

<p>"Evelyn, I don't know what you're talking about."<br/>"Oh, you can't explain the numerous messages she's been sending you?"<br/> " You went through my phone?!!"<br/> "Yes, I did!!" Evelyn flinged his phone.<br/> " How dare you!!"<br/> He angrily grabbed her hands and pinned her to the wall. She struggled to get free from his grip.<br/> "Matt, what is the meaning of this?!! I am your wife. You can't treat me like this!!"<br/> "Oh, shut up . What can you do to stop me?"<br/>She angrily bit him. He let go of her.<br/>" You BITCH!!" He yelled.<br/>"Matt!!" She was really shocked at how he was talking and acting. Something he had never done before.<br/>"What is wrong with you? And you still haven't answered my question!!"<br/>"Okay darling" He said sheepishly " The message you saw was from my one and only. My wife if you must know. "<br/>"What do you mean your wife?" Evelyn was shocked.<br/>"I met her at work. I just couldn't take my eyes off her. So, we got married two years ago. She already has a son for me..."<br/>"Aaah, you.... you....I hate you. You shameless pervert!!!"<br/>"Mind your words Evelyn . You don't want me to...."<br/>"I can't believe you. I'll never forgive you. You BASTARD!!"<br/>"That does it!!"He slapped her hard and flinged her to the floor.<br/>"DAD!!"<br/>Matt was surprised to see his daughter in tears staring at him in disbelief. She ran over <br/>to comfort her mother.<br/>"Honey, it's not what you think" Matt said to Nikki, his daughter.<br/>"Dad, please. I can't believe you did this to mum. Just leave, I can't bear seeing you here"<br/>Nikki said in between sobs. Matt walked out in shame. He didn't want Nikki to see him like that.<br/>NIKKI'S POV<br/>I just came back from school and I heard some argument coming from my parent's room. Really strange cos, my parents hardly argue. I walked upstairs and opened the door.<br/>I was really shocked with what I saw. My dad was beating up my mum.<br/>"DAD!!" I yelled<br/>I really couldn't believe it. My mum was in pain and that beast I call my father was trying to defend himself. I personally will not take this. I made him leave the room and tried to comfort my mum.<br/>" I can't tolerate this man hitting me. I'm filing a divorce" My mum declared.<br/>It was fine by me. Mum was really depressed after the incident. I still can't bring myself to forgive my dad for what he did. And he didn't even act remorseful.</p>