
Amai Tori Girl

This was the second time for him to enter the sea of sprouts in dreams. A small plead full of sorrow and pain weaved its way into his soul. After a thousand years... he saw two white night cerus to appear in the sea again. The petals fell off one by one and the moment they landed on the surface of the sea, each of them bloomed into a new glimmering white night cerus. Blood!! Bright red blood was splashed out from his mouth across the dark pavilion which was filled with the smell of blood. For the past five hundred years, his spirit root was entirely broken...A thousand years ago...in the first century, he was unqualified to take even a slight rest whether day or night. He tried his best to find the last spiritual cognition of her! Cultivating the essence of flesh and blood into innate energy, nourishing five vital internal organs, breaking the lines of his 8 veins, he had at last found the burning soul collecting burner... But in the end, he even didn't know if her spirit root was collected by the mortal realm or not. He remembered that day, arrows filled the sky and his lonely shadow overlooked thousands of miles. Spring wind didn't understand the blessing of the rainbow. And just then he was swept by an invisible stream of air... He saw her to give up struggling and just letting herself sink into the bottom of the river of seven pigments. He saw how countless rough spirit blades split opened her skin... He wanted to perish with her... But it was too late to look back... She said with a fainted smile, "This pulse is already too restless to perish, my soul is already buried. You should know, I'm just a passerby." He believes if there's still a bright moon hung, in the sky of the river of seven pigments, then the way that moonlight shines at present is the same as it had in the past. Now, the smoke is getting thinner and greed is the one that stood out this time. Over the deep lake filled with reflecting water, will she ride over her sword again?

Shuixiulan · Kỳ huyễn
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3 Chs

Chapter 1 :Oᴘᴇɴɪɴɢ 1➻ ❃Sweet coconut lemon❃

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In the afternoon, the aura of drizzle was still hovering around and it was enchanting.

The fragrance of bergamot orange used on clothes came by together with the after rain's breeze.

The aroma was from Meherun Islam. She was holding her side-bag with one hand and her other hand was inside her left pocket.

Giant waves of thoughts rolled and surged through her mind, and a very dense watery vapor of heavy thoughts filled every inch of her head. She was heading to the BudhaMandir area, walking step by step from Hirazhil lane, to buy shandesh ( a type of milk-based sweets, which means good news) and Sprite. In her house, at night, some guests were invited.

Meherun's POV•••••••

Today, the affinity of clouds is becoming too close to the mundane dust. Seems like, tearing apart its chest it's crying to the soil, spreading a little amount of bitterness of life and adding a little amount of fragrance of life. In this period of life, I'm asking you " Is your life colorful?" And mine? I Don't know about mine. Sometimes it seems like a new mango leaf and sometimes like an old panda. My name is Sarina Takamine Juri and I'm Japanese but staying in Bangladesh because of schooling's fortune. Here my name is also converted into Meherun Islam. Hearing

'Meherun', 'Meherun' all the time, I almost forget my real name many times. But walking alone during this rainy afternoon in the local area made me so dramatic that I'm speaking with myself, great na?

Today, there are some guests in Meherun's house aka at my house. So, I'm going to buy a bottle of sprite and shandesh from a confectionary. This cold drink named sprite is too tasty, na? I just love it !! Furthermore, if anyone gives me dozens of shandesh, I can easily finish that in 2 days.

On this rainy day, I think the neighbor brother went colorfully crazy. So, he's doing something like a DJ party in his house. I don't have more to say about him. Like just how?!! How can a person make a too loud noise like this in a local area ?! This Bangladesh is too crowded that I forget my isolation from friends and parents almost every time. But this type of DJ party from 12:00 pm to 4:00 pm irritates me much. He does it whenever it rains on Friday. A total weirdo he is! There is another charisma. I don't know what does the neighborhood mother does with her newborn baby but he cries every time tearing apart my tympanic membrane. Today, he's crying to death from almost the very early morning. Now, I'm exhausted over these matters.

Now, this rainy day with the mist of Arabian Jasmine is making me nostalgic for my last birthday with my Oto san (my father).

That day was also a rainy day, my Oto san (father ) didn't wish me after waking up from sleep. Then I was only 5 years old. It was on the 17th of January and Sunday. I thought though he didn't wish me he would tell me not to go to school ( kindergarten ). I was living in London back then with him. My Oka san (mother) and Aniki(big brother ) were living in Tokyo. My grandparents were separated from my parents as soon as they were married. So, with my grandparent's we have a distant connection. They live in Nagasaki and my grandfather is quite a gentleman and one of the business tycoons in the now Japan. He's the CEO of the famous Tsumura Group. This old man is quite industrious but I never had the opportunity to know him. My type of recognition of him is similar to others. I don't really feel like a close relative of him. I never saw my grandparents with my own eyes. So, that day, I was really unhappy cause my Oka san wished me, Aniki wished me but Otosan didn't and also forced me to go to school. He was also arriving late.

Everyone had already left school. Then after an hour of waiting, I started crying silently. I thought of him to be the most ruthless that day. I cried too loud into my heart but it was a fact that "Heart's loud cry isn't hearable."

Then someone arrived lastly. He surprised me with lots of flowers. It was a colorful bouquet anyway. He gave me lots of chocolates. We went to an amusement park to play. I ate lots of cotton candies. And it was my Oto san whom I loved the most back then...

I lived with him just between the ages of 3 to 5. I didn't know the Japanese language back then. I just knew 6 words , "Oto san { father}, Oka san { mother }, Aniki { big brother} , Nani { What } , Arigatou { Thank You } and Itadakimasu { Thanks for the food }.

Those days were filled with love.


While saying all these. suddenly one of the local recognizable brothers called me and broke my illusions of speaking with myself. He called me with the name Meherun, then I was forgetful of this name and uttered the Japanese word ' Nani '. He thought I called him "Grandma" cause in Bengali, Nani means grandmother and the pronunciation is almost the same. How hilarious! Why would I call him grandma? Then I bought a 3-liter bottle of sprite and a box of greenish shandesh. I remember, when I was little, Oka San often made some sweets similar to this.

While licking a bar of dairy milk, I entered the house, built by Meherun's parents which had an open garden. Then I secretly dumped the packet of dairy milk into the garbage and then Meherun's mother, Mrs. Jannat asked me to sit for lunch.

Oh ! I forgot to tell you all who's Meherun! Really sorry, ok? She's the youngest child of MRS Jannat, who died after felling into the river while playing nearby the river when they went to visit their native land.


Explanation :

Thousands of years ago, from another Universe a group of humans with superpowers, wanted to befriend the humans of this world. Half of the humans denied them considering them as ghosts. But those who were real intellectuals befriended with them. Those humans entangled with Earth humans. As a result, many of them made families; falling in love with each other. The humans with superpowers were exiled from the planet because of a war between their planet and another planet named Nexus mirror. They had hardly saved their life. So, they wanted to leave their descendant on Earth and their descendant's to protect their tribe and cultures opened an institute named St.merrit School & University. That institute teaches students magical sutra's, teaches how to boost up their soul energies, teaches martial arts etc.with their regular studies. That school is like a fantasy world. Each department is like a palace. Soon opening their this institution it went famous. So, many evil people turned into another world's super-humans rival. So, they hide that institution inside a mountain somewhere around sea 'Lao Hu' and the mountains name was 'Teng-cloud' mountain...It was a tall mountain shaped like a blade which pierced through the clouds. They had cast a spell around 'Teng-cloud' mountain. So it became invisible. Soon it became one of the largest sects in the XIUXIAN world .| XIUXIAN refers to the cultivators, often with supernatural powers|

So, St. Merrit also turned invisible. Only 300 families with 'Teng-cloud' coupons every one decade later can send one or two kids from their families for a tryout. The tryout is for recruiting new disciples. The try out happens twice in a specified year. The kids have to go through many hard tasks. Like, 1st they have to go to the area beside sea Lao Hu, then they have to reflect their inner-self properly to go through the stories secretly weaved by the authorities. Those whose moral qualities are best will be the winner. Like this, they have to complete 5 tasks every time and at last, they can sit in the exam. In reality, the exam is just a trial but the tasks are the real exams. But those who take tasks as trials are bound to fail. Sarina Takamine Juri's family had a coupon. So, she went out for a tryout. She won 3/4 tryouts receiving no.1 place. She got one magical silver coin, one magical iron statue, and a magical bracelet. She didn't know how to use them but she was happy. But the 5th task was to spend 2-3 years in a foreign as that countries commoner and have to be like those commoners including language. So, this time all were sent to Bangladesh. She was living in a Muslim family. This family was chosen by the 'Teng-cloud' authority.

In Bangladesh, she got the name MEHERUN ISLAM, who was living as the youngest daughter of MRS. Jannat and husband. The 'Teng-cloud' authority chooses only 100 kids among 600 who take part in this tryout.

One more important Sentence:

During 5 tasks, none are allowed to contact to home or to the relatives.