
Amazing Spider-man

Peter, is a nerd who was bullied in his school. The fate of his life changes when he was bitten by a radioactive spider. As he continues, how will he face his life? ### This fan fic had no reincarnation or anything. The story is just pure Spiderman. But my own story with my own villain at least I will try to add. Morden Spider-Man comic suck. So I want to create the story and give an ending to my hero. The hero that brings joy in my life. I will use a comic storyline as well with a twist. So I warned you this is just a story for me.

goffyboy · Tranh châm biếm
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6 Chs

Peter Parker

The sun was up and people were doing their respective things.

An old Ben walked upstairs to wake up Peter. He opened the door. " Today is the first day of your life! " Ben said.

He sat on the bed and shook Peter. "Come on. I know you are awake. "

Peter grabbed the blanket and rolled over his head. " Uncle Ben. You say the same thing every

morning. Can't I start my life tomorrow? "

" I don't feel well. I am gonna puke. I have a sleeping syndrome. " Peter murmured.

Ben laughed. He took away the blanket. " Excuse never work on me, kiddo. Besides you are too bright to waste your time in bed. Maybe instead of laying, make your bed. Look at all the mess. "

Ben grabbed the papers laying on the floor and placed them on the table. " Hurry, May is waiting. "

Ben walked out of Peter's room. Peter rubbed his eyes and murmured. " The first day of my life? Oh great. "

He dragged his lazy feet to the bathroom and washed himself. After dressing up, he grabbed his glasses and headed to the down stair.

' I need to finish my project. ' Peter thought about his science project. He wanted to grab the scholarship. Uncle Ben was old and he did not want to burden his problem to them.

The smell of flesh toast entered his nose as Peter descend the stair. " Smell good. " He said.

Aunt May was cooking something in the kitchen, and Uncle Ben was reading the newspaper as usual.

" Would you look at that, May? The streets aren't safe anymore. Not that it had been safe but it had gone worse. " Uncle Ben flipped the page.

Peter saw the headline. ' What is the Vulture? A new superhuman? '

" I don't want to hear such a thing in the early morning. " Aunt May said. She came out with a fly egg and bread for Peter.

" Morning, Aunt May. " Peter said smiling at her.

Uncle Ben dropped the newspaper and pointed at the picture. It was a vague photo of a man flying in the sky.

" Look at this, Peter. A man robbing the bank in broad daylight. " Uncle Ben said.

Peter nodded. He did not care about others. So it was not his problem. The world was not a kind place. He had learned that even since at a young age.

Peter grabbed the bacon and dropped it in his mouth.

" If I have power, I would fly around and save many people. " Uncle Ben said. " And I will jump down from a high building feeling the wind. That would be so great. Are you think so, May? "

Uncle Ben laughed.

" Ben Parker, the man I married would never dream something like this. "

Peter nodded. " The police will chase you for that. "

" Human torch can fly around. " Uncle Ben proved. He felt hurt that his silly little dream was brushed off like a joke.

" Yeah. Yeah. " Peter repeated.

" Whatever. But what do you say, Peter? After your school, let's take the old camera out and try to catch a good look at this Vulture guy. " He smiled.

" I bet Daily Bugle would pay a pretty for the photo. "

Aunt May dropped a hot coffee on the table with a little force. " No, I don't like this plan. I don't want Peter to do this kind of stuff. And I placed your lunch on the doorway, off you go. "

Peter thanked. " Don't worry Aunt May. "

" What's wrong with being a good citizen? If I have a superpower I will use it for good like the fantastic four. "

" Why, Uncle Ben? " Peter asked nonchalantly.

" Because the responsibility falls on me the moment I have the power to save people. With great power come great responsibility. "

Peter noted. He did not have much to say about those words. He grabbed his backpack and left the house.

" Have a good day, sweetheart! " Aunt May said goodbye.

" And watch out those buzzards. " Uncle Ben finished the sentence.

Peter waved at the couple.

He walked to the busy street filled with chatter and motion. He was a timid kid. He arrived at the school bus.

' Look like the bus had not arrived yet. ' Peter thought.

He opened the book he bought. ' Chemical and atomic science. '

Surrounded by the humdrum city, Peter devoured every page, losing himself in the wonder of science. Occasionally, he would glance up from his book, observing the people bustling around him.

Students he finds in his school chatted, and life carried on as usual. Peter, a shy and unassuming teenager blended into the crowd.

The bus arrived. He closed his book reluctantly slipping carefully into his backpack. With a sigh, he joined his fellow students mentally preparing for another day of school.

As he boarded the bus, he noticed Flash Thompson, a bully already seated inside. Peter's heart sank a little at the sight of him, hoping to avoid any confrontation.

Hesitant, Peter found an empty seat toward the back of the bus, attempting to keep a low profile. Flash caught sight of Peter and immediately seized the opportunity to mess with the nerd.

With a smirk on his face, Flash called out. " Hey, Parker! Look like we have got ourselves a nerd on this bus. "

The other students on the bus turned their heads, curiosity piqued by the loud voice. Peter tried to remain composed not wanting to give Flash the satisfaction of his reaction.

As he sat on the seat, his ear picked up the chatter of two girls.

" I was after someone more exciting. Someone like Jonny Storm, the human torch. He is gorgeous and famous. Two great things that go well together. " The girl said covering her mouth.

" Yeah. I guess it is true. Some guys have all the luck. We could shoot to Flash. I heard he is rich. "

Peter retrieved his book from his backpack and attempted to lose himself in the page once again. He hoped that by focusing on his study he could block out Flash's taunts and his insecurity.


Hi. Author few words.

This fan fic had no reincarnation or anything like that. This story is simply Spiderman.

I wanted to end the Spider-Man story because comic books were wild.

It will follow the comic book patterns but I wanted to spice up. So I will add new villains.

And there will be crazy villains like the Wall. It's a Spiderman story so I wanted to add his daily life as well.

This is slow burn.

I will post 1 chapter a day.

If you want to ask something you can write a comment or tell me on my discord.


And don't forgot to check my other One Piece fanfic.