
Chapter 1

Alvet a world where monsters roam the earth and humans that reside within it surviving with the use of swords and magic

Humans that use swords are called knights and with the use of aura they can stregthen the body and their sword to fight monsters, A kingdom called Zenith is where these knights are more abundant and a gathering place of people who wants to learn how to use the sword and become a knight.

Humans that use magic are called magicians and with the use of mana they can manifest the elements and fight monsters with excellent mastery of mana, A kingdom called Majika is where people that has mana gather and learn how to use mana and become a magician.

These two kingdoms are in war with eachother for three years now and are in a so called stalemate

The strongest of the two kingdoms have been captured by the kingdom of the other

This situation might be uncommon because when you capture a high figure of an enemy kingdom you either kill them or torture them for information but its different for these two people

Laethesia the strongest magician is a Quintet magician able to use all the elements in nature and is a very strong fighter

Vahn the strongest swordsman called as the Genesis Knight capable of unleashing aura on all weapons aura can be imbued into, no other knight is capable of beating this man

How and why did these two individuals get captured by the other nation when no one can beat them?

The answer to this question is simple... very simple infact... the two agreed to surrender to the other kingdoms so that the wars could be stopped

They were captured how could the wars be stopped?

Simple these two are individuals that can destroy kingdoms by themselves, so if the leading figures do some funny business or something shady they will break out of their prison and destroy everything

Thats right, despite being captured they are a force that cannot be stopped but due to the agreement of the two to be captured by the other kingdom the war has been quelled

Why did they decide to do this to end the war?

Simple really these two individuals has been fighting each other tens, hundreds, thousands of times in the span of the war

Mountains tremble, Landscape altered, Endless destruction

All that fighting but there's no winner between the two, as the best of their kingdom when the other is deployed the other kingdom will respond to send the other

And after countless of battles the two acknowledge the other's strength.While fighting the two laugh and smiled at eachother while clashing

Throughout the battle only these two have gained understanding of each other and know about the other

About how beautiful their kingdom, the people and wonders their kingdom has to offer, the sadness of losing a friend an ally a countrymen

But they know war cannot be stopped unless they do something about it

And it hit them an idea so absurd that they thought its too insane of an idea

When fighting the other kingdom their strongest are to lead and always fight eachother

What if they are gone?

And then it clicked an idea so absurd and insane

What if they were captured by the other kingdom?

Without them leading and without a trump card the war will be a stalemate

This is only possible because the two are the strongest of their kingdom, they can destroy the kingdom overnight if they still planned to continue the war

Thus with the help of an oath and magic contract the two will be captured by the other kingdom and when they plan to continue the war they are permitted to destroy the kingdom

Since Vahn and Laethesia are the strongest of their own respective kingdom the higher ups can't kill them.

Why? Simple, because they will kill you before you kill them

And so with an oath and magic contract the plan was set into motion

An oath is where you swear on your name and existence to follow if you break the oath your existence will vanish into nothingness

A magic contract is where magic binds the soul of the contractee if you break the contract your soul will break and you can never be reincarnated

And so in the year 1707 the war has ended


In a forest in the middle of the two kingdom a wail can be heard but no animals or monsters dare get near that wail of a baby

*Rustle* *Ruustle* *Rustle*

A noise?

A figure dressed in black with a cross in his neck a man in his fifties looks for the origin of the sound

Huh? A baby? who would leave a baby in this forest?

Thankfully its near the town... what happened to it's parents?

There's no blood so... they are still alive?

Uwaaaaa! Uwaaaaa!

Sniffle Sniffle Sniffle

Baby shuuuush... monsters and animals might come near here...

Hmmmm... All this crying but no animals or monsters showed up... Baby... You are lucky...

Lets get you out of here and go back to the town near here

Uwaaaaa! Uwaaaaa! Uwaaaaa!

Sigh... Baby it's ok now you are safe... here now go to sleep...

*Singing a lullaby*

Haaaa... finally asleep now baby... ah were near the town now... I can see the lights

*Knock* *Knock* *Knock*

Foot steps can be heard coming near the church's door

A nun with white robes and beautiful yellow hair welcomed the priest

Hello Father John welcome back! How did picking up medicinal herbs go?

The nun's eyes directed to the cloth Father John was carrying

Ahhh... come inside first Father

Yes, Thank you Sister Ina

Sister Ina generously pour a hot coffee for Father

Father... what happened?

Haaaa... while I was picking herbs I heard cries and didn't expect to pick up a child in the forrest...

Yes,Father... We take in child that is abandoned by their parents from war... They were left in front of the church...

Yes... due to the terrible war so many children became orphans... Thankfully its over now...

Yes Father, but this child... its parents...

Sister Ina has a sad expression

Sister Ina... I didn't find any blood or anything near this child... The parents might still be alive...

That's... Thankfully the worst didn't come to pass...

Yes... but this child...

Yes... still abandoned by its parents...

Let's take good care of him

Father John looking at the child with warm eyes

Yes Father... What shall we name the child?

The child's parents may have abandoned him but atleast they left a note with the name of the child

Dear Tristan

Sorry that mother and father can't take care of you, we have a very important matters to attend to and we don't want to drag you into this complicted situation

I know we will meet again in the future, grow up healthy and strong, take care my child

So... this child's name is Tristan...

Father what do you think the letter meant about complicated situation?


Sister Ina from the contents of this letter the parents will come back for this child in the future, lets take care of this child so that he could grow up and be strong

Yes Father!

Shuuuush... The child is sleeping...

Sorry Father...


Majika Kingdom Lowest level Prison

A man so composed and terrifying aura envelope his body meditating

Steps can be heard growing near

Genesis Knight and Captain of the Knights First Division Vahn ...

The man in cross legged position opened his eyes and looked at the man

Yes, the contract has been finished

Prisoner exchange will take place 3 days from now


Vahn closed his eyes again and continued to meditate

The man that informed Vahn is one of the strongest Magician in the Kingdom of Majika His name is Alder

Phew... I still feel shivers in my spine...

Hahaha! Alder despite being one of the strongest in the kingdom you cant hope to beat that man!

Maam Lena! Good Morning!

Don't let it get you down, the only one capable of beating that man is Laethesia the Quintet Magician and Grand Sorcerer of Majika Kingdom

Yes maam, finally three days from now prisoner exchange will commence

Yes, Hahahaha Like this man here Vahn no one would be able to harm Laethsia in that Kingdom of Swords Zenith

That said... He can destroy this kingdom alone...well the same can be said for Lady Laethesia

Why does the prisoner of war, does not feel like a prisoner of war... and if he can destroy the kingdom why didnt he do so?

Its because of a magic contract if he violate the contract his soul will be destroyed

That's scary...

Of course it is... Lady Laethesia Invoked that magic Contract


Kingdom of Zenith Underground prison

Foot steps can be heard going down the lowest level

Greetings Laethesia Quintet Magician of the Kingdom of Magic Majika

A Beautiful Lady so Serene can be seen floating in the air with various elements floating around her opened her eyes and those amber eyes stared at the person that spoke

The prisoner exchnage has been approved theres only three days until then

Good, You may leave

Lady Laethesia can I ask your hand for marriage?

Laethesia raised an eyebrow and the ground around the person that asked the question trembled

Hahahaha... It's a joke... a joke...

A joke? it's not funny Marcos Vice Captain of the Knights Second Division

Haha... I'll take my leave now

Laethesia gone back meditating in the air elements circled around her again

That woman is scary... It didn't feel as though she is a prisoner...

Of course thats the Grand Sorcerer and Quintet Magician of the Kingdom of Magic Majika

Maam Estelle! I greet the Knight Captain of the Second Division!

Hmmmm... Formalities aside... That woman is very strong she can destroy this kingdom overnight...

...Captain why didn't she do so?

Its because Captain Vahn the Genesis Knight Made an oath to bind her existence... if she breaks that oath she will vanish into nothingness...

... Captain Vahn I hope he is ok...

Ha! what are you worrying about Captain Vahn? No one in Kingdom Majika can beat beat him besides Laethesia the Quintet Magician and Grand Sorcerer... Besides if Laethesia can destroy the kingdom alone... Captain Vahn can do it aswell...


Ten Years has passed since the end of the war now is the year 1717

A boy is practicing the sword at the field near the church

Ha!!! 991! 992! 993! 994! 995! Ha... Ha... Ha... 996! 997! 998! 999 1000!

Tristan now 10 Years Old wielding a wooden sword created by the town's woodcutter for children to use

Tris! Come here now its time for lunch!

Yes Sister Ina! Im coming!

Munch Munch Munch

Yummm... Sister Ina boar with potato stew is really delicious!

Hahaha! that wont get you a second serving Tristan!


Hahahahaha! Serves you right Brother!

Yeah little bro contain your food intake

Hehehe more for us

Arghhh... You guys... well since im done eating I'll go now to exercise a bit...

Tristan! don't push yourself too much you just finished eating!

Yes, Father John!

Haaa... that boy...

Its fine Father John Tristan is strong

Yes, He is really good with the sword

Yep I want to be like brother

Haaa... Camilla, Jykl, Crion

Camilla the Older sister 15 Years old

Jykl 11 Years old Tristan sword buddy

Crion 8 Years old the Youngest

You guys grow up so fast...


Well those two that are not here now should probably in the capital now, they started the travel 7 days ago

Brother Fren and Sister Syl...

Hahaha those two can fend for themselves now they are 16 Years old... Camilla next year your gonna be 16... I know its gonna be hard but you can come back here if you find your self lost, the church will welcome you

Yes, Father I will take your teachings to heart

Ok, Now enough of the gloomy talk that is still way down the line, you can enjoy yourself here Camilla

Yes, Sister Ina


The two kingdoms representatives numbering in the hundreds stared down face to face in the fields in the middle of the two kingdoms

The prisoner exchange will now begin!

Both side is in alert incase a fight broke out

Magicians clutching their wands

Knights Holding the Hilts of their swords

Genesis Knight Vahn!

Quintet Magician Laethesia!

Move slowly when going back to your respective party!

Stares Stares Stares

The two parties are staring at eachother, watching their moves incase something broke out

step step step step step stop

The Prisoner Exchange has been successful!

At ease! Phew...

Lady Laethesia did they do anything to you?

Lena, Do you think they can do anything to me?

No maam!

Then that's your answer, Oh would you look at here... its recruit Alder

Maam I am a full pledged member of the magic corps now

Ohhhh... You know how to talk back now Al-Der?

No maam!

Good... Lets go, Elders no need to be tense now were at peace

While smiling the elements are circling around Laethesia and particles are one by one lighting up with different colors

The elements are flowing in the camp of Kingdom Majika as if in any moment if Laethesia gives a command it shall be done

Yes...Lady Laethesia...

Good, Lets talk more later I want to drink my favorite tea again after all these years...Haaa the old coots are still like this after all those years?

Captain Vahn! Welcome Back!

Squire Marcos, Im back I see you've grown now... Hahaha! how times have changed!

Sir its Vice Captain of the Second Division now

Hmmm... Really now... How about a duel when we get back? Marcos the Vice Captain of Second Division?

Freeze Marcos Body Froze at the remark

Captain Vahn don't bully Marcos now, Look at him he is trembling

Ahhhh... A familliar face Captain Estelle

Hahaha! Knights these days don't have backbone? looks like I gotta train them up again

Haaa... You just got back and thats what you say Vahn?

Prime minister? You look old now...

This brat! Haaa... well knowing your antics this much is fine... The King can't come here because you know...

Haaa... Its peace now but there's still tension huh?

A terrifying aura enveloped the place at the Kingdom Zenith Camp

So... Are there any guys that are rearing to go?

... Silence Envelop the place

Good now lets go home, I want to eat the local dishes again its been 10 years!