

ALPHA WARRIOR" unfolds as an enthralling romantic-action saga, an intricate tapestry of supernatural elements set against the backdrop of 1990s Europe. The narrative casts a spotlight on a cadre of young warriors, characterized by their unwavering bravery, immense strength, meticulous precision, extraordinary power, and an inherent gift that sets them apart. These individuals, driven by an innate sense of duty, stand ready to make the ultimate sacrifice for the safety of their city and its inhabitants. As the story unfurls, the idyllic existence of these formidable warriors is disrupted by an ominous threat looming at the edges of their cherished city. Sinister creatures, embodying the primal fears of the night—wolves and vampires—have breached the protective walls, casting a dark shadow over the once-tranquil surroundings. The city, once a haven, now finds itself besieged by the encroaching danger, pushing the young warriors to the forefront of a battle not only for survival but for the very soul of their homeland. In a departure from the conventional narrative where protagonists may succumb to fear or uncertainty, these warriors are far from docile bystanders. Fueled by an unyielding determination, these fierce individuals, akin to relentless vixens, choose not to cower in the face of impending peril but instead take a bold and proactive stance against the encroaching darkness. Their unity becomes a beacon of hope, and their individual strengths intertwine seamlessly to form a formidable force against the supernatural onslaught. Against the evocative backdrop of the 1990s—a decade marked by cultural shifts and emerging technologies—the narrative weaves together elements of love, sacrifice, and supernatural prowess. As the story of "ALPHA WARRIOR" unfolds, the audience is taken on a riveting journey through a landscape where romance intertwines with the adrenaline-pumping action, creating a rich and captivating tapestry that transcends the boundaries of time and genre.

Daoistl476bw · LGBT+
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5 Chs


Hours have passed and am yet to find a decoy that would get me as far away as possible from this monsters, I have been able to get ahead of them with few kilometers, but it no use, am injured, a leaving corps at this point, knowing fully well have left a lot of blood trail for them to follow. My body had already begun to give up will I rode on my horse, my vision was already been clouded by black dots, which kept me feeling dizzy now and then.

Sometimes I'll almost trip of my horse but I kept holding on, I didn't want to die at their Mercy, I wanted to die at my mine. I tried to enjoy every minute as time went by, knowing it would be my last, they would eventually catch up to me and when they do, they would be more than happy to do what they did best, "kill".

The war between man and beasts never seems to one day draw close to an end. The werewolves have managed to dominate the north knowing how cunning and how power hunger they are.

They seek to dominate more lands in search of power, turning their attention to the West. We were prepared for them or rather we thought we were, they might have been stronger, faster, and had the power to transform into abominable creatures, but we as humans couldn't let them take our homes from us, so we had to stand up for ourselves and fight for what we believed in "freedom".

"Freedom" is one thing every human searched for. We wanted to be free from them, we didn't want to be ruled or controlled by any of the 3 tribes of supernatural that dominated our world.

We just wanted to settle down and rule amongst ourselves as humans, but this monster will never stop wanting to hunt us down and make us they slave.

They take our lands and our food, use our men for hard work and then us women as their house maids or rather sex slaves, which I find disgusting.

they don't even mind killing us for pure sports they force us into slavery against our own will, and they don't mind going to any length to do it. We humans have tried to survive every war for more than a century, and after years of fighting we final came to our last stand, there brought the fight to us, no one knew how they made it over our patrol towers, it felt like a de ja vu, at first on till the town bell went off and werewolves began to swoop over our city walls. It was an unexpected attack. It came like a shadowy dagger.

First, they surrounded the city walls then forced their way in through the city gates by getting over the walls. They killed anything they could possibly lay hands on in sight.

I watched my nation fall, I watched my family die, my comrades, my friends, everything I ever cared about gone in a blink of an eye.

We stood our ground in the capitol, we fought our best but they outnumbered us 100-1 giving the rest of us no choice but to flee.

Not all of us where able to get away successfully. the few alongside me and my brother went our separate ways leaving every man for himself after bidding our goodbyes.

Nothing else mattered to me anymore. I feel stock between space and time, my whole life keeps flashing in front of me, the image of everyone I love, my family, friends, all taking away from me, it was just a matter of time before I joined them in the afterlife.

My brother's assurance of meeting back at the city mountains was just what kept me pushing for now. The pains I felt in my chest were beyond anything, clearly knowing I had failed my people, knowing I had let myself down, I let everybody down the pain of guilt kept washing over me for some reasons.

I felt I should have been there to protect the people I cared about. A tinny tire drop escaped my eye without my notice but I wasn't bothered, I just had to let the pain flow while I kept riding South.

It was dark already; the vampire territorial borders have always been known to be flooded with vampire guards.

Crossing into the vampire territory would stop the werewolves on their track because stepping in would be waging a war between them and the vampires which am 100% sure they wouldn't want to get into. Werewolves might the stronger but the vampires are higher in every attribute they possess. They wouldn't stand a chance against the vampires.

That's why the werewolvss avoid any disputes with them, although it's mostly because of the vampire queen.

She's a tale everyone ears about, she's known to be the strongest supernatural to ever exists, we humans only know of her tale and stories, how cold-blooded she is but never as anyone put down her description be for or she might as well just be a myth.

Standing few lengths away from the border lines, I had two choices, I could choose to stand at the border and die at the hands of the werewolves who I believe would still be after me, or step into the vampire territory and die or be enslaved into their society.

Either way I would still end up dead. I sat on my horse while I thought about my decisions and analyzed my chances of survival.

I have come down this far hoping to survive and not die in the hands of the werewolves although am not sure if they are still kilometers behind, but on the other hand am standing at a dead end which a step would take me to a different world and possibly a different fate. My injuries felt sour, my body needed to rest or I would end up passing out on the borderline and get turn to shreds or drained by whatever or whoever gets to me first out here.

With my decisions made I gently came down from the horse.

It would be better and safer to cross into the vampire territory on foot, that way I'll be making less noise but it was still risky fully knowing vampires have a great and powerful sense of smell, I know they might find me at any moment on their territory, but I was still willing to do it knowing am I going to end up dead. I gave the horse a hard pat on the back so it could run off while I took a step into the vampire territory.

At first, I felt on the edge despite being unable to work properly due to my injuries.

I just had to keep pushing deeper into it. Am safe from the werewolves but still a prey on these new grounds my foot just made contact with moments ago. Surprisingly so far, I haven't encountered any vampires, it was as if they were just legends mentioned in the stories about the South.

have only heard about in stories back when I was younger, never have I met or came across one, clearly knowing from all I was thought and read about them back at camp. I probably should be dead by now if all the information's I know about them are true.

Vampires are skilled hunters, right now, am a prey in a large area of land which is supposed to be filled with blood thirsty monsters, but still wondering why I was still alive and not yet attacked or was this a game for them?

There was definitely no way the scent of my blood was not in the atmosphere around me and making a trail for them to get to me.

I set my self-down by a tree spot, my whole-body hurts, the heat in my armor caused my wounds to hitch me badly I couldn't wait for another minute be for ripping them off me.

I sat there for a moment with eyes closed while I sucked in the cool air into my nostrils. I feel better now that my wounds are not enclosed in my armor anymore, although it didn't stop me from whining in pain once in a while as the feeling of death kept soaking into me. 

I sat there for god knows how long trying to rest my body.

The sun was down at this point and the moon was set high and bright; the forest was lit up by its light revealing almost whatever it came in contact with be night the surrounding trees.

It became freezing and I began to shiver from the cold air that blew around me.

I was already too weak to make a campfire and even if I did have the strength, I wouldn't want to risk it, a vampire could be around somewhere, that's if they're not watching me right now.

I knew I couldn't run or fight them but at list they would happily grant me a dead I believe would be merciful by just draining me off my blood.

Hours passed into the night as I sat there but nothing happened, no sounds other than the birds of the skies singing from the trees, but no sign of danger at all. I was Dying gradually from my injuries, there would have picked up an infection from not being treated, there was no bandage with me and even if I ripped my clothes for bandages it wouldn't be enough.

Werewolves had sharp enormous claws that's surprisingly was able to cut and penetrate my armor no part of my body was spared of injuries I had cuts ranging from the back of my neck to the low ends of my pine, my harms thigh, shoulders. I was a mess covered with wounds and there where all bleeding out, it's still a wonder how come am not died yet after losing so much blood for the past 24 hrs.

I laid there in they cold, my vision began to fail me and I knew I was coming to an end, I was freezing in the cold of night and I couldn't really think of anything apart from all the people I loved and have met in my life, recalling the memories that really mattered to me bit by bit.

I stopped moving and I knew I was gone, dead, and I was happy I died in a peaceful and non-brutal way.

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