
altered Cultivation chat group

this is the story of cultivation chat group with op mc

Daoist236167 · Tranh châm biếm
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8 Chs

tribulation 2

Shuhang was currently sipping on a nice cup of tea, with his phone on the side, continuously checking his watch.

' It should be riggght abbbbout.....now ' Shuhang snapped his fingers;


Just then, a deafening sound echoed like an explosion.

' It has started ' Shuhang smirked, and stood up after paying the bill.


Another thunder blasted, and he looked at the darkening sky.

' This is were everything truly starts, where I begin my journey ' Shuhang put on a jacket, and headed back to his dorm. The reason why he was here in the first place was for Wisdom to gather data on the tribulation to be able to calculate the strength of his, and....he also wanted to see for himself.

✨ ✨ ✨

He checked the chat, and read all the chats until he had catched up to the point where Immortal Master Copper Trigram had declared the time of the battle and location against Northern River's Loose Cultivator.

Closing out of the chat, he went to campus news.

Around ten or twenty minutes ago, some bad boys lingering in an alley near the college town were knocked down by some unknown master, SecKilled and Aced.

Shuhang giggled at the pig-like faces of the bad boys! it was hilarious how red and big their faces became from the beating!

Song Shuang closed out of the window, and stretched his body a little before looking outside into the now blue sky.

' Tomorrow is the day when I will begin truly changing the plot ' He closed his eyes.

" Hopefully....nothing troublesome comes out from changing fate...." He sighed.


The next day.

June 2, Sunday, sunny.

Song Shuang looked at the light that had begun to shine in, and closed his laptop.

He had stayed up all night playing video games, but was lucky his physique was able to handle the days of sleeplessness without a problem.

' Honestly, I think I'll need something stop my adiction ' He got off his bed, and did the daily routine.

His roommates had already left, and would come back later on.

After finishing up, he opened Nine Provinces Number One Group.

The first message in the group was from Su Clan's Seven. "Sorry for making you guys worried. There was a little surprise in Little Sixteen's Thunder Tribulation, but I had dealt with it. Little Sixteen lost her temper for a while after the accident, but I had found her and taken her back. She didn't cause a big trouble. Just, in some place near H-City, there were several... well, there were dozens of silly ordinary people who got knocked out by Little Sixteen, but none of them died. I'm going to take Little Sixteen back to Su Clan now, so I won't be online in the next few days. Anyway... please don't worry about us."

The message was sent at three o 'clock in the morning, he took a sip of his coffee and continued reading.

"I'm relieved that you're alright. I shall contact Soft Feather shortly to tell her not to worry and save her the trouble of running over to H-City," Northern River's Loose Cultivator replied afterwards.

Song Shuhang felt slightly envious of Northern River's Loose Cultivator ability to be able to stay awake 24/7, his physique could only handle a few weeks without sleep.

' After I reach a hundred percent, I'll be able to do the same! ' He stated boldly.

Finishing his message, Su Clan's Seven greeted them before going offline.

Subsequently, it was around 5 AM when Medicine Master came online and sent an image with a ❓ behind.

That was an image of a stalk of some plant; The Poisonous Dragon Plant.

This plant grew in a curved manner, similar to a coiling dragon. There was a row of thorns at the tip of the plant and its stolon was purplish black. This was a peculiar plant with high appreciation value.

"Medicine Master has a need for Poisonous Dragon Plant again? Didn't you cultivate some not long ago?" Once again, Northern River's Loose Cultivator was the first to reply.

"Experiment, all dead." Medicine Master sent a 😞 in reply. "Furthermore, that batch of Poisonous Dragon Plant wasn't of good quality."

"Alright, I shall contact you if I manage to get any. The others should also inform you if they see it." Northern River's Loose Cultivator replied.

"Alive." Medicine Master added another phrase.

Shuhang sipped the last of his coffee, and stood up. Putting on some nice casual clothing, and sunglasses just for the looks.

' It's time to meet Soft Feather '


Currently, at Jiangnan District Airport.

A long-haired lady with fair skin, considerable height, and long legs walked out of the airport, dragging a huge luggage behind her. She was currently in a white-colored T-shirt with denim jeans, and her slender legs were wearing sports shoes; she appeared youthful and beautiful.

However this, long-haired lady distressingly looked at the huge airport and softly muttered, "I hate huge places like this where it is easy to be lost."

Subsequently, she fiddled with her just dished out phone.


He was currently at a cafe, just waiting for her arrival

'How would things be from now on? Dangerous? Exciting? Or will it be generally the same?' Song Shuhang wondered.

He took a look at the chat, and he continued to pay attention to it.

Than comment from Soft Feather arrived.

Spirit Butterfly Island's Soft Feather (Mobile): "Senior Northern River, I have arrived at Jiangnan District airport. Does Senior Seven require help?"

As expected, Northern River's Loose Cultivator was online and he swiftly replied. "Soft Feather, you're online. Seven has found Sixteen early in the morning and left H-City. Rest assured, you can head directly towards J-City to deal with your matters.

"It's good that everything is fine." Soft Feather replied and added another reply, "Has Senior Seven left H-City?"

"Yes, they left during wee hours." Northern River's Loose Cultivator then asked, "Soft Feather, do you perhaps have something to consult Seven about?"

Soft Feather sighed. "Actually, I was hoping to meet with Senior Seven. If someone was able to accompany me to J-City, that would be even better. I am unfamiliar with H-City, Jiangnan District, and J-City, so I'm afraid that I may not be able to find my destination.

"Where are you going? There's a navigation function within mobile phones nowadays that is very convenient. I have to say, the technologies modern people invented are quite useful." Northern River's Loose Cultivator enthusiastically recommended. There were many who were unfamiliar with the current technological gadgets and Northern River's Loose Cultivator could be considered as a 'modern era guru'.

"I've tried it, but the place I'm headed to is unavailable in the navigation application," Soft Feather gloomily replied.

In actual fact, her current age was only twenty-five years old and obviously, she knew how to use the navigation. There was no difference between her and current era's youngsters in some aspects, it was just that she had more knowledge than them regarding the 'true genuine world'.

"Furthermore, my sense of direction is bad and I might not be able to find my destination even with navigation." Soft Feather added.

Northern River's Loose Cultivator consoled. "It doesn't matter. When you can fly after advancing to Fifth Stage Realm, you can stand high up in the skies and see afar! You will not have to worry about your bad sense of direction causing to you get lost. Whereas for now, you can call for a cab. As long as you know the location, the driver would usually be able to send you to your destination. However, do take note not to call for an unlicensed cab."

"Thank you, Senior, I shall try." Soft Feather replied gratefully. Without someone reminding her, she would have forgotten about convenient means of transportation such as taxis...

Northern River's Loose Cultivator added. "Where is the place you are heading to, Soft Feather? If you are unable to find it, I can help you and ask around if there is any fellow daoist in the vicinity, perhaps they could help.

"It's a place within J-City called Luo Xin street area. There should be an ancient temple named Ghost Lamp Temple there and that's the place I'm heading to!" Soft Feather quickly replied.

"Alright, I got it. I will ask around on your behalf and when there's news, I'll contact you." Northern River's Loose Cultivator replied.

"I can't thank you enough, Senior!" Soft Feather sent a 😊. "I will check out the cab."

Jiangnan District Airport.

The lady with long hair and slender legs dragged her huge luggage and headed towards the place where one could flag a taxi. Her beautiful silhouette made males walking past unconsciously follow her with their eyes.

✨ ✨ ✨

' She's coming ' Shuhang didn't intervene in the conversation, he didn't actually know her exact location. He knew she was at the airport, but he didn't want to go to the airport and waste possibly hours searching for her.