
Am I Not Suitable For This World ?

Ethan was a normal college student . He was lazy and in studies below average student. He could see that his future was dark as he had poor academics and no company will hire him. He was tired of his hopeless life . One day Ethan was tired of hearing taunts and mockery from his family ,friend and college professors that he walked out of his college in sorrow and frustration asking himself " Am I Not Suitable For this world ? " . On that day due to his carelessness he met with an accident and died . Does his journey ends here ? NO He was reincarnated in another world with same kind of fate. Lets see how his new journey unfolds.

Shadow_Novel · Kỳ huyễn
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4 Chs

Am I Not Suitable for this world ?

"Ethan, you're a failure, once again. I'm tired of scolding you," Ethan's professor lashed out, causing the entire class to laugh and mock him.

"You never take my advice seriously or make an effort to change your attitude. With such poor academic performance, no one will hire you," the professor remarked, unmoved by Ethan's accustomed indifference to such nagging.

Surprisingly, the professor shouted at Ethan, "Shameless! Get out!"

Ethan was taken aback by this outburst because his professor had always scolded him and offered suggestions, but she had never dismissed him from class. This meant that she had finally given up on him.

Slowly rising from his seat, Ethan made his way out of the classroom. His steps were heavy, and he felt miserable and hopeless about his life.

Coming from a middle-class family, Ethan lived with his parents and elder sister. His family considered him a worthless freeloader. Their opinion seemed justified as his sister excelled in her studies and became a doctor at a prestigious hospital, while Ethan remained a below-average student with little hope for future employment. His parents contemplated kicking him out of the house, and his friends had already abandoned him.

Lost in his thoughts, Ethan walked slowly toward his home, contemplating how he couldn't survive in this world.

As he pondered his entire life, he questioned himself, "Am I Not Suitable For This World?"

Lost in his thoughts, Ethan failed to notice that he had already left the college grounds and was now crossing the road. Unaware of his surroundings, he was suddenly jolted back to reality by the blaring horns of a speeding semi-truck just meters away. In a split second, he realized the danger, but it was too late. The truck collided with Ethan, extinguishing his life.

Ethan found himself in a dark abyss, devoid of emotion. His only question was, "Am I really dead?"

Mixed emotions overwhelmed Ethan—anger at having lived a purposeless life, joy at escaping further suffering, and regret for the life he had led.

Ethan, a person inclined toward laziness, had neglected his appearance and physical well-being. He had never exercised and struggled with obesity, weighing 200 pounds.

Yet, amidst his flaws, Ethan possessed a kind-hearted nature. He cared for others, regardless of how he was treated.

As Ethan descended into the depths of the dark abyss, he smiled and wished for a second chance to prove himself.

[Chapters will be updated regularly at this time.]

12:00 AM EST

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