
Amalgam Universe Beast Boy

This book will be LOOSELY based on Amalgam Comics. An old combination of DC and Marvel with a few more things added for my enjoyment. A 36 year old Garfield Logan is a military veteran working a Museum security job. A robbery goes wrong and our story begins. He finds himself in a different body and wouldn’t you know it he doesn't just have to worry about a big purple nut chinned simp that wants to kill 50% of all living things to impress his crush, Death (Balance my A&&). But he also has to worry about an Anti Lifer whose look really can kill. Seriously Darkseid, take up a hobby, learn to paint with more than the blood of the innocent. Set up an adoption agency for abused space animals and retired Paradeamon’s. Something, just leave Earth alone. This is my first time writing and I am doing it for my enjoyment. Will look forward to comments and constructive criticism but complaints will have a better chance of getting to me of you scream them out your window and I happen to be walking by at that time. My greatest hope is that this story will inspire someone else to write a story I will enjoy. Going to shoot for daily release but I have to work to do the things I enjoy so we will see. I don’t own the Pic’s or the Original Characters concepts. Also I accidently placed this in Novel instead of FanFic so moved it. Sorry for any inconvenience.

Malamber · Tranh châm biếm
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132 Chs

Power Up V 2

Logan, "I hate to cut our tour short, but I would like a chance to rest and refresh before the evening meal with Queen Atlanna. My emotions are in a bit of turmoil after confronting Ronal and his friends. You three should take this time to renew old friendships without the burden of guests coloring your actions. Meet up with us at Bio-Ship when it's time Kaldur, if you're ok with it that is."


Kaldur, "Yes, I would cherish time with Garth and Tula. I thank you for the gift Logan, and will collect you before our appointed time with the Queen and her consort." 


Logan, {Would you come with me M'gann, I think I will need your help with something.}


M'gann, {Sure, I'll lead the way.}


Leaving the group of friends behind we head to Bio-Ship and resume our normal shapes.


M'gann, {So what do you need my help with?}


Logan, {Give me just a moment to check something M'gann.} I sit down in the mediative position I find most comfortable and retreat into my mind. As I look at my defensive walls, I am proud of how imposing they look now. I head straight for my inner library and go to the hallway where the doors are. Now there are only 3 doors as the Green one faded out when J'onn and I exited it previously. 


That leaves the Red and Yellow doors on the left side and on the right is the White door and it is now slightly open. Logan approached it and tried to open the door further, but it wouldn't react to his force. This leaves me with two possibilities. One, there is a time wait between the door opening and it allowing me to enter. Two, I must have someone with me. The second condition also has the possibility that it requires a Martian of the door color to accompany me. If J'onn was here I would have the option to check that scenario, or I could wait until he is available. 


But I'm not going to do that if I don't have to. No one turns down a power-up. I quickly return to the corporeal world and see M'gann. 


Logan, {OK M'gann, I need to let you in on something about my powers. From what they could tell at the watchtower I am still adapting to the DNA changes and occasionally I get new abilities. My mind has formed a hallway with doors in the colors of the Martian race's skin tones and during our confrontation with the Atlantian's a door opened but I can't go through it. It is possible that I need a Martian to accompany me.}


M'gann, {OK?}


Logan, {Last time I was with J'onn and when we entered the Green door, we went into a room that had a representation of J'onn in it and I learned to change my Biometric Structure to shape change and increase my strength. I don't know what I will learn this time but I'm really hoping it's telekinesis. My hope comes from the idea that your using telekinesis today triggered the opening of the door.}


M'gann, {I will help if I can, but I am not really good at the subtle side of telepathy. I will be ready to retreat if needed.}


She sits before me in a Japanese Seiza posture. She folded her legs under her thighs neatly and kept her spine erect, feet tucked underneath her body. She reached for my hands and once she had them, she then closed her eyes. The song line 'I Came in Like a Wrecking Ball!!!' was written for this girl. She entered the surface portion of my mind with no issue, I am sure she practiced it a lot when linking her team's mind but going deeper into my mind it felt like she was trying to force a softball in a slot for a baseball. 


Dear gods this was her trying to be subtle, no wonder Connor caught her trying to mess with his mind. I felt my defensive foundations tremble a bit and I quickly thought {Easy sis, you don't have to bring in your whole mind at once. Pick a portion and slowly flow it into my mind.} She quickly made the changes I suggested. {That's better, we aren't battling so no need to rush it.} She slowly started to form in my consciousness.


M'gann, {See, I told you I wasn't good at this.} 


Logan, {It's ok M'gann it just takes practice and time.}


M'gann, {Time? You haven't had these powers for more than a handful of months and you are already giving me lessons. I will just accept that I am not good at this stuff.}

Logan, {You have immense power M'gann, that's why it is so hard to control. But if you don't work at that control, you can cause irreparable harm without meaning to. It doesn't help that you are forcing your form into a shape that is not your own. It would be easier if you relaxed into your natural form.}


M'gann, {NO... This is the form I have when I think of myself.}


Logan, {OK, I will leave it at this then. Please look into psychology courses and talk to Black Canary. No one is as hard on you as you are. That goes for everyone sis, me and your Uncle J'onn as well. Now, follow me.} 


We moved to my defensive walls, and I allowed her entry into my inner consciousness. She looked around with sparkly eyes asking lots of questions about why I chose such a representation for my thoughts. I answered her for the most part and glossed over a few other things. I was a little surprised Morph hadn't made an appearance, but I just chalked it up to his sleeping habits and his only passing liking for M'gann. 


When we got to the hallway I pushed on the door, and it swung open at my touch. I glanced at M'gann and stepped into the room with her following right after me. Just like last time there was someone waiting for us in the room, and it was M'gann. She wore a black outfit from neck to foot, identical to Martian Manhunters. All black with red lines and a blue cape. Her hair was still red, and she didn't have it bound up anymore. The startling thing was her skin was Martian white and her eyes were the same black and yellow as she had in her full Martian form. I looked to my right and saw M'gann with a look of shock and fear on her face. 


The white M'gann walked toward us and M'gann said "Stay away!" as she retreated. The white M'gann didn't reply and just kept walking towards me and then she walked through me. From previous experience, I gathered I was to learn Phasing this time. When the white M'gann walked through me I felt my cells tremble, like they shook and loosened up from each other. I concentrated on that feeling and noticed that my cells changed a bit, they looked more like biopolymer material made of cells. My mind entered a single cell, and I was able to see it fully. Is this how J'onn and M'gann see their body?


(Did I get Martian Vision also?) I quickly looked around to see if I could notice anything different with my sight but didn't notice anything. The white M'gann just stood there so I did what she had done and phased through her. She nodded and then she slowly faded from sight. "That's weird, last time the J'onn who taught me just went inactive and we walked out," I told M'gann.


M'gann, "I am glad she left, it was awkward looking at her like that." 


Logan. "I thought she looked fine; she was comfortable is how I would describe it. 


M'gann didn't say anything but she gasped in shock when the Mind M'gann returned this time. This M'gann was not white but green again, she even still had the red hair. However, she appeared much older than the one I brought with me or the previous white M'gann. I would guess she was in the mid 20's and her outfit was much more mature. She wore a black and red shirt that draped down into a pointed loincloth look, barely covering her lower body front and back. She had a cape that was black trimmed with red and held together by a round clasp that looked like a Wagon wheel. Her eyes were solid red, and she continued to look at me as if waiting for something. 


A moment later she faded away again. Only to appear a few seconds later. "I think she is trying to teach me invisibility M'gann." I said.


M'gann, "I do that by making my outer biopolymers stop reflecting light. It's like using them to make clothes but I cover myself with a material that doesn't reflect light. It's not perfect, because our mass is still there unless you use phasing at the same time. I concentrated on my hand and went through a range of changes at M'gann's instruction and came across the correct one after about 5 minutes of trial. When my hand disappeared from my sight I focused on that change and spread it around my body. 


Mind M'gann nodded her head and then did what I had hoped for, she raised her hand and her feet lifted off the floor. She crossed her legs and sat Indian-style in the air. 


M'gann, "I never understood how you didn't know how to do this. It is just using your mind on outside objects. It should be easy for you with your control and power."


I mentally grab myself and lift, and then with no hesitation, my body floats up and is steady. In all honesty, I am surprised at how easy it is. I just use my mind almost the same as when I first reached out to read minds. Once I settle back onto the floor, Mind M'gann just turns into a statue, and I figure we are done here. My new powers of telekinesis, phasing, and invisibility will increase my strength very much. 


Once M'gann and I walk out of the door it fades away and leaves me with only 2 doors left. In a moment of clarity, I wonder if my body needs another Martian to scan and observe their cellular structure so it can fix my body to do the same things. It would explain why I need another Martian of a specific color to enter the door with me.