

Just a piece of writing for fun, don't expect great grammar cause I suck at English but, I'll try to make my sentences make sense...... Maybe

DaoistseApG8 · Kỳ huyễn
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4 Chs


The sun is bright, the wind cold, my body trembling in awe.

I look outside and see a world filled beauty, so exquisite that I can't help but think, "I want to stay at home!!!"

"You're not staying at home you're going to that mixer whether you like it or not".

"Stop dragging me sis, I don't wanna" I scream in retaliation, as I am dragged across the carpeted floor like a rag.

"Man up already for Christ sake, you're 24 and still don't have a girlfriend, heck you haven't even lost your virginity". Her words pierced my soul. "It's a choice goddammit, I can lose my virginity if I want to ". "Ohh really prove it then".

I pause. "Well it's not like I don't want to" fiddling my fingers I say. "It's just that I don't want to get in a relationship because first its a pain in the ass having to constantly worry about your partner and needing make sacrifices for each other. Secondly I don't wanna get into a relationship just for sex that's a pretty rude thing in my opinion, but if that's what you want go ahead I won't stop you. Thirdly my ideology of romance is too high, alright I got into rom-coms and I want something like that to happen but it never will because firstly, I'm your average male, secondly people like that don't exist and thirdly I'm afraid of a woman's touch like just imagine if I was in a relationship as a virgin 24 year old, the other side would definitely judge me, and I don't want that. So that is why I don't want to go please!!! Panting I make my statement, as I just expelled the longest essay I can to avoid going to a mixer.

Deadfaced she says "Aren't you just making excuses, cause you're too lazy to go and have regular human interactions, you even became a software developer just so you could limit your interactions with others. Okay I get it if you don't want to be in a relationship that's fine but at least get some human interactions."

"It's not like I don't talk to people it's just I find it a PAIN to do so and would much rather spend it on something else which is more productive, and doesn't lead me to crying myself to sleep unlike a certain someone here".


"I won't make any mistakes" I but in.

Silence befalls us.

Grabbing her bag she makes her way to the door, "fine then do what you like, I won't interfere ever again".

"Awww shit, now I've done it", is all I could think.


Waking up the next morning I can't help but think back to her words.

"Like I understand you're looking out for me and want me to be a working member of society, but like I'm doing fine right now and people are just a pain and aren't worth the trouble either".

"Thinking back on it she always stopped me from doing things I wanted, she was just a annoying sister who didn't even know anything, like what could she have learned from the cheating mother of ours anyway, hmph."

As hours pass by I rethink to myself on the previous day, and can't help but make the conclusion.


"I should have just agreed to go , it's not like anything bad would have happened from just attending, and I owe it to her, she's helped me so much in my life, like when dad disagreed with my career choices, but she back me up and helped me pursue what I wanted." 'And yet I couldn't even do what she asked, heck better yet I even insulted her to her face".

"Huuuh", picking up my phone I rhythmically breather pluming my self up, until finally I send the message.

"I hope she forgives me I can't help but think".

Hours later and still no reply, what should I do, dwelling on this though I think to myself "I should apologies in person, that's more sincere right?"

Throwing on the most decent clothes I have, I run out of my apartment at lightspeed, breaking all road rules applicable to a pedestrian.

Jogging for the past 20 mins, I'm surprised by my stamina, I wouldn't say I'm unfit but I literally have the endurance of a tooth pick. I wonder what's leading me to not feel to fatigued.

As her house comes into view I accelerate even more when suddenly, a loud honk throws me off leading me to become off balance.

I twist my ankle and start hurdling towards the road. In a twist of fate my phone flashed across my face unlocking through my face id where it shows a new message saying "Ill forgive you if you apologies to me in person".

Elated at this though I jump up screaming "SORRRRY SIS", however the consequence of this act would come to bite me back and my already twisted ankle touched the ground a new pleasure surged through my body, the pleasure known to all as HUGE FUCKING PAIN.

Sprawled across the road, I see Semi slowly up roaching me and instead of slowing down it speeds up, honking its horn signaling my inevitable doom.

I see my sisters figure running to try and help me, I try to move but I can't the pain is too mch ad I don't have enough will power to over come it. When she's almost 10 meters away, I accept my inevitable doom "I'm Sorry sis", is all I said before darkness took me.


"I see you re awake now, truck-kun is really good at his job isn't he" and unknown voice states.

"Am I still alive" I ask delirious.

"Hah good joke man, you were still alive after being run over I was impressed, like no seriously, I've seen a man survive truck-kun through pure will of confessing to a 1600+ year old, 16 year old, and you did that once in a millennium time event I would normally have blessed and saved you, ."

"But you didn't" I state depressed.

"Now now, don't get too depressed, as that would be counterproductive, however I have some good news, and it's about your sister".

" You do, wait don't tell me she died after being traumatized seeing me get turned into meat paste."

"That isn't good news you nincompoop, that's bad news.

"Sorry, I'm still not feeling too great" I reply.

"It's fine, anyways as I ordered truck-kun to have you killed so I could receive you soul, I had to add energy into your universe to accommodate for the decrease in energy by taking you, it was quite a lot too as your material body was still there and I had to forcefully take the soul out, but I added that to your sister so now she's stronger."

"Also no one will remember you anymore" he whispers.

"Yeah that is good news, wait did you just say she'll forget me that sucks, all the things we've been through as siblings will be gone just like that, I don't want that, give them back, hyouka"

"Sorry can't do that, I can't just will nilly take energy from your universe, the guy who made it was a dick and didn't allow for any fun, anyways its better isn't it that she doesn't remember a traumatizing experience of seeing her brother killed in front of her and anyways you were a louzy excuse of a sibling ".

"Nodding, I agree with him it's probably better she doesn't remember then it'll be better than her being traumatized atleast, but won't she still remember a person being killed by a truck."

"Oh you don't have to worry about that the excess energy used to strengthen your sis first lead her to her back home and then erased all memories of you from the world, therefor all thoughts about you were erased including the accident".

"That's fine then, I guess, well what now".

"Well as I killed you, it is only right for me to compensate you isn't it".

"Hmm true, wait you killed me" I ask shocked.

"Dumb one you are"

This chapter's shit cause I wanted to write serious but 5 mins in I lost motivation and didn't want to be seriou so I turned it into a gag, you probaly won't see me post on this account cause I'm using a temp email but if I made you laght then its algoodz.

Two references in this one, If you got them yay I give you a virtual pat otherwise, you're a dumfuck who is only a disappointment to their familes

One's Hyouka and the other Tonikau kawaii, should read or watch them they're wholesome and better than this shit you're reading, but If you're like me and have read literally everything nd don't want to practise for that calculus exam, then write some random shits it's fun

This the end so sayonara

DaoistseApG8creators' thoughts