
Alpheus: A Supernatural Story

A supernatural story the resolves around two highschoolers. Alex and Wyatt. Their midnight explorations had twist and turns, leading them to a cave that was seal with many secrets that humans had forgotten.

Zereeo_Ak · Kỳ huyễn
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1 Chs

1. Crystal

A blue Moon hung beautifully, casting an ethereal glow on the darkened forest.

The dark forest clocked in shadows under the mesmerizing glow of the blue moon. Tall trees stood like silent sentinels, their branches reaching for the night sky, creating intricate pattern against the lunar backdrop. The air filled with an other worldly stillness, broken only by the occasional rustle of the leaves and distant hooting.

"Wyatt! Wyatt! Wait dude," Alex called his friend.

Wyatt marching on the crunching grounds of leaves turned back with obvious huff. "Come on, Alex. We are on an adventure here!"

Alex's breath came in ragged gasps as he climbed the steep trail under the silver glow of the blue moon. He shot his friend a questioning look. "Seriously, dude? Hiking to see the blue moon? Couldn't we have just watched it in the comfort of the camp fire."

Wyatt, who seemed more energetic despite the hike grinned mischievously. "Alex, my man, this is a once-in-a-blue-moon opportunity! Pun intended. You can't fully appreciate it unless you're out in the middle of nature surrounded by trees and—"

Alex interrupted, panting. "And steep hills? Seriously Wyatt, I think I may have steeped on, like, a million twigs by now."

Wyatt defended his cause, "Hey, you can't blame me for trying to inject some adventure into our lives."

Alex returned, "But I didn't sign up for a Marathon."

Wyatt laughed as they continued their hike, "Come on, Alex! Its about the experience, the thrill of the unexpected. Besides, think of the stories we'll have to tell. 'Remember that time we hiked to see the blue moon?'"

Alex rolled his eyes but couldn't suppress a smiled. "If we survive this, you owe me a pizza feast. Wyatt!"

Wyatt clapped him on the back. "Deal, but we share the bill. Now, onward! The blue moon awaits, and so does our epic tale of midnight adventure!"

Wyatt and Alex slowly tread the forest path, hiking up the hill. The further Wyatt and Alex ventured, the denser the canopy overhead became. The once-silver moonlight struggled to pierce though the thick foliage, casting elongate shadows that seemed to play tricks on their tired minds.

Alex spoke up, cautions rising. "Wyatt, are you sure we're going the right way? It's getting pretty dark in here."

Wyatt checked his phone's navigation app. "Yeah, yeah, it's just a bit deeper into the woods. The blue moon should be even more spectacular from there."

As they continued, the trail seemed to fade into an almost indistinguishable path, and the rustling of leaves began to echo eerily. The light from their flashlights dimmed, the forest, once alive with the mystique of the blue moon, now felt like an impenetrable maze.

Alex, sensing the growing growing unease, questioned Wyatt again, "Wyatt, I'm all for adventure, but this is pushing it. Are your sure you know where we're going?"

Wyatt hesitated, realizing the darkness had swallowed most landmarks. "Uh, yeah, we just need to keep heading—"

A distant howl echoed through the woods, causing both of them to freeze.

"Did you here that?" Alex questioned.

Wyatt, visibly nervous, gulped. "Maybe we should turn back?"

The air in the darkened forest grew thick with an unexplainable tension, and an eerie chill ran down Alex and Wyatt' spines. Strange shadows flickered, moving independently of the moonlit branches, and an unidentifiable whisper seemed to weave through the trees.

Alex, picking up on the unnatural atmosphere, tugged at his friend. "Wyatt, something is not right here. We need to get out, now."

Wyatt nodded in agreement, his eyes darting across the shadows. As they quickened their pace, the forest seemed to close in around them. Unsettling sounds surrounded them—branches creaking, leaves rustling, and distant footsteps that didn't belong to them.

Wyatt, his bravado fading, tried to lighten up the mood nervously. "Okay, maybe this was a bad idea. Let's just find the trail and—"

A sudden gust of wind extinguished their flashlights, plunging them into complete darkness. panic set in as their surrounding became disorienting void.

"Wyatt, I can't see anything. What's happening?" Alex fumbled for his friend in panic.

Wyatt, fumbling for his phone, finally managed to illuminate the area. The eerie glow revealed shadows that seemed to move independently, and the forest itself seemed to pulse with an otherworldly energy.

"Alex, we need to leave. This doesn't feel natural. I'm getting a bad feeling about—"

Before Wyatt could finish, a chilling howl reverberated through the forest, freezing them in their tracks. The blue moon, once a source of wonder, now cast an unsettling low on the tangled undergrowth.

"Wyatt, I don't think we are alone," Wyatt gulped audibly, "We need to go. Now!"

With fear griping their souls, their hearts pounding, Wyatt and Alex broke into a sprint, their footsteps echoing through the eerie silence of the dark forest. The unnatural sounds intensified, as if the very fabric of the woods had come alive with unseen entities.

Alex sprinting using the energy he didn't know he had, shouted in pure panic, "Wyatt, keep running! We can't let whatever's out there catch up with us."

Wyatt, panting heavily, managed to utter a nervous response, "Running, definitely running! What the hell is happening?"

The trees seemed to warp and contort, casting elongated shadows that danced with malevolent intent. The once-treaded path became a twisted labyrinth, disorienting them further in their frantic escape.

As they ran, the unnatural sounds escalated—a haunting melody of whispers and distant laughter that sent shivers down their spines.

"Wyatt, do you have any idea what's going on?" Alex questioned between his breaths.

Wyatt, glancing over his shoulder, shook his head. "No clue, but whatever it is, I don't want to stick around to find out!"

The blue moon above seem to mock their desperate dash, its surreal glow casting and unsettling backdrop to their escape. As they continued to navigate the haunted forest, the fear of the unknown pushed them to their limits, urging them to run faster, escape the inexplicable horror, and find safety beyond the grasp of the weird and spooky forces at play.

Suddenly, the ground beneath Alex gave way and with a startled yelp, he tumbled into a pit. Wyatt skidded to a stop, wide-eyes and breathless. "Alex! Are you okay?"

Alex's voice echoed from the pit, filled with a mix of surprise and pain, "Yeah, yeah, I think so. Just a bit bruised. What the hell is this pit doing here?"

Wyatt, peering cautiously into the hole, shrugged. "No idea. We need to get you out of there, though."

As Scoot found himself in the deep and dark fit, the shadows seem to swallow him whole. Wyatt, desperate to help his friend, searched the area for anything that could be used to pull Alex back up. "Alex. hold on! I'll find something."

The forest, however, had other plans. The unsettling horrors that lingered nearby became more palpable, casting and oppressive weight on Wyatt. He could sense an unseen malevolence closing in.

Wyatt fumbled with his phone, the dim light trembling as he tried to illuminate the surrounding. The horrors lurking in the shadows seemed to intensify, making Wyatt uneasy. "Come on, think, Wyatt. Alex needs help."

As Wyatt strained to find a solution, the oppressive atmosphere pushed him to the edge of panic. Unable to withstand the encroaching dread, Wyatt made a split-second decision driven by fear. Without fully comprehending the consequences, he leaped into the pit, joining Alex in the unknowns depths below.

The darkness swallowed them both, leaving the forest above in an eerie silence. The horrors that had lurked near Wyatt and the mysterious pit now held their secrets, leaving the forest to reclaim its haunting stillness.


-Inside the pit-

"Dude, why did you jump in?" Alex questioned his friend's decision.

Wyatt realizing his mistake, "I don't know, dude. I was scared!"

"Okay, okay, clam down," Alex clearly noticed Wyatt' panic, "Lets just tried to find a way out."

In the dim glow of their cell phone flashlights, Alex and Wyatt surveyed their surroundings at the bottom of the pit. The narrow cave revealed multiple tunnels branching out in different directions, creating an intricate maze beneath the forest floor.

"This is... unexpected. Where do these tunnels lead?" Alex questioned his friend as he observed the tunnels.

Wyatt, scanning th labyrinthine passages, couldn't shake off the feeling of foreboding. "I don't know, but we need to stick together and find a way out. This place gives me the creeps."

In mutual consensus, both decided to venture into the tunnels. As they navigated the tunnels, the air became cooler, and an unnatural hush enveloped them. The glow from their phones barely illuminated the twists and turns, heightening the sense of disorientation.

"Wyatt, we've got to be careful. Who knows what's down here," Alex advised.

Wyatt nodded, his unease mirrored in his eyes. "Agreed. Let's just find an exit and get out of this nightmare."

The tunnels twisted and turned, occasionally narrowing or branching off into smaller passages. The air grew colder, and an unsettling stillness surrounded them, broken only by the echoes of their footsteps.

As they continued, the rocky walls of the tunnels seemed to close in, creating a claustrophobic atmosphere. Wyatt couldn't shake the feeling that unseen eyes were watching them from shadow. "This place give me more creeps than the pit, Alex. It's like we're not alone down here."

Alex, sensing the unease, placed a reassuring hand on Wyatt' shoulder. "Stay close, Wyatt. We will fine a way out together."

The tunnels, however, held its secrets, and the duo pressed on, determined to escape from the hunted forest and its labyrinth. As Alex and Wyatt continued their journey through the twisting tunnels, a faint light flickered in the distance, providing a glimmer of hope in the subterranean darkness.

Wyatt, spotting the light, couldn't hide his relief. "Alex, look! There's a light up ahead. Maybe it's an exit!"

With renewed determination, they quickened their pace, following the elusive glow. The tunnel gradually widened, and the air became less oppressive as they approached the source of the light.

"Finally, some good news. Let's get out of this place," Alex rejoiced.

As they reached the end of the tunnel, the light revealed an opening leading to a cavern bathed in an ethereal glow. The mysterious illumination seemed to emanate from the bioluminescent fungi clinging to the cavern walls.

"Wow, its beautiful. But where are we?" Wyatt spoke in amazement.

Alex, scanning their surroundings, noticed a passage leading out of the cavern. "Let's see where this leads. Maybe we can find our way back to the surface."

Alex and Wyatt ventured into the newfound cavern, its unearthly beauty contrasting with the eerie depths they had just traversed. The glow from the fungi guided their way, leading them to a mesmerizing chamber.

In the center, a radiant crystal hovered in mid-air, casting a soft, soothing light that illuminated the cavern's walls.

Wyatt. awe-struck, couldn't help but voice his amazement. "Alex, check this out. It's like something out of a fantasy movie."

The crystal seemed to resonate with a calming energy as they drew near. Its gentle hum filled the camber, and the surrounding air felt charged with an otherworldly presence.

"Do you think this has something to do with the strange happenings on the forest?"

Alex, contemplating the possibilities, nodded. "It could be. Whatever it is, we need to find a way out of here and figure out how we ended up in this underground maze."

Alex, determined to find an exit, scanned the chamber's walls for any sign of a passage leading back to the surface. Meanwhile, Wyatt, captivated by the mesmerizing glow of the crystal, couldn't resist the urge to reach out to touch it.

Alex, focused on the search, warned Wyatt. "Wyatt, be careful. We don't know what that crystal does."

Undeterred, Wyatt, gently touched the surface of the glowing crystal. As his fingers made contact, a surge of energy pulsed through him, filling the chamber with a soft hum. The air seemed charged with an enchanting force.

Wyatt, entranced, spoke with mix of wonder and fascination. "Alex, it's like... it's like I can feel the energy in this place. I've never experienced anything like this."

Alex, still searching for an exit, turned to Wyatt with concern. "Wyatt, we need to focus on getting out of here. We can't get distracted by the unknown."

However, the crystal's allure held a mysterious power over Wyatt, and as he continued to touch it, the chamber seemed to respond, revealing a subtle shift in the environment. An unexpected tremor rippled through the cavern. The once-stable ground beneath their feet began to shake violently, and cracks snaked across the walls.

Alex, realizing the danger, shouted urgently. "Wyatt, we need to go—now!"

The crystal, once radiant, crumbled into dust, releasing a surge of energy that intensified the earthquake. Debris fell from the ceiling, and the once-soothing hum of the chamber turned into a cacophony of chaos.

Stile, wide-eyed, stumbled back from the disintegration crystal. "Alex, what happened?!"

Alex grabbed Wyatt by the arm, pulling him toward the passage they had entered form. "It doesn't matter! We need to get out before this whole place collapses!"

Alex dragged Wyatt with him into the tunnel from the collapsing cavern. They sprinted through the twisting tunnels, breathless and terrified, the cavern continued crumble behind them. The echoes of falling rocks and the roar of the collapsing cave drowned out all other sounds. Dust filled the air, making it difficult to see.

The urgency of their escape propelled them forward, adrenaline pumping through their veins as they navigated the crumbling maze. However, their frantic escape let them to a dead end, the tunnel closing off their route to safety.

Wyatt, panic evident in his voice, shouted over the deafening noise of the crumbling cave. "Alex, dead end! What do we do?!"

Alex, scanning the dead-end tunnel with a sinking feeling, tried to find an alternative. "There has to be another way out. We can't be trapped here!"

The tremors intensified, rocks falling around them, sealing their fate within the claustrophobic confines of the underground labyrinth. Fear gripped them as the reality of their situation set in.

Wyatt, began to panic, "This can't be how it ends, Alex. We can't die here!"

The dust-choked air made it hard to breathe, and the collapsing tunnel seemed to be closing in on them. With no apparent escape, they stood frozen, the inevitability of their fate weighing heavily on their shoulders.

Just as the despair settled over Wyatt and Alex in the dead-end tunnel,the earthquake took an unexpected turn. The walls crumble, revealing a hidden passage that led them through a network of roots and soil.

Alex, stunned by the sudden twist of fate, urged Wyatt to follow. "Wyatt, come on! We've got a way out!"

They dashed through the newly revealed passage, the roots guiding them like a natural tunnel. The ground shook beneath their feet, but now it was in their favor as the path led them closer to the surface.

Wyatt, still in shock, stumbled alongside Alex. "How is this happening? Are we going to make it our of here?

Alex, determined, reassured him. "We have to keep going This might be our only chances."

As they emerged from the roots, they found themselves in the heart of the forest once more. The moonlit night welcomed them, the blue moon casting a surreal glow on the leaves and branches.

Wyatt, catching his breath, marveled at the sudden escape. "I can't believe we made it out."

Alex, looking back at the collapsed cave entrance, nodded. "Sometimes, you just have to trust the roots, I guess."

The haunted forest, now serene under the blue moon, seemed to have granted them a second chance. The due, shaken but alive, still in awe of their miraculous escape, decided it was time to return to their camp. The blue moon illuminated the familiar trail as they retraced their steps, the echoes of the underground maze faded into the background.

Alex, breaking the silence, spoke with a mixture of wonder and relief. "I can't believe we made it out of there. That was... unreal."

"Its like the forest had its own way of guiding us. But let's not push our luck. Camp sound more fun after that adventure."

As they walked through the night, the haunted forest now seemed tranquil, the mysterious events of the underground labyrinth becoming a surreal memory. The rustling leaves and distant calls of nocturnal creatures accompanied them on their journey back to the camp.


Arriving at the camp, they found themselves facing the wrath of the Coach for their late night escapades. They were reprimanded and punished to run 100 rounds in the morning.
