

Sierra was quiet. She knew she owed Seth too much, of course he was here to collect his debt, but how did he get into her house and her room. He just invaded her home. She could only think of one person, Ian.

"How did you get in?" She asked.

"Pretty easy for an alpha don't you think. Jumped the fence, unlocked your doors. Simple." He replied with a teasing smile.

" You don't just break into people's houses." She said furiously, going to switch on the lights. His face on display with the light on, it made him less sinister.He went to sit on the chair by the corner, their was already an opened bottle of wine and a glass. He had been drinking comfortably in her home without her permission.

"Don't preach to me on what is right and wrong, you're no one to preach when you can barely distinguish the two." He said coldly.

"I will not appreciate you coming into my house without my knowledge and touching things that don't belong to you. You're in my territory." She said in anger.

"What do you want? An apology?" He chuckled.

"Nothing more than to wipe that ridiculous grin from your face. You're not welcomed here." She barked at him.

He poured the wine into an empty glass taking small sips as if to annoy her.

"You made it clear more than once. I'm not interested." He told her.

"Leave." She pointed at the door.

"Not yet Sierra." He dropped the wine glass, stood up and walked to her, his height towering her 5'8 Frame. she was by no means a short woman but Seth was way too tall.

"What do you want from me?"

"A lot of things." His eyes going to her lips for a few seconds before moving back to her face. She liked the fact that she had an effect on him, the desire he felt for her couldn't be masked.

"I owe you nothing untill everything in the contract has been fulfilled. We're yet to administer the vaccine. So until the town is safe and virus free, I'm a free woman." She said looking straight into his eyes.

"You're very infuriating. One minute you're letting me in and in the next your Walls are up. I've tried being civil with you, understanding even, but you don't want that. You won't like the other side of me, Sierra. I'm not a nice man." Every word coming out stern and cold. There was no playfulness in his tone. Sierra knew that Seth didn't get his title from being a pushover, she had seen little of what he could do with his strength and marksmanship. He was so fast when he killed, it was done and over with in seconds.

"We aren't lovers. I keep telling you that, I owe you no explanation." She replied.

"If you're going to be my Luna. I expect a mutual understanding from the both of us, as a Luna and my mate you would stand by my side, rule with me and most importantly share my bed." The last part falling like a cold whisper on her skin. His finger coming to trail the side of her face gently, goosebumps rising on her skin. It wasn't that cold yet she felt cool wind hit her.

"And if I don't want to do any of that?" She challenged. He smiled, not the friendly type of smile, but the one that'll make your skin crawl, it had so much mischief. She wondered what was going on in his head, his eyes were calculating.

"I won't force those duties on you, but the part of being my Luna, you have no choice in the matter." He simply said.

"You're not one to decide." She countered.

"You don't want to go to war with me, Sierra. I see deceit and lies written all over you. You think you've got the perfect plan mapped out to dodge the contract. Trust me I'll destroy everything dear to you, your pack, your foster parents, your beta and your company, lastly you. It's not a threat, it's a warning."

He held her chin lightly, his thumb caressing her lower lip, it was slightly parted. She was staring at him unwavering, the fight in her eyes very much present. She was one of the most stubborn persons he'd ever met in his life.

"You undermine my abilities, Seth." Her voice was calm, no hint of fear.

"I don't. If anything I am puzzled by you. You survived fifty three silver bullets, coated with heavy aconitum, a very very powerful wolfsbane. You're not affected by my Aura or that of any alpha, since you weren't born as a blue blood. You're very difficult to kill. It makes me wonder what you are, I feel like it's all right in front of me. If only I'll look deeper, I'll see the answers I so desperately want, but I'm looking at the wrong places."

"I could say the same for you, your body expell bullets faster than I can breathe, you have speed no ordinary werewolf possesses, your strength is more than an average alpha. You don't see me prying to uncover your secrets. We all have skeletons in our cupboard, it's only a matter of how many."

"I'm not trying hard to hide my secrets, If I showed it to you that means it's not worth hiding. Be my Luna and maybe I'll tell you what i am"

Sierra grabbed it, he didn't who I am, but what I am. He was different, something about him was unique from the rest.

"But you, sweetheart, you're trying so hard to hide this secret of yours, that means it's a lot complicated than I think it is. You have so much hidden anger in you, makes me wonder why. That day on the ice mountain I sensed a presence." He removed his hand from her face and walked out to look at the window as if trying to decipher something. Sierra didn't want him to sense her nervousness, she suddenly felt like she needed a drink. She went to grab the wine bottle pouring the contents into the glass he'd previously been drinking from. She gulped it in one go, there wasn't too much alcohol in it, just enough to control her nerves. Seth didn't know, he was assuming. She poured another glass. He turned to face her, she took a small sip.

"Go ahead." She urged

"Marids can't turn invisible, they can only imitate their environment, just like chameleons. The presence didn't take any form, colorless and paranormal. Did you sense it?" He asked watching her reaction closely.

"I didn't. I was too busy fighting Marids and making sure they didn't get into my head. If my soldiers did they would have mentioned it to me.

You're the only one." She dismissed.

"Hmm. I'll disagree, I didn't just feel it, I could touch it. I felt this same presence in this pack. Raging, violent and ominous."

"You're delusional. You're so caught up in investigating me and my pack. Now you're making up scenarios in your head." She chuckled. Shaking her head as if he was a joke.

"Go ahead and say what you want. Once I sniff something, I don't stop until I find who or what it is. My gut feeling is never wrong, and this pack and normal don't fit into the same sentence.

"Let's assume what you felt was real, what do you think it was?" She asked him finishing with the wine in the glass.

"I don't know yet, they fought for the Marids. Cloaked with invisibility, that's a strong lead for me. I have my suspicions."

"I see." Was all she said.

It was finally quiet between them, all the argument, threat and conspiracies had been laid down. Seth would never trust her and she wouldn't trust him either. They weren't compatible by any means.

"You can leave now. You've said all you wanted to say to me." She broke the silence.

He walked to leave, only stopping at the door to say something. "Soon the vaccine will be administered to everyone and your pack will be free from the virus and all other threats have been eradicated. I'll come for the other part of our bargain soon."I hope you'll have it." He walked out not sparing her a glance, she could finally breathe.