
Alteration's Age

In the land of the forgotten, where the very earth moan with the weight of ages past, a child was born unto a village of rot and despair. A mark of the abnormal, a black marking on his right hand, did mark the child as an outcast, shunned by all. But fate did not always follow the path of man. For the child was no mere mortal, but a reincarnation of the final wish of the gods. "You are the chosen one, the vessel of god. Your destiny is to bring forth the age of the absolute will and wield the warp of reality." Thus did the child set forth on a journey, a journey beyond flesh and blood. A path wrought with danger and death. The fiends, born from the corruption of the land, do still roam the land, their very presence poisoning the earth. But the child, with the marking of the gods, did wield the powers of the ancients and the strength of the gods. Through trials and tribulations, the child did learn to harness the power within, and to control the will of the absolute.

Gardama · Kỳ huyễn
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10 Chs

The Order of All-Knowing

"Stranger," spoke Saint Dlobb, his voice echoing throughout the hall. "Are thou the chosen one?" Landon stood before him, the golden mark on his hand glowing softly in the dim light. He looked up at the holy man, his eyes determined. "Yes, I am," Landon replied confidently. "I believe it with all my heart." Saint Dlobb gave a small smile. "If thou can prove it, thou shalt be a part of the cathedral family. Show me the mark." Landon held out his hand, displaying the golden symbol. Saint Dlobb's eyes widened as he beheld it. He burst out in laughter, his jovial voice ringing through the hall. "Indeed, thou art the chosen one! Welcome to the family, my son."

Saint Dlobb opened his robe, revealing the tattoos on his back. Landon was shocked to see a mark similar to his own, stretching across the holy man's skin. "Thou and I, we have the same purpose and destiny," Saint Dlobb said, his voice filled with reverence. "Our marks, they are a sign from the heavens. A symbol of our destiny."

Saint Dlobb took Landon by the arm and led him to the hall of the church. There, he saw a group of people gathered, each one coming from a different part of the world. A man in dirty robes, his eyes closed, sat on the floor, while another man wore red armor, with inscriptions carved into it. The armor head piece was made to resemble a demon's head, with sharp horns and a snarling face. A woman draped in animal fur stood near the fire, her face covered in war tattoos. Landon gazed in awe at the diverse group before him.

"Introduce thyself to the others, my son," Saint Dlobb instructed Landon. Landon stepped forward and introduced himself, but the others merely nodded in response, their expressions blank.

"Take a seat amongst them," Saint Dlobb said, gesturing to a nearby bench. The holy man took his place at the head of the room, his eyes filled with wisdom. "Hark, ye chosen ones, and heed the words of Saint Dlobb, servant of the Cathedral and keeper of the Cycle of Life. We all know that life is a cycle, starting from the earthen hell and ending there as well. For centuries, the cycle of life hath been fading away, a curse laid upon the world for our forebears' treachery against the All-Knowing Zor'kaleth. But lo, the cycle of life endureth, and those marked with the golden mark, bear testament to its power. Ye are the chosen ones, gifted with blessings and abilities beyond the ken of mortal men. Each of ye shall share the nature of these gifts, and prove to all that ye are truly the chosen."

Imani, the woman clad in animal furs, stood to address the assembly. With exotic brown skin, she was a vision of beauty and grace, her voice carrying the rhythm of her homeland.

"I am Imani, known to some as the Blade Dancer," she said, "Marked by the black marking upon my shoulder, I was cast out from my home as a dancer. I took up the sword and became a mercenary, and from that day forth, I have been known as the Blade Dancer. My gift, I believe, is control over the elements of nature. I can call forth lightning, command rain, and even control the storm. I can ignite fire when it exists, and quell it when it threatens."

Yoshiro, the man in red armor, took his turn to speak. His armor was of a style unfamiliar to the others, with inscriptions carved upon it and a demonic visage upon the helmet.

"I am Yoshiro, from a faraway land," he said, his voice filled with a deep sadness. "My mark, upon my palm, has caused nothing but chaos and destruction. My wife became a crazed creature after being touched by me, and I was forced to leave my home in search of purpose. But in my travels, I discovered that my touch can fracture reality, and that my weapon, a katana, has the power to heal through its slices. My warm hand, however, can also take life." He paused, hiding his face as tears streamed down.

The man in the plain robes, Isaac, stood and introduced himself in a voice soft and gentle.

"I am Isaac, marked with the golden sign upon my pupils," he said. "Once, I lived in a village, where I received a prophecy of a coming flood. I warned the villagers, but was shunned and both of my pupils were stabbed, rendering me blind to the present world. Now, I see only the future, and use my gift of divination and prophecy to guide those who seek my council."

Landon, the chosen one, stood tall, a fire burning within him.

"I am Landon, from the village of rot and despair," he declared. "Shunned even by my own family, I was forced to survive alone. But I know now that the mark upon my skin, the golden sign, signifies a greater destiny. My power, I believe, is the ability to bend reality through the fabric of time."

Suddenly, a voice echoed through the hall, announcing its presence. "Just call me Erebos. I am unseen by others, simply a shadow." The assembled group was taken aback, unsure of where the voice was coming from. "Do not be alarmed," Erebos reassured them, "I am simply a shadow, where there is shadow, there will be Erebos." The group was left in stunned silence, wondering who or what this mysterious entity could be. Despite the ominous aura surrounding Erebos, there was a sense of comfort in the knowledge that they were not alone in their struggles and journey. The weight of their destiny now shared with this strange voice, they sat in contemplation, waiting for the next chapter of their tale to unfold.

And with that, Saint Dlobb called an end to the meeting, asking the gathered individuals to rest for the night and prepare themselves for what lay ahead. He gestured to the room, where several doors lay open, revealing comfortable beds and plush linens within. "You have all travelled far, and have much to ponder," he said, his voice carrying a hint of warmth. "Take a moment to catch your breath, and tomorrow we shall continue our journey together. For we are the chosen ones, and our destiny awaits us." The room quieted as the group retired to their assigned rooms, eager for a moment of peace after their long and arduous journey. Each of them was filled with a sense of purpose, knowing that they had been chosen for a greater mission, and that together, they were stronger. For tonight, they could rest easy, for tomorrow, their journey would continue.