
Chapter 56: Covenant

"You were about two months old." His father began. His voice was neutral and smooth, like he's giving a lecture instead of recounting what happened on that faithful day. "We were on Praxis Island, and your mother thought it was a good idea to join Mr. Aster there. He crossed the bridge, and there she was, Marbella on the side of the road. Her water had already broken."

Praxis Island? It's not far from here, and there's a bridge connecting the island to the mainland. White Pearl Mansion was still being renovated two decades ago, and Mr. Aster's old vacation homes are scattered across the island.

Hell, twenty years ago, the town around here barely existed, and the only person brave enough to do anything here is the Aster Patriarch himself.

"She killed her driver." His angelic mother said with a nonchalant face, and her blue eyes squinted a little. "She wanted to get away before she gave birth, but she failed. She was lucky I was there since there weren't any hospitals for miles. I had to get my hands dirty."

"You report Mar's birth genders to Mr. Aster?" Liam frowned at his mother as she smiled a little. It wasn't an antagonistic smile nor a motherly smile, it was one of nostalgia.

"A healthy little alpha male born from an alpha female." His mother hummed as her eyes wandered off into the garden. "We know what Mr. Aster would do to an alpha female child, he has done it before, and he will do it again. Do you know Rex had a younger sister? Well, you do now."

Hold up, Rex's what?

And Marbella is an alpha female? That gives a little more sense to the contents in the forbidden laptop. Marbella Silverin was a reporter, known for her ability to sneak into hard places and her very gender neutral appearance which allowed her to blend in the crowd. When Liam saw her on her death bed, she grew her hair out, giving a more feminine appearance.

The platinum blond alpha's frowned deepened. Where is this story going?

"An alpha female born from an omega female, the baby had been euthanized." His father filled in the gap, and for once, Liam saw those blue eyes hollowed. It started off as talking about history, but it turned into a talk about his old friends. "She, the baby, didn't got a name. Nicky didn't get to name her. So... When Marbella gave birth in the back of her car, and we handed her baby to her. She knew what would happen, but your mother was already on the phone with Mr. Aster. A healthy little alpha male."

The baby alpha female was euthanized. Why isn't Liam surprised anymore?

The young alpha clenched his jaw, and of course, the people in Marbella's journals were on to something when they tried to assassinate Mr. Aster. Hell, why is he taking sides with the people who broke into their vacation houses years ago?

Blue eyes looked at his parents, and he could see a storm replaying in their minds. His mother was a nurse before she decided to pursue biology and specialize in pheromones... So he didn't put it past her that Mrs. Velison of all people was there when Marbella was giving birth.

"You were also crying in our car with your sister, darling. You're usually a calm baby." His mother went off topic a little before she steered herself back with a nervous chuckle. "I promised her that her son's actual birth gender would never be revealed to Mr. Aster, and it never did. Our friend never does the dirty work when it comes to having children, so he never actually checked. As long as we confirmed that Mar's DNA matches his, Mr. Aster thought it was good enough."

Imagine having a son, but you never actually checked if the baby is actually actually a son.

Liam was speechless, but he kept his lips shut. At least Mar is alive, and Mar is a son now.

"Marbella only allowed me and her dear friend Nicky and Nicky's son Rex to take care of her child." Mrs. Velison paused her story when her eyes landed on the gardener who was clipping leaves nearby.

Nicky's son is Rex. Nicky Patrikovsky's son, Vijay Patrikovsky "Rex" Aster. Nicky Patrikovsky the reporter, good friend of Marbella Silverin. Suddenly, the forbidden laptop made sense once again.

The silence became suffocating, and the platinum blond alpha realized just how secretive this information is when his parents didn't talk while a mansion staff was around.

After a few moments of silence between them, the footsteps of the gardener left them alone once more.

"Mar was told of his situation, and since Rex's mother, Nicky, told him to not tell anyone, he didn't." Liam's mother's eyes softened. "Rex's a good kid. He keeps his promises."

"All was real good until my dear friend decided that his mistresses are too dangerous to keep." Mr. Velison's tone didn't change, and his son's eyes snapped towards him.

The fuck? Then again, why is Liam even surprised anymore? A few days ago, he just learned that Mar's mother was slowly poisoned to death. By the man who claimed to love her and had a child with her.

"Nicky was the first to go." Mrs. Velison's voice cracked. "She's gotten too rebellious, asking for too much and giving too little. An omega was no longer good if she couldn't produce more hiers. Her death was quick. Rex was never the same. Poor kid... Marbella protected him as if he's her own while her own son was barely walking. I... I wished I could have done more."

"Then, why didn't you?" The harsh words left his lips before he could stop it.

If they knew the bullshits that Mr. Aster was doing, then why didn't they stop it? Or at least try to stop it?

After all, the Velisons and the Devins are the only two other families with enough influence to poke the Asters and make a dent. However, Liam doesn't expect the Devins to do anything because the way Blue's parents treated her was enough to tell the alpha that the Devins is on Mr. Aster's side.

His parents' reactions were identical to one another, which meant they're surprised that Liam talked back, but at the same time, they're guilty and it shows in their eyes and the way their shoulders dropped in defeat.

Thank you for 100K reads and 280 likes. Your support keeps me going. I apologize for being away for a while.

Twelve_Catscreators' thoughts