
Chapter 6:the story of the magic soul stick (2)

So,when he said you will be much better,i said:sure, i guess?And he replied:get in the car,and i said:ok,and he answered:im gonna take you to a massive demon place i mean a massive cool place*nervous laugh*.When he said a massive demon place then said i mean a massive cool place and did a nervous laugh,i couldn t trust him,so i said in my mind:is he evil?Is he innocent?Is he telling the the truth?Is he lying?I didn t know what to choose.So When we got there,the place was giantic and spooky,so he said:welcome to my house,when he said welcome to my house,i was shook,and i said:that s your house?!and he answered:yep.I swear i thought im eating food or drinking water,his house was fabulous and also spooky,and he said:follow me in this room,wish is next to a skeleton

so i said:ok,i guess?I followed him in this room and i said:why does it look like an experiment room?and he answered:cuz it is.So when he said cuz it is,i wanted to ran but the door closed by itself before i saw another exeperiment room with a girl turning into a stick,i was so confused,and after that,the looking kind man captured me and did some experiment on me,and turned me to a stick but a different one,like it s magic and also a soul trapped in there,and he named me magic soul stick,and about the other girl who turned into a stick,she s just like a normal stick,she doesnt talk like me or have magic,and about the looking Kind man,he was actually the bird man.

Ahmed and Younes at the same time:the bird man?!