

In the past ten years, I have not seen this "normal" father pay even a little care for his increasingly withdrawn daughter, but after this daughter grows up and sees her career success, she suddenly becomes a kind father -

What did he want from her?

The string that belonged to vigilance in Josie's mind quietly tightened, and the envy that had been only disguised disappeared, and she figured out Frank's current abnormal behavior in an indifferent and rational way.

But when she had just gone through those overly straightforward analysis and speculation in her heart, there was a sharp pain like pins and needles in her brain, as if a small whimper echoed in her ears, and a trace of bitter heartache made her feel the same way.

In an instant, a look of resentment and resentment appeared on Josie's beautiful face.

Her crisp voice rose and asked sharply: "Before you 'care' about me, why can't you take good care of yourself?" Or did Mr. Horton never think that the reason why his daughter became the way she was was because of her amorous father. Oh! What a 'normal' father, you allowed that disgusting mother and daughter to hurt me, after they used you as a weapon to hurt Edna..."