
12 to 21

"Hey, is it such a powerful life force? I wonder if I can't destroy it with the Turtle Style Qi Function?"

Sun Wukong looked at the carnivorous vines curiously. The horror of the carnivorous vines did not scare him, but instead raised a sense of fighting.

No matter who his opponent was, if he felt strong, he would have thought of a few moves.

in the universe.

Vegeta snorted disdainfully.

"What the hell? Broken plants don't matter. As long as I destroy the earth, it will cease to exist."

At this time, many armed helicopters and transport planes appeared on the screen thousands of meters above the carnivorous vines.

Written on their surface are the words Contained Object Containment Society!

Everyone's eyes widened when they saw this.

Everyone already knew that this screen was created by the so-called containment committee, but they didn't expect them to show up.

What kind of strength do these beings have who can publish videos and make predictions across the universe?

The answer will be revealed at this moment!

"Task Force Beta7 is in place and is now launching cooling missiles."

Electronic sounds came from the people inside the fighter plane.

Each fighter plane aimed at a different location in the town and dropped small missiles one after another.

After the pile of missiles landed, they sprayed out a large amount of mist, which spread throughout the town in a blink of an eye, turning it white.

Anything within the fog is frozen into ice.

Houses, grounds, cars, all without exception, and the same goes for carnivorous vines.

The carnivorous vines that were able to resist any attack before and fought back angrily were now unable to resist the freezing ice.

Even if the vines try to move, they will be immediately cooled into ice.

Finally, more and more carnivorous vines and ivy kept cooling into ice.

Then hundreds of soldiers wearing special forces uniforms and gas masks, holding extremely large devices that looked like rocket launchers, poured out from all directions.

Their appearance caused the already frozen carnivorous vines to begin to struggle violently, and the ice on the surface was constantly breaking.

Even if it is cooled to this point, once the prey is detected, the strange vitality will come into play.

"Continue to spray the freezing gas to stop it from rushing out!"

A man who looked like a captain immediately ordered.

Then the weapon in his hand sprayed out a large amount of cold air, and others also used the same weapon.

The carnivorous vines that had finally struggled to fall were once again frozen so tightly that it was difficult to escape.

However, this group of soldiers from the shelter did not dare to be careless and continued to spray cooling gas to ensure that all carnivorous vines were completely frozen!

"Start cutting!"

Then one of the task force soldiers took out a chainsaw and cut.

Obviously many people have tried to use this method to deal with carnivorous vines before, but all the results were that the chainsaw was cracked by the shock.

However, this time it only took a little effort to cut through the vines of the carnivorous vine.

The fallen part was still shaking, but now it is motionless. On the contrary, the remaining vines immediately grow new vines to fight back.

Seeing this, the soldiers of the task force nearby quickly continued to spray ice mist to cool down.

"Note that the cut-off part of the containment object will not be alive, but the rest will still be there!"

"Copy that! The missile bombing will begin in thirty seconds, and you should evacuate immediately!"

After the sound of the fighter planes came, they dropped missiles emitting ice mist again, ignoring the task force still in the town.

However, in the ice fog, this group of task forces was not affected at all and immediately left the town.

When the time came, all the fighter planes launched missiles and bombed every corner of the town mercilessly.

At this moment, there were flames all around the town, countless rubble and sawdust were flying everywhere, and the ice cubes melted instantly.

The originally peaceful town turned into a sea of purgatory fire at this moment.

This scene made some people look shocked and couldn't help but comment.

Fengyuan: "Are you kidding me? You actually bombed it directly. I'm not sure if there are any survivors inside!"

Zhu Xingtuan: "Fengyuan, calm down. Although it's not a good thing to do, you can also see that when it spreads to that extent, I'm afraid there will be no survivors."

Nick Fury: "That's right. In such an extraordinary situation, rescue is no longer possible."

Fengyuan: "But!"

Fengyuan didn't expect that even his own captain would say this, and he felt unwilling to do so. If there were still people alive inside, it would be life.

The stars next to them sighed helplessly when they saw this, there were some things they couldn't help themselves.

Warring States: "Wait a minute! What is that flying thing! Were the shells fired just now! What kind of weapon is this!"

Jiraiya: "There is such a powerful weapon, more powerful than S-level ninjutsu!"

Patton: "What are you talking about? These are fighter planes and missiles. How could you not know?"

Natasha: "Aren't you the Sengoku Marine? You don't understand this kind of air force weapon?"

Warring States: "What air force? We don't have any air force!"

Jiraiya: "Fighter? What is that."

Luffy: "Is this powered by a wind shell? It doesn't look like a ship like Enil, but it's so handsome!"

Franky, Usopp and Chopper: "Agree! It's a man's romance!"

Seeing these people's words, many people had to look confused.

Who doesn't even know about fighter jets?

Marvel world.

Tony Stark looked at the screen in confusion. Are the people from the Pirate Universe and Naruto Universe primitive?

"Wait a minute, one said pirate and the other said ninja, they can't really be ancient people."

Tony Stark twitched the corner of his mouth, if that was the case, it would make sense.

Why does this system find people from previous eras? It can't keep up with the dialogue of the times. It's very embarrassing, isn't it?

One Piece World, Navy Headquarters.

Sengoku looked at the words on the screen with a bad expression.

Those people knew very well about things like fighter planes, but he didn't understand them at all.

Speaking of flying tools, there are not many in this world. At most, they are large birds, or have the ability to move in the air similar to the moonwalk.

The only thing that can be regarded as an air vehicle is a ship that relies on the ability of the Golden Lion Shiji to fly.

"This is called the speed of a fighter jet, it's faster than a ship."

Kizaru couldn't help but admire.

"And the power of this missile is very terrifying!"

Akainu had a solemn look on his face. Only by attacking with all his strength could he achieve such an explosive attack that covered the town, but this missile seemed to be able to replace him easily.

Such a terrifyingly powerful weapon made Akainu's eyes glow with greed.

"Marshal, I think we should also develop such a weapon! Only in this way can we fight pirates more effectively!"

Akainu said excitedly.

Just imagine, pirates are running on the sea, the navy is chasing and bombing with fighter planes, and the other side has no chance to fight back. What a beautiful thing it is!

Sengoku agreed with Akainu's view, and then decided to visit Vegapunk personally and let him study this weapon!

At this time, in the picture, the town was transformed into a sea of fire, and many carnivorous vines fell down one after another.

Everyone thought this was how the carnivorous vine crisis would be solved.

But at this moment, a change occurred, and a large number of carnivorous vines suddenly appeared in the sea of fire, rushing towards the Mobile Task Force!

"Release the ice mist quickly!"

Members of the Mobile Task Force quickly sprayed ice fog to resist.

But there were still many vines that fought against the ice fog and killed the task force members.

At this moment, the fighter plane immediately launched cooling missiles to cool down the regrown vines again.

Then they didn't dare to make any move.

Missiles bombing the weak carnivorous vines not only fail to kill them, but also give them a chance to escape!

The terrifying plant properties exceeded all expectations.

Subsequently, conclusions were drawn based on the research of many scientists.

As long as the rhizome of the carnivorous vine is still there, it will regenerate indefinitely, and the rhizome cannot be destroyed by any means.

Therefore, in the final containment meeting, all the vines were cut off and the rhizomes were kept and taken away.

The video stopped here, and then the cold voice sounded again.

"Now predict where carnivorous vines will appear."

Everyone trembled when they heard this, especially Nick Fury who was particularly nervous.

"It won't be here again!"

Nick Fury looked particularly ugly. Having learned from the past 173, he was afraid that it would be his side again.

If that thing appears in the SHIELD building, it will cause heavy casualties!

"Get ready immediately to cool down the gas!!"

Nick Fury quickly arranged for Hill to be prepared in case the carnivorous vines actually appeared.

Kama Taj.

"It turns out that this plant is afraid of low temperature environments."

Wang's eyes lit up after reading it.

"In that case, we just need to use freezing magic, or open the portal, and press the snow from the Himalayas onto the carnivorous vines!"

"That's not enough. We need to maintain ultra-low temperatures for the rhizomes."

Gu Yi shook his head. She saw clearly that the freezing was only temporary, and the plant could still resist. It had to start with the roots.

But it doesn't matter. If it really appears in this world, she won't mind taking action to solve it.


Odin didn't pay much attention to this carnivorous vine.

It is said that the vitality of the carnivorous vines is very tenacious, but it is absolutely vulnerable to his Odin's gun.

"Brother, do you think you can deal with this thing when it appears here?"

Loki smiled evilly.

"Of course you can, I don't believe my hammer can't smash it!"

Thor looked eager to give it a try and almost said that he would appear in Asgard.

Odin behind him couldn't help but sigh when he saw this scene, and suddenly felt that he shouldn't give Thor the throne so quickly.

private plane.

"Jarvis, generate the document immediately and make a cooling weapon!"

"Received sir!"

Seeing the terrifying power of the carnivorous vines, Tony Stark decided to develop a cooling weapon immediately, otherwise he would have no means to fight against the carnivorous vines.

But if he appeared in this world now, it would be too late!

"Really, I should think carefully about weapon defense during this period of time!"

Tony couldn't help but punch himself in the head. He was so decadent during this period that he had no time to prepare for trouble.

DC world.

Bruce Wayne is typing away at the keyboard.

He has established documentation of anti-carnivorous vines, and cooling weapons have been developed in contact with Wayne Group.

"If it appeared in my world, I would have to grab Mr. Freeze's equipment first."

Bruce Wayne thought of an old rival of his, Mr. Freeze, who had a cooling device.

They are currently being held at the police station.

Bruce Wayne immediately found out Gordon's contact information just in case.

"Predict the results, Pirate World!"

When the sound appeared, many people breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, it did not appear in their own world.

But the spectators of One Piece World are not calm.

Thousand Sunny.

"What! Appear in our world!"

Usopp, Nami and Chopper hugged each other with tears on their faces.

How can they live if that kind of plant appears in this world?

"Appeared! Moving carnivorous vines!"

At this time, Brooke saw the vines of the orange tree moving and thought it was really there.

"Gunpowder Star!"

After hearing this, Usopp launched a gunpowder attack without hesitation, causing the orange tree to catch fire.

"That's what the wind blows! And my orange tree!"

When Nami saw her beloved orange tree destroyed, she instantly transformed into a demon and punched Usopp down.

Then quickly use the weather stick to summon rain.

Next to him, Sanji quickly helped put out the fire, and when he was getting water, he didn't forget to step on Usopp.

"Haha, it's interesting to see you here. I want to see if it can really cut it off."

On the contrary, Sauron is burning with fighting spirit, he will not back down!

"Super! Just come over here!"

Frankie also squared off.

"Feel free to come over here!"

Luffy also stood up and was eager to try.

"Don't get excited yet, he may not appear near us."

Robin kept looking at the screen.

I saw the screen switch to an island.

A small boat docked on the island.

Then there was a fat, ugly man strutting down.

"The place where the Navy meets us is right here, Ace, enjoy your last freedom!"

The man looked towards the boat with a smirk.

I saw a man with a bare upper body and a skull tattoo on his back being handcuffed to the stern of the boat, looking weak.


When Luffy saw this person, he shouted in shock, wasn't this person his brother Fire Fist Ace! Why were you caught?

"That person was in Demon Valley Town!"

Zoro recognized that person. When they were about to go to Sky Island, those people tried to catch them.

"Why was Ace caught? Why didn't he run away!"

When Luffy saw his brother's appearance, he couldn't help but jump up and down in excitement, wishing he could fly into the screen and rescue Ace.

"He should be cuffed by Hailou Shi."

Robin knew the answer immediately.

"Who is that person and why do you want to capture your brother?"

Nami looked confused. In her impression, Ace was very strong. How could he be caught so easily?

Navy Headquarters.

"Fire Fist Ace! That man is Teach who calls himself Blackbeard!"

When Warring States saw this, his expression changed. He didn't expect that Fire Fist Ace would be involved.

He remembered that a few days ago, a newcomer named Teach captured Fire Fist Ace in exchange for the position of the Shichibukai.

Then the World Government made an appointment with him to meet at the Kerry Islands to hand over Ace, but he didn't expect that carnivorous vines would appear there.

"Damn it! If Fire Fist Ace escapes in the chaos, we'll be in trouble, but the navy just coming for reinforcements won't be enough to deal with it!"

When Warring States thought about the various strengths displayed by the carnivorous vines on the screen, he knew that it would be difficult for the navy below the rank of lieutenant general to fight against such a monster. No matter how many they had, they would only be used as food.

"That's right! Kuzan!"

Then Sengoku immediately thought of Aokiji. He was a user with frozen fruit abilities and a man who had the ability to deal with carnivorous vines, so he quickly called the phone bug.

"Hey, Marshal, what's going on?"

Qingzhi asked in confusion after answering the phone.

"Are you and Garp together? Go to the Kerry Islands immediately!"

Warring States immediately issued the order.

Returning to the Navy Headquarters from the Seven Islands of the Water, we will pass by the Kerry Islands on the way. It is almost time to go to support.

"Ah? Isn't that the place where Fire Fist Ace is handed over? What are you doing there?"

Qing Zhi asked puzzledly.

On the other end of the phone, Aokiji glanced at Garp's back. He was silent and didn't know what he was thinking.

"Don't worry about it. There is a monster more terrifying than Fire Fist Ace on that island! Only you can solve it! Get there quickly!"

Hearing what Warring States Period said, Qingzhi's lazy expression gradually faded away.

"I understand, I'll rush there immediately."

After Qingzhi finished speaking, he stood up immediately. When he was about to say hello to Garp, he found that the person was gone.

I saw that in the distant sky, Garp had turned into a small dot.

"Oh my, are you so concerned about your grandson? He's obviously not a relative."

Aoki shook his head helplessly, and then immediately used the Moon Step to catch up with Garp.

At this time in the Kerry Islands, Teach took his crew off the ship, preparing to have something to eat and waiting for the navy to arrive.


At this time, Teach felt something and immediately stopped, pulled out his pistol and looked ahead.

I saw a large group of people running in front. If I looked closely, their faces were filled with fear, as if something was chasing them from behind.


Then all of a sudden! The building behind the group of people suddenly exploded, and countless vines stretched out from it, rushing towards the crowd crazily, catching everyone who was escaping!

"What kind of monster is this?"

Teach was stunned when he saw this kind of vine. He had been wandering in the New World and the Great Channel for many years and had seen many plant monsters, but this was the first time he had seen such a fierce one.

"Jump up now!"

Just then Tikki felt something and jumped up immediately.

The other crew members followed suit and saw many vines sprouting from under their feet, tearing up the ground and growing straight towards them!

The carnivorous vines grew rapidly, and in a blink of an eye, they exceeded the height of Blackbeard and the others, and were about to wrap around them.

When the audience in the One Piece world saw this scene, they all felt that they were dead.

After all, how could a group of medieval people deal with such a monster?

"Dark acupoint!"

At this critical moment, Teach erupted with a large amount of dark energy, enveloping him and the crew in it.

And it sucked all the vines into the darkness and disappeared.

The darkness seemed endless, no matter how many vines poured in, they could not break through.

At this moment, the bunch of vines shifted their attack targets and rushed towards Ace, but he was not within the range of the dark acupoint.

In the blink of an eye, it was entangled by several thick vines.


When Luffy saw this scene, he immediately became anxious. Ace couldn't use his powers with the Sea Tower Stone now. If he was caught, he would be dead!

This made Luffy anxious and didn't know what to do. He couldn't help but punch the screen several times, hoping to help Ace, but it had no effect at all!

At this moment, Ace felt intense pain, his body was compressing, and screams were coming from all over his body, making him roll his eyes and die at any moment.


At this moment, the sound of objects breaking was heard, and then Ace's originally white eyes suddenly flashed with fire.

"Hoo ho ho!!"

Ace's whole body turned into flames and spread out in all directions, making it impossible for the vines to grab hold of him.

Then the flames flew into the distance like meteors, and finally landed on a small hill, transforming back into Ace's true form!


Ace was surprised at how he survived the disaster, but before he could rejoice, he saw a large number of vines rushing towards him and piercing his body directly.

If it were an ordinary person, this would have been long dead, but Ace is a flame man with the ability to burn the Burning Fruit. Once he enters the elemental form, he will not be harmed.

"I don't know what you are, but you are very dangerous! Fire Fist!"

Ace sensed that something was wrong and immediately punched out, erupting into a huge flame that spewed towards the vines like a waterfall.

Swallow a large number of vines into the sea of fire!

However, what Ace didn't expect was that so many vines were not affected by the flames at all and kept passing through the flames towards him.

This forced Ace to quickly turn into flames and take off into the air to keep his distance, and then continued to launch flame attacks.


Just then Teach's voice sounded, and the black hole he created spewed out a large number of crushed vines, knocking away the other approaching vines, giving them time to escape and keep as far away from the carnivorous vines as possible.

"What kind of monster is this! And why did Ace run out!"

Teach looked anxiously at Ace in the distance.

If Ace ran away, his plan would not come true.

But this pile of vines is very tough and difficult to destroy!

Thousand Sunny.

When Luffy saw Ace getting out of trouble, he immediately raised his hands and cheered in excitement.

"Great! Ace ran out! Yahoo!!"

Then he hugged Usopp and Chopper directly and did a weird dance to celebrate.

"Hufufu, that's great. Fortunately, the Hailou Stone was destroyed first, allowing Ace to use the fruit's ability."

Nami let out a breath and relaxed.

If Ace died, I don't know what would happen to this troublesome captain.

"It's just that the danger cannot be eliminated. Ace can't get rid of these vines."

Zoro looked at the screen solemnly, while also paying attention to Teach's condition.

Sure enough, this guy is not simple, he is very strong.

"No problem, Ace will definitely be able to escape!"

Luffy was very confident that as long as Ace was not restrained by the sea tower stone, he would definitely survive!

Navy Headquarters.

Sengoku stared at the screen with an ugly expression.

Unexpectedly, Fire Fist Ace escaped. If you miss this opportunity, you won't be able to catch him!

"Where's the Qing Pheasant! Get there quickly!"

Sengoku could only urge Aokiji to hurry up. It would be best if he captured the carnivorous vines and even Ace!

"Garp, it seems he's here too. That guy, please don't cause trouble behind him."

Thinking of this, Warring States had to worry about this problem.

As an old friend, he knows better than anyone how much Garp values family ties.

The only thing that can restrain him is the word justice.

At this time, viewers from other worlds asked countless questions.

They thought that the people on the screen would be killed by carnivorous vines, but they actually exploded with various abilities, which shocked them!

Tony Stark: "What's going on! What did the fat man release, and why did the naked man turn into flames!"

Jiraiya: "What kind of ninjutsu is this? Fire Release is not that outrageous! That darkness is a bit like Yin Release."

Nick Fury: "That guy named Jiraiya, I don't even understand the ninjutsu you're talking about, okay? This is a super power!"

Sun Wukong: "A person with super powers, like a dumpling?"

Bruce Wayne: "Why did it involve food? That guy named Luffy, you are from the same world, right? Can you explain it?"

Luffy: "It's the Devil Fruit I mentioned before. Eating Devil Fruit can give you great power. Ace just eats the natural Devil Fruit. If you burn the fruit, your whole body can turn into flames."

Tony Stark: "What superpower does that fat man use? What is the black thing that comes out?"

Luffy: "I don't know about that either."

Robin: "I think it's the ability of the Darkness Fruit. It's said to be able to release darkness and absorb everything."

Seeing this, everyone remembered that Luffy did say something about Devil Fruit, but they just ignored it because of what happened later. They didn't expect that this so-called Devil Fruit could be so powerful!

Marvel, Karma Taj.

Furuichi shook his fan and looked at the screen's remarks.

"Is it dark? It's far different from Dormammu's. It's just that you can get superpowers by eating the fruit, which is like a magic prop."

Gu Yi is very clear about this kind of thing. There are many magic props in this world that can gain power as soon as they are obtained.

It's just that eating it like this is very rare.

"This guy named Luffy said that after eating a Devil Fruit, you will lose your physical strength when you touch the sea water. Such a price is negligible for signing a contract with the devil."

Ancient One commented that if she could get a lot of magical power if she paid this price, she would be very willing.

DC world.

Diana looked at the screen in surprise and told Ace to keep releasing the flames.

"A devil fruit? It's interesting, but it seems to be a pirate."

Diana had to frown when she thought of this.

Such a powerful force is actually a pirate. How should the people there live?

"If only I were in that world."

Diana has always hated evil, and in her opinion, pirates are evil people who do all kinds of evil. In this case, he hopes that the pirates on the screen and the carnivorous vines will die together.

Batman base.

Bruce Wayne is recording the data in the video.

"Devil fruit, pirates, this is not a good combination."

Bruce Wayne's idea is the same as Diana's. In his eyes, pirates are criminals and must be arrested.

Then he looked at the barrage of Sengoku on the screen.

"This man is a navy, he should be able to deal with such a powerful pirate, right?"

At this time in the pirate world.

Ace is trying hard to fight against the vines that attack from all directions.

But it's better to say that it's desperately running away than to say it's fighting.

This vine is too difficult to deal with. No matter how much fire he releases, he can't burn it.

He can only rely on elementalization to escape everywhere.

"Damn it! How could there be such a terrible plant in the world!"

Ace's expression was not very good. When was he beaten and had to run away?

Even when he faced Whitebeard, it was not like this!

It made him very annoyed.

"I don't believe that my flame can't destroy you! Big Flame Ring!"

Ace couldn't accept this fact, so he burst out a lot of flames without hesitation and spread them around, rising like a tornado.

Push the vines away forcefully.

"Emperor Yan!"

Then all the flames gathered above Ace, turning into a huge fireball that looked like a sun.

"Fortunately, there are no living people on this island anymore. It seems that they have all been wiped out by this monster."

Ace thought of this and his face was gloomy.

"Although I don't know what you are, just disappear!"

Ace dropped Emperor Yan and threw him towards the endless carnivorous vines below.

"Buzz buzz buzz!!!"

When Emperor Yan touched the target, it caused an extremely strong earthquake, and the whole island kept shaking.

Then a huge and extremely sky-high fire appeared, and a terrifying explosion sounded.

"Boom boom boom!!"

In the explosion, the island trembled wildly, and it seemed to collapse at any time. Countless flames kept surging like waves, turning the whole island into a sea of fire!

The carnivorous vines were actually severely damaged under such an attack. The vines, which were originally extremely hard, were now scorched and fell to the ground powerlessly.

Seeing this scene, the audience was extremely shocked.

Thousand Suns.

Luffy stared at the screen in amazement. He himself did not expect Ace to be so powerful.

"Is this the true strength of Brother Luffy!"

Sanji was so shocked that he did not even notice that his cigarette had fallen.

"So strong, worthy of being a member of the Whitebeard Pirates."

Zoro was under great pressure and had to wipe off his sweat.

Then he suddenly thought of one thing. Even if Ace was so strong, he could still be caught. How strong is that man!

Marvel World, S.H.I.E.L.D.

"Oh, we shit! My Fuck!"

Nick Fury could not remain calm when he saw this, and all kinds of swear words came out of his mouth.

The power of this explosion is far superior to that of a missile. The scale of the entire island is close to that of a nuclear bomb explosion!

Are the superpowers who have eaten the devil fruit so strong?

Barton, Natasha and Hill next to them were all shocked. How could they fight against such power?

Barton and Natasha were originally complacent because they had gained new powers, but now seeing more terrifying superpowers, they felt that what they mastered was child's play.

Is this the power of the devil fruit ability users in the pirate world? If there are such pirates in their world, how can they fight!

Private plane.

Tony Stark can no longer remain calm. He can't resist the power of the Flame Emperor at all!

"Jarvis, help me design a cooling weapon plan. It must be large-scale and can be equipped on armor!"

Stark quickly contacted Jarvis and asked him to design it first.

Such a terrifying flame can only be fought by cooling it down in advance. The development of cooling weapons must be completed as soon as possible.

Although it is not the same world, Tony Stark still hopes to prevent it before it happens!

There is more than one person who has the same idea as him, and there is also Bruce Wayne.

He is now studying various plans against Ace.

It is not the same world, but he is worried that if this group of pirates comes to his world one day, there will be a way to fight against it.

"Lucius, how about the development of the cooling weapon I want? If possible, it should be developed as soon as possible, and it should be large-scale and easy to carry. Don't ask so many questions, just treat it as a supply to the fire department."

Bruce Wayne did not forget to call and contact his trusted Lucius to urge the development of cooling weapons while researching.

Immediately attracted complaints from the other side.

Equipping the fire department with cooling weapons is really nonsense.

The world of Naruto.

Naruto looked at the explosion on the screen in shock.

"Sexy Immortal, if it were you, could you resist?"

Naruto asked timidly, he felt that he definitely couldn't.

Jiraiya's face twitched after hearing this. The power of this Entei far exceeded the fire escape he knew. He could not confront it head-on except to escape.

"Of course no problem."

However, in front of his disciples, he always had to save face.

As soon as these words came out, they immediately attracted Naruto's respectful gaze.

Caused Jiraiya to turn his head away in embarrassment.

Tsunade next to him had to roll her eyes, and then looked at the screen solemnly.

In her opinion, perhaps only her great-grandfather, Senju Hashirama, could compete with him.

"Is the pirate world so powerful? Don't show up here."

Tsunade had to worry about what she would do if such a person appeared in her world.

After all, there are so-called contained objects that appear in other worlds for no apparent reason.

Thinking of this, Tsunade was suddenly worried about the future, and suddenly felt that she couldn't continue to hang out.

At this time, on the screen, Ace was kneeling on the ground with a weak look on his face, panting constantly. Using this move was extremely draining on his physical strength.

Otherwise, Teach wouldn't be caught so easily.

"Is this settled?"

Ace looked at the burnt black vines around him, but when he saw the squirming vines in the distance, his expression changed.

"It's such a terrible monster. I have no choice but to run away first."

Although he was very reluctant, Ace had no choice but to run away in disgrace.

"Captain Ace, where do you want to go?"

Just then Teach suddenly appeared behind Ace.

"not good!"

Only then did Ace remember that just when Tikki was about to make a move, Tikki punched him to the ground.

"Dark Water!"

Then Teach immediately grabbed Ace's neck and took away his ability, making Ace unable to resist.

"I caught you for the second time. You really don't have a long memory. Although there is an emergency, it doesn't affect me from taking you away!"

After speaking, Tiqi looked at the surrounding situation and realized that he could no longer stay here and had to leave quickly.


As soon as Ace saw that he was caught again, he immediately gritted his teeth unwillingly.

Thousand Sunny


Luffy screamed anxiously when he saw Ace being caught, and subconsciously punched him directly through the screen.

"It's strange why Ace was caught. He can transform into elements."

Frankie felt something was wrong and made a sound.

"The darkness in that Tikki's hand."

Robin seemed to notice something and had to tell his guess.

"Ace! Run!"

Luffy didn't understand that much and could only hope that Ace would run away quickly. He could do nothing but yell on the spot, which made him suddenly feel particularly useless.

"Let's go! Captain Ace, congratulations on being free for a while!"

Teach lifted Ace up and prepared to leave.


At this moment, a somewhat old but particularly powerful voice came, resounding throughout the entire island.

Hearing this voice, Tiqi's whole body trembled violently, and a fear engraved in his bones couldn't help but arise.

"You're such a troublemaker! Don't even think about running away if you fall into my hands!"

I saw an old man leaping from the air. This man was the navy hero Garp!

Ace had to be stunned when he saw Garp leaping in the air.

"Old man? Why is he here?"

"Yeah! Hero Garp!"

Teach had to look shocked when he saw Garp actually appearing. He didn't want to face such a terrifying person!

"Whirring whirring!!"

At this moment, there was a strange movement all around, and it was seen that most of the carnivorous vines that had been destroyed by Ace using the Flame Emperor continued to grow and multiply again.

In the blink of an eye, it returned to the same state as before.

"What a terrible plant is this!"

Tikki's eyes trembled when he saw this. He knew better than anyone how terrifying Ace's Entei was.

However, even such tricks could not destroy the pile of vines.

Make him afraid.

"Is this the plant monster the Warring States Period talked about? It's strange enough!"

Garp looked at the large number of vines growing towards him and raised his fist with a proud smile.

"No matter what kind of monster he is, he will be crushed under my fist!"

I saw that Garp's whole body's strength was concentrated in his fist, and his extremely domineering armed domineering force was continuously compressed.

"Iron Fist Crush!"

Garp punched out, erupting an extremely terrifying shock wave, falling downwards like a meteorite.

"Bang bang bang bang bang!!!"

Extremely violent explosions sounded one after another.

Facing Garp's iron fist, the carnivorous vines exploded crazily, and even the ground below continued to collapse.

Garp used his direct fist to smash out a huge crater!


Tiqi kept vomiting blood and flew in the air. The pain he suffered was very great.

The Dark Fruit absorbs everything, so he will feel three times the pain than normal people.

Garp's full-force attack was already unbearable, but now he has to bear it three times. Even if he doesn't die, he will still be disabled!

Looking at his proud work, Garp smiled, but the change in the next second caused his expression to change.

That is, the carnivorous vines are multiplying crazily to fill the gap, returning to normal and heading towards Garp!

"Tsk, it's really like what Warring States said, his regeneration ability is amazing. I thought he was deceiving me."

When Garp saw this scene, he had to look serious. He had never seen a creature survive his full attack.

"Kuzan! I leave it to you!"

Hearing Garp's shout, he saw a light blue figure rushing from the sea to the land.

"Ice Age!"

This person was Aokiji. After he landed, a large amount of cold air immediately erupted, freezing a large number of vines into ice instantly.

"It's a bit difficult to freeze an island."

After Aoki looked at the vines all over the island, he took a deep breath and burst out with more cold air.

The extremely cold air spread like a tornado, gradually freezing more and more vines.

The remaining vines that had not yet frozen seemed to sense the threat from the green pheasant and attacked him against the vines.

Although some of the vines began to freeze, there were still some that were not, and they were getting closer and closer to the Aoki Pheasant.

"Fist bone!"

At this moment, Garp took action. He punched wildly and fired countless violent air cannons, bombing any vines that were close to Aoki Pheasant to ensure that Aoki Pheasant could continue to freeze the vines.

With Garp's cooperation, Aoki Pheasant's cold air spread to the entire island, freezing all the carnivorous vines!

"Iron Fist Crush! Chain!"

When Garp saw so many vines frozen into ice, he immediately punched frantically with all his strength.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

There were many violent explosions on the surface, as if many meteorites were falling, causing the entire island to shake wildly.

The frozen carnivorous vine meat was continuously shattered under such impact.

At this moment, the terrifying vitality of the carnivorous vines also showed up, and then the opportunity for the ice cubes to break to reproduce again and fight back.

But the green pheasant has been spreading cold air, so when the carnivorous vines were about to recover, they were immediately frozen.

In the blink of an eye, the originally huge forest of carnivorous vines became extremely sparse.

Everything finally calmed down.

Thousand Sunny

"Oh my god, is this the true strength of Aokiji and Luffy's grandfather?"

Zoro could no longer maintain his composure and looked at the screen with trembling eyes.

They had fought against Ao Pheasant in the past, and they had been beaten completely. Ao Pheasant at that time was probably very aggressive, otherwise if he took it seriously, everyone present would not be able to survive until now!

But the most shocking thing is Garp's strength. He can cause such horrific destruction with his bare hands. Is this the true strength of a naval hero?

Not only Zoro but others were completely shocked, and they didn't dare to breathe.

"Luffy, do you know your grandpa is so strong?"

Usopp asked Luffy tremblingly, if Garp had been serious, they wouldn't have been able to escape even if they used wind cannons!

"This is also the first time I've seen it."

Luffy couldn't control his expression. Only now did he realize how remarkable it was that he could survive in the hands of his grandfather when he was a child.

At this time, the scene was already noisy.

Nick Fury: "What's going on with that old man! How can he have such terrifying destructive power? Is this some kind of devil fruit?"

Nick Fury undoubtedly raised the doubts of people in other worlds. As for Aoki Pheasant's freezing ability, they were not too shocked due to their previous experience of fire and darkness.

But it seems that Garp can do such terrible damage with his bare hands, which makes them have to wonder whether it has anything to do with the devil fruit.

Sengoku: "Of course not, Garp is a strong man who has trained himself to the extreme, not a devil fruit ability user."

Tony Stark: "Train yourself? What a joke, how can a human be so strong!"

Zoro: "What's impossible? You can do it if you practice well."

Sun Wukong: "That's right, my friend, you can also do such power. This old man is really amazing. I really want to fight him."

Tsunade: "You can cause such great destructive power with your fists, just like me."

Bruce Wayne: "What, humans in your universe can train themselves to this extent!"

Bruce Wayne looked at the screen with dilated pupils.

In order to fight crime, he learned various martial arts, kept training himself, and even strictly controlled his diet, and trained himself to the limit of the human body.

I thought my strength was the peak of humanity.

But I never expected that there would be a Garp who was beyond common sense, and people in the same universe as him, or even in other worlds, thought it was normal.

"Humans in different universes are so different!"

Bruce Wayne realized the difference between universes, and his body was shrouded by a huge fear.

Marvel, S.H.I.E.L.D.

Nick Fury's face was so dark that he couldn't see his features clearly. The destructive power displayed by Cap was much more terrifying than the Hulk who made a big fuss some time ago. Is this really something a human can do? It's outrageous!

"Can humans train to this level?"

Nick Fury couldn't help but look at Natasha and Barton in confusion. These two people are considered to have the highest physical skills in S.H.I.E.L.D. and have a certain status in speaking.

Natasha and Barton shook their heads at the same time. In their opinion, even if they train for 10,000 years, they can't reach Cap's level.

Kama Taj

The magic apprentices were all shocked by Garp's performance. Before, they could still accept the Devil Fruit's abilities. After all, they gained power by accepting knowledge other than humans, and they did the same thing.

But Garp can actually develop this kind of power on his own, and people from the Dragon Ball universe and Naruto universe can also do it. This is too outrageous!

"Master Gu Yi, are the differences between different universes so big?"

Modu asked in disbelief.

At this time, Gu Yi kept shaking his fan and opened his mouth slightly. He was also shocked. He came back to his senses after hearing Mo Du's inquiry.

"The multiverse is infinite, and different universes have different rules. It seems that those people's universe rules are different, and they can train humans on earth to the point of destroying the surface of the earth."

Ancient One explained, which made the other mages couldn't help but open their mouths.


The Asgardians were all shocked by Garp's performance. In their perception, the people on Earth were very weak and not a single opponent for them.

But this Garp's performance is outrageous.

Thor was stunned. He had thought that if he faced Garp's fist, would he still be safe?

It doesn't seem to work.

"Brother, the humans in the pirate world are very powerful. Do you think you can beat them?"

At this time, Loki asked with a smirk.

"Of course! I am the most powerful warrior in Asgard! How could I be afraid of mere earthlings!"

Thor immediately regained his confidence and shook the hammer to encourage himself.

He couldn't act cowardly in front of his younger brother.

leo world

Fengyuan and the Star Clusters

Looking at the picture in disbelief. Is this the power of earthlings? It is too much beyond their understanding.

"If all the people on earth in our universe were as strong as Garp, they wouldn't be afraid of monsters and aliens!"

Fengyuan couldn't help but think excitedly.

"That's not possible, our situation is different."

Zhu Xingtuan immediately shook his head and rejected this idea. He believed in the potential of people on earth, but it was still too exaggerated to this point.

Fengyuan nodded in agreement. Garp's attack gave him an inspiration.

Leo has very little energy and cannot use light skills often, so he is not suitable for distance combat.

If he could punch from a distance like Garp and destroy his opponent with shock waves, he would undoubtedly make up for the distance problem.

Then Fengyuan couldn't help but imagine that when he performed the Leo Flying Kick, his feet hadn't even landed yet, and the impact was the first to crush his opponent.

Thinking of this, Fengyuan clenched his fists hard. If people on earth can do it, then he must also be able to do it!

Doraemon world.

"Doraemon, can I also train to that point?"

Nobita asked starry-eyed.

If he was as powerful as Garp, he wouldn't be afraid of Fat Tiger, and he could even win Shizuka's heart.

"You think too much. Humans in our universe can't exercise to that extent."

Doraemon immediately rejected the idea.

After hearing this, Nobita had to hang his head in disappointment.

At this time, Garp and his friends were on their side.

"What a terrible monster."

Qingzhi looked at the carnivorous vines solemnly. This was the first time he had seen such a terrifying monster. Even Garp's iron fist could not completely destroy it.

"After I go back, I have to ask Warring States what is going on. When I asked him just now, he said it was a containment object and another universe. I couldn't understand it at all."

After Garp landed, he tilted his head and looked at the vines in the ice with a confused expression.

"So Mr. Karp, what should we do with that guy?"

At this time, Qing Pheasant pointed at Ace not far away and asked.

When it was frozen just now, he deliberately avoided Ace. Ace relied on his own flames to withstand the freezing air.

But it also consumes more energy.

After hearing this, Garp looked at Ace with a gloomy expression.

He had received an order from the Warring States Period to capture Ace alive.

He knew very well what would happen if he caught Ace, but the responsibility of the navy made him unable to let the pirate go, and he had to clenched his fists in confusion.

"The containment of the carnivorous vine was successfully contained, and rewards were distributed. The main contributors are Kuzan and Garp, and the secondary contributors are Ace."

At this moment, the voice appeared in the ears of Garp, Aoki and Ace.

The sudden sound forced them to look around vigilantly.

"Distribute rewards, Garp gets the Ox Talisman, Aoki Pheasant gets absolute zero freezing air, and Ace's flame evolves into Three Thousand Flames Flame!"

After the sound ends.

Aoki and Ace felt that there was a lot more information in their minds, and Garp had something in his hand.

"The Cow Talisman, as long as it is worn on the body, can increase the user's power hundreds of times!"

"Absolute zero is the theoretically lowest temperature in physics. Once it reaches this realm, any energy ceases to exist and everything freezes."

"Three Thousand Flames, a flame born in the starry sky, can absorb the power of stars to strengthen itself, and the Three Thousand Flames have amazing self-healing capabilities. As long as important vital points are not damaged, any injury can be recovered, also known as Immortal body."

After the sound ends.

Ace felt as if his flame had really changed. A manic emotion arose in his heart, and he wanted to vent it out.


Ace couldn't help but roared up to the sky, and his whole body erupted with extremely violent purple flames, which looked particularly strange.

When the flames appeared, Ace felt that his previous injuries and lost physical strength were constantly recovering.


Qing Pheasant realized that the flame was filled with extremely terrifying dangers, and did not dare to be careless at all, and immediately released cold air to resolve it.

At this moment, he unexpectedly realized that his chill was even colder than before. He could swear that he had never been so cold before!

The flames immediately turned into frost before they even touched their own cold air.

"I don't know what happened, but goodbye, old man!"

After Ace finished speaking, he quickly turned into flames and rose into the sky. He finally regained his freedom. Naturally, he had to run as far as possible to avoid being caught.

He now feels that the threat posed by Aoki Pheasant and Garp is many times greater than before!

You can't stay here until you figure out your own changes!

"Ace! Don't even think about running away!"

When Garp saw Ace actually trying to run away, he couldn't help but punched in anger.

At this moment, the Ox Talisman burst out with dazzling light. Garp punched and fired an air cannon like a missile, catching up with Ace in an instant.


A thunderous explosion sounded. After Ace was hit, he fell like a wounded bird, blood spurting out from his mouth.

At this moment, the Three Thousand Flames came into play, immediately restoring Ace's injuries, allowing him to continue flying quickly.

Garp didn't continue to care about Ace, but looked at his fist and the cow charm with a confused expression. Why did he suddenly become more powerful?

His punch just now didn't have much power, but why did it suddenly improve so much? Is it because of this cow charm?

"Lieutenant General Garp, do you want to continue chasing Fire Fist Ace?"

Aoki asked after calming down.

"That kid has flown so far and can't catch up, so forget it!"

Garp immediately found a reason to refuse, and Qingzhi could only shrug helplessly after hearing this.

"And this plant is even more threatening, and there are those called the Blackbeard Pirates."

After Garp finished speaking, he looked at the Blackbeard Pirates who were frozen together not far away, and couldn't help but reveal murderous intent in his eyes.

Chapter 18 The next contained object—the Balrog

Garp looked at Teach and the others and felt extremely unhappy. They almost took Ace to the Navy Headquarters. He knew better than anyone what would happen.

"Tiqi, right? Now that you've fallen into my hands, don't even think about it!"

Garp said fiercely.

Qing Zhi didn't say anything after hearing this, but looked at the cold air emanating from himself.

Aboard the Thousand Sunny.

"Yah! That's great for Ace to escape!"

Luffy howled excitedly to the sky, and then he and Usopp Chopper put their arms around each other's shoulders and danced a strange dance to celebrate.

"Both Ace and Marine have become stronger."

Zoro couldn't help but feel tremendous pressure when he saw how much Ace and the three of them had become stronger on the screen.

But under this pressure, he was not afraid, but instead became more excited.

"If I can also take down a containment object, how strong can I become?"

At this time, there were various barrages crossing the screen.

Tony Stark: "What! Absolute zero, what a joke! This is an area that is difficult to reach in physics! It's even called fantasy!"

Luffy: "What is absolute zero?"

Tony Stark: "That's the theoretical lowest temperature! -273.15 degrees Celsius! It can freeze everything. Once any living thing touches absolute zero, it will die instantly. Even light and even the sun will be frozen."

Not to mention how wonderful Tony Stark's expression is now. As a scientist, how could he not know how terrifying absolute zero is and how difficult it is to achieve!

It can be said to be a dream realm that humans can never reach.

"The being behind this screen can actually give you even absolute zero."

When Tony Stark thought of this, he took a deep breath in shock, followed by a look of enthusiasm.

"If I could also get a reward, what would it be? Can it help me break through the technological level!"

Thinking of this, Tony Stark couldn't help but look forward to seeing if there would be any contained objects that he could deal with later.

Sun Wukong: "You can even freeze the sun, how powerful is it!"

Ancient One: "The premise for that is that the scale released by this green pheasant can rival the sun. Otherwise, it's like water can extinguish a fire, but a glass of water can't extinguish a fire, so it can't cool the sun."

After hearing Gu Yi's words, many people breathed a sigh of relief, especially those in the pirate world.

It would be over if the Aoki Pheasant was really that scary, but it couldn't be ignored.

Kizaru: "Even light can be frozen!"

This made Kizaru a little panicked. What he was most proud of was the power of turning into light, but now that Aokiji can freeze even light, wouldn't that be very detrimental to him?

Even Akainu looks ugly. If what Tony Stark says is true, then his magma will no longer be able to deal with Aokiji!

The happiest thing was the Warring States Period. It was undoubtedly a good thing that the navy became stronger.

Especially Garp, his Iron Fist was originally powerful, but now its power has increased hundreds of times. Neither Kaido nor Whitebeard is an opponent anymore, and the Navy will definitely be able to sweep all pirates.

This makes Sengoku couldn't help but look forward to more containment objects later. This is a great opportunity for their navy to improve its strength!

But he didn't forget Fire Fist Ace.

Although he didn't know what Three Thousand Flames was, it was particularly troublesome for Ace to become more powerful.

Then he took a deep breath and picked up the phone to make a call: "Send the order, raise the arrest warrant for Fire Fist Ace, one billion berries!"

The barrage on the screen continues.

Naruto: "I don't understand it but it sounds awesome."

Vegeta: "Hmph, it's just a piece of ice that can scare people. It can be broken easily."

Star cluster: "That one called Vegeta, if you try to attack the absolute zero range, your attack will definitely be frozen instantly."

Vegeta: "I don't believe this kind of scaremongering! Absolute zero and contained objects are no match for my uncle Vegeta!"

Diana: "You can tell from your words that you are an arrogant fool."

Vegeta: "You bastard, you dare to laugh at me. If you were in the same universe as me, you would have died long ago!"

Diana: "You can try. I don't know how many of them I have killed. The so-called creatures trying to invade the earth. If we are really in the same universe, you will be one of them."

Bruce Wayne: "What! Have you ever destroyed a creature trying to invade the universe? Who the hell are you!"

Diana: "I'm not obligated to answer you."

DC world.

Bruce Wayne looked at the screen in shock.

He saw that Diana's prefix was DC, which was the same universe as his.

In their world, there are actually beings fighting against the invaders of the earth.

Could it be that my world is not as simple as I thought! ?

Bruce Wayne then begins to investigate things about Diana. He must find this person and figure out who she is.

Marvel world.

Gu Yi looked at Diana's words on the screen with some interest.

"Could he be the Supreme Mage like me? That's interesting."

While everyone was talking about it, the screen made a cold sound again.

At this time, Xie Yun's side.

"Congratulations to the host for getting the reward - carnivorous vine control. You can release the vines to control them according to your own will and recycle them."

After the system prompt sounded in Xie Yun's ears, he saw a vine sticking out of his cuff, swaying from side to side very obediently.


Xie Yun gave an order, and the vine shot out immediately, as fast as a bullet!


With another command, the vines quickly split into several branches.


Then the vines returned to Xie Yun's clothes. He was very satisfied with this ability, which gave him a very effective and difficult attack method.

"I'm really looking forward to the next ability!"

Xie Yun looked at the computer with a satisfied look on his face. People from other worlds must work harder. If you don't work hard, how can I go against the will of God!

"Now predict the next containment object - Pyro."

A cold electronic voice sounded from the screen.

The next contained object appeared and immediately attracted everyone's attention.

Some people begin to look forward to whether they can deal with it well in exchange for rewards, and of course some people don't want to encounter it.

"The Contained Fire Man is a creature that is indistinguishable from flames. His physiological structure is completely incomprehensible. It is obviously a flame, but it is alive. His only food is flammable substances, and there is no bottom line. Ingestion."

"This process is dangerous and fatal. In order to obtain flammable materials, the Pyromaniac will keep moving and unintentionally cause fires. As the range of his movement increases, the scope of the fire increases. There was once a town that was burned People were drowned in the sea of fire."

Then the scene switched. In a forest, a group of young people were having a party. They looked quite normal.

There is a small spark jumping out of the barbecue campfire. No one cares about such a small thing, as such a spark will go out when it hits the ground.

But the strange thing is that this spark actually jumped like a real entity and jumped towards a pile of small gas bottles next to it.


A terrifying big explosion occurred, and the group of young people were buried in the sea of fire.

And the spark became bigger as a result, and was beating around, using corpses, tents, trees, etc. as food, constantly devouring it, making itself stronger.

And as it moved, it inadvertently increased the intensity of the fire.

In just a moment, the entire forest was covered in flames!

"However, this is not the scariest thing about Pyro. When Pyro absorbs flammable substances to a certain extent, its form will begin to change and it will gain wisdom. But the worst thing is that it can reproduce itself."

In the picture, after the fire man devoured a large amount of vegetation, the huge sparks began to change.

The sparks began to twist and compress, and finally transformed into limbs. The body looked very much like a human being. The only difference was that the whole body was covered with flames inside and outside.

This wasn't the end yet, Pyro suddenly exploded continuously, sending out several sparks.

When these sparks landed, they actually began to turn into human shapes, just like the burning people at the beginning.

This is the most troublesome thing about the contained fire people. One represents a race and will keep dividing and reproducing. Once one is missing, there is no way to stop the fire they cause.

Sure enough, when more and more firemen appeared, the already strong sea of fire became out of control and began to spread to towns not far away.

After the firefighters discovered such a huge and terrifying sea of inferno, they quickly mobilized all their manpower and equipment to spray water to extinguish the fire.

But in the face of such a terrifying fire, their efforts were in vain.

The water they released was too small compared to the sea of fire that spread all over the surrounding mountains and forests, and was unable to prevent the spread of the fire.

What's more, there are even more terrifying things in the sea of fire.

"Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!"

Many fireballs were launched from the sea of fire, bombarding surrounding buildings, vehicles and streets.

There were many explosions all of a sudden, and many passers-by were involved.

The sudden fireball made many people stunned.

Before they could react, fireballs continued to appear.

But this time the target is firefighters' equipment.

Water cannons, fire hydrants, fire trucks, etc., all places that bring water sources were destroyed, preventing this group of firefighters from continuing to try to spray water to extinguish the fire.

Having lost their only support, the firefighters' expressions changed drastically.

Before they could react, they saw many figures flying out of the sea of fire.

It was a monster that was over two meters tall and looked like a human, but its whole body was covered in flames.

After the group of firemen knocked down the firefighters, they immediately swallowed them as fuel to make themselves stronger, and then continued to move forward.

With every step you take, a fire is lit.

Falling sparks will turn into blazing fire.

When he sees a suitable target, he swoops in and devours it, instantly expanding the scope of the sea of fire.

Some people tried to resist Pyro's attack, but Pyro itself was a flame, and any attack could not work. Even if it was involved in the explosion, it would only split into sparks and coalesce instantly.

In less than half an hour, more than half of the originally peaceful town was already in a sea of fire and hell. However, this is not over yet, as long as the Burning Man is still in action.

If there are still flammable objects around, they will continue to move forward and hunt without any bottom line.

Eventually the entire country will be plunged into flames.

Many people were stunned to see such horrific feats by Pyro Man.

Nobi Nobita: "Is this a ghost? The will-o'-the-wisp has become a spirit!"

Strange: "This is far from a ghost! This is a monster!"

Bruce Wayne: "This is a disaster for modern cities. Inflammable materials are everywhere, including car gasoline, trees, and humans themselves. If we don't find a way to stop this, the entire country will be destroyed by these creatures!"

Natasha: "But how to do this? With such a terrifying sea of fire, there are not enough firefighters!"

Zhu Hoshidan: "Unless you are lucky and it rains heavily in that area, there will be no way to stop it."

Mordo: "The most important thing is that this kind of creature can reproduce itself. As long as one of them escapes, it will keep repeating itself."

Sun Wukong: "Self-reproduction? It's a bit like the last Piccolo."

Piccolo: "."

Marvel world.


"Contact all fire stations immediately and be prepared at any time! It doesn't matter if you use your authority!"

Nick Fury made a prompt decision and made arrangements. As soon as he discovered that the Pyro appeared, he would arrange for the local fire station and agents to deal with it. He would never give the Pyro a chance to multiply and expand the fire!

Kama Taj.

"This kind of creature is still nothing."

Gu Yi calmly shook his fan. She had many ways to deal with this kind of creature. Since it was fire, she could just put it out with water.


"Pyro? Reminds me of Surtur"

Odin looked at the screen and muttered to himself. Among his opponents, there was a similar being who used fire as his power, but was at the level of the sun, and his strength was extremely terrifying.

Even more terrifying than this so-called Burning Man.

"A group of little fire people are called fire people. It doesn't matter. If they really appear, I will smash them one by one with my hammer!"

When Thor saw this scene, he didn't care at all. He didn't think that these so-called firemen could pose much of a threat to him.

"Brother, haven't you seen that they are immortal? If you hit them with a hammer, they will only be scattered. How can they be eliminated?"

Loki reminded, rolling his eyes.

"Haha, there will always be a way."

However, Sol didn't think so much and was blindly confident.

"We believe Lord Thor!"

His brothers immediately echoed.

This made Loki just want to roll his eyes more.

DC Universe

Diana looked at the screen seriously, and then thought carefully.

"If they appear, how should I deal with them? Normal attacks seem useless."

Diana carefully considered various tactics, and the fighting spirit gradually rose in her heart.

She found this kind of immortal and numerous creature a bit interesting.

Naruto world.

In the tavern.

"It's such a scary monster. If you encounter it, you can only escape with water."

Tsunade said solemnly.

"Water escape alone is not enough, you must have a large enough scale."

Jiraiya immediately added the key points, his expression quite serious.

If you really want to achieve that scale, the amount of chakra required will undoubtedly be very huge. Such a huge amount of chakra, unless...

Jiraiya couldn't help but look at Naruto when he thought of this.

Only the chakra of Kyuubi can release water escape on such a large scale.

But how could Kyuubi help? Naruto couldn't use Kyuubi's chakra.

"I hope it won't appear in our world, otherwise there's only one way."

At this time, the scale of the fire on the screen was getting more and more terrifying. When it was about to rush out of the town, the plane of the Containment Containment Association appeared again.

Different from last time, there were quite a lot of planes appearing this time, and there was an iron rope underneath. If you look carefully, all the planes were pulling the same thing.

That thing was huge and looked a lot like a radar, but more sophisticated.

"The weather control weapons are in place and now it's time to start changing the weather."

As soon as he finished speaking, the surface of the machine flashed continuously, as if it was starting to run.

Then the radar released strange waveforms into the sky.

The next second, the dark night that originally reflected the light of the fire was now covered with dark clouds!

The sky began to become cloudy and thunderous, and soon it started to rain heavily.

From the moment the rain appears, the hell on earth is redeemed.

The majestic sea of fire began to extinguish under the baptism of rain, and the scope of the fire became smaller and smaller.

"Ho ho ho ho ho!!!"

The burning people in the sea of fire roared in pain.

Their bodies began to shrink under the influence of the heavy rain, which seemed to be very fatal to them.

As a result, they launched fireball attacks at the transport aircraft and weather control devices in the sky.

You must destroy these machines before you are completely extinguished!

However, don't forget that it is raining heavily now, and the fireball cannot fly very far in the heavy rain before extinguishing.

Even if someone is lucky enough to touch the transport aircraft and devices, they will not be able to break through their shells.

In order to cope with various crises, the shelter creates materials for transportation vehicles, but they are the best materials and are difficult to destroy.

Seeing that their attacks were ineffective, the firemen decided to flee in all directions to escape from the rain.

However, the scope of this heavy rain is really too large, it can be said that it far exceeds the scope of the sea of fire.

Such majestic rainstorms triggered various flash floods and further weakened the fire.

As a result, the living space of the Pyro Man was rapidly reduced, and its body shape, which was several meters tall, was shrinking rapidly, and it could not even maintain its human shape.

I don't know how long it took, but the sea of fire that originally spread throughout the forest and town was finally extinguished.

Instead, there were torrential rains and catastrophic flash floods.

Many survivors struggled painfully in this flash flood.

For these people, tonight is undoubtedly a particularly unlucky night. First they encountered a sea of fire, then were attacked by monsters, and finally encountered a flood. Surviving their lives was the greatest luck.

After the fire was extinguished, the weather control device worked again and stopped the heavy rain.

Then the mobile task force of the shelter appeared and began to carry out rescue and search for traces of the Burning Man.

The previously arrogant and terrifying Pyro Man has now turned into a small spark, seemingly defenseless.

However, anyone who has witnessed the previous feats of Pyro Man would never think so.

Pyro had split up a lot before, so roughly there were hundreds of sparks hiding in the dark.

When the task force members found them, they immediately used high-pressure water cannons to eliminate them, and even captured a few and put them in sealed boxes.

In short, the threat of Pyro Man has come to an end for the time being.

Seeing this, the audience had various thoughts.

Tony Stark: "What kind of device is this? It can actually cause heavy rain! It's not like ordinary artificial rainfall!"

Bruce Wayne: "This is not as simple as artificial rainfall, it is a direct trigger of natural phenomena!"

Tony Stark: "It's unbelievable that this asylum actually has such magical weapons!"

Nami: "Control the weather? It's very similar to my weather wand."

Nick Fury: "Huh? You can also control the weather?"

Nami: "That's not really it. I just use the weather stick to create the weather."

Natasha: "What is a weather stick?"

Nami: "It's a stick with various things inside that can be used to make weather."

Tony Stark: "Miss, don't talk nonsense. How can a mere stick make the weather?"

Usopp: "Hey! If you don't know, don't talk nonsense. That's my greatest invention!"

Marvel private jet

Tony Stark ignored Usopp and Nami's statements.

He didn't believe that a stick could create the weather.

"It's just that this weather control weapon is really good."

When Tony Stark thought of the device full of mechanical beauty on the screen, his heart felt hot.

Such a device is much more powerful than modern military weather weapons!

As an inventor, how could he not be tempted? Since someone else could figure it out, he didn't believe he couldn't figure it out himself!

"Jarvis, create a research project on weather weapons immediately, and prepare artificial rainfall devices to prevent the so-called Burning Man from appearing in our world!"

Tony Stark ordered with a serious face.

He currently does not have the weather control weapons of the asylum. If the Burning Man really appears, he can only use the current method of artificial rainfall to fight against it.

DC Batman Base

"Lucius, help me generate a project to develop a weather control device."

"It's used for firefighting. Think about how convenient it is to directly control the weather and rain to put out fires."

Listening to Bruce Wayne's words, Lucius on the other end of the phone just wanted to curse.

Equipping fire fighters with weather control devices is a trick!

"Now start predicting the world where Pyro Man will appear."

The sound on the screen aroused everyone's alert, and everyone wanted to know where Pyro would appear.

"And Lucius, prepare the current rainfall equipment of Wayne Company. It may be useful."

"Master, are you scared of fire? Why are you bothering me all day long about putting out fires?"

Lucius couldn't help but complain.

"Don't ask about this, I'm just troubling you."

Bruce Wayne didn't know how to answer, so he could only vaguely answer.

Marvel's S.H.I.E.L.D.

"Have you prepared the artificial rainfall device?"

Nick Fury asked Hill.

"It's ready, but it's a national weapon. We'll mobilize it directly. There will be a lot of people calling."

Hill reminded.

"Then move the phone away so you can't hear the call."

Nick Fury's serious answer made the three agents' faces twitch.

Doraemon world.

"What should I do if a creature like Doraemon appears?"

Nobita asked worriedly.

"Don't worry, it's just weather control, I have it too."

Doraemon replied nonchalantly.

When the Fireman does appear, he will directly use the weather control device to extinguish the fire, and its device is lighter and more convenient than the containment meeting.

After hearing this, Nobita immediately breathed a sigh of relief. Sure enough, Doraemon was here, so he didn't have to be afraid of any contained objects.

Dragon Ball World.

"Uncle Piccolo, what should we do if such a monster appears?"

Son Wuhan asked with a scared look on his face.

"It's not a big deal. Just use Qigong waves to extinguish the fire. If that doesn't work, I can directly control the sea water to pour on them."

Piccolo said disdainfully, then looked at the sky.

Saiyans are a greater threat than those fire people.

Pirate World, Navy Headquarters

"If it appears here, don't be too far away. I hope it's a place where Aoki Pheasant can arrive in time."

Warring States thought so.

In his opinion, no matter how scary the burning man is, he can definitely be solved as long as Qing Pheasant takes action.

He is very much looking forward to the appearance of Pyro. This is an enemy that their navy can fight against. Once they are solved, they will receive generous rewards and increase their strength again!

leo world

Zhu Xingtuan and Fengyuan are not worried. As long as Fengyuan transforms into Leo and releases Ultra Water, he can kill the fireman and get rewards along the way, which is quite easy.

"As a result of the prediction, Pyro will appear in the world of Naruto."

The voice on the screen just finished.

Tsunade and Jiraiya's expressions changed drastically. That kind of monster was going to appear in their world. This was not a good thing!

"Okay! Come on if you feel like it! If I can kill that kind of monster, I don't know what kind of reward I will get!"

On the contrary, Naruto was very excited. When he saw the rewards that Aokiji and the others received in front of him, he was very excited. It would be great if he could get them too.

"Idiot! What's so good about this!"

After hearing this, Jiraiya immediately became furious and punched Naruto in the head.

"If this kind of creature really appears, do you know how many people will die!"

Jiraiya scolded him extremely harshly.

After hearing this, Naruto realized that his idea was too naive and couldn't help but lower his head in shame.


At this time, Shizune pointed at the screen and shouted.

I saw that in a small town, a building suddenly caught fire.

This looks like a fairly ordinary fire.

But the four people with the arrival of the Fire Man would not think so.

If you look closely, you can see that there is a seemingly large spark in the flame that is beating constantly.

"It seems to be nearby! Let's go!"

After Jiraiya finished speaking, he made a decisive decision and ran out immediately. Tsunade had already taken action.

Shizune and Naruto immediately chased after seeing this.

As soon as they came out, they saw thick smoke not far away, so they immediately jumped on the roof and hurried away.

When they arrived at the scene of the incident, they discovered that it was just a building on fire.

Now I don't know when it spread to several buildings. The screams of people trapped in the sea of fire are endless, but they quickly disappear one by one.

"Damn it, there's already a victim!"

Jiraiya looked very ugly, he didn't expect it to happen so quickly.

"Find that burning man quickly. Only by getting rid of it first can you stop the fire from expanding!"

After Tsunade finished speaking, she immediately formed a seal with her hands, and Jiraiya immediately formed a seal as well.

"Water escape! Water dragon bullet!"

The two of them used this move at the same time to spit out a water dragon and rush toward the sea of fire to extinguish the fire.

"In the way!"

Just then a rather low roar sounded.

On a building not far away, Huo Ren stood looking at Jiraiya and Tsunade.

How long had passed before it had already taken on a human form, and it was unknown how many people and other flammable objects it had swallowed.

"Are you the Pyroman! Watch the trick! The art of multiple shadow clones!"

When Naruto saw Pyro, he immediately transformed into a large number of shadow clones and rushed towards Pyro together.

"Naruto! Don't be impulsive!"

Seeing Naruto's actions, Jiraiya shouted anxiously.

However, Naruto didn't care so much. He always did whatever came to his mind and never stopped.

I saw a large number of shadow clones pressing on the burning man's body, forming a small mountain.

"Hehehe, this will put out the fire!"

Naruto looked proud, he didn't know how to use water escape, but he also knew how to put out fires, so he came up with this strategy.

Then I couldn't help but wonder if I could get any reward.

"Hoo ho ho!!"

The next second, majestic flames burst out from the bottom, directly destroying all Naruto's shadow clones.


After Naruto's body was burned, he fell to the side in pain, rolling back and forth trying to put out the fire.

At this moment, Pyro had arrived next to Naruto, ready to devour him.

"Water Dragon Bomb!"

Fortunately, Jiraiya spit out the water dragon in time to attack the fireman.


A large amount of water splashed up, and Naruto was blown away, while the fire on his body was extinguished.

Shizune immediately caught Naruto and treated him.

"Really, you are too messy."

Shizune scolded with some heartache.

"Water? Hate it."

Pyro looked at Jiraiya with a disgusted tone.

"If you hate it, disappear completely!"

At this time, Tsunade was already above Pyro, and her fists gathered huge amounts of chakra.

Wei Li punched down!


Tsunade's punch directly created a huge crater, and the terrifying destructive power directly shattered Pyro's body!

"Sure enough, there is no entity!"

Tsunade looked at the fiery fist. When she attacked Pyro, there was no touch, which meant that physical attacks were useless.

"Tsunade get out of the way!"

At this time, Jiraiya ran over, his throat and mouth expanded rapidly. He mobilized a large amount of chakra this time, and the water dragon bomb he spat out was quite huge. He pressed it towards Pyro, and he must extinguish Pyro in one go!


In the next second, Pyro's split body suddenly exploded and exploded into countless tiny sparks flying around, avoiding the attack of water dragon bombs.

Then the pair of sparks immediately moved toward the distance and gathered together, returning to the human form of the Pyro Man.

After Huo Ren returned to his human form, he did not fight Jiraiya, Tsunade and the others, but ran towards the nearby crowd.

He was going to use people as a shield to act as a defensive weapon for Jiraiya and Tsunade.

"No! Run!"

Tsunade saw this scene and shouted anxiously to the group of people.

The group of people were frightened when they saw the burning man rushing towards them, and they quickly ran away to avoid it.

But the Pyroman was very fast and knocked down several people at once, burning and devouring them. He also continued to release sparks to attack the surrounding areas, causing more and more people to fall down with serious injuries and unable to escape.


When Tsunade saw the group of seriously injured people, she had to be stunned because she saw a lot of blood.

Those who were touched by the sparks had their flesh and blood exploded, and their blood flowed to the ground uncontrollably.

Tsunade looked at the blood everywhere and her body couldn't help but tremble.


When Jiraiya saw Tsunade like this, he knew that she was suffering from anemia, so he had no choice but to move towards the Horo first.

"Water Release! Great Waterfall Technique!"

Jiraiya spit out a huge ball of water, turned into a waterfall, and fell towards the burning man.

He deliberately controlled the power so as not to hurt anyone, just to extinguish the fire.

After devouring more people, Pyro became taller. When he saw the waterfall that was about to fall, his legs suddenly exploded.

It actually relied on the power of the explosion to throw the upper half of its body, avoided the waterfall, and rushed into a residential building.


The next second, there were many screams in that building, and you could see the sea of fire spreading through the windows!

"Damn, how can this guy be so smart!"

The difficulty level of Pyro Man is far beyond Jiraiya's expectation. If this continues, things will really get out of hand.

"Tsunade, we have to."

Jiraiya looked at Tsunade behind him, and saw that Tsunade was staring at the bleeding people, panting, and seemed unable to move for a short time.


Seeing this, Jiraiya didn't know what to say, so he could only enter the residential building first.

Watching the battle between Jiraiya and Tsunade, many people made barrages.

Tony Stark: "What's going on with these two people? They can fly over walls and fly over walls, and they can spit water. Why is this woman so powerful!"

Luffy: "Is this a Devil Fruit? But it's so handsome!"

Barton: "They said it was a ninja before. Is this a ninjutsu?"

Bruce Wayne: "It's impossible, Ninjutsu is like this!"

Shizune: "This is ninjutsu. It uses the chakra in the human body to change the five elements and use various moves."

Nick Fury: "What, what is that chakra?"

Shizune: "It's the power within the human body."

Sun Wukong: "Oh, it's like Qi. It can actually produce water. It's kind of interesting."

Ancient One: "That one named Sun Wukong, do you have similar power?"

Sun Wukong: "Yes, Qi is the life energy of human beings. You can fight and release Qigong waves."

Kizaru: "The power within the human body is very similar to our Haki."

Luffy: "Haki? What is that?"

Kizaru: "It is the power of a person. It can strengthen oneself and predict other people's moves. By the way, Haki can fight against Devil Fruit. Even if the opponent is a natural type, it can hit the entity. Even if you are a rubber man, it can hurt you. It is great. A move that everyone will use in the second half of the channel."

Akainu: "What are you talking about Kizaru for?"

Kizaru: "Sorry, sorry, I got interested."

Aboard the Thousand Sunny.

Luffy and the others were exposed to the concept of Haki at this moment, opening the door to a new world.

"Haki can hit natural entities and even hurt me. No wonder grandpa's fists are so powerful. It turns out this is domineering."

Luffy showed a bit of excitement. Since everyone in the new world can do this trick, he must be able to do it too!

I just don't know how to learn it. I wish I had asked my grandfather to teach me.

Then he continued to focus on the screen. The various ninjutsu in the world of Naruto were so cool that his eyes were shining.

Marvel World, Karma Taj