
Cause I've No Pain Left

31st October

"What else do you expect me to do? If I tell her ALYLAH is going to die after she takes KHAJA's pain would he ever let his daughter to do that."

After hearing that I started trembling, it felt like the earth beneath my feet started to drain away.

I rushed to ALYLAH's room but to my utter surprise I saw that she wasn't there. I heard a car starting at the main door. I saw ALYLAH sitting in that car. They were taking ALYLAH to KHAJA RASHID tonight. I jumped out of the window and started running as fast as I could but I couldn't catch the car. Then I remembered that KHAJA lived in the protected fortress. I started running to the fortress. I sneaked into the fortress through an underground tunnel ELEANA talked about. It directly opened infront of the room of KHAJA. There I saw two soldiers lying dead infront of the room. WHEN I entered the room I saw ALYLAH, ELEANA AND two of her associates. Her associates were trying to stop me while I was trying to save ALYLAH, my daughter. I knocked out one of them. But the other had hit me on the head. I fell near ALYLAH's feet. She had already started the process to take away THE pain of KHAJA RASHID. I could see dark clouds all around. A strong storm had risen. We could see all the darkness, all the pain, all the thirst for vengeance in those clouds. It felt like the Black Clouds would take away ALYLAH forever. ALYLAH was screaming in agony. I could see the darkness grasping her into the world of sorrows. I could see ALYLAH going away. I was feeling helpless. I couldn't do anything. "ALYLAH, daddy's here. You don't need to feel scared. I'm here for you. Daddy's gonna make everything right."

At that very moment, I remembered the words that JULIAH told me in that letter. She told me to give ALYLAH a hug when she needed it the most. So, I stood up and hugged her as tightly as I could. And suddenly all the black clouds pierced through my chest and went into my heart. I fell down the ground. When I absorbed all the darkness, the brightest of all lights burst out of my body. The skies were clear again, the atmosphere was so light as if Roses were all around, the earth became full of green and the oceans became filled with water again.

And I was smiling like before. ALYLAH took me on her lap. She was crying. Her tears fell on my cheeks and it felt like fresh melted Nutella. Her voice sounded like JULIAH. The toxic radiation of the Hydrogen bombs had created a mystical aura. It felt like "La vida es bella". Then ALYLAH told, "Daddy why did you do that? Why can't I take away your pain?" (ALYLAH crying)

"Cause I've no pain left, my littlest Nutella. Hey, don't give on yourself okay? I'll always be with you in that tiny little heart of yours. I'll be there when you need me. It's just that daddy won't be there to cook you your favorite spaghetti. Daddy won't be there to watch HARRY POTTER for the 118th time with you."

"Daddy, don't say that. I'll make you right." (ALYLAH crying)

"I'm leaving you in peace my love."

"What if there's no peace? What if there's only darkness?" (ALYLAH crying)

"Then we face it together. She's waiting for me there."

My last breath felt so cozy that I could do that forever. Thus, there was no thirst for vengeance of a father which would trigger the curse and the curse ended for good.

The world became free from sadness, vengeance, jealousy, agony and the people could live happily ever after.