
Part 5

Abhi when he was about to leave from pantry saw the torn paper pieces near the bin since its not much small pieces he was able to see something so he picked it up and he got shocked seeing what's in it...picked up the rest and arranged them, his expression changed from shock to anger.

he took a pic of it and took the pieces and went to conference room and asked who did that.. they were are shocked seeing him so angry and not sure why.

Sakshi told she saw the paper earlier with riya and that she seems angry seeing it. Abhi stormed out of conference room and went to do cabin and shouted on riya how dare she to torn the paper and throw it away...

Sam asked what nonsense Abhi is talking and to stop it.. Then Abhi showed Sam the pic he took after arranging the torn pieces.

Riya had enough of his nonsense and shouted back at him to stop and told that's her paper her design on it she can do whatever she want. And asked him to not to interfere in her personal life and mind his own business and stormed out.

Abhi clutching his fist said you shouldn't have done that.. it's so precious to me saying that he holds the chain he is wearing . Sam is so confused about all of this but he warned Abhi not to behave like that with riya again and asked him to leave.

Abhi went back to his cabin and opened a draw and took out something and kept on staring at that.