
Am I The Protagonist or The Villain!?

When Liam woke up, he found out that he had reincarnated into an urban world. He was born into one of the four supreme families in Easton city! He also has a mysterious system but because of his special fate, the system started updating and it took 18 years to complete that update. His special fate is that he is the protagonist in the urban world and his golden finger is like those villains' golden finger where the villain steals the luck of every protagonist. But what about him? He has become the protagonist and has a system which is suitable for the villain. Not only that, after 1 year, because of his protagonist's fate he was separated from his family with his twin sister and later was adopted by a beauty master who liked to wear black robe covering her identity. But even if he has a golden finger like those villains where they steal the luck of protagonists. He looked at the wide sky and said righteously "Since the heavens have chosen me as the protagonist then I will be a righteous person in this life. My motto is to become the very light that shines over the world!" With his saying the heavens and earth seems to tremble slightly and the golden holy light from the void seems to cover his body. From then on he started his path as the righteous protagonist! Wait... So he won't use his golden finger and steal the luck of protagonists!? Well, the answer is NO! Heaven and Earth know his conscience, He is just following the route of his protagonist as for using his golden finger along the way, Well isn't it common to take back the luck of those fake protagonists as the real son of destiny? *** Tags: Reincarnation - Chaotic Neutral Main Character - Urban World - Different Races - Harem - No Yuri - No NTR - But Contains Netori - Milf - R18 - Smut - Pregnancy - Slice of Life *** To see character's illustrations and to get instant chapter release, join my discord server; https://discord.gg/38sHvNaUzr

Parshant_Morwal · Kỳ huyễn
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30 Chs

Chapter 30. We Must Loose To Get Something.

After sighing and praising his sugar mom system, he checked what kind of connection he had.

After checking, he raised his eyebrows because the principal and director were going to have a party but a gang came and had some fight with them but just as the gang were about to beat the principal and director. He arrived and saved them.

After some talk, they get to know that he and his sister arrived today and finding his interest in the school, they give him two seats of admission for him and his sister.

'But I didn't meet them so the system arranged everything.' He didn't dwelled on this matter and a thoughtful expression appeared on his face.

Now everything is done and he had some ideas how to solve this protagonist.

Even though he could kill him directly, but he is greedy for those 100 points of luck and system points.

The Suzuki school is the best school in the magic city, because it's the best school almost all families send their children to learn from here.

Liam nodded and suddenly thinking of an insightful eye, he looked at his sister beside him.

[Name: Leena

Age: 18

Charm: 99

Physique: None

Favorability: 999 (Unhealthy)

Cultivation Realm: Mid Stage Of Qi Refining

Luck: 800]

'Damn, even my sister has so much luck!'

"Why are you looking at me like that? Also why do you go in a daze from time to time?"

"Ahem nothing, I was thinking about something. My sister and girlfriend is so cute so why shouldn't I look at her more?" Liam closed the distance between them and pecked her lips again.

"B-brother you can look at me as long as you want!" She blushed and licked her lips as if remembering the taste.

Liam laughed and informed her "We will go to school tomorrow. I had already submitted our documents and get's the admission done."

"School! Well if that's my brother's choice." She whined but thinking that her brother will be with herself, she nodded her head.

Soon they arrived at a big luxurious clothing shop for clothing. Having enough money, he wouldn't buy clothes from the stall now does he?

Even in his previous life he bought clothes from a shop.

Not to mention now that he is a rich man!

Liam and Leena were like a pair of golden couples, blinding everyone in the shop. Even though they were wearing old clothes, no one mocked them or gave them any disdainful eyes.

Heck they didn't even ask for their budget and showed them their best pieces of clothes in the shop.

This happened because they saw their car outside Rolls-Royce Phantom, even though most people don't have one but they checked on the internet okay.

And will the person who bought that car be poor? That's out of the question!

That's why they showed their best pieces in the showroom.

Liam didn't care for money and bought whatever he wanted. Leena also didn't ask whether he had enough money, since Liam already told her to buy whatever she wants.

He also bought shorts and tshirt for himself. Now is the summer time and he won't wear full clothes in the house and even outside.

After buying whatever they wanted, Liam gave them his debit card. He didn't take out black cards because that's mainly for pretending to be cool.

Unless someone mocked him that he didn't have enough money to buy expensive clothes and then decided to buy their entire shop, he wouldn't take out this supreme black card. As he said, that's mainly for pretending to be cool.

He didn't check many of Leena's clothes which she bought secretly because she said she would give him a surprise.

As for himself, he bought two sets of coats and pants, as well as a simple shirt, tshirt and shorts of different colors.

After buying and without paying any attention to their talking Liam and Leena went to the car.

They have their stuff in their own hands.

As they were going Liam asked curiously "They said that they can send our items to our house, so why did you refuse?"

"That's because I didn't want any male to enter our house except you of course."

"Really! Haha" Liam was in a great mood and opened the car door for her.

After they sat in the car, Liam replied, "I also don't like any male to enter our house."

Liam and Leena can be called introverted but even if they are introverted they can talk without stuttering to anyone.

The main thing is that they don't like to leave the house and talk to a stranger.

This has become their habit after living in the mountains for 13 years.

Liam started the car and went to his mansion.

"Wow, brother, is this where we will stay?" Leena's eyes shined looking at the luxurious mansion from outside.

But she raised her eyebrows after seeing that no one was guarding this mansion.

"Brother, what about bodyguards? What if someone attacked us?"

Liam smiled faintly and replied "Then that would be his last day."

He paused and continued "Don't think that no one is guarding this mansion, in fact there are 100 female cultivators guarding our mansion. So you don't need to be too careful even when sleeping."

In fact this would actually be lower than sense when they are in danger. If a cultivator get's too comfortable and forgets basic rules, then his death isn't far away but who is Liam?

He has a system and is a protagonist not to mention having 500 hundred simulator robots.

He can sidewalk not only in the city but also in this country.

As for why he reminded her that she shouldn't care about attacks is because he wanted her to live a good life.

It's wrong for him to make a decision without asking her but hey he is her brother and future... husband so he won't let her bear any hardship.

At the same time, he is going to assign some bodyguards for her. Which can keep her safe and give her some time to escape if any unfortunate situation comes.

Just as he was saying, he felt her gaze and replied "This is also a secret which I will tell you later, so just wait for that time."


Then the gate of their mansion opened and he saw the mansion.

'Damn! The system product must be boutique!' They went inside and selected their room, well very close next to each other on the second floor.

They were empty handed as for the things that they bought, those simulated robots will take it inside. Liam also didn't parked the car in garage, as for why?

Just cause this mansion belongs to him and he car really do whatever he wants.

He smiled and went on the roof with Leena.

The view is very good. There is forest on the side and mountains behind this mansion. Because of that the air is also fresh making their mood happy.

"How about this one? Are you satisfied?"

"Very satisfied!"

"There is also a villa, we will visit it later." He said and thought for a moment 'The qi in the air isn't much and is even lower compared to mountains. But here I can get many conveniences as compared to mountains. We must lose to get something.'

He shook his head and quietly enjoyed the view with his sister.


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