
American Comics: The Strongest Shadow System

David crosses over to American Comic World with his system. [The Strongest Shadow System is installing . . . .] [80% . . 90% . . 99% . . .] Join his journey and watch how he becomes strong in a world where multiple world is combined. Subscribe my Youtube Channel. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsEuXE0QgqZDxt7JweyBZHA More chapter's are availabel in my patreon. patreon.com/CodesGaming

Codes_Gaming · Tranh châm biếm
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19 Chs

Chapter 13 : Attack on Titan (4)


[Colossal Titan Camp]

[Research progress = 1/100]

[Completion time 46 hours 44 minutes and 5 seconds.]

David looked at the screen infront of him and said,"Well, I can wait for my second camp for a while and looked at his [Camp] Function.


Sombra Ninja = 500,000

Shadow Spiderman = 1000

Death Knight = 5500

Death Knight was the camp he gotten from his lottery.

[Death Kinght]

[The Death Knight is an exceptionally strong and fearsome undead warrior, capable of wielding massive weapons and possessing formidable combat skills. They are also heavily armored, making them even more challenging to defeat. ]

They look like Death Knights from Overlord anime but are riding horses who are full blak with red eyes and looked intimidating.

On the other place

Eren was being surounded by soldiers who had attacked Armin and Mikasa with him and he had transformed into Attack Titan.

Everybody sees the scene infront of their eyes in horror.

When they were again going to fire Commander Pyxis came and stopped them.

Eren, Mikasa and Armin where taken by Commander Pyxis to the top of the wall and Eren tells everything that he knows.

Commander Pyxis than asks looking at Eren,"Are you willing to seal the wall with the giant stone that was being destroyed ? "

Eren tha says,"I am willing to try. I don't know will I will even be able to close the hole but I wil try with all my stength."

Commander Pyxis than calls all the soldiers to gather and starts to tell everyone that Eren was an experiment made by military who has the power to transform into a Titan and can help them manually seal the wall's hole compeletly.

Commander Pyxis' plan involved utilizing Eren Yeager's Titan shifting ability as a strategic asset.

The plan required drawing the Titans away from the area near Wall Maria's outer gate, where they had amassed in large numbers after the breach.

This involved using a team of soldiers, including Armin Arlert and Jean Kirstein, to attract the Titans to a more centralized location.

While the Titans were being lured away, the rest of the soldiers, including the main characters Eren, Mikasa, and others, had to take advantage of the distraction and evacuate the civilians trapped inside the city of Trost.

This evacuation was essential to minimize civilian casualties during the operation.

The central aspect of the plan revolved around Eren's ability to transform into a Titan.

Commander Pyxis recognized the potential of Eren's power as a means to seal the breached outer gate.

The soldiers would use Eren in his Titan form to block the hole in Wall Maria and prevent more Titans from entering human territory.

As Eren transformed into a Titan and carried out the mission to seal the outer gate, other soldiers, including Mikasa, Armin, and others, provided support and protection to ensure Eren's safety during the critical operation.

By using Eren's Titan form to seal the gate, the soldiers aimed to regain control of Wall Maria, securing humanity's territory and preventing further Titan incursions.

Commander Pyxis' plan was risky and depended on the successful execution of various elements, but it was a crucial turning point in the Battle of Trost.

The plan showcased Pyxis' strategic thinking and resourcefulness, as well as the importance of teamwork and utilizing the special abilities of individuals like Eren to confront the Titan threat.

After all the preparation was made ready to execute the plan. Everybody gathered with each team.

The soldiers responsible for drawing the attention started to move and Eren and Mikasa' squad also moved to their destination.

When Eren got near to the the giant stone he transformed but due to Eren who wasn't able to control his Titan powers properly.

He attacked Mikasa who was near to him after transforming into Attack Titan.

The Elite Squad who saw this seen thought that their plan had failed.

Riko the girl in the squad said,"He is just like other Titans. We have failed this mission."

Just as Riko was going to ask them to leave this situation but Mikasa used her Gear and jumped right into the face of Attack Titan and said,"Eren, I know you are in there somewhere. You have to regain consciousness and complete the plan."

But what came was a fist that was aimed towards Mikasa but she doged it easily but the fist hit the Attack Titan and looked unconciousness.

Due to the presence of Attack Titan, Many other ordinary Titans start to approach the place where Attack Titan was located.

Just than Armin also came to the location and asked to Mikasa,"What happened ? Why is Eren lying down ?"

Mikasa told what had happened at the situation to Armin.

Armin used his brain and figured out that Eren may be in the weak spot of the Titan when he came out of the previous Titan transformation.

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