

ALPHA WARRIOR" unfolds as an enthralling romantic-action saga, an intricate tapestry of supernatural elements set against the backdrop of 1990s Europe. The narrative casts a spotlight on a cadre of young warriors, characterized by their unwavering bravery, immense strength, meticulous precision, extraordinary power, and an inherent gift that sets them apart. These individuals, driven by an innate sense of duty, stand ready to make the ultimate sacrifice for the safety of their city and its inhabitants. As the story unfurls, the idyllic existence of these formidable warriors is disrupted by an ominous threat looming at the edges of their cherished city. Sinister creatures, embodying the primal fears of the night—wolves and vampires—have breached the protective walls, casting a dark shadow over the once-tranquil surroundings. The city, once a haven, now finds itself besieged by the encroaching danger, pushing the young warriors to the forefront of a battle not only for survival but for the very soul of their homeland. In a departure from the conventional narrative where protagonists may succumb to fear or uncertainty, these warriors are far from docile bystanders. Fueled by an unyielding determination, these fierce individuals, akin to relentless vixens, choose not to cower in the face of impending peril but instead take a bold and proactive stance against the encroaching darkness. Their unity becomes a beacon of hope, and their individual strengths intertwine seamlessly to form a formidable force against the supernatural onslaught. Against the evocative backdrop of the 1990s—a decade marked by cultural shifts and emerging technologies—the narrative weaves together elements of love, sacrifice, and supernatural prowess. As the story of "ALPHA WARRIOR" unfolds, the audience is taken on a riveting journey through a landscape where romance intertwines with the adrenaline-pumping action, creating a rich and captivating tapestry that transcends the boundaries of time and genre.

Daoistl476bw · LGBT+
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5 Chs


It's being 3 days now since Mr. and Mrs.hamsvill had found me by the borders on their way back home at noon. 

Mrs.hamsvill also known as Becky helped tend to my injuries when they had first brought me into their home. She applied some medical ointment on my bruises to help with the pain and mixed some herbs together which she also applied on the deep cuts and wounds she had stitched up with the aid of Arron to hold me down in the process. Then with the use of bandages she secured the herbs by wrapping me up with it, at first the herbs stung later on it began to tickle me.

 Then after she got some water and some clean towels and cleaned me up since I wasn't in a good state to take a good bath as of then, compared to now that I felt a lot better and very much alive and well. I hate to think about that night but the memories, screams, the pain I had to undergo when I was being patched up felt like hell and unbearable, I was sure I passed out completely afterwards cause I couldn't make out a lot of things that happened after, it was only by morning I could tell that I had being cleaned up after everything. I had never felt much pain in my life up until that night and I wouldn't want to have such experience again.

It was sunny outside today as I sat by the window to acknowledge the view in front of me, Mr. and Mrs.hamsvill had their house built about a mile away from the border lines, they had a very large amount of land here, but decided to build a lovely little home which they surrounded with a lot of fruit trees, and turned the rest of the land to a farm where they can grow crops and rear life stocks. It was surprising to me when I found out that this two couples where wealthy, to acquire such a land and as a matter of fact had some servants who I had noticed come around every now and then to work on the farm and tend to the animals as well. This whole time up until now I had always thought that this in this part of the world humans where nothing more than slaves and snacks to be fed on by the creatures that dwell here, but now I can clearly see that humans actually had a life in this place or could they be more to what meets the eye?.

Mr.hamsvill 'Arron' is a man in his late 60s, he is an old man who had wrinkles to show for it, he as a sharp jaw line, brown hair color, his skin complex was a little bit pale but not as that of a vampire, he has a slender body size with an height I can estimate to about 6'3, compered to me who's 5'9, judging from his accent I could tell without asking he was British, especially with the outfits have seen him put on this past few days lastly he as brown eye colors which complements his looks, he's a fine handsome man for his age.

His wife however, Mrs.hamsvill 'Becky' was a woman in her early 60s, she had few wrinkles herself, has an oval shaped face, she was a red haired, with the shades of green which danced in her eyes, giving her hubs an emerald color which matched up and completed the facials and complemented the elegant beauty that she was. Something I would have love to have when I grow old as well but unfortunate for me, I ended up with blue eyes and dark wavy hair. She was light skinned unlike her husband who was pale but yet still lighter than mine, with an astonishing height of 6'. but couldn't tell what raise she was from her accent, neither could I decode it from her attires, I could only guess on it.

I was still wondering how one was able to run around to get me water the day they had found me, while the other was able to carry me all by himself to the carriage, it baffled me but I didn't want to assume anything about them because they have being so kind to me since they brought me in. they both had invited me to join them for dinner last night and Mrs. Becky even went out of her way and helped get me some clothing's which fitted me perfectly but was a bit loose so as not to make direct contact with my bruised and patch up body, she had also supporting my weight with the use her shoulders to help stabilize my movement when she took me from the guest room I was kept in to the dining table to avoid me falling or tripping and hurting myself since my injures were still very much fresh. Never for once did she let go of me until we made it to the table, she only let me go after she was sure I was well sited and position on my sit next to the table properly. 

Arron helped dish out the food even when I wanted to help, he would only say I should be careful not to hurt myself, and that I should just stay put and let him and his wife handle it.

It was over the dinner that they had both learned my actual name is Sarah, it was the first time for me to have an actual conversation with them ever since I got here.

They had asked me about what had happened and how I got to where they had both found me, which I explained to them about how we were attacked in the capitol, and how everything was taking from us in a blink of an eye plus how we had to flee our separate ways to avoid being hunted all together. Becky felt sorry for my lose and I couldn't help than to feel sorry for my self as well and most importantly I felt sorry for having to put them through all of this. We spoke for a while after dinner had ended, they asked me slight important things like why I joined the army and some other questions, which I provided some answers and discarded the questions I wanted to leave unanswered.

that was when I got to learn that Mr.hamsvill was a farmer and his wife a seamstress, and that explained her attires and the reason why I found it hard to decode her raise, though I never asked both of them about it, I just assumed based on what I knew, heard and saw from both parties. I also got to understand that the "SOUTH" as we the outside world called it was known as "kalinovarnia", novania for short which was also the name of its capital. He told me that it had some other small towns and villages. And that the part of kalinovania which I was being sheltered at right now was known as 'novania creek', he further explained to me the reasons why humans of the outside called it "south" was based on the sentiments that it has being labeled as a dead end to all humans and other beings due to the fact that its dominated and marked as vampire territories. It crazy how every raise is terrified about vampires, I've always wondered what made them so special. 

According to him, the statement wasn't completely true because apart from him and his wife, many other human dwellers exist and leave here, but at a high cost that even money couldn't buy but he never mentioned what that cost was, I was about to ask what it was but decided to leave that question for another day.

After the dinner Mrs. Becky helped me up once again while her husband gathered up the plates, we had used to dine to place them on the sink for wash, I couldn't really understand how two elderly people of their caliber could be wealthy but at the same time be so noble. I had to let the thought slide away because I would only get more unanswered questions unless I spoke up and asked which I didn't buy the idea to ask so as not to intrude and didn't want to start sounding ungrateful for the help they rendered to me so far.

After she helped me to the room, she brought me out of, tucked me in for the night and blew off the candles, moments after I fell asleep and today, here I am sitting next to the window enjoying the view before me.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Thank you!!

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