
Always in My Heart

Bella is an ordinary girl who leads a very simple and peaceful life. She has a nice family, amazing helpful friends, even her looks are above average which made her slightly popular in her school, except she hates boys. She never once thought of making a boyfriend while everyone has their lovers around her age. She loves to be single and quite enjoys her single life. In her words, boys are pure jerks, they do everything for their own benefits. And whenever their need is gone they're off with another one. One day her thoughts as well as her life changed drastically, in a way she never ever imagined. And it all started with a boy named Aaron.

hannah_axine · Thanh xuân
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11 Chs

Chapter - 06

"Let's have a picnic by the lake. It's been so long since we've done something like that!" - Molly said, bursting with excitements. I couldn't say no to her, even though I didn't feel like going anywhere today.

"Yeah! I was getting bored and so did Bella! Let's do it! I'm in." - Said Eric.

"We should have a Ramen picnic. We'll take instant noodles and cook it by the lake. Believe me, it's dope. I once had a Ramen picnic with a college friend of mine who was Japanese. It was the most amazing picnic I've ever had in my life. We Just need a small stove and some things to cook the Ramen." - Saul said. It's a great idea, Ramen and lake view.

"It's a great idea! Let's do it. I know some amazing instant noodles brands. It'll be fun." - I said, feeling excited. All of my tiredness is gone instantly with instant noodles. I love noodles, I can eat it all day all week but still won't get bore of it.

"Who want to come with me to get some ramens from the store?"

"Not me!" - Said the three idiots at once, Eva, Molly and Saul. Why do I even bother to ask!

"I'll come with you!" - Eric said, "You'll get lost if I don't!"

"Oh really, I am not who got lost at the age of 9, shame on you!" - I said, throwing a soft punch on his shoulder. He laughed at that.

We were getting ready for the picnic when Aaron came by with a box of dates. Grandma like dates. She told Aaron about the picnic and asked if he wanted to join us, and he said he'd love to. I didn't feel disturbed this time. After what I heard that day, I couldn't stop thinking about it. The way he approached to me was beyond my expectations. I nearly thought he had some ulterior motives behind this, and believe me who wouldn't. Anyway, I am glad he's not like that. But I should act like I don't know anything about him. That's the best until I get my memories back.

"Bella, would you mind if I join?!" - Aaron said as soon as he spotted me with a tote bag. He walked towards me until he's a few inches far from my eyesight.

"I don't care! It's up to you if you want to join."

"I thought you'd refuse! Thanks then! By the way, where are you heading?"

"To the mall. Want to come?" - I said, regretting right away. 'Oh shit. Just yesterday, you behaved like shit towards him. He'll be confused at this rate.'

"I mean, you have to come... We're going to buy some instant noodles and need someone to carry them. Don't get any ideas!"

"Haha, is that so? I'd love to go anywhere with my love." - He said, laughing out loudly. I still get weird feelings when he jokes about love. I don't know why does my heart keep forgetting that I hate boys, I have a phobia. My heart beat increases whenever he's near me, and I don't hate it entirely.

"Ready?! Oh! Who's he?" - Asked Eric after spotting him right in front of me. Eric never saw him around here, so he was curious who this new guy might be. Aaron was too close to my face and that nasty smirk of him was concerning Eric!


"I'm her boyfriend!" - Aaron said with a cunning smirk. He knows how to deceive me, I want to smack him hard on his head. Before I could say anything, Eric said, "Boyfriend? You said you didn't have one!" Eric looks puzzled. There's a slight hint of annoyance in his tone. Suddenly the atmosphere became tensed. Both of them were giving each other glares that almost seems like death glares... or something more than that.

"He's just pranking!"

"Oh Yeah??? You're the one saying after the kiss-"

"OH MY GOSH, STOP IT!" - I stopped him at the right time, slapping my palm over his mouth. That was close. I can't let my cousin know about this embarrassing situations. They'll haunt me for the rest of my life. I can't let that happen.

"You know what, we should better get going now. It's getting late." - I said as I pushed Eric lightly towards the garage. He glared at Aaron for the last time before going.

"I'll kill you if you utter any words about 'that'."

"Oops, my tongue slipped."

"I'll cut your tongue!"

"Ok ok, stop this scary talking! And stop giving me that psychotic look, I'm scared!" - He said, still smiling ear to ear, how annoying. I glared at him as he walked towards the car, which was now parked right in front of the house.

We brought a bunch of different flavored Ramens, some Marshmallows and crackers for the s'mores, some soda. Then, we head towards the lake shortly afterward. It took about 20 minutes to go there in the car. For the whole ride, Aaron was joking around about us and was getting aggressive punches and glares from me. As for Eric, he went silent. 

When we reached there, everyone was almost ready for the picnic. We sat the thing we've brought on top of the grass and began to prepare the stove. The stove was a bit old, but it worked out well. Soon, we cooked the ramen, ate it with our hearts content, had s'mores and drinks as the evening turned into a beautiful shade of night. We all laid on the sheet and stared up at the starry and vibrant sky!

"Aaron, do you and Bella goes to same school?" - Asked Molly.

"No, but we both goes to an academy! I met her there for the first time." - Aaron said with a soft smile.

"Cool!" - said Eva and Molly.

Molly and Eva didn't know about my accident, as they were little at that time. They never met Aaron because of that. Grandma said, Aaron and I would always meet in front of this lake, we didn't know anything about ourselves at that time. It was then, when Aaron was about to leave this place, we exchanged our addresses. So that whenever we came here, we can find each other easily. But Aaron couldn't visit much because of his busy life. And when he did, we were already moved into the city. He never came here after knowing I was in the city now until this time. That's why none of my cousins knows anything about him and me, which I'm very glad that they don't.

It was getting late, so we decided to end this amazing day with the last toast, "Cheers."

We were picking everything up and putting it into the car. All of us were busy talking to each other, but I couldn't see Eric. Just this morning, he was so excited about the picnic, but throughout the whole time he didn't said anything. I searched for him for a couple of minutes and found him sitting under a tree by himself.

"What you're doing here? Everyone's looking for you!" - I said, sitting next to him. He didn't say anything. I got worried.

"Did something happened?"

"Nothing happened"

"That's hard to believe!" - I said, and it became more silent. I was about to ask him again when he said something that was unbelievable.

"Do you remember my confession?"