
ALTERNIVERSE (Original Short Story)

In the year 2078 technology has advanced tremendously, making strides in several scientific and medical discoveries. The greatest feat was when the american and britain intelligent centers combined their efforts to create a suborbital station for cutting edge tech. The experiment that held the top priority was furthering their advancements with dark matter. Needless to say an accident happened that blew a hole in the side of the space station and dark matter particles spread throughout the atmosphere. The resulting spread of dark matter created the first generation of meta-humans changing the world forever. Ten years have passed since and the government did what they could to cover up most of the incident, completely hiding the fact that unpredictable dark matter has covered the world. The space station has since been fully restored and resumed their business but now has even tighter protocols to prevent another disaster

SHAYBROOMY · Khoa huyễn
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26 Chs

ALTERNIVERSE: Chapter three

Currently on the roof of the Vigilante Association on the northside of Lumer City, Nick recollects his thoughts about Zero. The vague memory of when they first saw each other back in Miami where Zero saved his parents lives replays in his mind. Nick clutches his fists in an electrical fury looking back how much stronger he's gotten over the years since then. 

"It's not fair! We have the same powers yet he's looked at as if he was blessed in his parents eyes yet mine saw me as a freak of nature." In a burst of frustration Nick slams his hands down on the guard rails causing volts of electricity to burst from him sparking upwards as well as traveling along the metal rails. 

After the tension begins to settle a whistle is heard from behind Nick. Turning around he finds Freddie standing near the door to the door with his hands in his pockets. 

"That was quite the light show you put on, I should've bought some popcorn." Freddie says jokingly which only makes Nick grimace grow more. "Ok, not my best joke." Nick looks back over the city as Freddie walks up on the left. "I may not be the smartest person in the room but it doesn't take an idiot to see your stressed out. Want to talk about it?" 

Nick gives him a quick glance before turning his gaze back to the city. Taking a deep breath then slowly exhaling it, Nick turns around to where his back is leaning against the rail. 

"It's that Zero kid. Seeing him again… I don't know, it just brought up old memories. I hate him."

"Memories from the time back in Miami, right?" Nick just nods at Freddie's guess. "I remember when you told us about it. Your parents were assholes, you didn't deserve that but do you really hate him for that?" Freddie's statement causes Nick to quickly look up at him.

"Yes I do!" Nick stands off the rail now with his body facing Freddie. "It's not fair that he got to have a happy go lucky life with parents that support him while I was left in the rain!" 

"So you blame him for living his life the best that he can? After we found you on the streets we tried our hardest to give you a good life while helping you gain control of your power. We gave you a home, food, attention, scholastic learning albeit limited as it was. Everyone in the Vigilante Association looks after each other cause we're all we got left yet we still want to fight the good fight. If it's taken you five years to realize that you're a part of this family then you'll never really be happy. I for one see you as the little brother I never had."

Silence overcomes them both leaving Nick speechless before his senior. After a few seconds of awkward silence Freddie places a hand on Nick's shoulder in a term of endearment to him, prompting a tear to be shed.

"I know your life hasn't been an easy one but you got to learn how to relish in the good that's been given to you." Nick silently nods again before Freddie takes back his hand as he walks past. "Look, I'm going to be out of town for a few days on a lead."

"What lead? When did this happen?" Asks Nick.

Freddie turns while walking backwards to the door. "We got a call from Officer Wight not that long ago. One of the escaped metas from Fort Lockdown was last marked in a town up north. A man going by the name of Jose Iglesias."

"Are you going by yourself? Wouldn't you need backup. I can come with you." Nick takes a step to him.

"Nope, you're staying here. You need some time to clear your head plus I won't be alone. Franny and James are close to that area so I'll be linking up with them for this." He spins around throwing up the peace sign to Nick. "I'll catch you later little bro, don't do anything I wouldn't do while I'm gone." 

Freddie walks through the door and down the stairs leaving Nick alone again on the roof with only the words spoken to him to remedy in his mind. He wipes the tear rolling down his cheek and goes back to his spot near the rails. 

Up north of Lumer City in the Town of Helmburgh forces Unbeknownst to the public begin to slowly amass at an old brewery building just a few miles outside of the Towns border. Shay and Melissa, also known as Gyro, stand outside of the building entrance as a sleek, black luxury car comes rolling up the dirt driveway. 

Melissa watches the car slowly pull up and park just a few feet away from them. "So how did he manage to get everyone to meet here?" 

"He bought it." With no further words Shay begins walking to the car. 

The side passenger door swings open, stepping out of the car is Rock wearing his normal business attire with black shades. A quick glimpse inside the car shows it was driven automatically as a driver was not present.

Rock takes off the shades as Shay approaches them, stuffing them in the inner coat pocket, he greets his old friend with a smile. "Ah, Shay. Or should I say Transmuter. How have you been feeling?" Rock ask, extending his hand to him.

Shay smirks softly before shaking hands. "Chaotic but that's normal." He lets go and steps to the side as Shay gestures to Melissa. "You remember Melissa, don't you?" 

"It's a pleasure to you in the flesh this time." Melissa states extending her hand to Rock.

"Oh but the pleasure is all mine." He says, gently taking her hand and leaning in for a kiss on the hand. Shocked by the action Melissa looks over at Shay to see his face garner a look of distaste. She quickly pulls her hands away just before Rocks lips made contact.

"I-I'm sorry, I haven't washed my hands yet. I wouldn't want you to catch any germs." She claims then stepping to the side next to Shay.

"I see, getting sick would really put a damper on our plans now would it." Rock leans back up readjusting his suit. "Shall we?" 

The three of them walk into the brewery revealing a crowd with a little over thirty individuals. Standing up above them on the second floor walkway is Nia along with the rest of the main crew. Shay looks back at Melissa and nudges his head in the direction of the stairs. She nods and wastes no time walking over to them.

"We have about 34 people here." Shay mentions while Rock surveys the crowd. "More are still rolling in and I assume you can handle the rest being contacted later."

"Indeed, I already have that covered. I have my men giving them untraceable phones to contact the rest of the escapees." Rock smiles and turns to his associate. "So when do you plan on getting this event started?"

"Meeting starts around eight after sunset. Until then feel free to mingle amongst the masses. If you need me I'll be with Mat having a drink in the office." Rock looks around one more time before walking around.