
Chapter 21 Encounter (Ferdinand’s POV)

When I came home late at night, the house butler told me that Malik-san contacted me.

"Malik-san tried to contact me?"

"Yes, he tried to contact Ferdinand-sama via adventurer guild. I told him that Ferdinand-sama is currently not here and I asked him whether he wanted me to pass his message or not but he said that we wanted to talk to Ferdinand-sama directly."

"Hmm.. It's unusual for Malik-san to contact me.. I wonder why?" I pondered then I turn my glance to the butler and said,"Thank you for your information, you may excuse yourself."

"Certainly. Excuse me, Ferdinand-sama."

Malik-san used to teach swordsmanship to both me and my brothers but that's as far as our relationship goes.

When I became an adventurer, I've registered my main guild as the one in imperial capital and since Malik-san is the guild master of Pedrell Adventurer Guild, it's quite unusual for him to reach out to me if it's related to adventurer matter.

"Well, I won't be able to know anything unless I contact him back."

Good thing we've installed magical communication device in this house.

I will use the device to reach Pedrell Adventurer Guild.


<Hello, this is Pedrell Adventurer Guild. My name's Hugo, how may I help you?>

<Good evening, my name is Ferdinand Aspell. May I talk to Malik-san?>

<Ooh?! Ice Prince! Wait a second, I will get Master for you!>

Looks like Malik-san is in the guild.

I wonder if there's anything I can do regarding my nickname?

I've already abdicated my succession right to the throne,so why do they keep calling me Ice Prince?

<Oi, thanks for waiting. Malik's here.>

<Malik-san, good evening. I heard that you tried to contact me?>

<Ah Fer, are you going to Calhea this year?>

Malik-san stopped using honorific on me after my official statement that I won't succeed the throne.

It'd be nice if other people would follow Malik-san's footsteps but I guess it'd be hard..

Anyway, Calhea?

<Hmm.. Right now, I don't have any plan on going to Calhea.>

<Well you see, my son is going to Calhea so why don't you try to meet him once?>

<Eh? Your son? I thought you were single, Malik-san.>

If I'm not wrong, Malik-san lives alone. He doesn't have a spouse or children.

<Last month, I met with an otherworlder and adopted him.>

<Ah I see.. So he become an adventurer and he's going to take the Calhea request?>

I've heard that there's a new other worlder in Pedrell, I guess Malik-san is the one that found him first?

<More or less, yeah. He's still in F-rank and this will be his first subjugation request.>

<Eh?! F-rank?! Isn't Calhea too dangerous for him??>

I think it's too soon for F-rank adventurer to take on Calhea request.

<Yeah, actually he's specializing in support magic. If I were to judge based on his support magic alone, he's on par with A-rank adventurer but you see, all these time I only allowed him to take on gathering request because I was afraid he will hurt himself..>

<Ah..Support magic.. So he's one of those rare people that has affinity with support magic, huh?>

<Yup! After all, he's my son!>

Since he specialize in support magic, he needs to form a party if he wants to take on higher ranking quest.

After all, if there's no one to 'support', you can't show the capability of support magic.

I guess it'd be nice to form a party with him..

<Does he already has a party?>

<Ren is- Ah, my son's name is Ren by the way. Ren is very small and so utterly adorable so even without his support magic, the request to form a party with him is abundant but all of them are filled with ulterior motives. There's no way I will let all those wolves touch Ren! So to sum it up, no. Ren doesn't have a party yet.>


What an idiotic doting parent..

I don't know whether this Ren is actually very cute or Malik-san is too doting on him.

<Ah.. I see.. So he's going to take on Calhea request alone?>

<He took the request alone but he will travel to Calhea with Chris.>

<Chris..You mean Lightning Twin Sword Chris?>

It'd be dangerous for F-rank adventurer to take Calhea request alone but if Chris is with him, then everything would be alright.

<Yeah, it seems like Chris has taken a liking on Ren. Even without me interfering, Chris already tried to hit on Ren by himself and I heard the two of them are going to go shopping together.>

<Oh? How rare.. I never expected Chris would take someone for a date.>

Personality speaking, Chris is basically a good guy but he's not the type that take relationship seriously.

<Yeah, that's why is it okay if you go and meet with my son? It'd be nice if you can protect him.>

I don't mind taking Calhea request but I don't want to spend my time babysit someone.

I guess Malik-san can sense my displeasure because he immediately adds..

<Also, your life might changes when you meet him so why don't you give it a try first?>

<Eh? A life changing moment huh..?>

In other words, he thinks that child is going to become my future husband?

<Are you trying to match me with your son? For your information, I don't have any plan to tie down with one person. I'm pretty satisfied with my current condition.>

<It's not like that, I just want you to meet Ren first. Whether you will become one of Ren's spouse it's up to you. I already have a couple of other candidates too.>


Did I hear it right?

<What do you mean?>

<You see, support magic is the only thing he's good at. As adventurer, his combat skill is lacking and since he's an otherworlder, there's a lot of things he's unfamiliar with in Alsar so I think for his own good, it'd be better if he has some strong men to protect him. Well in the end, the decision is all yours. I just think that it'd be nice if you give my Ren a shot.>

Well it is true physically speaking all otherworlder is smaller and weaker compared to Alsar people.

One of my father's wife is also an otherworlder and she's really small.

So Malik-san is trying to gather strong men to become Ren's spouse?

<Well, I don't have any obligation to this country anymore since father already declared that my oldest brother will become the next king so I don't have anything to lose even if I try to meet him. You said that he's really small and cute?>

<Yes, that's right. If you think I'm exaggerating Ren's beauty, feel free to see him yourself.>

When Malik-san said something like that, it makes me become more curious.

I wonder what he looks like?

<I understand. I will try and meet him but don't get your hopes up, okay?>

<When you meet him, you will understand what I said before. You do know that my intuition is always correct, right?>

Malik-san's intuition is famous, it said that his intuition has saved countless lives.

That means when I meet Ren, I basically need to start preparing for our wedding?

<Your intuition certainly has incredible popularity but who knows, maybe this will be the first time your intuition fails you.>

<We'll see. Oh and by the way I've also contacted Silver Wolf so when you're finished with Calhea request, I want you to come home with them then we will have a drink together. The condiment that Ren makes is super delicious you know.>

Silver Wolf huh, it's been a while since I last met him.

Is he also one of Ren's spouse candidate?

Also, it seems like his son's cooking is delicious huh.

<I understand. Well then, I will register for Calhea request tomorrow. Good night, Malik-san.>

<Ah, sure. See you later and goodnight.>

I ended our communication and turned the device off.

Sigh… It's been a while since I last take Calhea request but since I already told Malik-san that I will give his son a chance, I need to register for the quest at the guild tomorrow.


I started my travel around yesterday and I finally reached Baunov after a whole day of travelling.

"Anyway, I need to find a stable to store Viktor."

Viktor is my favourite horse.

I pulled his reins as I walked through the village.

"I wonder if I can meet with Chris if I go to the inn?" I murmured to myself as I walked toward the stable.

I could hear a commotion happening near the stable, perhaps a ruffian being rowdy?

"Stop talking by yourselves as if I'm not here!!"

"Oh you're still here?~ So persistent.. I told you that I won't form a party with you so just take those people standing behind you away and leave me alone please."

Was that Chris's voice?

The black haired boy next to Chris must be Ren then.

He's fighting with a female adventurer.

I don't know the reason behind their quarrel but they need to continue their fight somewhere else.

"No way! I won't leave you until you agreed to join my party!"

"You guys, can you stop causing such a ruckus in front of the store? You're disrupting other people, you know." I called out to them.

It's bad for business if there's a fight happening in front of the store.

Also, I can't store Viktor because they're blocking the entrance.

"Do you guys even know where you are? Causing a commotion in front of someone else's store, you will disturb not only the staff but also you will make them lose potential customer. Especially you, Chris. You have to be more careful about your surrounding." I continued.

I reprimanded them especially Chris since I know him personally.

"You're Ice Prince?! So you've come to participate in the quest too?!"

Seemed like the female adventurer knew who I am?

Too bad I can't see that Ren guy properly because this female adventurer obstructed my view.

"Eeeh~ I know, I know. Anyway, can you please let me go? I need to store my horse too." Chris-san says.

"Oh my? I'm terribly sorry for holding you up. Fufu~ Come back soon so we can continue our conversation, okay?"

For the time being, I will store Viktor first and then go and talk to Chris.

That women keep calling for my nickname but I don't know her so I don't have any obligation to wait for her.

After I finish storing Viktor, I see Chris leaving with that Ren guy.

"H-huh?! O-oi where are you going?! Ah whatever! Ice prince! Would you form a party with me??"

I also tried to chase after them but this woman is holding me up.

She seems really eager to party with me.

"I'm sorry but seeing as we are strangers, I don't feel comfortable enough to party with you."

"Ah I forgot to introduce myself! My name is Zhanna, the leader of Casablanca. Would you like to become my party member, Ice Prince?"


Was she trying to coax Chris to party with her too..?

Ah but knowing Chris's personality, she might had some 'other' grudge too.

"My apologies but please excuse me. I don't want to be part of your party."

Ignoring her plea, I hurriedly went after Chris but to no avail.

I lost sight of Chris but it's okay, I'm pretty sure he's going to this village only inn.


I can still hear that women's voice even though I already left the stable.

Ah, no good.. I have a premonition that something bad is going to happen..

I better warn Chris and Ren as well.


I've arrived at the inn.

I rented a room and went to Chris's room.

I knocked on his door lightly.

"Come in Fer~"

Chris immediately responded, had he been expecting me?

I opened the door and entered the room.

"Yo, it's been a while. How are you?" Chris nonchalantly started the conversation.

"I'm doing fine, what about you Chris?"

Chris ushered me to sit on the chair next to the bed.

I surveyed the room but I couldn't find Ren here even though there's two bed in this room.

"Where's he?"


"Stop feigning ignorance, you know who I meant."

"I can't help it~ I honestly don't want you two to meet.."

For him to say something like that..

Looks like Chris really like this Ren guy.

"Chris-san, the bath is ready now~"

"Ah Ren-chan look, I told you he will come, right? Here he is~"

Chris's voice and demeanor suddenly turned really sweet and loving.

Seemed like Ren was taking a bath when I came in.

He came out from the adjoining door with a fresh look on his face.

I take a closer look at this Ren guy.

He has shoulder length hair, still a bit damp on the tip.

His flowing jet black hair looks like an expensive silk.

His long eyelashes, bordering his somewhat glistening black onyx eyes.

His lips, so red and puffy like a blossoming flower.

And maybe because he just got out of bath but his cheeks had a slight pink tint on it.

But, even though I was sitting on the chair, he still looked smaller than me.

Now I understand why Malik-san turned into doting protective parents.

"Good afternoon, are you the child that Malik-san told me about? My name is Ferdinand, you can call me Fer if you'd like."

"Ah yes, I'm Malik-san's son, Ren. Did.. my father contact you as well?"

When I started talking to Ren, I noticed Chris had a strange expression on his face.

He also immediately beckoned Ren to sit beside him.

"Yes, Malik-san said : 'My son is going to Calhea as well, why don't you meet up with him?' So here I am."

"Eh? Is that all?"

Ah right, there was also one important thing that Malik-san mentioned.

"Ah he also added : 'Your life might change too, you know?'"

"Eh? Why? I don't understand.."

"Fufu~ Malik-san said something like that?~"

I guess Ren didn't know the real meaning behind those words.

Chris on the other hand, he had a really displeased look on his face.

"So your life might change by meeting me..? But how..?"

"Ah Ren-chan doesn't know huh. In Alsar, we call the fateful meeting with our spouse as 'life changing' moment."

"In other words Malik-san is saying that I'm going to be Fer-san's husband?"

Will I become his husband?

Right now, I still don't know.

I have a mixed feelings now..

"W-wait! Spouse?!"

"That's right~ I don't know about Fer but my life definitely has changed ever since I met you. I already told Malik-san that I'm going to pursue you with the intention of becoming your husband and Malik-san gave me his approval~"

As expected, Chris really had changed.

This was not the Chris that I know.

Did this child changed the notorious playboy Chris?

"Well right now, I don't feel anything yet. No matter how I see it, he looks like a young child to me. Having Malik-san telling me that I'm going to become a husband with such a young child like this is a little discontenting. For the time being, I've decided that I'm going to keep you company since we don't know what will happen in the future. I might change my mind later, right?"

Certainly he had a pretty face and his personality didn't seem so bad either but right now I still haven't made my decision yet.

I think he was an interesting child though.

I guess for now, I will just keep staying beside him and see where we goes from there?

"Fufu~ I don't really mind since Malik-san already told me that it'd be better if Ren-chan has multiple husbands so I already prepared myself beforehand but I don't want you to get in my way, okay?~"

"Well certainly the people around me has been pushing me to get a spouse soon but I never really think about it. Before Malik-san reached to me, I was thinking that I will live a solitary life."

Even though I'm an adventurer right now, I am still a royalty by blood.

Most of the royalties that I know life a polygamous life including my father.

Well except my older brother, Edward.

Up until now, he's still single.

"I also didn't have any intention to get married before I met Ren-chan. If it's with Ren-chan, I think that marriage life will be fun and fulfilling. I don't mind if you also become one of Ren-chan's spouse but if you treat this half-heartedly I will oppose you with all my might."

In Alsar if one wanted to become someone's additional spouse, one have to receive permission from the first spouse.

If they still force the marriage despite having no permission from the first spouse, the couple will be seriously reprimanded by the people around them.

On the other side, the first spouse also cannot just oppose the potential spouse with any clear reason.

If the potential spouse is a good person, there's no reason to oppose them so naturally the first spouse will have to accept them as well.

There's no legal punishment but the social punishment is pretty harsh.

That's how the polygamous marriage life in Alsar works.

"What are you saying? You're not even married to Ren yet. Anyway I already planned to come with you guys ever since we met at the stable. That women from before smells like trouble to me."

"I see, then let's form a party together. I was about to form a party with Ren-chan too."

That sounds like a great plan.

I can protect him from danger if we're in party together.

"That's why Ren-chan, I want you to properly see me as a potential husband, okay?~"

"As for me, I want to form a party together with you two. Please don't leave me out." I immediately added.


Being pressed by two man, Ren had no other option but to comply.

Anyway… A party huh..

It's been a while since I last had one.